View Full Version : WTB: short steering wheel adapter / quick release

12-01-2007, 08:49 PM
WTB: short steering wheel adapter / quick release

located in socal. would rather do business locally. looking for any short hub adapter. s14 preferably. and maybe with airbag cancel-out-er(???) hahahaha and looking for either nrg, fet, or maybe works bell? (maybe not works bell) i cant afford it.

thanks in advance!

12-12-2007, 12:53 PM
Im getting a few FETs this week. PRice is $170. LMK if you're interested.

12-12-2007, 02:18 PM
FET ver.2 its my friends and he used it for like 4 months. $80 picked up. pm me and lmk.

12-12-2007, 02:29 PM
I have A-Works polished QR
$40 picked up