View Full Version : I Am Legend *SPOILERS*

12-14-2007, 11:41 PM
So, I just watched it a couple of hours ago.

Great movie, however I suspect some people will be turned off by it.

What's everyone else's opinion?

***WARNING! Possible Spoilers***

***SERIOUSLY! I suggest you watch the movie before you read the below***

Well, I won't really delve too much into details.

Overall I give it 4.5 out of stars.

The pace may be too slow for some people. For me, it worked. Then again, I don't have a short attention span so slow paced movies don't bother me.

The only thing that took away from the movie for me were the CGI effects and some of the plot elements that I felt weren't developed enough.

I personally didn't like how the infected humans/zombies were rendered. I would have much preferred some traditional make up/costumes on human actors. Also, certain scenes in the movie relating to what I call the "Head Zombie" weren't explained enough.

For instance, while it's basically inferred that the infected humans don't have any self control or awareness, in one scene the main zombie seems to employ the same skills that Will Smith's character used in an earlier scene. This seems to contradict the earlier premise that the zombies are mindless beasts.

Also, in one of the last scenes the main zombie seems to act as a leader to the other zombies. Again, this seems to contradict the earlier premise of a lack of the zombies to be aware of what's going on around them.

The rest of the movies was great.

The desolate, depopulated scenes of New York City are incredible!

If you like zombie movies, you'll like this movie. If you liked 28 Days Later, you'll like this movie. If you're White Mel, you'll LOVE this movie!

12-14-2007, 11:44 PM
The movie is freaken awesome. I thought it was going to be just another zombie movie, but turned out to be way better than that.

12-14-2007, 11:44 PM
I was under the impression (the book) that they were'nt zombies, but vampires with some sense of cognitive reasoning. But I haven't read the book in quite a while so my memory may be getting a bit fuzzy.

12-14-2007, 11:45 PM
I Am Disappointment.

12-14-2007, 11:48 PM
the original book (short story) was amazing.

movie was meh.

hollywood changed the story and ending.

12-14-2007, 11:48 PM
lol you know

theyre not supposed to be zombies

its supposed to be a vampire-esque to the creatures

hence why they're only awake at night

the reason the movie is named i am legend is because just like vampires are a legend to humans will smith is the last human being and becomes a legend to the vampires aka the new face of humanity


12-14-2007, 11:48 PM
yeah....dissapointed. its always the women who mess shit up. yeah shesaved his live blah blah...

12-14-2007, 11:49 PM
They are vampires.

Hence the references to blood used in both captures.

I loved it, but was disappointed at the same time.

Awesome movie, but leaves so much to desire.

Make that badass Vampire a bigger part of the story I think, you could make a movie on him alone.

I'll be reading the book though, thats for sure.

If not for anything else, then to fill in the blanks of the movie.

12-14-2007, 11:53 PM
Vampiers, eh?

If that's the case, the movie failed miserably in making that point.

For all effects and purposes, the infected humans in the movie acted more or less like the ones in 28 Days Later which to me seemed more like zombies.

12-14-2007, 11:56 PM
Just got back from watching the movie. I didn't know much about the story going into it, but it explained itself pretty well except for the head zombie/vampire/infected guy. I thought the cg of the zombie/vampire/infected people needed some work, but seeing the empty city would pretty awesome. Overall i suggest people to see this movie.

12-14-2007, 11:58 PM
I think the Fred scene was badass.

From the minute he saw him until he was back in his lab.

Best part of the movie.

And a perfect example of how that one vampire could have made a movie of his own.

12-15-2007, 12:01 AM
yeah this movie was great....poor sam. Dam he was going crazy man, talking to dummys. I thought it was funny when he was yelling at "fred" and when he was saying hello to the other dummy lol

12-15-2007, 12:04 AM
1.) i loved the slow pace. i enjoy a movie that has action, but doesn't feel the need to assault you with it. see also: No Country For Old Men
2.) the backdrop was mind-blowing beautiful.
3.) i automatically enjoy three types of movie: post-apocalyptic, dystopian future, and zombie. so this movie was full of win for me from the beginning
4.) Will Smith is a superb actor

1.) cgi, when noticeable at all, is detrimental
2.) i hate copout endings. hopefully the dvd will include a darker one. this happens all the time, though, and is almost to be expected. see: 28 Days Later, Blade Runner
3.) audiences are so annoying. see: "AWWWWWWWWWWW", "DON'T DO THAT!"

an INSTANT CLASSIC overall. i'll be buying it.

12-15-2007, 12:28 AM
i loved it....like everyone else mentioned, there were a lot of unanswered questions about the "head vampire/zombie", the ending could have been better, but i expected Will Smith to die...

I haven't read the book, so I have no idea how the actual story goes.

Oh yea, the batman trailer was badass too..

12-15-2007, 12:32 AM
Oh yea, the batman trailer was badass too..

i about shat. thank god this new series is making up for the queenish glitter party of the last bunch.

12-15-2007, 12:51 AM
To quote a review I saw a while back...

The Dark Knight trailer, "Just ass kicking that kicks ass that, while said ass is getting kicked, is kicking yet more ass that’s hitting someone’s balls with a hammer made of ice but the ice is frozen whiskey."

I became permeated as I watched it.

12-15-2007, 12:51 AM
Speaking of Batman and I Am Legend...

Anyone notice the Batman vs. Superman advertisement in the background.

Seeing how the movie is set a couple of years in the future I think Warner Bros. is letting us know something.

12-15-2007, 12:52 AM
^^^^yea.....iron man looks pretty good too....I think Robert Downey Jr. will do a great job as Tony Stark....his sarcasm just fits the character...not sure how i feel about Terrence Howard being the guy who becomes War Machine though...

12-15-2007, 12:53 AM
^your sig just reminded me. that batman/superman logo was on the side of a building in the movie. when's that movie happening?

edit, i have been beaten. but yes. FAP

....although i thought superman returns was snoozeville

12-15-2007, 01:08 AM
^your sig just reminded me. that batman/superman logo was on the side of a building in the movie. when's that movie happening?

edit, i have been beaten. but yes. FAP

....although i thought superman returns was snoozeville

yea...superman returns just had that feeling that it would never end...i fell asleep 4 times....my girl at the time woke me up and the first thing i did was light a cigarette......

apparently that's not allowed in movie theatres

12-15-2007, 01:21 AM
Meh, I've been advertising Batman/Superman for years... (See sig)

That and, I've read some of the story development for it... Ugh, I hope they don't go with what I've read..... EEEEEESSHHHHH....

12-15-2007, 01:30 AM
Meh, I've been advertising Batman/Superman for years... (See sig)

That and, I've read some of the story development for it... Ugh, I hope they don't go with what I've read..... EEEEEESSHHHHH....

Elaborate please

12-15-2007, 02:04 AM
i liked it
omega man was better though =]

12-15-2007, 02:16 AM
Overall I give it 4.5 out of stars.
Wow that's a tough rating haha.

So zombie vampires vs. the Fresh Prince eh? I thought this movie was going to be about some kind of a natural catastrophe or post-apocalyptic nuclear wastelands life perhaps (Fallout game franchise fan forever), still sounds like it could be interesting though.

And there's going to be a Superman vs. Batman movie? Please Hollywood, no more superhero movies!

12-15-2007, 02:50 AM
movie felt like a bizarro version of deaybreak:2250 a.d. (also known as "the starmans son") kinda the same, but different. so i half knew what to expect.

12-15-2007, 04:20 AM
My roomates takes on the "head zombie" was a little different. He saw him as being just a normal zombie that was extra vengeful since he saw Will Smith capture one of his zombie friends... which still seams weird to me.

Overall though, I thought the movie was certified bad ass!

12-15-2007, 05:53 AM
im goign to watch it.

12-15-2007, 10:21 AM
My roomates takes on the "head zombie" was a little different. He saw him as being just a normal zombie that was extra vengeful since he saw Will Smith capture one of his zombie friends... which still seams weird to me.

Overall though, I thought the movie was certified bad ass!

Yah, but hes also the only one who really showed intelligence when the rest didnt.

A lot of intelligence.

But the girl i went with thought it was like his vampire Girlfriend that Smith captured.

Dirty Habit
12-15-2007, 10:32 AM
Good to hear it was worth it. I only read the first post in this thread. Dont want any spoilers.

12-15-2007, 10:35 AM
yea i was gettin a bit confused with the head zombie being able to act human while the others were all idiots, he kept sayin how they wernt that smart and such then they follow him to his house lol, I thought it was a great movie though def worth the money even with its shortcommings

12-15-2007, 10:58 AM
It was cool. I can see a lot changed from the Short story to the movie.
But I did enjoy it. The NY landscape was awesome. And the Mustang Cobra was cool too.

Some of the CGI stuff looked kinda meh though.
I wish NYC was really empty like that .....PARTY!!!

12-15-2007, 11:04 AM
It was cool. I can see a lot changed from the Short story to the movie.
But I did enjoy it. The NY landscape was awesome. And the Mustang Cobra was cool too.

Some of the CGI stuff looked kinda meh though.
I wish NYC was really empty like that .....PARTY!!!

the cobra confused me.. i mean, yeah, nice car. but you're the last man on earth, you're in NYC, and the best car you can find to beat on is a mustang?

it could have at least been a GT (although those are discontinued)

12-15-2007, 11:22 AM
^remember when he opened up the cabinet with all the guns/keys? i'm sure he had several vehicles.

FAIL imo. it could have been sooooooooo much better. the movie/story was such a good idea. but of course hollywood had to mess it up, like they do with everything.

-it gave NO indication that they were vampire(ish)
-dark seekers cgi looked like CRAP
-dark seekers showed NO signs of intelligence (i dont count the trap)
-dark seekers are expert gymnasts/spiderman(ish)???????? ummm no
-how did the lady get into new york?
-the ending = MEGA FAIL

everything else was good. camera, will smith, dog (sam). i said it before.... i like will smith as an actor. he just keeps getting shitty scripts. best part of the night. getting to watch the 6 minute opening scene (bank robbery/joker introduction) of the dark knight. it ROCKED. everyone was like OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.

12-15-2007, 12:14 PM
the cobra confused me.. i mean, yeah, nice car. but you're the last man on earth, you're in NYC, and the best car you can find to beat on is a mustang?
Product placement.

12-15-2007, 12:37 PM
i thought the movie was great.. def recommend it to everyone

12-15-2007, 12:42 PM
I think the Batman-Superman ad in the background said 6-15-10..hm maybe.

12-15-2007, 01:41 PM
I thought the movie was very good, but like everyone has already said, it could have been better. The ending happened very quickly and I wanted it to be more drawn out and explain things more thoroughly. I don't like how a random lady showed up to NYC when the island was supposedly closed off. Did anyone notice that the boy never said a word? Haha.

Overall really good movie! Definitely worth seeing!

12-15-2007, 02:31 PM
I want to know a couple of things about the movie that were not explained...

1. How did the virus get airborne?

2. Who was the infected person who was ramming the door at the end? He showed up in the scene where the human test subject was captured, when the dogs were loose...i think it was the same guy.

3. Why were all the infected people white?

12-15-2007, 02:37 PM
I want to know a couple of things about the movie that were not explained...

1. How did the virus get airborne?

2. Who was the infected person who was ramming the door at the end? He showed up in the scene where the human test subject was captured, when the dogs were loose...i think it was the same guy.

3. Why were all the infected people white?

1. they didnt say. just that dogs are immune to the airborne virus.

2. the "leader".

3. they didnt say but....... pretty safe to say its one of the side effects of the virus. hair loss, eye pigmentation, color of skin, etc.

12-15-2007, 02:56 PM
SImply put: It could've been much better.

I enjoyed the whole movie up to the end, killing off the main character simply didn't do it for me. I also didn't get the fact that after the "leader" of the "vampires" stepped out in the sun to try and save his wife that Will Smith's character proceeded to saying that they had lost all social behaviors normal the human beings. I mean, they acted as a clan, with a leader and obviously had some sort of sentimental attachment to each other. I still recommend it tho.

12-15-2007, 02:57 PM
I thought the movie was very good, but like everyone has already said, it could have been better. The ending happened very quickly and I wanted it to be more drawn out and explain things more thoroughly. I don't like how a random lady showed up to NYC when the island was supposedly closed off. Did anyone notice that the boy never said a word? Haha.

Overall really good movie! Definitely worth seeing!
OMG lol, I didn't even notice the fact that she couldn't have driven on and off the island since all bridges were blown up!

12-15-2007, 05:00 PM
The Omega Man - Robert Neville, a doctor,due to an experimental vaccine, is the only survivor of an apocalyptic war waged with biological weapons. The plague caused by the war has killed everyone else except for a few hundred deformed, nocturnal people calling themselves "The Family". The plague has caused them to become sensitive to light, as well as homicidally psychotic. They believe science and technology to be the cause of the war and their punishment, and Neville, as the last symbol of science, the old world, and a "user of the wheel", must die. Neville, using electricty, machinery, and science attempts to hold them at bay.
its the same shit as i am legend just that the dark seekers are a bit more realistic. i liked this one better bit more believable youll notice that i am legend used a lot of stuff from this 1971 classic =]

12-15-2007, 05:53 PM
I just got back from seeing the movie. I read the book a week ago and it think anything with over 100 pages isnt really a short story anymore.

About the movie. It was good. The book was better. I thought that the setting of New York was great and all the effects and locations were amazing but if it had been set in compton like the book was it would have been more real seeming.

Also in the book the infection kills everyone and at the end evolves into a new race. I think this would have been an awesome ending for the movie. Having it be like the book with Will Smith looking out at a new population. Also even if the humans have the cure now what are they gonna do with it? Capture zombie/Vamps one by one? I thought the ending was to happy and it would have been better with a darker end. I did enjoy it though.

The batman preview looked awesome. I cant believe that thats heath ledger.

Also did anyone else notice a 240 with all the other cars when hes chasing the deer at the beginning?

12-15-2007, 07:55 PM
seriously, go to amazon.com and pick up a copy of 2250 a.d. for like 0.75 cents in decent condition.
it was published in '52 (2 years before i am legend) and you can see very strong similarities, but andre norton's book goes much more into detail and should help some understand the basis more.

12-15-2007, 08:04 PM
im going to see this movie tonight.

12-15-2007, 08:53 PM
I am disappointed at how this movie took so long to build up.
I am disappointed with the way the movie spent the last 10-15 minutes ramping up to an ending.
I am disappointed that the "ending" offered no resolution.

... I am not happy that the movie made my lady friend (who does not like dogs) cry.

12-15-2007, 09:49 PM
I will agree with most of you. It was a good movie, but DEFINATELY could've been done far better. It seemed a bit rushed to me.

It left me with a similar feeling to how "The Village" made me feel, but without the anger that The Village instilled in me. lol

12-15-2007, 10:28 PM
has any one else that is a zombie movie fan noticed that in about the past decade zombie movies have had the zombies evolving. it seems that the dumb mindless zombie is not longer appealing to the audience anymore. for example, in dawn of the dead (original) the zombies seem to be just dumb mindless beings that are flesh craved. now in the remake they become smarter, learn to run, and are seem a lot smarter. in land of the dead, ramaero made it a point to show the evolution to the zombies to learn new things (firing a gun, learning to work together), resident evil same thing, the zombies in the first and second one are dumb mindless beasts, but the third they seem to show a little bit of intelligence. and in 28 day and then 28 weeks later showed the biggest improvement in zombie evolution. these two movies had the zombies not running but damn near full sprint running, as well as other things that have not been portrayed in other movies, things like working door knobs, and unlocking things. even though 28weeks later seemed like i was watching dark opera, where you can't see shit and can barely tell what is going on, the stoy line still sucked. i think a lot of the producers and writers even, need to take a page from ramearos book and learn good character development.

12-15-2007, 10:37 PM
Soon zombies are going to be so intelligent that people won't even mind being turned into them in order to save money by not needing a food budget.

12-16-2007, 01:40 AM
i liked it. it was interesting. was funny how he interacts with all those mannequins

12-16-2007, 01:43 AM
I am disappointed at how this movie took so long to build up.
I am disappointed with the way the movie spent the last 10-15 minutes ramping up to an ending.
I am disappointed that the "ending" offered no resolution.

... I am not happy that the movie made my lady friend (who does not like dogs) cry.

just stay away from my fuckin' lady friend, man!

12-16-2007, 02:14 AM
i liked it.... felt rushed though, especially the ending. i thought it was weird that they focused on the "leader" even though they didnt really develop his character much, and left some plot holes. i'm a big fan of will smith, if i had to sum up what i thought of the movie it was as if seeing a really hot girl in a hair do or outfit that takes away from her hotness, even though you KNOW she's hot, and would get at her if given the chance.

12-16-2007, 09:26 AM
has any one else that is a zombie movie fan noticed that in about the past decade zombie movies have had the zombies evolving.
True, unfortunately, there were no zombies in this movie. They were clearly mortal to start with and burned when exposed to daylight.

12-16-2007, 11:15 AM
True, unfortunately, there were no zombies in this movie. They were clearly mortal to start with and burned when exposed to daylight.

red bars or not, this guy's right. there were no zombies in this movie. although.... you could kind of argue that having the Rage virus doesn't REALLY make you a zombie, either, but... those are still zombie movies.

but these dudes in I Am Legend go for blood, not brains. and sun fucks them up. so yeah. vampires.

12-16-2007, 11:16 AM
Also did anyone else notice a 240 with all the other cars when hes chasing the deer at the beginning?

god dammit. s13 or s14, coupe or hatch? what color? i'm gonna have to keep an eye out for it on second viewing.

12-16-2007, 11:17 AM
I want to read the book so bad.

Stupid finals.

I cant wait to winter break to get it.

12-16-2007, 11:24 AM
I want to read the book so bad.

Stupid finals.

I cant wait to winter break to get it.

i'm gonna have to buy an older printing off amazon... the new version has will smith on the cover.

12-16-2007, 11:25 AM
Why do you guys need to be forced fed EVERYTHING about a movie?

1. Wahhh they didn't explain anything about the virus... WHO CARES?! It' allows you to use your imagination, and draw your own conclusion about the movie. It's a fucking MOVIE for enjoyment, not a documentary... THERE'S ALREADY A BOOK.

2. The ending for the movie was appropriate, most people that are LEGENDS, are dead, aren't they?

3. Just because WILL SMITH thought the zombies had no more human traits doesn't mean he's right. He was a scientist and soldier in the movie, I do believe both of those types of people make mistakes and draw quick incorrect conclusions.

4. The leader zombie guy obviously had some sort of intimate relationship with that female, that Smith captured. I think Smith was wrong about them not exhibiting any human traits.

Intelligence (setting up traps, taking out lights, making OPENINGS in the house for Smith)

Learning (the main zombie saw how Smith used the rope trap and set one of his own, using Smith's rope or it's own, and utilizing the dummies he saw Smith interact with. Using dogs to hunt.)

Strategy (Working together as a horde)

Camaraderie (Big man zombie loves little girl zombie Smith captures and hunts Smith down to find her)

5. If the ending was anymore drawn out or conclusive it would've been degrading. Hollywood is trying to give you more rising action than conclusion. I don't pay fucking $15 (IMAX) for some lollypop story book 30 minute ending.

The movie was fucking AWESOME. Better than any post zombie apocalyptic movie I've seen in the past DECADE.

12-16-2007, 11:28 AM
i'm gonna have to buy an older printing off amazon... the new version has will smith on the cover.

yah, i want this one.

12-16-2007, 11:30 AM
4. If the ending was anymore drawn out or conclusive it would've been degrading. Hollywood is trying to give you more rising action than conclusion. I don't pay fucking $15 (IMAX) for some lollypop story book ending.

but it HAD a lollipop storybook ending. frankly, i don't care if it was true to the book or not, i would have written the chick and kid in as being eaten, or at least just driving to that village but never showing their arrival.

yah, i want this one.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/1857988094/ref=dp_olp_2/105-5173379-3218052 kaching, just ordered mine. that cover is way cooler than the '95 edition i was eyeing.

12-16-2007, 12:14 PM
I really liked it. It was a full on workout for me because I was constantly tense with all the sudden jump scares. Also, there was no indication in the trailer that there were other survivors. That kind of disappointed me but it was definitely a good movie.

12-16-2007, 12:45 PM
yea i enjoyed it......
def a good movie

12-16-2007, 12:49 PM
yah, i want this one.

it would have rocked if the "dark seekers" looked like ^. movie is getting mixed reviews. a little more negative though.

12-16-2007, 01:53 PM
Wasnt even interested.Imma check it out .

12-16-2007, 02:12 PM
god dammit. s13 or s14, coupe or hatch? what color? i'm gonna have to keep an eye out for it on second viewing.
Gray S13 fastback. All stock, of course. Really no big deal... Its just another car. lol

12-16-2007, 02:30 PM
Learning (the main zombie saw how Smith used the rope trap and set one of his own, using Smith's rope or it's own, and utilizing the dummies he saw Smith interact with. Using dogs to hunt.)

Wow, I never thought about that. My roommate and I were talking about how he got caught in the trap.

We thought he got caught in his own trap and he was just talking to "Fred" because he was going crazy.

That's a pretty cool idea that the vampire/zombies learned and set up the trap after seeing Smith's trap catch the girl. It also makes sense because the leader was waiting with the dogs and everything...

I love movies that different parts can be taken different ways and discussed.

12-16-2007, 02:34 PM

A lot of people missed a lot of easy stuff in this movie.

12-16-2007, 03:08 PM
That movie basically sucked up until Will Smith is like what i'd like to imagine as chuggin pills and then trying to kill a bunch of the fuckers...and then that dumb broad and her son ruined that. This movie sucked. I coulda save $10 (ticket+popcorn) and just sat in my living room and talked to myself for 2 hours for crying out loud.

And how's that bitch supposed to get out of the safe?

12-16-2007, 03:13 PM
god dammit. s13 or s14, coupe or hatch? what color? i'm gonna have to keep an eye out for it on second viewing.

s13 hatch, I think it was a dark color.

It was right behind a silver beetle.

Towards the beginning of the movie

12-16-2007, 03:39 PM
That movie basically sucked up until Will Smith is like what i'd like to imagine as chuggin pills and then trying to kill a bunch of the fuckers...and then that dumb broad and her son ruined that. This movie sucked. I coulda save $10 (ticket+popcorn) and just sat in my living room and talked to myself for 2 hours for crying out loud.

And how's that bitch supposed to get out of the safe?

safe probably wasn't locked.

the chick i was with dug her nails into my hand and i slapped her.

so all in all the movie was worth seeing

12-16-2007, 03:45 PM
What's the point of not locking it?

Then the dark seekers could get in it...

And then there'd be no point to get into the safe

And I bet an explosion would make her knock into the safe door and open it up and then she'd be pwnt.

And I don't think she had a watch, how'd she know when it'd be dawn?

12-16-2007, 04:42 PM
What's the point of not locking it?

Then the dark seekers could get in it...

And then there'd be no point to get into the safe

And I bet an explosion would make her knock into the safe door and open it up and then she'd be pwnt.

And I don't think she had a watch, how'd she know when it'd be dawn?
Lol! This is great. I never really thought of all that shit.

12-16-2007, 05:16 PM
All I could think of was once she got out of that safe, she's going to have to walk through a room full of gruesome death. That would fuck her kid up in the head.

12-16-2007, 05:19 PM
safe rooms, and, even safes big enough to get inside, generally have a release on the inside.
also it's a movie.

12-16-2007, 05:23 PM
All I could think of was once she got out of that safe, she's going to have to walk through a room full of gruesome death. That would fuck her kid up in the head.

It wasn't a safe, I forgot what he called it, but it apparently had an external exit and all that goodness.
On top of that, he told her "don't go out until dawn"
If nothing, the movie was consistent.

12-16-2007, 06:17 PM
s13 hatch, I think it was a dark color.

It was right behind a silver beetle.

Towards the beginning of the movie

Yea it was a hatch looked kinda purple.

12-16-2007, 06:39 PM
Gray S13 fastback. All stock, of course. Really no big deal... Its just another car. lol
Haha I remember spotting it, next to a murano right? I was like "Oh damn a S13!!" all my friends were like "no way". Was quite hilarious, can't believe I spotted that and glad to see I wasn't the only one.

12-16-2007, 07:48 PM
Haha I remember spotting it, next to a murano right? I was like "Oh damn a S13!!" all my friends were like "no way". Was quite hilarious, can't believe I spotted that and glad to see I wasn't the only one.

I saw it, and called it out at the theatre I saw it at.

12-16-2007, 10:25 PM
good movie!
ugly zomies or watever they were?

yeah i think i saw it too but i didnt want to say anything.

12-16-2007, 11:05 PM
yeah i think i saw it too but i didnt want to say anything.

You fail at being a 240 owner.

If you don't yell every time you see a 240 in the movies, on TV, being talked about on the radio, etc., you are wrong, my friend.

12-17-2007, 12:49 AM
man hopefully when i go to pittsburgh next week i can find the older version in Borders...i really want this book, if not ill hit up amazon

12-17-2007, 12:50 AM
I liked it...thought the movie could've ended a little better. Seemed to end too suddenly and there were a lot of things that didn't make sense... That and, not to offend anyone, but I didn't like the "God" insert at the end of the movie... Didn't seem to belong.

12-17-2007, 01:25 AM
This is a remake of that film "The Omega Man" with Charlton Heston. I think that they did a decent job but couldv'e done a bit better with the special effects and editing. The scene changes were choppy and they went overboard on the CG instead of balancing them with real actors, puppetry, and animatronics.

12-17-2007, 01:48 AM
i always yell out 240 just not that time

12-17-2007, 09:47 AM
, not to offend anyone, but I didn't like the "God" insert at the end of the movie... Didn't seem to belong.

i say the same

but the movie was very good after all, a lot of things actually make sence if u think twice, not like a bunch of other zombie/vampire/scary movies

i dont understand how that chick get into the island tho, sailing ? :confused:

12-17-2007, 10:04 AM
Anyone else notice the gas prices?? :rolleyes: it was like $6-7 a gallon!!!

12-17-2007, 10:07 AM
but it HAD a lollipop storybook ending. frankly, i don't care if it was true to the book or not, i would have written the chick and kid in as being eaten, or at least just driving to that village but never showing their arrival.

Maybe a better ending wouldve been that they showed up to the village only to find it in firey ruins??

12-17-2007, 12:12 PM
Anyone else notice the gas prices?? :rolleyes: it was like $6-7 a gallon!!!
I noticed that, I think I said "damn" out loud and pointed.
Maybe a better ending wouldve been that they showed up to the village only to find it in firey ruins??
No, that would have been the only way to make the ending worse... Either that or if she arrived to the colony in time to see it being ravaged by the zombie things.

Did anyone notice how they gradually got smarter as the movie went on, eventually trapping him with the same shit he'd use to capture them?

12-17-2007, 12:25 PM
When Will noticed Sam turning I felt really sad. Then I saw the hair coming out and really starting feeling like shit. Then when he killed the poor girl I shouted, "Fuckin Michael Vic"

12-17-2007, 01:00 PM
hahha ^^
the movie was amazing.
it was wayy better than i thought
it was over all an amazing movie :]

12-17-2007, 01:08 PM
^^What the hell?....

what does that gotta do with Micheal Vick?....

if you're going to make something up......

please do a better job......

12-17-2007, 01:08 PM
critics are saying "sam" stole the movie from smith. yikes.

12-17-2007, 02:44 PM
critics are saying "sam" stole the movie from smith. yikes.

Lol damn thats harsh, BUT that was one dope ass dog. I mean come on, she went 1 on 1 combat with a super zombie dog and she didnt give a FUCK and STILL fucked it up, and through the whole movie was she acting like some kind of super dog? nah, she wasnt, she was just chillin....

karl wasabi
12-17-2007, 10:23 PM
Damn. I saw this one tv show a long time ago and they were filming a stunt scene for I am Legend, where Will Smith drives the new GT500 out of the dealership window, and jumps it into the street. I was dissapointed it wasn't in the movie.

And Will Smith is a great actor.

12-17-2007, 10:28 PM
Lol damn thats harsh, BUT that was one dope ass dog. I mean come on, she went 1 on 1 combat with a super zombie dog and she didnt give a FUCK and STILL fucked it up, and through the whole movie was she acting like some kind of super dog? nah, she wasnt, she was just chillin....

best part of the movie.


I was more excited at that part then anywhere else in the movie.

Of course the badass vampire lettin the dogs go was sick too.

That scene made the movie for me, from when he started yelling FRED until he finished with Sam in the lab.

12-17-2007, 11:54 PM
I have to say this was one of the better movies of the year for me. Kept me interested all the way through, great acting (can you imagine doing all that shit alone?), good ideas. I wanna read the book now.

Another technicality issue is how the hell did his house have power... generators I guess?

12-18-2007, 12:09 AM
^They covered that in the movie. You didn't notice? lol

12-18-2007, 12:32 AM
I have to say this was one of the better movies of the year for me. Kept me interested all the way through, great acting (can you imagine doing all that shit alone?), good ideas. I wanna read the book now.

Another technicality issue is how the hell did his house have power... generators I guess?

The first thing they showed at his house when he went inside was the huge store room and the generators. I want to see the movie again.

12-18-2007, 12:36 AM
I still can't believe that people are hyped by the movie. It wasn't that great!!!

12-18-2007, 12:42 AM
You're not going to convince other people that the movie was bad. It's just a difference of opinion.

12-18-2007, 12:56 AM
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I seriously can't believe that anyone thought it was THAT good. It was okay, but damn it wasn't this mind-blowing experience.

I look at movies differently than most, I guess. I didn't say it sucked, it just was.... eh.

12-18-2007, 06:47 AM
cummon it a movie, it doesnt has to be realistic, u can do whatever u want. i agree with most of the opinions tho, i like the part he enter the building scaring his ass off looking for sam, also the part from he woke up from the trap to kill his own dog(very sad and i can hear sobbing all around, including the girl next to me)
ending is too rush i was expecting more instead of just kamakaze. CG wasnt detail enough, the part the lion hunt the deer cant even mention as professional CG...However Will Smith is such a superb actor, he really can bring out the loneliness as the last man on earth, he even shown himself starting to drive himself nuts in such crazy environment. Very nice emotion acting. overall i would give 7.5 out of 10.

12-18-2007, 06:53 AM
^^What the hell?....

what does that gotta do with Micheal Vick?....

if you're going to make something up......

please do a better job......

Just think about it. Dog killing.... I hated seeing the girl hurt. I did what normal red blooded americans would do. Blame Micheal Vick

12-18-2007, 09:06 AM
So, I just watched it a couple of hours ago.

Great movie, however I suspect some people will be turned off by it.

What's everyone else's opinion?

***WARNING! Possible Spoilers***

***SERIOUSLY! I suggest you watch the movie before you read the below***

Well, I won't really delve too much into details.

Overall I give it 4.5 out of stars.

The pace may be too slow for some people. For me, it worked. Then again, I don't have a short attention span so slow paced movies don't bother me.

The only thing that took away from the movie for me were the CGI effects and some of the plot elements that I felt weren't developed enough.

I personally didn't like how the infected humans/zombies were rendered. I would have much preferred some traditional make up/costumes on human actors. Also, certain scenes in the movie relating to what I call the "Head Zombie" weren't explained enough.

For instance, while it's basically inferred that the infected humans don't have any self control or awareness, in one scene the main zombie seems to employ the same skills that Will Smith's character used in an earlier scene. This seems to contradict the earlier premise that the zombies are mindless beasts.

Also, in one of the last scenes the main zombie seems to act as a leader to the other zombies. Again, this seems to contradict the earlier premise of a lack of the zombies to be aware of what's going on around them.

The rest of the movies was great.

The desolate, depopulated scenes of New York City are incredible!

If you like zombie movies, you'll like this movie. If you liked 28 Days Later, you'll like this movie. If you're White Mel, you'll LOVE this movie!

I agree. Way too many loose ends and the cg definitely lacked attention to detail. I felt if they made the movie longer it could have covered more of the story. I left the theater feeling kind of disappointed because I absolutely love this "zombie/end of the world" genre and know if production wasn't rushed this could have been one of the better Will Smith movies...right up there with independence day and I robot. I still enjoyed it and the dog stole the show.

I did catch the billboard that had the superman vs batman logo on it and that made me kind of excited.

12-18-2007, 09:19 AM
I was not very impressed...at all! The movie was VERY choppy i thought. It was bouncing around way too much and not explaining stuff very well.

For example: They never really explained what was going on with the dog. After he was attacked, they had said before that he was only immune to air, but not blood. So when he was attacked, he was infected. Will smith gave him the shot that he also gave the human which caused the human AND the dog to freak out. So did the shot kill the dog? Or did will smith kill the dog after it tried to attack him? They never cleared that up. There were also a couple parts that were the type where you said "how did he know that". Overall...i give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

12-18-2007, 09:48 AM
I was not very impressed...at all! The movie was VERY choppy i thought. It was bouncing around way too much and not explaining stuff very well.

For example: They never really explained what was going on with the dog. After he was attacked, they had said before that he was only immune to air, but not blood. So when he was attacked, he was infected. Will smith gave him the shot that he also gave the human which caused the human AND the dog to freak out. So did the shot kill the dog? Or did will smith kill the dog after it tried to attack him? They never cleared that up. There were also a couple parts that were the type where you said "how did he know that". Overall...i give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

The shot for Sam, short for Samantha since it was a she and not a he, was to incapacitate her. It was the same shot iirc that he gave that human/zombie to disable it while he worked on it. I can't remember if I heard any bones breaking or anything, I just remember feeling like shit when he picked her up and held her knowing she was about to turn. Then after he saw the pile of fur in his hand I turned away. I can watch a human get murdered no problem but I have a horrible soft spot for dogs..Really all pets, but mostly dogs. Had it have been a Sheltie or Husky I would have thrown shit...

12-18-2007, 09:53 AM
The shot for Sam, short for Samantha since it was a she and not a he, was to incapacitate her. It was the same shot iirc that he gave that human/zombie to disable it while he worked on it. I can't remember if I heard any bones breaking or anything, I just remember feeling like shit when he picked her up and held her knowing she was about to turn. Then after he saw the pile of fur in his hand I turned away. I can watch a human get murdered no problem but I have a horrible soft spot for dogs..Really all pets, but mostly dogs. Had it have been a Sheltie or Husky I would have thrown shit...

Oh wow, I felt like crap during that part too. I was soooo sad..... :wtc:

12-18-2007, 10:27 AM
I still can't believe that people are hyped by the movie. It wasn't that great!!!

i agree with you on this. its not surprising though. most people liked (i didnt.... think i was the only one in the theatre) the movie. the critics are the exact opposite (gave it 1 or 2 stars out of 5). thats how it always is though.

12-18-2007, 10:32 AM
The shot for Sam, short for Samantha since it was a she and not a he, was to incapacitate her. It was the same shot iirc that he gave that human/zombie to disable it while he worked on it. I can't remember if I heard any bones breaking or anything, I just remember feeling like shit when he picked her up and held her knowing she was about to turn. Then after he saw the pile of fur in his hand I turned away. I can watch a human get murdered no problem but I have a horrible soft spot for dogs..Really all pets, but mostly dogs. Had it have been a Sheltie or Husky I would have thrown shit...

And that's exactly what's wrong with this world now. Animals lives have become valued more than that of humans.

For me, the movie was alright. I'm with the majority. Alot of stuff could have been explained more and it made me leave wanting more. But there were certain parts that I liked and I enjoyed the suspense and having my arm just about ripped out from my old lady jumping everytime. I think Will is a great actor and made the movie better than it was. Would've loved an unexpected twisted ending though like in Planet of the Apes.

12-18-2007, 10:41 AM
I was not very impressed...at all! The movie was VERY choppy i thought. It was bouncing around way too much and not explaining stuff very well.

For example: They never really explained what was going on with the dog. After he was attacked, they had said before that he was only immune to air, but not blood. So when he was attacked, he was infected. Will smith gave him the shot that he also gave the human which caused the human AND the dog to freak out. So did the shot kill the dog? Or did will smith kill the dog after it tried to attack him? They never cleared that up. There were also a couple parts that were the type where you said "how did he know that". Overall...i give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

i assumed it was the serum he gave the rats, that didn't work on the chick, but worked on the rats, but it didn't work on sam, and she turned, and he was forced to strangle her.

12-18-2007, 11:05 AM
^thats what i'm thinking as well. they probably left out the neck snap sound for obvious reasons.

12-18-2007, 01:17 PM
i assumed it was the serum he gave the rats, that didn't work on the chick, but worked on the rats, but it didn't work on sam, and she turned, and he was forced to strangle her.

Thats what i was thinking. Me and my brother were argueing, he is saying the shot was what killed the dog. I said Will strangled her after she tried to attack him.

12-18-2007, 02:10 PM
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I seriously can't believe that anyone thought it was THAT good. It was okay, but damn it wasn't this mind-blowing experience.

I look at movies differently than most, I guess. I didn't say it sucked, it just was.... eh.

since your saying it was bad...i just would like to know what movies you would consider to be in your top 10

12-18-2007, 02:38 PM
since your saying it was bad...i just would like to know what movies you would consider to be in your top 10

Since this thread is not about what peoples' favorite movies are, I am going to need you to stick to the topic and cease the argument.
If you want to know what peoples' favorite movies are, search and find one of the MANY threads on the topic, feel free to join THOSE discussions. As far as reasons to or not to like I Am Legend, we (myself included) have stated what we liked or disliked about it.

12-18-2007, 02:39 PM
I can't believe I haven't seen this yet.

Maybe late next week.

12-18-2007, 03:29 PM
biggest december opening ever/box office history.....(at least thats what the sites say)

The Box-Office Top Five
#1 "I Am Legend" ($76.5 million)
#2 "Alvin and the Chipmunks" ($45 million)
#3 "The Golden Compass" ($9 million)
#4 "Enchanted" ($6 million)
#5 "No Country for Old Men"($3 million)

they're saying smith is the #1 actor in the world currently. ummmm yeah. dont know about that one.

12-18-2007, 03:40 PM
biggest december opening ever/box office history.....(at least thats what the sites say)

The Box-Office Top Five
#1 "I Am Legend" ($76.5 million)
#2 "Alvin and the Chipmunks" ($45 million)
#3 "The Golden Compass" ($9 million)
#4 "Enchanted" ($6 million)
#5 "No Country for Old Men"($3 million)

they're saying smith is the #1 actor in the world currently. ummmm yeah. dont know about that one.

Statistaclly, I bet he is. He's basically NEVER had a flop. Everyone of his movies are super big blockbusters.

12-18-2007, 04:23 PM
biggest december opening ever/box office history.....(at least thats what the sites say)

The Box-Office Top Five
#1 "I Am Legend" ($76.5 million)
#2 "Alvin and the Chipmunks" ($45 million)
#3 "The Golden Compass" ($9 million)
#4 "Enchanted" ($6 million)
#5 "No Country for Old Men"($3 million)

they're saying smith is the #1 actor in the world currently. ummmm yeah. dont know about that one.

The thing about those box office results is that theyre not adjusted to inflation. So a movie that might have opened 10 years ago and sold as many or more tickets wouldnt have made as much money.

Plus since if you saw it at Imax you got to see some of Batman i think that the amount of money it made went up. Since tickets in my area for Imax are 15$ each

12-18-2007, 05:59 PM
I was not very impressed...at all! The movie was VERY choppy i thought. It was bouncing around way too much and not explaining stuff very well.

For example: They never really explained what was going on with the dog. After he was attacked, they had said before that he was only immune to air, but not blood. So when he was attacked, he was infected. Will smith gave him the shot that he also gave the human which caused the human AND the dog to freak out. So did the shot kill the dog? Or did will smith kill the dog after it tried to attack him? They never cleared that up. There were also a couple parts that were the type where you said "how did he know that". Overall...i give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

He used the serum that failed to turn the woman back into a zombie on the dog so that she would die peacefully (AKA euthanized the dog.) Remember the ladies breathing slowing down because it didn't cure her, and she woke up and screamed before she died? Same thing that happened to Samantha.

12-18-2007, 06:08 PM
This movie should have been 3 hours long and taken the time to explain things.

12-18-2007, 06:28 PM
3 hours in Imax? I think my eyes would fall out.

12-19-2007, 06:43 PM
he kept sayin how they wernt that smart and such then they follow him to his house lol

Following prey is innate to most creatures. They obviously had a strong nose for blood too, so that's what allowed them to follow.

12-19-2007, 06:59 PM
Awesome movie, did anyone else think the darkwalkers looked like Voldemort?
I read the director was suppose to do a superman/batman movie but that fell through and he made this, why the batman/superman is pasted up.

12-19-2007, 07:09 PM
just saw this today several hours ago. wow. amazing movie.
cgi on certain parts (like the part where he was hitting the zombies with the suv) could've been better.... but other then that it was pretty damn good.

12-19-2007, 07:15 PM
yea i did
hella ugly too:wiggle:

12-20-2007, 02:04 AM
Awesome movie, did anyone else think the darkwalkers looked like Voldemort?

i personally thought that the leader of the vampires looked kind of like Grendel from Beowulf......haha

12-20-2007, 10:43 AM
Awesome movie, did anyone else think the darkwalkers looked like Voldemort?
I read the director was suppose to do a superman/batman movie but that fell through and he made this, why the batman/superman is pasted up.

buddy of mine kept saying that they reminded him of "the mummy" (the one with brendan fraser).

i read they threw the batman/superman poster up for fun..... since it takes place in the future. according to them it dosent mean anything (not even the date).

12-20-2007, 12:23 PM
I was fascinated by how the main antagonist darkwalker used his forehead to beat everything.

12-20-2007, 12:46 PM
Why do you guys need to be forced fed EVERYTHING about a movie?

1. Wahhh they didn't explain anything about the virus... WHO CARES?! It' allows you to use your imagination, and draw your own conclusion about the movie. It's a fucking MOVIE for enjoyment, not a documentary... THERE'S ALREADY A BOOK.

2. The ending for the movie was appropriate, most people that are LEGENDS, are dead, aren't they?

3. Just because WILL SMITH thought the zombies had no more human traits doesn't mean he's right. He was a scientist and soldier in the movie, I do believe both of those types of people make mistakes and draw quick incorrect conclusions.

4. The leader zombie guy obviously had some sort of intimate relationship with that female, that Smith captured. I think Smith was wrong about them not exhibiting any human traits.

Intelligence (setting up traps, taking out lights, making OPENINGS in the house for Smith)

Learning (the main zombie saw how Smith used the rope trap and set one of his own, using Smith's rope or it's own, and utilizing the dummies he saw Smith interact with. Using dogs to hunt.)

Strategy (Working together as a horde)

Camaraderie (Big man zombie loves little girl zombie Smith captures and hunts Smith down to find her)

5. If the ending was anymore drawn out or conclusive it would've been degrading. Hollywood is trying to give you more rising action than conclusion. I don't pay fucking $15 (IMAX) for some lollypop story book 30 minute ending.

The movie was fucking AWESOME. Better than any post zombie apocalyptic movie I've seen in the past DECADE.

What he said^^^^.

I liked the movie, it wasn’t over done, and it wasn’t over explained. I like movies that make you think, and use your imagination. I think it was the first time this year I left the movie theater impressed.

12-20-2007, 01:10 PM
How are they zombies?

They had heart beats

I am just saying.

12-20-2007, 01:41 PM
they're not zombies. They werent called zombies in the movie. They're infected human beings.

This movie was EASILY one of the best movies of 2007. And hate him or not, Will Smith is an awesome actor. He'll get a best actor nomination for this one for sure.

When he was all bummed out over his dog and he finally went up to that dummy and was like "i miss my friend. I promised him i'd say hello to you. So hello. please say hello to me. please say hello to me. PLEASE...someone say hello to me"...... now, i'm no pussy and i didnt cry or anything, but shit, i wont even lie, had a little lump in my throat after that. That scene was SAD. And his acting was soo frickin believable. Its partially due to the fact that i have to 2 kick ass dogs that i love to death and i'd be super depressed if i lost them. Regardless, his acting was superb.

Anyway, take it from a movie junkie, this movie rocked. Like ANY movie, small things here and there could've been tweaked to make it A TAD bit better...or to suit personal tastes, but overall it was excellent. If you thought it sucked, you're a moron. Period.

12-20-2007, 09:59 PM
^^^Agreed 100%.

I felt a little tingle in my eye at the scene with the dummy too. Will Smith is one great actor.

12-20-2007, 10:19 PM
revat says the words of truth!

12-20-2007, 11:10 PM
I went to see it a second time just now, and after reading this thread and other posts off the internet, I really enjoyed watching a second time (Different group of friends insisted on going to the movies) Anyway, the only thing I can't manage to understand is the map of areas he has where he crosses them out one by one. What are those?

Also, when he enters an abandoned apartment filled with rations and such, theres a sheet over a bed with a radioactive sign, wtf?

12-20-2007, 11:17 PM
overall, good movie.

12-21-2007, 01:17 AM

Nuked: Out of Sync @ 46:49 by 500ms.


I'm sure some people can bare with it.
I can't it.


12-21-2007, 01:49 AM
they're not zombies. They werent called zombies in the movie. They're infected human beings.

This movie was EASILY one of the best movies of 2007. And hate him or not, Will Smith is an awesome actor. He'll get a best actor nomination for this one for sure.

When he was all bummed out over his dog and he finally went up to that dummy and was like "i miss my friend. I promised him i'd say hello to you. So hello. please say hello to me. please say hello to me. PLEASE...someone say hello to me"...... now, i'm no pussy and i didnt cry or anything, but shit, i wont even lie, had a little lump in my throat after that. That scene was SAD. And his acting was soo frickin believable. Its partially due to the fact that i have to 2 kick ass dogs that i love to death and i'd be super depressed if i lost them. Regardless, his acting was superb.

Anyway, take it from a movie junkie, this movie rocked. Like ANY movie, small things here and there could've been tweaked to make it A TAD bit better...or to suit personal tastes, but overall it was excellent. If you thought it sucked, you're a moron. Period.

That scene was so sad :-/

12-21-2007, 01:10 PM
Ok so i'm not going to read everyone response because I really don't care. The movie was good not great. Could of been better IMO, but it did have a pretty good story line and flashbacks which made it ok to understand wtf was going on.

12-21-2007, 01:57 PM

Nuked: Out of Sync @ 46:49 by 500ms.


I'm sure some people can bare with it.
I can't it.


i can't STAND sync errors. there's a ~700mb and ~1.4gb proper out now.


also... 500ms is HUGE!

12-21-2007, 02:32 PM
i thought the movie was really good, but the ending could have been a little better

Team Aero-K
12-21-2007, 02:56 PM
Movie was awesome...but what pissed me off is that he lost his dog. Thats what anyone would feel like if they lost their dog living all alone. But yea the ending could have been just a tad bit better than how they ended it.

12-21-2007, 02:57 PM
Enjoyed it, that's all that counts.

12-21-2007, 04:23 PM
i guess i will side with the negative reviews..

i was pretty dissapointed.. and usually i think almost many of the movies i watch are decent or good even though people disagree otherwise. sometimes i even go on wikipedia to read more about the movie after i watch it or to learn more if it was based on an actual event or novel...

well.. this movie was pretty dull to me. i guess I'm an action guy.. but this movie had action in spurts.. usually a movie with little action or drama keeps its audience entertained through a good story development.. however, this movie's story development was flawed or could have been better.. i didn't even know those things were suppose to be a vampiric creature.. they seemed more like zombies from resident evil. should have showed more scenes of how the virus spread and its effect on earth over time.

pretty much, the whole movie to me was about dr. robert neville and his dog going out everyday to an empty city to run errands. i felt like i sat there over an hour just watching him go to an empty city to fish, get supplies, or whatever.. no different then when i have the house to myself and have to go to the store or to get food.

but who knows, maybe i'm just the type of guy who needs suspense, lots of action, or titties to keep me entertained. i thought lord of the rings was pretty dull too.. watching a group of elfs, hobbits, and whatever walk for 3 hours to go to a mountain, only to find out that after they reach a mountain theres another vast mountainous land they have to walk through.. and to be continued on the next movie.

with that.. i guess i'm going to look forward to avp-r.. or rambo 4 now.. at least those movies should have lots of blood and gore porn and story should be interesting. i dont think these movies can turn out to the pg-13 avp. i hear rambo gets on a jeep with an anti-tank turret that fires out big bullets meant to pierce heavy tank armor on a soldier.. creating spewing bloody carnage and turning him into mush everywhere.. oh joy!

12-21-2007, 06:31 PM
i guess i will side with the negative reviews..

i was pretty dissapointed.. and usually i think almost many of the movies i watch are decent or good even though people disagree otherwise. sometimes i even go on wikipedia to read more about the movie after i watch it or to learn more if it was based on an actual event or novel...

well.. this movie was pretty dull to me. i guess I'm an action guy.. but this movie had action in spurts.. usually a movie with little action or drama keeps its audience entertained through a good story development.. however, this movie's story development was flawed or could have been better.. i didn't even know those things were suppose to be a vampiric creature.. they seemed more like zombies from resident evil. should have showed more scenes of how the virus spread and its effect on earth over time.

pretty much, the whole movie to me was about dr. robert neville and his dog going out everyday to an empty city to run errands. i felt like i sat there over an hour just watching him go to an empty city to fish, get supplies, or whatever.. no different then when i have the house to myself and have to go to the store or to get food.

but who knows, maybe i'm just the type of guy who needs suspense, lots of action, or titties to keep me entertained. i thought lord of the rings was pretty dull too.. watching a group of elfs, hobbits, and whatever walk for 3 hours to go to a mountain, only to find out that after they reach a mountain theres another vast mountainous land they have to walk through.. and to be continued on the next movie.

with that.. i guess i'm going to look forward to avp-r.. or rambo 4 now.. at least those movies should have lots of blood and gore porn and story should be interesting. i dont think these movies can turn out to the pg-13 avp. i hear rambo gets on a jeep with an anti-tank turret that fires out big bullets meant to pierce heavy tank armor on a soldier.. creating spewing bloody carnage and turning him into mush everywhere.. oh joy!

hahaha yeah i dont think I Am Legend was the movie for you. I can respect that though. Different strokes for different folks. :bow:

12-21-2007, 07:26 PM
I like how noone cares about his family dying

This is my movie cliffnotes:
It was like...okay everyone on Earth is fucked, okay i'm stuck with this fuckin lame dog all alone on Earth, okay my family is dead, okay i'm stuck here, okay i'm wasting my life doing nothing, okay the dog is dead, okay I want to die, okay this bitch saved me, okay this bitch fucked with my bacon, okay dark seekers are fuckin up my crib, okay i'm gonna become a suicide bomber durka durka, then end.

12-21-2007, 10:04 PM
I thought the movie was really good. The story didnt need to go into detail, it really was all put out for you visually. It may not have been blunt, like most people are used to, but everything was there.

I think the part that really did it for me as far as establishing the bond between Will smith and Sam was the scene in the beginning where they were eating.
"Eat your vegetables, dont just push them around"

Really showed that he had a true bond with his dog and had no other interaction with any "Normal" human for the three years the city had been infected.

Somehow i just had a feeling that his wife and daughter had died from something other then the virus for the entire film. Then when i saw the scene when the bridges blew up i said to myself "Oh shit, here it comes"

Great movie though. Pretty sad, but good.

12-22-2007, 03:47 AM
just saw it a second time tonight with a lady friend.

Seeing it again just further reinforces my views of how great this movie was. They really didnt need to add anything to it. If you watch it again, i think you'll see what i mean.

The problem i seem to find most people having is that they weren't spoon fed everything about the story. For the record, not all movies are mindless in your face action, suspense, romance, horror, gayness, or what have you. Some movies are meant to leave the viewer thinking about the possibilities, outcomes, etc. This movie did just that. And did it well. IF you really pay attention you can totally figure it all out.

Damn, this movie was good. :bow:

12-22-2007, 04:02 AM
No, no, it totally sucked. It didn't say which breeder he got the dog from, or how he met his wife, or how he became a soldier and a doctor.

The movie was boring and slow and needed more killing! It should've been R and shown HOW the monsters ate the immune people. :loco: :cj:

12-22-2007, 07:47 AM
I saw it again in theaters...

Got a whole lot that I missed on the other version, but I was kind of dissapointed by the way the dark seekers looked. They were scarier on the cam version when you couldn't make them out as much.

Otherwise, my opinion remains the same : This movie is AWESOME.

12-22-2007, 12:35 PM
Ok so first off Im suprised how people missed so much about the movie....

1. Will Smith only believed that the dark seekers were not intelligent which was clearly not the case, and the head dark seeker learned to make the trap from Will

2. They shot he gave sam was an attempt to fight the virus....since it worked in the rat he tried it on the dog since he had no other choice...when it didnt work He strangled it

Now. I thought the movie was OK. It was incredible up until the part where he cuts himself out of the trap, everything from there was downhill. I really believe that they should not have shown the dark seekers at all. It was incredibly creepy when he was in that dark builing and especially when they showed them all huddled together outside the vault....the CGI was crappy so I think it would have been 10x better to have him being chased by shadows and have those weird noises and even show sillouettes in darkness but never show their faces ( they looked like the mummy btw). Also I think they should have left him by himself.....kind of like castaway, leave out that chick and her kid and have him on his own for the entire movie....I think Will smith is a good enough actor to pull off a one man show...but seriously everything after him cutting himself down sucked except the scene where he finally talked to the woman manichan

Issues I have with the movie:
- I hate that the dark seekers somehow got superhuman strength...they are still people they are just infected...they could also climb up the flat face of a building? and rip through a ceiling?

-in the end if the cure was in that girls blood then couldnt he have just hid in the space with the girl and kid until the vampires broke through and then attacked the girl on the table.....which would then disinfect them?

I would have liked to see the movie kind of unresolved with him just continuing to live as the last human or maybe even getting out of NY rather than the way it ended

12-22-2007, 02:02 PM
Ok so first off Im suprised how people missed so much about the movie....

1. Will Smith only believed that the dark seekers were not intelligent which was clearly not the case, and the head dark seeker learned to make the trap from Will

2. They shot he gave sam was an attempt to fight the virus....since it worked in the rat he tried it on the dog since he had no other choice...when it didnt work He strangled it

Issues I have with the movie:
- I hate that the dark seekers somehow got superhuman strength...they are still people they are just infected...they could also climb up the flat face of a building? and rip through a ceiling?

-in the end if the cure was in that girls blood then couldnt he have just hid in the space with the girl and kid until the vampires broke through and then attacked the girl on the table.....which would then disinfect them?

I would have liked to see the movie kind of unresolved with him just continuing to live as the last human or maybe even getting out of NY rather than the way it ended

kind of agree with you..

1. it didn't make sense to me when smith was ensared by the trap. i thought it was one of his own traps he set up. so you're right.. the reason i didn't think it was possible for the monsters to make the trap was because the movie didn't make the the dark seekers seem as intelligent creatures. where did the monster get the rope? how was it able to remain calm enough to actually put together the trap. people usually think of monsters as dumb things but aggresive and posses more physical abilities like speed and strength.

2. this was pretty obvious. you know it was a last attempt effort. smith pretty much knew his dog was fucked but had hope. we all knew that wasn't the case.

in the end, i wished that he survived as well.. i was wondering why he did what he did. i still thought the monsters might not be able to understand him. maybe they did. my reasoning was that he could have went into that space, but they would have just broke through the brick and mortor so he probably did have to blow them up. but he could have hid, threw the grenade out, and shut the door quickly? who knows. the directors decided to kill him.

but what was really stupid was... how he was supposedly the last human.. then they found out there was a colony? wtf? if he played that recording on the am frequency everyday, i'm sure the colony would have heard it, they could have broadcast back to communicate. what if they didn't have the equipment? bullshit, if they don't have the equipment to make a simple broadcast, how are they going to replicate the cure?

and how the hell did a weak girl and small boy save him when they just arrived on time? did she arrive in a tank?

acting was good, but its will smith and any other actor could act like that i'm sure. how he talked to his dog is no different than any other dog owner talks to their dog.

i guess i like to think about the finer details. it was still a decent movie. it didn't totally sucked, but i believe it could have been better and i was dissapointed because it wasn't.

12-24-2007, 08:21 PM
The only thing that took away from the movie for me were the CGI effects and some of the plot elements that I felt weren't developed enough.

I personally didn't like how the infected humans/zombies were rendered. I would have much preferred some traditional make up/costumes on human actors. Also, certain scenes in the movie relating to what I call the "Head Zombie" weren't explained enough.

For instance, while it's basically inferred that the infected humans don't have any self control (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=168586#) or awareness, in one scene the main zombie seems to employ the same skills that Will Smith's character used in an earlier scene. This seems to contradict the earlier premise that the zombies are mindless beasts.

Also, in one of the last scenes the main zombie seems to act as a leader to the other zombies. Again, this seems to contradict the earlier premise of a lack of the zombies to be aware of what's going on around them.

Hit the nail on the head!

Great movie.

12-28-2007, 05:57 PM

living in ny has its perks

not me but one of my friends...taken in nyc right outside nyu

01-01-2008, 09:08 PM
the mivie was great, yes he could have hid in the space with the girl, but being that they had super human strength they wuda busted through the door nad got them, also, i didnt like the fact he missed all the deer in his supercharged gt500... lol, that and where the fuck did the wild life come from? (lions, deer)

01-01-2008, 09:22 PM
the mivie was great, yes he could have hid in the space with the girl, but being that they had super human strength they wuda busted through the door nad got them, also, i didnt like the fact he missed all the deer in his supercharged gt500... lol, that and where the fuck did the wild life come from? (lions, deer)

They escaped from the Zoo in Central Park.

This same scene was featured in another great sci-fi movie, 12 Monkeys. Homage?

01-02-2008, 08:28 AM
Saw it yesterday finally.

I liked it for the most part. Usually I don't like to rip apart movies like this because I like to enjoy them for what they are. I pretty much agree on all the points that have been brought up though. There were just too many little things that I didn't like about it.

But in the end, it's a Zombie movie and a decent one for the genre. I'd give it 3/5 starts.

03-06-2008, 07:48 AM
Check out this alternative ending.


I'm sure this will be on the DVD. Honestly I like happy endings better. I'd rather watch it with this ending.

03-06-2008, 07:55 AM
acting was good, but its will smith and any other actor could act like that i'm sure. how he talked to his dog is no different than any other dog owner talks to their dog...

I talk to my dogs that way, just like they were people. I probably would react the same way if that happened to my dog. I definitely felt the emotion from Smith and I was totally convinced. He's a great actor, the script just had some holes in it. I agree with the 3 out of 5 stars on this one. Good but not great.

03-06-2008, 09:51 AM
They have an alternate ending to this movie that's coming out on the DVD. I haven't watched it yet but it's out on the net to be downloaded.

03-06-2008, 09:56 AM
Check out this alternative ending.


I'm sure this will be on the DVD. Honestly I like happy endings better. I'd rather watch it with this ending.

oh what the crap. that took me to halo wars :duh:


03-06-2008, 10:03 AM
Oppps, here you go.


03-06-2008, 10:32 AM
while the alternate ending is very good. i think that the origional ending is more emotional. it is what completes the movie. I am definately going to buy the movie. no doubt there. i hope it comes with multiple endings.
this is definately the best movie i have seen in a long time.

i deffinately agree with the statement will smith is one of the better actors of out time. Not because his movies bring in big $. Not because they are blockbuster hits. But because he has talent!! Come on.. anyone who can play that character like that, play ali... he has talent. admit it..

+1 to Will Smith!!.

+1 to whoever made the comment blame mike vick.. that made me laugh my ass!!

03-22-2008, 07:43 PM
Here is a link to that alternate ending that works:

03-22-2008, 08:07 PM
while the alternate ending is very good. i think that the origional ending is more emotional. it is what completes the movie. I am definately going to buy the movie. no doubt there. i hope it comes with multiple endings.
this is definately the best movie i have seen in a long time.

i deffinately agree with the statement will smith is one of the better actors of out time. Not because his movies bring in big $. Not because they are blockbuster hits. But because he has talent!! Come on.. anyone who can play that character like that, play ali... he has talent. admit it..

+1 to Will Smith!!.

+1 to whoever made the comment blame mike vick.. that made me laugh my ass!!

Fuck Will Smith.

He's a Scientologist now.

He's ridiculous.

03-22-2008, 08:14 PM
Fuck Will Smith.

He's a Scientologist now.

He's ridiculous.


03-22-2008, 08:51 PM

Ok PHILIP I take it back.

However, like 2 weeks ago my mom was watching Entertainment Tonight, and it said blah blah, after much deliberation he HAS decided it was for him.

Whatevs. I love his acting though.

03-23-2008, 02:55 AM
I like the alternate ending waaaay better. However i understand why they used the one they did. The theater released ending ties in better with title...with him being a "legend" and whatnot.

03-23-2008, 08:24 AM
^^ I agree.

I read the book, and it's NOTHING like the movie adaptation.

Don't know which I liked better.

03-23-2008, 09:09 AM
just bought the dvd on friday. basically never heard anything about it but that it was one hell of a movie and i for sure agree

great story line BUT the grafic's are a bit cheesy

03-23-2008, 02:34 PM
wicked good movie, dont really care what people say about it. for what it was and how little actors there even are in the movie, it was a good movie.. and the alternate ending was so much better then the normal ending, biggest mistake switching out the endings

03-23-2008, 09:36 PM
Fuck Will Smith.

He's a Scientologist now.

He's ridiculous.

DUDE.................... i was about to say :loco:

03-23-2008, 10:48 PM
i just watched this movie tonight. holy crap. makes me upset for whatever reason. i dont like the fact that everyone dies. what an effing downer of a movie.

03-23-2008, 10:51 PM
Watched it tonight. The ending sucks. It didn't make sense at all.

Poor Samantha, why did she have to die?

03-23-2008, 10:53 PM
Not all movies have happy endings.

03-23-2008, 10:54 PM
I just saw it. I really enjoyed it. It really kept me on my toes about what was going on. It was interesting to see how someone deals without any human contact for so long. And once contact is regained, how hard it is to deal with. We can only begin to imagine how going for 3 years without any human contact can be.

03-24-2008, 09:01 AM
^^ I agree.

I read the book, and it's NOTHING like the movie adaptation.

Don't know which I liked better.

I liked the book better.

Would've made a good movie for people who aren't useless.

03-24-2008, 09:48 AM
Not all movies have happy endings.

I'm a sucker for a happy ending though. I like closer, and a good feeling when all is said and done.

Every movie doesn't have to be like that, I'm perfectly happy with most Zombie movie's just ending with no resolution, but I just felt this movie needed a happier/better ending.

steve shadows
03-24-2008, 10:02 AM
hated it :zzz:

03-24-2008, 10:46 AM
Poor Samantha, why did she have to die?

i agree, that was the worst effing part. i was so bummed after that.

03-24-2008, 11:35 AM
^ I know, I was watching it with my dog on the couch too. Looked at her differently after that.

Also, were the lions immune to the virus or something?

03-24-2008, 01:40 PM
^if i remember correctly, i think they stated that animals were immune to the airborne virus.

03-24-2008, 02:26 PM
K-9's specifically. but i'd have to imagine all the animals were. there were alot of things in that movie that didnt quite add up. ah well, thats why its a movie.

03-24-2008, 02:58 PM
^if i remember correctly, i think they stated that animals were immune to the airborne virus.

They could've still got infected if they were bitten or something. Let me get more specific. How did the lions(or deer) keep themselves from getting attacked by the hungry infected humans at night? Wouldn't they have been infected as well?

03-24-2008, 09:30 PM
The zombies were crazy, but smart at the same time. I think they knew not to fuck with lions. Lions can see at night just as good as them, if not better. Lions live in packs and will fuck your shit up. The zombies knew what was up. lol

03-24-2008, 09:40 PM
I was severely disappointed by the movie.

The acting and way the movie played out was great, really intense and gripping.

However, the creatures looked like SHIT. Seriously, if they were done the conventional way, I would have had sex with the movie.

03-24-2008, 10:14 PM
The zombies were crazy, but smart at the same time. I think they knew not to fuck with lions. Lions can see at night just as good as them, if not better. Lions live in packs and will fuck your shit up. The zombies knew what was up. lol

Lions. They will fuck your shit up.
