View Full Version : i'm drunk

12-04-2007, 12:19 AM
bring the neg rep on..

so i went to irwindale today for "hot laps" brought to you by marlboro. they took us for a few laps drifting in stock V6 mustangs. my first driver was pretty sweet, he 'drifted' the best. i told him i wanted his job. anyway, basically we got to ride "shot gun" with "professional drifters"... heh. so yeah, the first driver was cool. he said he just moved here from japan and basically got the job with marlboro traveling around the country to drift... at first (before we hit the track) i was like, dude they probably only brought this guy on board because he's from japan... but then, i dunno. it was awesome. the next person i road "shot gun" with was a chick and she kinda sucked. she would only drift on the big turns, but not through the 's' turns, the last person i road "shot gun" with was some cowboy who told me he was from montana. he sucked ass. we drifted once.

so yeah. marlboro handed us a backpack full of goodies. a sweet zippo lighter, a portable ash tray (woo! [sarcasm]), a disposable camera, and then had us get into the racing suits to get our pictures taken next to the mustangs. the zippo was the coolest thing out of the whole experience.

so then we got done at around five. rush hour. we're at irwindale and we live in irvine which is about an hour drive without traffic... with traffic two and a half. so we decide to hit a local bar before hand. since i wasnt DD and havent got shit faced in a long time, i decided that it was best. i schooled my friend on a few games of pool at some shitty bar down the street from the track where a bunch of nascar fans were hanging out. he ended up losing 4 games and buying me 6 pints of heff. i bought 4 more bud lights afterwards bc they were part of "happy hour" at a buck a pint. cant go wrong there, even if its shitty beer. anyway, im pretty shit faced right now and wanted to tell about my day with some reactions. bring on the neg rep boys (and girls). my gf called me an alcoholic and told me i need to move out tomorrow! :jerkit: because im so shit faced. haha.


12-04-2007, 12:38 AM
haha sounds like a great turnout

12-04-2007, 12:40 AM
You're drunk and you can still spell correctly and use proper grammar? Props.


12-04-2007, 12:40 AM
was it a little bar that you could smoke inside? was it called shady brady's?

12-04-2007, 12:44 AM
I'm the same way.

No matter how many drinks, my written grammar and punctuation is popper.

Unless I think it'll be funny to mess words up.

12-04-2007, 12:52 AM
You and me both, finals are officially over today. I'm going the hell back to Cali on Thursday. Happy drinking y'all.

12-04-2007, 01:00 AM
was it a little bar that you could smoke inside? was it called shady brady's?

shady brady's hahaha yeah totally. i love how theres a AA right next door.

12-04-2007, 01:16 AM
Have some rep you smelly drunk.......

12-04-2007, 01:22 AM
shady brady's hahaha yeah totally. i love how theres a AA right next door.

that was my neighborhood bar growing up! drank there wekk before 21 and love the fact that you can still smoke inside! got invited to that driving event but i didn't register in time!

12-04-2007, 01:25 AM
I'm the same way.

No matter how many drinks, my written grammar and punctuation is popper.

Unless I think it'll be funny to mess words up.

Were you trying to be funny or did you just misspell "proper." :o

Here's my day. I spent time with my girl throughout the day then went to my one afternoon class. I drove my car around afterwards. :2f2f: Being in boost made me happy. I got home, watched a few snowboard vids, drove around my FD in GT4, then the rest is censored. Now I'm here on Zilvia, 3:25 AM, with an English paper due at 2 PM. No drinking for me tonight.

12-04-2007, 01:26 AM
that was my neighborhood bar growing up! drank there wekk before 21 and love the fact that you can still smoke inside! got invited to that driving event but i didn't register in time!

yeah at first i went outside to burn one.. but when i came back in, this vato looking guy lit up at the bar... so i asked the bartender for an ash tray and sure enough, he gave me one... probably the only place ive ever smoked inside of, besides casino's in vegas... kinda felt awkward at first, but got over it.

awesome man. thats my new favorite bar. if only it were closer..

12-04-2007, 01:28 AM
Were you trying to be funny or did you just misspell "proper." :o

Here's my day. I spent time with my girl throughout the day then went to my one afternoon class. I drove my car around afterwards. :2f2f: Being in boost made me happy. I got home, watched a few snowboard vids, drove around my FD in GT4, then the rest is censored. Now I'm here on Zilvia, 3:25 AM, with an English paper due at 2 PM. No drinking for me tonight.

no one gives a shit about your day unless your drunk and can type properly.

12-04-2007, 01:29 AM
you should come to the friday night meet in arcadia, about 5 minutes away on friday and then we can go there afterwards! we can azndoc beat us in pool!

12-04-2007, 01:31 AM
, then the rest is censored. .

Hey how come you get to bleep stuff out....He is so calling you out bleeping stuff out the story yo..I think he is hitting on your girlfriend.

12-04-2007, 02:36 AM
no one gives a shit about your day unless your drunk and can type properly.

cuz you know, we all want to hear about you riding in V6 mustangs.

oh and you can smoke in every Vietnamese coffee shop.

big fucking deal.

12-04-2007, 02:52 AM
/\ Jealous!


12-04-2007, 03:03 AM
cuz you know, we all want to hear about you riding in V6 mustangs.

oh and you can smoke in every Vietnamese coffee shop.

big fucking deal.

what do you expect from someone that starts a thread with "im drunk"... to you expect some exciting story about how i went backpacking across thailand?

the closest i got to smoking in a vietnamese coffee shop was when me and a few friends went to vietnam last year. and notice how happy everyone was? i wouldnt mind just hanging out in a vietnamese coffee shop here in the states. irvine only has starbucks and tully's though... well, that i know of.


i wasnt trying to sound like an ass in my reply about the other guys day... its just, if youre going to thread hack, have the common decency to stick with the topic at hand... haha

12-04-2007, 03:14 AM
no one gives a shit about your day unless your drunk and can type properly.

I didn't know I had to ride shotgun in an American car, smoke at a bar, get drunk off shitty beer, and write an entry in my diary for people to give a shit about my day. I guess people will never care about me because I'll never smoke nor write in my diary that I will never have. Oh well, life goes on.

...and I wasn't trying to thread jack. I'll come back to this thread when I meet the requirements.

motorsnail: Asian porno is always censored for some reason. :keke: ...the fuck.

12-04-2007, 03:24 AM
I didn't know I had to ride shotgun in an American car, smoke at a bar, get drunk off shitty beer, and write an entry in my diary for people to give a shit about my day. I guess people will never care about me because I'll never smoke nor write in my diary that I will never have. Oh well, life goes on.

...and I wasn't trying to thread jack. I'll come back to this thread when I meet the requirements.

first, you dont have to do any of that for people to give a shit about your day. if you think you do, you've got some serious problems you need to work out with yourself. its just the internet man. dont kill yourself over it like that little girl on myspace.

secondly, the thread topic was posted as "i'm drunk" not "so what'd you do today?" ... if you dont give a shit about what i did, what makes you think i'll give a shit about what you did, when you didnt even have a drink.

lastly, its 2 in the morning PST. most likely this so called "diary entry" will be on page 2 by tomorrow and i figured since i've seen some threads about "who's drunk" etc on zilvia i thought i'd post my own... seeing how i'm bored and no one was really posting up anything new.

if you didnt care that much, why respond? whats the point?

12-04-2007, 03:34 AM

its 2:30 in the morning

im bored

but not drunk...


12-04-2007, 03:35 AM
Not another pissing contest. Tops*, just quit it already. If you didn't give a flying shit about his day/thread, then why post?

12-04-2007, 03:49 AM
first, you dont have to do any of that for people to give a shit about your day. if you think you do, you've got some serious problems you need to work out with yourself. its just the internet man. dont kill yourself over it like that little girl on myspace.

secondly, the thread topic was posted as "i'm drunk" not "so what'd you do today?" ... if you dont give a shit about what i did, what makes you think i'll give a shit about what you did, when you didnt even have a drink.

lastly, its 2 in the morning PST. most likely this so called "diary entry" will be on page 2 by tomorrow and i figured since i've seen some threads about "who's drunk" etc on zilvia i thought i'd post my own... seeing how i'm bored and no one was really posting up anything new.

if you didnt care that much, why respond? whats the point?

Man, are you serious? I'll admit, my first post in this thread about my day was making fun of this thread, but wasn't meant to get your shit all bundled up in a knot. My second post was also making fun of your reply to my first post, but I was just joking. I apologize, I wasn't trying to take the spotlight away from you.

Sounds like you had a fun day/night.

I wish I were drunk.

I'm bored as shit.

12-04-2007, 07:08 AM
i read the entire post without having to guess any words, you clearly weren't drunk enough

12-04-2007, 01:04 PM
V6 Mustangs


Zippo lighters

You got fucked over all day

12-04-2007, 05:17 PM
Take her telling you to move out as a good thing and get out...

12-04-2007, 07:50 PM
At least you remember all of it...hehe...hhmmmm

12-05-2007, 01:32 AM
At least you remember all of it...hehe...hhmmmm

wha happen?


12-05-2007, 06:30 AM
I'm sure it was mentioned somewhere in time but, how come they only brought out V6 Mustangs that day?

That's such a waste of car
It's like cigarettes with out the cancer
I like the Vietnam pix tho

12-05-2007, 04:36 PM
I'm sure it was mentioned somewhere in time but, how come they only brought out V6 Mustangs that day?

That's such a waste of car
It's like cigarettes with out the cancer
I like the Vietnam pix tho

I think it'd be the cancer without the cigarettes

12-05-2007, 09:31 PM
I think it'd be the cancer without the cigarettes

i concur.


12-05-2007, 09:49 PM
what's there to neg rep for? if anything, here's some posi, just cause im jealous you were faded and i wasnt.

i drive by shady brady's every time i go to the track...i gotta stop by sometime.