View Full Version : craigslist possible scam?

12-09-2007, 12:47 PM
hey guys, first of all i apologize if i posted in the wrong section, if i did, i will move no problem, but i am having a little problem with craigslist and i figured since many of you have sold there, maybe you can help or advise me, i put up some times for sale there which i also have for sale here, and i got at least 5-7 e mails from the craigslist add from people wanting my full name and address so they can send a payment and arange a company to come pick the tires from my place......lol, sounds very fishy to me, can anyone help plz....what is this about????

thx in advance guys

12-09-2007, 12:52 PM
... if it sounds shady it probably is. Especially on craigslist.

12-09-2007, 12:54 PM
oldest fucking scam in the book.

12-09-2007, 12:58 PM
how does that scam work, i am not quite sure

12-09-2007, 12:59 PM
yeah, and they usually tell you they'll pay you 1000 dollars for a $200 item, but you just need to ship the extra money to a friend of theirs

report them if you can

12-09-2007, 01:10 PM
yeah, and they usually tell you they'll pay you 1000 dollars for a $200 item, but you just need to ship the extra money to a friend of theirs

report them if you can

ya, it sounds like it, only one of them asked me to do that, i will, thx

12-09-2007, 01:16 PM
Scam Scam Scam.

Filter your mail, so they dont message you.

That shit has been going on for years...

I like the "You have inherited 3 million from Mr (your last name) who is your related uncle". That one cracks me up all the time.

12-09-2007, 01:18 PM
if you get emails regarding your items for and it is very "sounds" very formal and general (not specific). in addition, they usually want your full information, including Price and Condition, as they did not read your ad AT ALL usually they are scams.

12-09-2007, 01:21 PM
hey guys, first of all i apologize if i posted in the wrong section, if i did, i will move no problem, but i am having a little problem with craigslist and i figured since many of you have sold there, maybe you can help or advise me, i put up some times for sale there which i also have for sale here, and i got at least 5-7 e mails from the craigslist add from people wanting my full name and address so they can send a payment and arange a company to come pick the tires from my place......lol, sounds very fishy to me, can anyone help plz....what is this about????

thx in advance guys

almost 70% of the stuff i sell on craigslist is like this. always do business, on craigslist, up front. dont give an address until you have talked to them over the phone.

12-09-2007, 01:25 PM
They usually use stupid words Example:

I am interested in your item for sale....scam

I am interested in your advert for sale...scam

I am interested in your part for sale....scam

I seek interest in buying....scam

Good day sir....scam

Hello there my name is Mr (wierd last name) ...Scam

and so on..

12-09-2007, 01:32 PM
haha, you guys just summed up all the e mails lol, they sound just like it, this guy wrote me a full paragraph asking how my family is....so they send a payment and then cancel after you have shipped your product...or?

12-09-2007, 01:42 PM
I have a love/hate relationship with those folks. I love messing with them and often type in broken english for my own enjoyment. Just hate the part that it's scam and they're not stupid enough to actually give me $2,500 for my parts that I'm selling for $185.

12-09-2007, 01:45 PM
Yup, they will send a payment that won't go through at the bank. Someone sent me an $8k check for my old S13 and my mother works at a bank, so she took it there before I emailed the guy back and found out it was a fake. Just delete those emails! GL!

12-09-2007, 01:56 PM
Yup, they will send a payment that won't go through at the bank. Someone sent me an $8k check for my old S13 and my mother works at a bank, so she took it there before I emailed the guy back and found out it was a fake. Just delete those emails! GL!

wow.....lucky, i hope nobody would ever give or ship their item before actually depositing and clearing the check...thx guys, ill just write one simple e mail of "fuck off" and resend to all of em, lol, they are gonna have all each others e mails, they can go chit chat someplace together lol

12-09-2007, 03:34 PM
Ha, telling them to fuck off won't work. My bud is selling a tool box on c/list and he keeps getting the same shit. He's gonna just start saying, yeah, send me the money, lol.

I think it's an auto-response type of thingy, cause he specifically mentions not trying to send a money order for $1200, on a $200 box. And thats how they reply anyway.

12-09-2007, 04:01 PM
I usually reply to the emails by saying

Actually, the part is free. Where would like me to send it?

Or, the price is now 2 billion dollars... Deal?

12-09-2007, 04:11 PM
I usually reply to the emails by saying

Actually, the part is free. Where would like me to send it?

Or, the price is now 2 billion dollars... Deal?

LOL!! Oh man. I got to try this sometime.

12-09-2007, 04:29 PM
I havent purchased anything from craigs list...mainly because...I dont wanna get scammed again

Three times is enough for anyone:fawk2:

looks shady as hell BTW

12-09-2007, 04:33 PM
ya it is, i would never buy anything from there, without seeing it in person, but i just talked to someone about it, they said the best thing to do is set your e mail as anonymous and not post it, and just have your cell # there...i am gonna go edit it now, so many e mail lol, i cant even read em all

12-09-2007, 04:34 PM
craigslist is full of scammers.

I hate that site.

12-10-2007, 10:55 AM
Just to pretty much show how bored I am in the school's library, I checked my email and noticed I had another scammer wanting to buy my stuff.

I bet the emails your getting look very similar to this one:

Good day to you overtheir Seller,

Please.Do you still have this unit for sell at the moment (in-hand) I am highly interested in immediate purchase of it.My name is (Micheal Pedro)After several consideration over the advert placed on the website please I will like to Ask You Some Question on it...

I hope the item is in good condition or shap?

Do you accept check for the payment of the unit?( US certify money Order)

Can you ship out this unit if I takecare of the shipment with my Private hipping company?

What is the final asking price of the unit?

Will you allow our Freight company to come for the pick up of the item?cos i shall solely be responsible for the shipment of the item.

Kindly send in the NAME you want the check to be issue out to, the address you want me to send the payment to, to this email address [email protected] (http://us.f573.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected]) as well as your cell and home number.

I awaits your fast reply so as for payment issuance.



My reply

Herro my friend, Mike Predro!

Thank jew for deh consideration of mah unit for deh sell in deh present. After several janky emails from deh douche-nozzle scammers I answer jewrs because it
sexy in speech.

Deh item is deh fabulous condition and shape. Has beautiful penis for jew.

I be accept deh world currency in check, cash, money order, sex, slaves, and goats.

Deh shipping can be made for jew. My Uncle deh FBI Transporter from Ukraine is help jew and will ship for anyone who wishes for his t-bag.

Deh final asking price is $2,800 Amerkan Dollars or 8 Goats or 2 hrs of fabulous monkey love.

Yes, I will allow jewr freight company to ship deh item for jew. I demand more payment because jewr are illegal alien and freight company is complicated
so I need deh $4,500 Amerkan Dollars or 13 and half Goats or 5 hrs of fabulous monkey love with jew or jewr son wearing a bunny costume.

Please make with the squishy in jewr pants and ask more question for me to regurgitate combinations of words for jew.

Thank Jew,

Mike Hawk



Name isn't Mike Hawk, but it's a funny touch which made me giggle :D

12-10-2007, 12:29 PM
A little off topic, not a scam but something i HATE about craigslist.

How about when your honestly trying to sell your car on CL when your ad gets flagged, flagged, flagged for no reason. I heard from someone that other people selling a similar car for more money will flag your ad so that it disappears, giving them a better chance to sell their POS! C*ck blockers.

12-10-2007, 12:37 PM
^ yup happened to my friend a couple time when he tried selling his celica gt-s on there. the site of course isn't at fault, it's just the douches that use it.

Baron Fel
12-10-2007, 01:22 PM
Just to pretty much show how bored I am in the school's library, I checked my email and noticed I had another scammer wanting to buy my stuff.
I bet the emails your getting look very similar to this one:
My reply
Name isn't Mike Hawk, but it's a funny touch which made me giggle :D

lol they didn't reply to that did they?:rofl:

12-10-2007, 02:07 PM
lol nothing yet

12-10-2007, 02:17 PM
hahahahaha your reply had me cracking up here at work. Now i look crazy cuz i just randomly started laughing and its like hella quiet right now. :rofl:

12-10-2007, 02:28 PM
Yeah somebody "accidentally" sent me the wrong checks and wanted me to cash them and wire them the money back. Checked with the bank and the checks were fake. Dont give out your Name and address.

12-10-2007, 03:17 PM
the good ol africa scam... been there done that.. just reply with bullshit .. have them send the fake check... dont give ur phone number to them... and just play it off like u cash in and became a millionaire thru a legitimate family line. inheriting all the wealth a dreamer can imagine etc etc etc... mess with their english and start speakking in slang.

12-10-2007, 08:20 PM
hahahahaha your reply had me cracking up here at work. Now i look crazy cuz i just randomly started laughing and its like hella quiet right now. :rofl:

:bigok: glad to make a few folk a little chipper in their day. when i was typing it I didn't get that big of a laugh at first. when I got home and read it again I was almost in tears lol.

12-10-2007, 08:47 PM
HAHA +rep for you DreamN

12-10-2007, 08:59 PM
Has anybody ever thought of getting a fake check for a whole lot of money, putting it in a bank account until they "discover" that the check is fake, and collecting the interest?

12-10-2007, 09:46 PM
^ no, you should try it. it'll work. I'm so serial!