View Full Version : drinking and ....blacking out, how often does it happen to you?

12-03-2007, 06:00 PM
So like it says how often do you black out from drinking. It use to happen every now and then when I went crazy and puked and stuff. But recently I've been pretty conservative, but it's that last shot before I go to bed and lay down or get the "sexy" going,, that I have been blacking out and then wake up and my gf's on the couch and I did something realy stupid. Happened more than I care to have happened. I've been doing bout 6 or so shots of alcohol. Last one was just bacardi. I had been drinking Sailor Jerry which is 90 proof so I take less. So It seems to happen when I go to bed or am close to it. I could even say it's when I go to my bedroom that It all goes black. Kinda freakin me out, so I'll lay off the sauce for a while. How often does this happen to you guys? I'd say I'm a lightweight still w/drinking. I'm 26 now and I lay off the juice time to time. It seems its happened more since I moved into Cali from New Mexico, elevation change? Or am I just getting older and my body (see:liver) just isn't responding as strong anymore. Any feedback from you guys is appreciated.

12-03-2007, 06:03 PM
everytime i get drunk. i NEVER remember anything.

ive only puked once tho.

12-03-2007, 06:03 PM
It takes a shitload of drinking/alchohal to make me black out.

..but I do remember the last time I did blackout. I was making out with a girl in

my room w/the door lock, and all I had were my boxers on..lmao...My girl opened the door and there I was....I got a few witnesses's on this forum..

but I played it off well...lol

12-03-2007, 06:04 PM
higher elevation=less oxygen, it could have something to do with it but probably not the ONLY reason.
I quit drinking when i got my med card i lost all desire for alcohol but i'm still down for watching people be drunks

12-03-2007, 06:06 PM
well when i lay down after a night of drinking i seem to gt "redrunk" i think its all the alcohol going back into the brain

12-03-2007, 06:14 PM
It happens to me... but only if I overdue.

Like 14+ shots within a 1-2 hour period.

I usually wind up in my car, not to drive it, apparently I just like to put the seat back and sleep in it... dont know why that happens...

Like 2 months ago I blacked out, woke up covered in saltine crackers and tied to the fireplace lol.

12-03-2007, 06:16 PM
Yeah, like when the earth moves and you have to grab on to something^^that sucks. But that sounds right. Maybe its when I lay down or my blood gets going. thanks for the feedback, I knew yous guys would be able to help me out here.hehe
Christ^^14+shots,damn I got friends who can down a 5th. jeez, not me

12-03-2007, 06:17 PM
every time i have bacardi 151 or jaegermeister! lol!

12-03-2007, 06:21 PM
funny, My friend who can down the 5th's can't handle Jaeger, That was when I last blacked out. I had been drinking on and off from 6 till 1ish. I almost finished the bottle. Jaeger is the only thing I can handle, everything else is 6 shots I'm out. I was drunk, not drunk, all night with the Jaeger. Then the last one or two got me, right when I layed down in bed. Aside from that, with other alcohol, I can only do like 6 or so shots, then, blackout.

12-03-2007, 06:22 PM
yea, last time i drank i pregamed with 8 shots of tequila, then 15 shots of lime flieschmans vodka, all in about 2 hours, i passed out, puked all over myself, woke up and didnt remember being alive the previous day. it was sweet.

12-03-2007, 06:29 PM
iirc. blacking out has a lot to do with genetics and alcohol usage within your bloodline.

and a google search yields...

12-03-2007, 06:38 PM
I don't blackout because I don't let myself. I'm fine with being tipsy and drunk, but blacking out is no fun. I don't make an ass of myself when I'm drunk so I guess it wouldn't matter anyways.

Strangely, the more I drink the quieter I get.

12-03-2007, 06:43 PM
hmmm, the males in my family are all alkies. So you'd think we'd build up a tolerance. We can't handle the sauce. That's why I'm careful with it. I get carried away and loud when I drink. It just goes too far sometimes. Can keep myself in check for a coule of times drinking, then there's that one where I drink too much and black the fuck out. Like once every 6 times.

12-03-2007, 06:58 PM
The more I drink the more crazier I get...

I can drink about a 5th of jack within a half hour..and still be able to function.

but the thing that gives you headache's is drinking beer, and falling asleep.

12-03-2007, 07:05 PM
I usually don't remember much...
I rarely remember stuff.



12-03-2007, 07:05 PM
you guys may have a problem

A Spec Products
12-03-2007, 07:08 PM
Please party safe guys!

If you drink till you pass out on a normal basis you might want to cut back, or pace yourself

Drinking a lot is only "cool" when you're young, but maybe its just cause I'm getting old :(

Plus too, you don't want to be the guy who wakes up with MARKER ON HIS FACE! (been there too! haha)

12-03-2007, 07:08 PM
hmmm, the males in my family are all alkies. So you'd think we'd build up a tolerance. We can't handle the sauce. That's why I'm careful with it. I get carried away and loud when I drink. It just goes too far sometimes. Can keep myself in check for a coule of times drinking, then there's that one where I drink too much and black the fuck out. Like once every 6 times.

reading a post (on another forum) i've done back in 05 after i had to attend an alcohol guest speaker at school... blackout is supposed to be a genetic trait passed down from parents who were alcoholics. the offsprings also have 4x greater chance of being alcoholics.

now i dont always believe all the crap they teach you in school regarding alcohol or drugs but maybe that can help you answer some of your questions or point you in the right direction of research.

12-03-2007, 07:23 PM
I've blacked out once and it was on budweiser, irish car bombs, and shots of goldschlager not necessarily in that order haha... its fun hearing stories about it later, sometimes

12-03-2007, 07:26 PM
sailor jerrys the shit!

12-03-2007, 07:29 PM
it has never once happened to me. And i've downed quite a bit at a time...

But I dont drink to get fucked up. I drink to get happy.

Does that make me sound like an alcoholic?

12-03-2007, 07:30 PM
Please party safe guys!

If you drink till you pass out on a normal basis you might want to cut back, or pace yourself

Drinking a lot is only "cool" when you're young, but maybe its just cause I'm getting old :(

Well said Logan.

12-03-2007, 07:46 PM
I only black out per say if I drink wine......I think everyone does though because you think its a bitch drink and down a couple bottles:loco:

12-03-2007, 07:47 PM
Logan always has something to say about precaution.

And chyea, I always carry a sharpie in my back pocket ;)

12-03-2007, 07:51 PM
I've never blacked out before and I used to drink quite a bit back in the days.

Now I hardly ever drink.

Perhaps once a month and like two beers.

12-03-2007, 07:53 PM
Ya, I've only done it once. That was when I drank a lot for like the first time. Last thing I remember was chugging absinthe out of the bottle. When I woke up beside my buddies bed on the floor he was just looking at me shaking his head. I asked what happened. He said I basically mauled some girls face. Let's just say she wasn't the most attractive girl there either.

Now I just drink to loosen up. It's sad, but if I don't drink enough, I just sit like a lamester and don't talk.

12-03-2007, 07:54 PM
I stopped drinking.

I drink water at parties now...literally.

"...I don't like drinking, man."

12-03-2007, 08:09 PM
I rarely black out, last time it happened my G/f said I step out of her car and started walking and the face planted. That morning sucked Hangover + my face hurting = FAIL!! but Redlands bars are fun!!

12-03-2007, 09:21 PM

No matter how much/what I drink, I won't pass out.

12-03-2007, 11:40 PM
Please party safe guys!

If you drink till you pass out on a normal basis you might want to cut back, or pace yourself

Drinking a lot is only "cool" when you're young, but maybe its just cause I'm getting old :(

Plus too, you don't want to be the guy who wakes up with MARKER ON HIS FACE! (been there too! haha)

But, I am young...

"People who drink on an empty stomach or gulp alcohol have higher rates of blacking out,"

Well balls, I do both haha.

12-04-2007, 12:03 AM
i have blacked out once... i will NEVER EVER EVER get that drunk again. those who drink to black out may have other issues than remembering what happened...

12-04-2007, 12:08 AM
i have blacked out once... i will NEVER EVER EVER get that drunk again. those who drink to black out may have other issues than remembering what happened...

I agree.

However, it can catch you off guard.

Say you've been drinkin for the good part of the night, you're fairly drunk, you kind of forget how much you've drank already and you drink more and then you pass the point of no return...

12-04-2007, 12:16 AM
hmmm, the males in my family are all alkies.

okay dude.........................................

you know there are certain things in life that are just wrong:

1) starting your motor dead cold, and holding the gas pedal open and leaving it open... redlining the motor to warm it up. THATS WRONG

2) eating a nice dinner, then throwing up. then eating your throw up. THATS WRONG

3) your family is filled with alkies, and you're following the same fucked up path......................

seriously, like... does your brain function? apparently not if you're blacking out.

i dont know any friends who drink till they black out, ON PURPOSE. most of my friends drink to get tipsy, some drink to get more than wasted.. but few people want to get drunk and have NO FUCKING CLUE WHATS GOING ON.

things i dont like about drinking too much:
1) limp dick. i dont mind being tipsy, but once the man down stairs is out of order, FUCK DRINKING
2) throwing up. its happened only a handful of times, and i think people that throw up are bitches. handle your liquor or dont drink, pussy.
3) cant drive. i hate not being able to drive. i like having the capability at any fuckin moment, being able to jump in the ride and BOUNCE

the other bad thing about getting to the limit of passing out, you have NO fuckin clue what can end up happening to you. for me, my jimmy stops working when i get too drink... but for some people, they lose their mind and end up having "drunken sex" which............ WHICH........ most people think is cool. but when you end up with HIV or worse, a kid you DONT WANT in this world -- you're beyond fucked.

learn from eazy-e, fuck HIV

12-04-2007, 12:20 AM
absinthe for me please... i don't care, ill cross the border!

12-04-2007, 12:22 AM
iv enever blacked out. ive thrown up. ive gotten so shit faced i couldnt stand. but ive never passed out. i dunno. maybe its the red bulls and jager. no, not jager bombs. just on the rocks. also belvedere and redbull is pretty sweet. im drinking steel right now.

ahh nosthiing better than steel reserve and zilvia.

12-04-2007, 12:24 AM
2) throwing up. its happened only a handful of times, and i think people that throw up are bitches. handle your liquor or dont drink, pussy.

Quote of the day.

and my motto lol.

12-04-2007, 12:39 AM
I blacked once or twice last year when I went to an all-inclusive resort in the carribean. it was only 7 days...I drank soooooo much. me and another canadian teamed up for a beerfest(awesome movie btw) against some austrians. we were 2 they were like 5... we canadians choose tequila to drink...the faces/comments these asutrains were making were priceless(they never had tequila before). 2 of them puked and passed out after only a few shots...LOL

I was a trooper...drank all day all night every day of the trip...got like 5-6 hours sleep then did it again. had a blast..all-inclsusive FTW

BTW I was in florida this summer...and I was shocked how cheap liquor is... $20 for a 60oz of bacardi :rawk: . same bottle in Canada is atleast $60(damn gov't controls the price... I'm guessing our gov't uses this money for our healthcare?? same with beer $20 for a 24 of corona in usa...here its $40

Blacking out is not fun....having no idea what you did, where you were, how you got home...where all your money went, etc.

12-04-2007, 12:53 AM
Black out, never. Browning out, that's another issue altogether.

12-04-2007, 01:10 AM
2) throwing up. its happened only a handful of times, and i think people that throw up are bitches. handle your liquor or dont drink, pussy.

if drink a shit load of beer and then mix it with jim beam, i'll puke up my insides no matter what. beer first and pretty much any whiskey (especially jim beam) kills my insides.

you are what you eat.

speaking of beer + whiskey. i had a boiler maker tonight. anyone had one of those? jesus christ who thought of mixing whiskey and fucking coors? worst thing ive ever had. i dont recommend it to anyone... maybe just the movie to noobs who wanna get into sales... but thats a different story.

12-04-2007, 01:12 AM
Worst thing I've had is a bowl of Fruity pebbles with jager as milk.

And yes, I finished it.

12-04-2007, 01:17 AM
Worst thing I've had is a bowl of Fruity pebbles with jager as milk.

And yes, I finished it.

you OWN everyone. /thread

12-04-2007, 01:41 AM
you OWN everyone. /thread

Welcome to the Bay.

12-04-2007, 01:44 AM
Worst thing I've had is a bowl of Fruity pebbles with jager as milk.

And yes, I finished it.

I could eat that shit...Jager is like candy and so is fruity pebbles I say thats one hell of a brunch. Jager makes your dick bigger its been in science books sence 1987.:kiss:

12-04-2007, 11:10 AM
once i hit beer #9 or drink 151, i'm out for the count. i remember new years i chugged the bottle of 151, already super drunk (bad idea), and when i put the bottle back on the table.. i woke up on the couch. i dont remember anything after that but the pictures show I was up for another couple of hours.

12-04-2007, 11:38 AM
I've only had a blackout ONCE. Not a fan. I don't even know why it happened.

I don't like puking. I try not to do it. It takes me A LOT to get drunk enough to puke. But I stick to beer. I know my limits.

That's the trick to drinking. Know your limits and have a ride home. Most of the time I'll go out with the guys, and have my wife pick me up completely fit shaced.

12-04-2007, 11:53 AM
two alcohols that have gained cred with me and now i know to be careful if i fuck with'em:

el presidente brandy... didnt throw up, but had a pretty shitty hangover the next day

slivovice (czech brandy-like liquor made from plums, best is often home-made) .. strong shit, but i should've known better than to mix that shiet with beer.... LOTS of beer, at that.

tsipouro (greek brandy made from grapes) ... gaddamn, pretty strong.. makes ouzo seem ordinary

12-04-2007, 11:55 AM
i have puked a fuck load of times, remembered everything, but never blacked out

12-04-2007, 12:09 PM
yeah i had this happen once and never again. they dropped me on the curb and the back of my head hurt the next day and i had to go to the hospital because i got alcohol poisoning. When i woke up i was at my friends moms house in her bed with my tshirt and boxers. My clothes soaked in throw up.

12-04-2007, 12:11 PM
maybe 2 times. NEVER AGAIN. even though i only drink once in a while. i just hate how you feel the next day. puke all over your clothes..... comments... pics... etc. etc. i pace myself and only stick to what i like. not downing everything in sight.

12-04-2007, 02:59 PM
ive never blacked out, and ive only thrown up once (something i never do unless its life or death matter, i can only recall throwing up like 5 times in my entire life, even as a child)

the time i threw up under the influence was at my senior prom after party. a bunch of friends and myself all chipped in and rented a house near disney (downtown orlando) for like 2 days... we were hotboxing one of the closets (weed) and i was drinking straight vodka (a whole glass full). I drank the entire glass in about an hour along with smoking more weed twice in that hour session... i was feeling ok then i felt a little dizzy, so i decided to lay down on the floor against the wall and just take it easy... i was doing fine, still dizzy and shit was spinning everywhere but i maintained my composure, then one of my friends called my name and i went to get up, and thats when everything went to hell, i got that feeling in my stomach that i havent felt in years and knew there was no way around it, 5 seconds later i threw up all on floor, and immediately after i felt great... i got a glass of water and downed that then crashed on a nearby unoccupied couch


12-04-2007, 04:20 PM
Worst thing I've had is a bowl of Fruity pebbles with jager as milk.

And yes, I finished it.

haha try spicy cheese cup of noodles with captin mo and water...

i rarely black out. i think only like 3 times. only puke if i make myself. last friday i went to tijuana with some friends and i don't remember crossing the border back to america at 3am. it's ok though, it was my birthday woooo!

12-04-2007, 04:28 PM
once... it sucked

12-04-2007, 04:33 PM
I've never black out from drinking!!! But from smoking...now thats another story:D ......OR should I say :zzz:

12-04-2007, 05:38 PM
yeah smoking makes me sleepy. I dont see how others can play video games and just stay up period.

12-04-2007, 05:39 PM
yeah smoking makes me sleepy. I dont see how others can play video games and just stay up period.

Oh well when there a ps2 involed then im like :eek3:.Tweaker status.

OH.......OH.....OH Actually I did black out one time.I buaght this chicka bottle of Bacardi coconut and that Bish never drank a drop of it so I was F it and commenced to drink like a fish:loco:Well I left her house cause I wasnt feeling her vibe and I was standing by my car and mind you this street has no lights so it was dark.For the life of me I could not find the damn keyhole(im an idiot I had an alarm with autolocks)So there I am trying and trying then all of a sudden boom I hit the ground and I woke up an 1 hour and 1/2 later keys still in hand.Got in the ride and bounced.

12-04-2007, 05:43 PM
SMoking usually makes me go to bed and watch infomercials, and gawk at the wonder of the Silver Bullet and anything made by Ron Popielle.

12-04-2007, 05:48 PM
SMoking usually makes me go to bed and watch infomercials, and gawk at the wonder of the Silver Bullet and anything made by Ron Popielle.


12-04-2007, 05:55 PM
Serial, isnt that the coolest shit evar!!!?!?!!??

12-04-2007, 06:21 PM
Serial, isnt that the coolest shit evar!!!?!?!!??

Yup gets rid of the munchies and the cotton mouth.

12-04-2007, 06:32 PM
I guess the good is that it's only ever when I'm at my house drinking, but still blacking out is not something I like to do.period. Still not good though. When I'm out at bars and stuff I'm cool. Just the home and going to bed or something about it. Look at the alcohol addiction banners on the page now!wow.Sign maybe? I guess Zilvia helps me fix more than my car.Sweet.

12-04-2007, 08:47 PM
Yup gets rid of the munchies and the cotton mouth.
lol i mean for serial, as in for serious, but in Al Gore talk... But cereal is really good when you got da munchies... Cereal and almost anything else, besides ramen for some strange reason... I love ramen, except when im not sober.

12-04-2007, 08:50 PM
lol i mean for serial, as in for serious, but in Al Gore talk... But cereal is really good when you got da munchies... Cereal and almost anything else, besides ramen for some strange reason... I love ramen, except when im not sober.

I knew what you meant:cj: but I just wanted to say the Cereal rules :drool:

12-04-2007, 08:55 PM
I gotta say, Cookie Crisp ownes all cereal... But i take back what I have said about blacking out, and never having done it. Once, I was drinking, and I got home, and fell asleep... I think. I work up in the dining room with my face in spilt milk and cookie crisp. Apparently I either woke up and did some sleep-eating, or I blacked out. Idk....

12-05-2007, 04:22 AM
I've only blacked out once.. but I rarely drink anymore... maybe once every 4 months.. very rare

There's better things to do in life ;)

12-05-2007, 04:45 AM
like sex!!!!

12-05-2007, 06:50 AM
Only twice in my life time...I drink for fun and if I cant have fun, I wouldnt drink....drink very rare now and that too like a glass of a wine or a beer. Last time I blacked out, the train driver woke me at the last station...about 2 hour away and a few dozen stations away from my house.....time to grow up...

12-05-2007, 08:47 AM
I don't blackout because I don't let myself. I'm fine with being tipsy and drunk, but blacking out is no fun. I don't make an ass of myself when I'm drunk so I guess it wouldn't matter anyways.

Strangely, the more I drink the quieter I get.

Ditto, and more sleepy as well. But I'm in complete control.

Anyone who drinks to the point that they pass out has either a) personal issues ... or b) should just not be drinking. Nothing more pathetic than a person (guy or girl) who can't show control and moderation. It's childish.

12-05-2007, 10:18 AM
Drinking stories? Yes.

My buddy who we will call Sean lives and goes to school at Clemson comes to visit me and the group of us that go to UGA. He also brings his cousin. The group of us go out hard on Saturday night and wake up at someone's house. I dont know whose, but someone I was with apparently knew her! We wake up in this living room and the funny starts:

This other friend, Ryan, begins, "Where the hell did my wallet go?"
Me: "Crap, I can't find my cell phone"
Sean: "Hm... Where the hell is my cousin!?"

Sean and his cousin need to get back to Clemson today and his cousin is lost! Eventually, his cousin calls Sean to report that he has woken up at some random chick's apartment in Kennessaw, GA. Right outside Atlanta, and hour and half away. He has no recollection as to how he managed to get there. Ah, it was a funny moment.

12-05-2007, 11:00 AM
I hardly ever drink anymore, and get drunk even less.

Only blacked out once from overdoing it when I was 19, my roommate had to put me over his shoulder carry me upstairs and put me in my bed. I vaguely remember throwing up all over my down stairs bathroom, and nothing after that. My girlfriend at the time had to tell me the happening of that night, the next day.

If I know I'm in for a night of drinking I'll drink a 32 oz. Gatorade beforehand, to help lessen the hangover the next day.

12-05-2007, 02:36 PM
pretty much this used to happen to me alot it sucks you wake up feel like shit all you needa do is cut down.

steve shadows
12-05-2007, 02:53 PM
Ive never blacked out from drinking

Almost once but that was just me in denial from accidental knocking someone over on the dance floor and kicking them in the head 6 times. Accidentally. It's just the way I dance.

so yeah I guess I blacked out that night. Happy Birthday to me I guess...not him and his gf, she got kicked in the face too. :kiss: