View Full Version : fixing urethane?

11-27-2007, 12:27 AM
hey guys, i got a pignose front lip awhile back..no cracks in it...but the only thing is one part of it is bent in...like it was leaning against something for a little bit of time in the front part of the lip.

besides that one thing, the lip is in really good shape, and i'd love to use it on my car. I've been thinking of different methods to possibly fix it (besides just getting another lip.)

best idea i could ponder up was heating it up (using a heat gun)...bending it back to where i want it...and then use bags of ice to "shock" it into that position...any thoughts or ideas?

i poked around here for awhile...but couldnt find anything (but if you have a link to something...feel free to let me know :) )

thanks in advance guys.

EDIT: Lip is at the shop, so i'll take some pics of what it looks like now while im at work.

11-27-2007, 05:25 AM
Yeah i think heating it up with a heatgun is your best bet or let it bake out in the sun and bend it hahaha either or.