View Full Version : Someone hit my parked car, Need advice plz.

11-30-2007, 11:19 AM
After I got off work, I walked outside to find that my bumper was cracked. A valet driver who witnessed the accident occur left a note on my car with his contact information. When I spoke to the witness, he said that the driver of the car who hit me left the scene, but was stupid enough to make a u-turn and valet her car with him. Upon her arrival, the valet driver told her that he witnessed her back into my car and wanted her information. She wrote down her name, address, and her license plate number which he gave to me.

What would you do?

1. Give the driver an ultimatum saying that if they fail to provide their insurance information or fully reimburse me by a certain amount of time then a police report will be filed. (I give my contact info. to her and wait to hear back, keep in mind I do not have her phone #, but mine will be provided to her in the letter)

2. Just file a police report

If anyone has any experience or insight please share. Thanks in advance.

11-30-2007, 11:20 AM
file the police report
contact your insurance company

11-30-2007, 11:25 AM
I've had this happen. I filed a police report.. And nothing happened. Still have a dent in the side of my VR4. :(

Good luck.


11-30-2007, 11:29 AM
hmm thats your call, you could be nice and give her a chance to reimburse you, or you could call the police and insurance cause shes an idiot and left the scene

11-30-2007, 11:32 AM
Give her Hell.

11-30-2007, 11:34 AM
Yeah even though you got her info still a hit and run. She would have left you hangin, I say hang her up to dry so she wont do it to someone else:mepoke:

Dirty Habit
11-30-2007, 11:36 AM
file the police report
contact your insurance company

1st post thread closer.

Winner by KO.

11-30-2007, 11:37 AM
File a police report RIGHT NOW!

11-30-2007, 11:42 AM
File a police report.

Then make sure they do something.

Its a hit and run, and she deserves to pay.

I know a kid who did this, and now hes got no license and no job.

But the car he hit is nice and clean.

11-30-2007, 11:53 AM
thanks guys, much appreciated.

11-30-2007, 11:57 AM
Give her Hell.

also file a police report.

Xandy Boosts
11-30-2007, 12:30 PM
update us on this after you're done. love these kinda stories

my car was recently painted and people have hit my front and rear bumpers. Cracked paint everywhere now...

Andrew @ 240sxMotoring
11-30-2007, 12:49 PM
Just file the police report.

Technically giving an ultimatum like that can be considered extortion or blackmail by certain definitions.

Team Aero-K
11-30-2007, 01:02 PM
Don't file a police report yet, and don't give her a call yet! Take these steps;

1. go to a local body shop and get a estimate on repairs.

2. now call her up and explain to her that you took the car to a body shop and you have an estimate of what its going to cost to get it fixed.
*PS- might be good to get 3 different estimates from different locations as a back up from least expensive to most expensive so she knows what she has to play with.

3. Tell her you are looking to get paid that amount so you get your car fixed and let her know you don't want to get insurance and police involved cause both parties rates will increase.

4. If she disagrees with you, then file a police report and call your insurance company and call hers as well and let the corporate world take the matter in their hands!

Trust me, if you follow these steps, it will work cause i had to go threw it like 4 months ago.

Let me know how it turns out, or let us all know.....hahaha

11-30-2007, 01:09 PM
Option 1:
Have her reimburse you for the damage.

Option 2:
TP her house, light up dogpoop on porch, ring doorbell, then call the police.

Team Aero-K
11-30-2007, 01:10 PM
TP her house, light up dogpoop on porch, ring doorbell, call the police.

hahahahahahaha forget all i said, just do that to her and she will pay you back guaranteed! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

11-30-2007, 01:13 PM
Don't file a police report yet, and don't give her a call yet! Take these steps;

1. go to a local body shop and get a estimate on repairs.

2. now call her up and explain to her that you took the car to a body shop and you have an estimate of what its going to cost to get it fixed.
*PS- might be good to get 3 different estimates from different locations as a back up from least expensive to most expensive so she knows what she has to play with.

3. Tell her you are looking to get paid that amount so you get your car fixed and let her know you don't want to get insurance and police involved cause both parties rates will increase.

4. If she disagrees with you, then file a police report and call your insurance company and call hers as well and let the corporate world take the matter in their hands!

Trust me, if you follow these steps, it will work cause i had to go threw it like 4 months ago.

Let me know how it turns out, or let us all know.....hahaha

this is the exact course of action that you should take, i had the same thing happen and did that, and the person ended up paying for the damages outright rather than having the insurance companies become involved, since nobody likes that at all

11-30-2007, 02:22 PM
dude she tried to run away. fuck her. file the report and don't forget to hook the valet up with free drinks for looking out for you. glad to hear she didn't get away with that shit

11-30-2007, 02:28 PM
1.) you have her address, search for her home phone number on these internets.
2.) or just go to her house and knock on the door
3.) get an estimate and have it rounded up severely, or just tell her you want X dollars (where X is damage repair + more cash for like porn and stuff)
4.) if she's a bitch, file a police report and contact your insurance, fuck that ho son

11-30-2007, 02:37 PM
Don't file a police report yet, and don't give her a call yet! Take these steps;

1. go to a local body shop and get a estimate on repairs.

2. now call her up and explain to her that you took the car to a body shop and you have an estimate of what its going to cost to get it fixed.
*PS- might be good to get 3 different estimates from different locations as a back up from least expensive to most expensive so she knows what she has to play with.

3. Tell her you are looking to get paid that amount so you get your car fixed and let her know you don't want to get insurance and police involved cause both parties rates will increase.

4. If she disagrees with you, then file a police report and call your insurance company and call hers as well and let the corporate world take the matter in their hands!

Trust me, if you follow these steps, it will work cause i had to go threw it like 4 months ago.

Let me know how it turns out, or let us all know.....hahaha

honestly, to keep it simple:

its the ladies fault, so go ahead and file a police report right away and contact the insurance company. by doing the above steps you're only buying time for the lady and giving her a choice of whether or not she should go with insurance, when in reality, she shouldnt have a choice; she's at fault! at anytime, she can turn around and cause you hell, trust me, i've been through this. you try to be mr. nice guy and you get get lines like, "you're trying to take my fucking money! blah blah blah. either way, you're gonna have to get quotes, so might as well file the proper paper work promptly.

gl to the OP, it'll probably take some time, but in the end you get $$$ (and if you file report/contact-insurance, no hassle either!)

11-30-2007, 07:56 PM
Well, my sisters car has been hit plenty of times while parked...now here is the thing... if it was on private property the police typically wont do anything. It is btwn the 2 parties. I would call her and give her the option of paying....but also call the local PD as they are probably different from socal.