View Full Version : Tunning/Enthalpy

11-20-2007, 09:46 PM
I have a thread in tech talk where i was trouble shooting an issue. http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=162523

Turns out it was a bad tune, blank chip etc. So new chips were sent to a local shop and they sucked too but not as much. As the shop was putting the ecu away the daughterboard fried. Now I am supposed to pay $450 for another board and tune from a local shop on top of the $750 i have spent total from Enthalpy (first tune ecu sent out $500, second reflash for cams and IM) as well as the hourly rate for the shop to diagnose the issue.

So I want to know first has anyone else had such issues from Enthalpy? They have a good rep,the reason why i chose this route. Second, what should i do next? I dont feel its fair for me to pay for another board/tune as none of these issues are my fault. Had the first tune worked as it should have I wouldnt have had to take my car to a shop, and nothing would have fried. Discuss...

11-20-2007, 09:48 PM
have you emailed enthalpy?

or just went straight here???

11-20-2007, 09:50 PM
Emailed him first. Talked to him on the phone. He sent two more chips, they sucked, board fried. Called again, no answer, left message. I know he is busy, but he takes forever. It took me over a week and 4 calls to get him to communicate with my tuner and send new chips.

11-20-2007, 09:51 PM
the two chips fried?
you think the shop fucked up?
because 2 fying..thats pretty bad.
i dont think it would be the stuff enthalpy sent

try a better shop?

11-20-2007, 09:54 PM
get a stand alone already

11-20-2007, 09:55 PM
No the daughter board got screwed. The shop is reputable. They actually know eachother from sponsoring JR Gitten's car. I don't really know what happened since I wasnt there, but I know it wasn't my fault. And the first chips were definitely not tuned properly. One was completely blank. I know Scott is good, but everyone makes mistakes.

11-20-2007, 09:57 PM
get a stand alone already

I was saving that for RB. But that doesnt help me now. Im out of cheeze...

11-20-2007, 10:10 PM
Um, well. It would seem that both shops are reputable, but since youve got BOTH tearing apart your ECU and swapping chips, id say your screwed?

Im not even sure how thats gonna get rectified. Sounds like both shops did what they could, and well . . . like you said, mistakes happen.

I dunno man :ugh:

Scott's prob got a few ECU's avail himself for core/swaps, perhaps you can work a $deal$ on acquiring a tuned one from him?

Good luck.

11-20-2007, 10:17 PM
I have an Enthalpy tuned ECU. I now have 3 sets of chips from him too. Two of which are foogazey. As far as Im concerned no money is leaving my pocket and going to florida. The first tune was flawed, the reason I had to take my car to the shop in the first place. As far as the second incident, I don't know. The ecu is fine just the board that the chips plug into is messed up. I honestly felt like my tab at the shop should be paid for by Enthalpy in the first place since they are the reason I had to go there for diagnosis. But I let it go cuz I needed my car back and I know mistakes happen. But two bad tunes in a row, and now a fried board. Just too much.

11-20-2007, 10:18 PM
I had the same exact problem. After 2 months of down time and over $500 for the ecu and rechip i gave up and went to a shop to rechip the ecu and my car is running perfectly fine now. Funning thing is i sold my power fc for an enthalpy tune :-/

11-20-2007, 10:28 PM
Edit: read the last post, the daughterboard is fried? Something like this just doesn't happen without an error either with the build or by a user error (grounding something out with power), or possible one of the IC's used in the board is bad. Im sure scott will look at it for you and either repair it for free or a small cost considering you already paid for it/the tune.

If not contact me, I have an enthalpy daughter board, switched to a nistune board.

11-20-2007, 10:46 PM
Edit: (grounding something out with power), or possible one of the IC's used in the board is bad. .

Im leaning towards bad IC. I dont see anyother reason for the board to fry unless the shop did something really really stupid. But I doubt it. Car ran fine with one of the shops personal chips but with Enthalpy's it was spitting gas out the tail, and fouling plugs.

11-20-2007, 11:53 PM
what was the shop that worked on it?

11-21-2007, 04:28 AM
dude - call me when u get up or whatever.

boards dont just go bad btw... and esp not from swapping chips.

11-21-2007, 06:52 AM
Crazy stuff Obee...hope everything pans out soon and your car is back on the pave.

11-21-2007, 07:06 AM
yeah i've been through similar problems with receiving the wrong shit AND screwing up something that is not my fault. do not budge. this was not your fault and either way, since your daughter board is "fried" it was in no way your fault. it was either user error or an anomoly, both happen frequently with electronics. no additional money should come out of your pockets. why don't you try to threaten them, but in a less aggressive way first.

11-21-2007, 07:12 AM
Ouch, this is the first time ive heard of anything fucked up coming out of Enthalpy. Sucks that your going thru this kinda crap but shiet, go get your money back or something, suck it up and get a Power FC.

11-21-2007, 07:25 AM
Let me understand.

Local shop installed the Daughter Board and Enthalpy burned ROMS?

A bad Daughter Board can make the ROMS go bad but a Bad ROM can't make a Daughter Board go bad.

11-21-2007, 10:07 AM
Sounds like your ECU or wiring harness is the problem.

steve shadows
11-21-2007, 10:08 AM
you could always buy a Haltech

or PFC

and go to a dyno

and have an even better tune...

11-21-2007, 10:44 AM
Let me understand.

Local shop installed the Daughter Board and Enthalpy burned ROMS?

A bad Daughter Board can make the ROMS go bad but a Bad ROM can't make a Daughter Board go bad.


1. Sent ECU to Enthalpy. They installed daughterboard and chips. Car runs fine.

2. Did more upgrades, Enthalpy sends chips for a reflash(for the upgrades), cars runs like bootang.

3. I trouble shoot. Get fed up, suspect tune and tow it to a shop.

4. Shop reads chips and finds out one chip is blank, and the other is for stock injectors (I have 740's).

5. I call Enthalpy, Enthalpy calls shop, Enthalpy sends new chips direct to shop. Car runs like bootang.

6. Shop uses SAFC to smooth tune somewhat. Tells me to come get slab.

7. I walk outside to go get slab. Shop calls me and says daughterboard is fried, and its no ones fault in particular. (suspect) Most likely caused by too many chips in and out of ports on daughterboard.

8. I go get a sammich.

9. Shop says pay me $450 for another board and a tune.

10. Stress twitch comes back.

Steve thats what I would love to do but honestly I dont have the money now. I have a $400 tab at the shop for diagnosis, and $750 in Enthalpy's pocket. Someone needs to pay besides me. If Enthalpy did it right the first time I wouldnt have a tab at this shop and this thread wouldnt exist.

11-21-2007, 10:49 AM
Oh yeah. The shop tried a stock ECU with stock injectors and my car ran fine. So there are no wiring issues on my car. Its been wired the same flippin way for 4 years. The only thing that changed was the chips. So there goes that.

11-21-2007, 11:18 AM
Still get hit with to many hands in the pot. The Shop you went to is ultimately responsible since they cracked the case on the ECU after Enthalpy worked on it. They were the last ones to work on it.

My understanding of the SR chips is that they have to be a matched pair or the car will not run at all. Why this was never sent back to Enthalpy makes me suspicious of this shop.

11-21-2007, 11:23 AM
agreed. enthalpy is always more than willing to troubleshoot although he may be busy at times

11-21-2007, 11:39 AM
File in small claims court for your costs and sue that shop! Just because they tune for JR don't mean s**t if they are trying to get a little extra cash from you.

11-21-2007, 11:55 AM
Your first mistake was going to a shop.. +1 for DIY.. hope you get the upper hand man. Shops tend to never resolve anything (in my experience). According to a few shops around here, my motor uses push rods.

11-21-2007, 11:59 AM
yeah i think ill stay clear on this and go haltech or fc.

11-21-2007, 12:02 PM
Shop calls me and says daughterboard is fried, and its no ones fault in particular. (suspect) Most likely caused by too many chips in and out of ports on daughterboard.

bullshit, they fucked it up, if the board was working from enthalpy originally, it's not the board, its whoever touched it, the shop touched it, they aren't going to admit they fucked that board up, and they just want more money. Like i said, call enthalpy for a new board price or contact me for my old one. Im so glad I bought a nistune and never have to wait for roms by mail and having to deal with the car not running right.

11-21-2007, 06:13 PM
what is a nistune?

11-21-2007, 06:15 PM
nistune is usually used with calum realtime boards... nice setup but costs as much as a FC.

i personally have been using datascan (for maptracing) and calumsult with logworks to log it together - calum ported the consult outputs to logworks and its pretty nifty.

11-22-2007, 12:47 AM
nistune is usually used with calum realtime boards... nice setup but costs as much as a FC.

i personally have been using datascan (for maptracing) and calumsult with logworks to log it together - calum ported the consult outputs to logworks and its pretty nifty.

and this is why standalone is fucking TITS!!!

11-22-2007, 09:08 AM
nistune is usually used with calum realtime boards... nice setup but costs as much as a FC.

i personally have been using datascan (for maptracing) and calumsult with logworks to log it together - calum ported the consult outputs to logworks and its pretty nifty.

uhm, what? Nistune has its own daughterboards, it costs about $400 with the board and the software. You can tune in realtime through the consult port with wideband support and full datalogging capabilities.


11-22-2007, 09:47 AM
ahhh - very few americans use their board. actually very few americans use nistune...

its not worth it imho - just get standalone if ur already shelling out 400

11-22-2007, 10:29 AM
ahhh - very few americans use their board. actually very few americans use nistune...

its not worth it imho - just get standalone if ur already shelling out 400

if I wanted to switch to MAP, id go standalone, other than that the nistune can pretty much do anything else I need, realtime tuning, full data logging for half the price of the CHEAPEST standalone.

11-23-2007, 12:04 AM
I really don't know why anybody would buy a rom tuned ecu from someone out of state. Seriously if the map didn't come from a dyno tune of your motor then there is 50% chance it won't work well. People don't realize that especially with high mileage used motors like SR's there is a lot of variation. slight differences in sensor outputs will ultimately require different maps for different motors.

The only reason why companies like cobb are able to do good general retunes is that that they are dealing with newer motors. So there is less chance of variations.

Seriously to get a proper tune, you MUST physically dyno tune your motor. No tuner, even enthalpy can deny this...

11-23-2007, 05:02 PM
shops fault, period. you brought the car in the shop with a good motherboard that was un fried/broken. then its mysteriously broken after they fuck with it.
from your first post - " As the shop was putting the ecu away the daughterboard fried. " if thats what they told you, then they are retarded for 2 reasons. 1 they admitted guilt. 2 you dont fry a ecu by walking with it to where ever you are going to put it "away".
take them to court or just threaten to, theyll have to pay up. i had a shop blow my engine while tuning it, and try to get away with it. now i have a forged bottom end. thats all i really have to say about all that.

also i was thinking, if it ran great on their tune and not an enthalpy program, that had previously worked, maybe they fucked with the fuel pressure to make the enthalpy version no good. just a thought.