View Full Version : AT&T Wireless Users - READ ME - Account Privacy Issues

11-24-2007, 07:40 PM
Hello Fellow AT&T Customers,

I want to notify all AT&T users of a situation that currently arose so you can protect yourself from having it happen to you. Last week a third party was able to call AT&T Customer Care and obtain all account information for all lines that I have. I have started a blog about this at http://www.tri-syndicate.com AT&T Customer Care management states that nothing will be done to compensate me for the harassment, and that it can happen to anyone. I am starting this blog to fight back at AT&T so this doesn't happen to anyone else.

If you haven't done so already I would suggest calling and setting a password on your account because it will help but not completely stop this from happening.

I am unsure of carrier policies outside of the U.S. but the U.S. carrier policies need to be changed before further damage may occur. I know they have obtained my cellular numbers but I do not know if they were able to obtain my address as well, this I am still trying to find out.

If anyone has any tips, suggestions, or ideas I am all ears.


11-24-2007, 09:31 PM
wow, good info!

11-25-2007, 01:40 AM
Sorry to hear about that

I'd seek monetary reparations, at least giving you a nice discount on your rates or something

11-25-2007, 02:40 AM
damn att! i love the phone I got from them (well, technically I got it from Cingular), but this shit is gay!

Monetary reparations for sure. I'd be crazy pissed off.

11-25-2007, 09:31 PM
I sent a link to the "CEO"'s contact form which I am suppose to receive a response from in 2 days even though it will be one of his clueless peasants so I will see how far I can escalate it. Customer Care department said they could do nothing and take any actions I feel fit. My blog also hit digg yesterday so for those that have digg accounts if you could please "digg" it I would appreciate it :).


11-25-2007, 11:09 PM
Later that day I received a phone call from one of their friends (Person 2) to discuss the conversation I had earlier that day with Person 1. Now determined and curious as to how my cellular number is being obtained I began to question Person 2 in terms of how they had accessed my cellular number. Person 2 states that they came across a note on the floor of person 1's house which stated the following:

"Kate AT&T, (My Name)'s New Number (xxx) xxx-xxxx, (Company name of which I am affiliated)"

At this point I am astonished that a third party was able to contact AT&T Customer Care

So how do you know that Person #1 called customer care to obtain your account details? Maybe they have a friend who works for AT&T... Or maybe person #2 gave them your phone #...

The first thing when I call up sprint I have to enter my phone number and answer about 4 or 5 security questions... Sorry that AT&T sucks, I guess...

11-27-2007, 06:58 AM
So how do you know that Person #1 called customer care to obtain your account details? Maybe they have a friend who works for AT&T... Or maybe person #2 gave them your phone #...

The first thing when I call up sprint I have to enter my phone number and answer about 4 or 5 security questions... Sorry that AT&T sucks, I guess...
person 2 called me because they found the note and wanted to discuss the conversation I had with person 1 earlier in the day. No one that knows either of them had my number and there would have been no other way for them to obtain it. They don't know anyone that works for AT&T, they never leave the house.