View Full Version : last UE detroit photos for a while.

11-21-2007, 06:50 PM
ive been urb-exing alot lately. shit is getting repetative. sooooo, im shooting a buddies new LSB E46 M3 this weekend. that should be a change of pace for me. anhow, heres more of what you guys seem to dig.....alot.

from sunday. i posted these in the other thread, but i think it/they got burried.

alex's vid camera. he's been shooting a documentary of our stupid asses that go to abandoned buildings. CCS in detroit. same school Yuri went to.
its uber 1337 and uber expensive.

im a huge pussy when it comes to heights. but i mustered up the balls to walk across this POS rooftop to the other side. with the help of 3 40's of old E ofcourse.
a year ago, i wouldnt go up an 8' ladder. and this shit is 5 stories off the ground....

no idea what this shit was, but it was cool. so i shot it.

these are all from the old packard plant. where they made packard cars way back when. i'd imagine it was built in the 20's at the latest. 3.5 million square feet of shit to explore.

these were from today. it was raining like a bitch all day, so i had to stay indoors to shoot. this is my first attempt at HDR. i should have taken more shots to use, but this is only 2 shots merged together. i used to hate HDR because of how fucking fake everyone makes everything. i like the realistic look. i think it turned out semi-decent. despite the ghosting i got.

wet socks in my new harley davidson boots = FTL. shit sucked. HD boots are fucking baller though. :rawk:

hell yes. shit was baller. how could i NOT take a pic of this shit?

meh, ill prob end up deleting this shit. but sapplings and trees everywhere.

trucks and boats. place was used as a storage facility after it was no longer used for automotive. there are boats everywhere.

i just thought this reflection was baller.
again, wet boots fucking blow nuts.


thats all folks! im effing crunk still. shit is/was fun as fuck. off to pound water and gatorades. thanks for looking.

flickr page.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/

11-21-2007, 07:25 PM
TMNT 0WNS J0O0O0!!!1!1!

Good job!

11-21-2007, 08:06 PM
fuckin a is that all just abandoned property

someone should swoop on that and rebuild some shit

11-21-2007, 10:39 PM
Thats crazy that theres so much land just abandoned. Great pics.

11-21-2007, 11:26 PM
That picture of Raphael is fucken sweet!!!

Wonder how cool it would be to play air soft in a place like this?

11-22-2007, 05:40 PM
airsoft? there are 2 floors, and like 6 total rooms that have blinds and shit in them. sawdust covering the floor. place was called splatball city. fucking paintball in that shit. looks like it was AWESOME. theres a room filled with paint boxes. TONS of them.

anyhow, these pics didnt turn out great. i blame the rain. but better luck next time i suppose. thanks for looking though.

fuckin a is that all just abandoned property

someone should swoop on that and rebuild some shit

yup. 3.5 million square feet of abandoned shit. in shit town detroit.
detroit, and most of michigan is in the dumps right now. our governor has been eating retard sandwiches all her life, and has no idea what it takes to bring businesses to our area. its a sad day for the motor city. but it makes for cool ass photos. :D
there are MUCH nicer places to visit in the heart of the city. but i really havnt spent much time photoing there.

11-22-2007, 06:22 PM
found a shotty pic of 'splatball city'.
i can imagine that in its prime, it was effing awesome.

11-22-2007, 07:51 PM
That truck in the last foto is sick.
Rat Rod that baby.
I love ur Detroit Photos man

11-22-2007, 08:57 PM
found a shotty pic of 'splatball city'.
i can imagine that in its prime, it was effing awesome.

Man, how I wish I would be there and play paint ball drunk all day.

That place looks freaken awesome. You have taken some of the best pictures I've seen so far!

11-23-2007, 08:41 AM
Needs more use of 'baller' in reference to graffiti and puddles. =P