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12-08-2007, 12:19 PM
My little brother and his 17 year old friend where robbed seriously beaten up this past tuesday night here in Fontana, CA if any of you guys here of any little punks braggin about this shit or anything about this incident please feel free to let me know.

Here is the Article:


12-08-2007, 12:26 PM
Fuck dude thats sucks well I live in Corona hills I doubt ill hear anything but when/if you catch those assholes PM we can stomp faces in together.:D

12-08-2007, 12:27 PM
That's some fucked up shit.

I'm so sorry they were beaten so badly, I hope you catch these assholes and put them away for attempted murder.

Gang violence is the most retarded thing in the world. Just more things to separate the human race more than it already is.

My prayers go out to your brother, I hope he makes it through.

12-08-2007, 01:00 PM
Wow, I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And I second him^^^ Get them for attempted murder.

12-08-2007, 01:04 PM
Sorry to hear that this happened.

My thoughts and prayers for your family.

12-08-2007, 01:25 PM
Sorry to hear that this happened.

My thoughts and prayers for your family.

same here. not too near to the area, but if i hear anything, someones gon get an asswhoopin

12-08-2007, 01:39 PM

That's seriously fucked up.

About two years ago, this bum looking guy tried to mug me.

It was around 10pm. Guy grabs me from behind(I wasn't expecting it...), pushes me up against a fence, holds a knife to my neck, and yells at me to give him all my money.

As he was reaching for my wallet, I grabbed his hand and sunk my nails in as hard as possible.

He sucker punches me with his left, but since he left himself open, I pushed his ass off the sidewalk, dumbass falls, and I stomped on his face twice.

Called the cops.

They found him a day later with the knife he used, the bike he was riding that night, and my description matched perfectly.

They got him for attempted murder since my neck actually had a slice mark from the knife. He's currently serving 10-15 years for it.

Scary shit.

I hope you find those low life scum bags.

12-08-2007, 02:35 PM
That's some fucked up shit.

I'm so sorry they were beaten so badly, I hope you catch these assholes and put them away for attempted murder.

Gang violence is the most retarded thing in the world. Just more things to separate the human race more than it already is.

My prayers go out to your brother, I hope he makes it through.
Same here.

Gang violence is whats making this world go down.

12-08-2007, 02:44 PM
damn that really sucks. I hope your brother gets better and they catch the assholes that did this.

Good thing it landed on the news. But you should make sure that the newspaper keeps updates and keep pressure on the police dept. to solve the case.


A Spec Products
12-08-2007, 02:57 PM
Yeah that's terrible

I hope they are able to catch the thieves

Sounds like the wrong place at the wrong time unfortunately

It's a sad day in age when someone has to beat up someone just to steal their clothing, sorta like years ago when people would get killed over Jordans

I mean really, what is wrong with people these days

12-08-2007, 03:05 PM
Thanks guys.....I have a friends that are San Bernardino County Sheriffs that I served with when I was in the Marines Corps and they as well as there friends on the lookout especially, the Fontana PD seems to be on top of it, I dont wanna say to much becasue I dont know if anyone reading this could be a friend of a friend but im pretty confident these little punks well get caught, they were youngsters to so I know there not to smart about covering there tracks just becasue of things they did which I know is gonna lead to there being caught. My brother and his friend are doing ok, my brother thankfully didn't have any brain damage despite getting the worst of the two and his friends is allready released and is doing ok. Actually the paper has it wrong it was a hammer that they used on my brother and his friend as well as a knife, my brother was stuck with a knife right near his cheek and nose area and his friend was stabbed in his back and shoulder and sliced from his wrist down to his elbow, but both had fractured skulls but my brothers was way worse, man the x-ray was crazy looking, thats what scared me the most, I mean that thing was sunk in pretty damn deep like a deep bowl impression. I'll update you guys later with any new news, but thanks again guys for yoru support, I hate this kinda shit.

12-08-2007, 09:46 PM
Damn I am SO glad your brother doesnt have brain damage! That is scary shit right there. I hope he gets better soon!

12-08-2007, 09:52 PM
Thanks guys.....I have a friends that are San Bernardino County Sheriffs that I served with when I was in the Marines Corps and they as well as there friends on the lookout especially, the Fontana PD seems to be on top of it, I dont wanna say to much becasue I dont know if anyone reading this could be a friend of a friend but im pretty confident these little punks well get caught, they were youngsters to so I know there not to smart about covering there tracks just becasue of things they did which I know is gonna lead to there being caught. My brother and his friend are doing ok, my brother thankfully didn't have any brain damage despite getting the worst of the two and his friends is allready released and is doing ok. Actually the paper has it wrong it was a hammer that they used on my brother and his friend as well as a knife, my brother was stuck with a knife right near his cheek and nose area and his friend was stabbed in his back and shoulder and sliced from his wrist down to his elbow, but both had fractured skulls but my brothers was way worse, man the x-ray was crazy looking, thats what scared me the most, I mean that thing was sunk in pretty damn deep like a deep bowl impression. I'll update you guys later with any new news, but thanks again guys for yoru support, I hate this kinda shit.

AAARRRGGGGG!!! reading this makes me wish I was psycic so i would know where these fools are and do the same to them.....but worse.

12-08-2007, 09:54 PM
Sorry to hear that happened. The samething happened to my friends a couple years back in Santa Ana, except one died. :( They were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I hope u find these gangster fags. What a bitch move they did. This shit just gets me angry.

I hope ur brother and his friend get well soon.

12-08-2007, 10:05 PM
WTF. I'm tired or hearing about this sorta shit. Not people talking about it, but that it's happening. Hope your brother recovers ok.

12-08-2007, 10:06 PM
Wish the best to your brother and his friend. Sucks shit like this still happens.

12-08-2007, 10:10 PM
sorry to hear about that man, i get so angry hearing stuff like this, in the past year alone, people attempted to rob me twice...i wish your brother and his friend have a quick recovery and you find these punks, i have no tolerance or sympathy for these kind of people, hope you put them away for good and they get their worse...best of luck

12-08-2007, 10:22 PM
That's some fucked up shit.

I'm so sorry they were beaten so badly, I hope you catch these assholes and put them away for attempted murder.

Gang violence is the most retarded thing in the world. Just more things to separate the human race more than it already is.

My prayers go out to your brother, I hope he makes it through.

what he said.

i hope they get caught and thrown in jail, and get a nice cafeteria beatdown.

12-10-2007, 10:06 AM
i'm very glad to read that they are doing well..if i hear anything down i'll be sure to contact u..i wish all the best and a full speedy recovery

12-10-2007, 10:26 AM
Wow .. i pass Miller and Locust every week to see my g.f.. damn this really sucks.. the street is dark and hard to see.. those gangmembers are fucking wack!.. ill keep an eye out for that silver f150.. i seriously wouldnt walk out there at night with out my lito friend .. because of the continuation school down the street lots of gang activity.. but overal a quiet street..

best wishes to your bro and friend.

12-10-2007, 10:40 AM
Thats some messed up crap right there. Thoughts and prayers to your family man.

This world needs some love

12-10-2007, 11:29 AM
prayers go out to your brother, familly, and his friend

12-10-2007, 11:44 AM
just curious, how come no description of these bastards? maybe I missed it, but that would definitely help someone in the area trying to help you find these idiots.

12-10-2007, 11:53 AM
just curious, how come no description of these bastards? maybe I missed it, but that would definitely help someone in the area trying to help you find these idiots.

These guys were wearing black hooded sweaters with the exception of one my lil brother told me and he was tall and light skinned and thinks he had spiked hair, the rest were covered up good and could not make them out, things are still coming to him as he gets better, and again thank you guys for your support and concern.

12-12-2007, 11:42 AM
I passed by today and noticed a silver f150 in one of the homes on the same street.. also a black coupe with a s13 front.. yeah but just an fyi

12-12-2007, 11:58 AM
I passed by today and noticed a silver f150 in one of the homes on the same street.. also a black coupe with a s13 front.. yeah but just an fyi

Was the black S13 coupe up on jack stands in a driveway? and did you see the silver F150 the street after ramona making a left then another quick left in a codasac because the one up the street from birch on the right hand side if traveling north on Locust Ave, I know who that is already.

12-12-2007, 04:21 PM
Shit. I'm really sorry to hear this happened. But definitely keep your ears open because those punks will probably running their mouths about it.

12-12-2007, 04:37 PM
damn bro, im very sorry to hear of your brother and his friend. i hope they recover fast and the POS criminals get whats coming to them ten fold.

12-12-2007, 07:03 PM
Keep us updated, I'm watching this thread!

01-20-2008, 11:49 AM
Ok update, so far no one has been caught yet but the investigators are working on the case. They have already put togther a line up of photos which usually means they have someone that fits the bill in atleast one of those pictures. Unfortunatly or fortunatly only my brother could look at the pictures only. The investigator also told us that since the incident with my brother and his 17 year old friend that there have been 3 seperate attacks in the same general area. These other attacks also invovled the use of a hammer to the head, out of those 3 victims 2 have died. This is also confirmed by my friend that is a SB county Sheriff. SO hopefully they catch this punk soon before he does this to someone else. I'll update you more when I hear more.

01-20-2008, 12:26 PM
This is probably not related to the incident of my brother and his friend, but the investigators also said they are looking into this as well since there was a hammer involved.


01-21-2008, 10:44 PM
Damn this sucks. I was just in fontana today too. I feel really bad simply because they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. THey didnt do anything at all, etc. Damn what is the world coming to(Ive been asking that ever since I gota outta high school 3years ago)??!! I swear people just...need to grow up. Seriously. Beating and robbing people. You cant really live the rest of your life like that. Fuckers are just trying to prove a point by messing up RANDOM pedestrians, but the point is theyre pathetic.

5 years from now I'll be making 10K a month living in Malibu, and 5 years later for them they'll be sitting in a jail cell getting diicks in the anus every 5 minutes.

Best of luck in handling this man!


01-21-2008, 11:31 PM
i get chills and a sick feeling in my stomach when reading this.

how can people live with themselves when doing stuff like this?

i really hope these guys get caught and if not by police than by someone who wants revenge. and i dont think i'm bad for wanting these guys dead. its people like this that have no reason to live and deserve to die.

01-22-2008, 12:52 AM
That really sucks. I hope your brother and his friend have a quick and safe recovery. I hope the attackers get caught soon and dealt with accordingly. This incident reminded me of the gangland episode about ms13 on the history channel. They do some cracee shiet for no reason.

01-22-2008, 01:33 AM
My condolensces(sp?) go out to your brother and friend,you, and your family. Im sorry they had to go through that kind of chickensh*t gang crap.
I hope they catch them asap, and am glad that theyre working on it.

Prayers are going out to your brother his friend and family, and you and your family tonight. Hope theyre doing better....


03-12-2008, 02:21 AM
thats really sad, my heart goes out for your bro and his buddies. Gang violence was kind of big in santa cruz for a little bit, westside and eastside and southside. my friends have been mugged and beat up pretty bad for being on the wrong side of town or wearing any significant gang colors without actually associating with them. Santa Barbara i hear has a pretty bad gang problem too. a lot of latino gangs fighting for "turf". it's really sad because this isnt a ghetto where you need to gang up to protect yourself. its just the image and lifestyle of being "hard". I hope your brother recovers without and problems.

03-12-2008, 02:33 AM
Jesus christ. Any updates?

I remember something like this happening in my town a few years back. Some mexican guys mugged and messed up two guys who went to school with me with knives and bats for no reason other than they wanted money for taco bell... no joke.

Some how like 3 weeks later they managed to find out who the guys were. Met them at their hang out with bats and tire irons. Don't know what ever happened about that legally.

03-12-2008, 12:12 PM
damn wtf, those guys will get whts coming to em. wishing your brother and his friend a good and speedy recovery

steve shadows
03-12-2008, 12:24 PM
more of a reason for 18 and up (i know it doesnt apply to this) with clean records psych and criminal to easily apply for concealed carry.

shoot the motherfuckers in the face. :rawk: