View Full Version : i need help electrical problem(radio)

11-19-2007, 11:02 PM
ok they stole my radio about a month ago ,i went and i bought a new one from best buy i conected it and the radio work but you don't heard nothink,i took the cars to best buy so they could intall it for me same think,i know that they are not the speakers cause i took all of them out and they work,so i don't know what this could be any idea i going crazy try to see what is going on ?,i know for a fact is not the conection

11-19-2007, 11:07 PM
Here this should be a start.

Make sure you have all the colors wired up correctly.

11-20-2007, 05:31 AM
i do and it can be the radio cause the same one i try it on my friends 240sx and it works

11-20-2007, 09:18 AM
i do and it can be the radio cause the same one i try it on my friends 240sx and it works

did u consider that when they stole ur radio...they might have yanked it out hard enough it cause some of the wires in ur harness to snap...I.E. speaker wires...

are u using the conversion clips to wire it up of are u doing it the ghetto wire to wire connection...ive done both so im not ragging lol

11-20-2007, 10:41 AM
so the whole radio lights up?
you can see everything but there is no sound?

11-20-2007, 10:55 AM
Sorry to highjack the thread but, I get no power to the radio. My dad shorted it out. Now the clock on cluster don't work, the belts don't move and the hatch like when you open it doesn't turn on. What up with that?

11-20-2007, 10:58 AM
maybe a fuse?

11-20-2007, 11:05 AM
Sorry to highjack the thread but, I get no power to the radio. My dad shorted it out. Now the clock on cluster don't work, the belts don't move and the hatch like when you open it doesn't turn on. What up with that?

fuse or bulbs

im leaning towards bulbs

11-20-2007, 03:25 PM
so the whole radio lights up?
you can see everything but there is no sound?

correct i don't know what they did i have the plugs so it plug and play but i did it both way and nothink

11-20-2007, 03:31 PM
did u consider that when they stole ur radio...they might have yanked it out hard enough it cause some of the wires in ur harness to snap...I.E. speaker wires...

are u using the conversion clips to wire it up of are u doing it the ghetto wire to wire connection...ive done both so im not ragging lol

??? still asking this

11-20-2007, 04:31 PM
i had the same problem with my sisters 240....we had to take the door panel off and bypass the amp..run the wires straight to the speaker i think

11-20-2007, 04:36 PM
make your own wiring. all you need is 3 wires to turn on your radio

Dont think S13's have builtin amps... but if you do, just bypass them
run wiring from your radio directly to your speakers

11-20-2007, 04:40 PM
yeah... try running a ground and a wire for the speaker to a speaker directly off your cd player, or just see if your getting power to the speaker w/ a voltmeter

11-20-2007, 04:46 PM
s13s do not have factory amps. s14s do. They are mounted on the back deck and can be bypassed fairly easily at the amps themselves, wiring the wires going into the amp to the outputs, basicly passed the amp. This allows you to still just plug in a factory adaptor harness behind the deck. In the case of the s13 everything is in the harness. You have constant and switched power, illumination, and all your speakers leads. Nissan radios ground through the antenna itslef, its usually more reliable to make a ground specificly for the radio in this case. If your radio is powering on but there is no sound then it is most likely in protection mode. It will do this if you have a speaker that is completely toast, it stops outputing sound to not fry itselsf. It will aslo do this if at any point and of your spekaer leads are grounded out (touching metal anywhere) this includes the connections at the speakers.

by the way that first post was real hard to read, periods and what not work help alot.

11-20-2007, 04:47 PM
hmm and i'm not sorry to hijack this tread, I have an after market pioneer head unit and Polk 4x6 speakers... anytime i turn a sound w/ bass in it pass 20 (max being 30) it starts to sound distorted and my unit dims when the bass hits... I'm thinking I need a amp or a new alternator, i'm not a audio guy anyone have any thoughts

11-20-2007, 05:00 PM
hmm and i'm not sorry to hijack this tread, I have an after market pioneer head unit and Polk 4x6 speakers... anytime i turn a sound w/ bass in it pass 20 (max being 30) it starts to sound distorted and my unit dims when the bass hits... I'm thinking I need a amp or a new alternator, i'm not a audio guy anyone have any thoughts

running off the builtin amp in your aftermarket headunit?
you might be underpowered
also.. its never good to run bass through a 4x6. speakers not made for it - another reason for distortion
i'd use a crossover or just cap it off altogether

11-20-2007, 05:13 PM
get a wiring diagram and check for continuity on both sides of every wire going to the radio to the speakers etc. Also for the hell of it check every fuse in the car. Or if all else fails then run your own wire from the battery, and to the speakers, make sure when connecting anything from battery voltage to use a fuseable link to protect it.

11-20-2007, 05:31 PM
thanks guy's i going to see what happens,but i took the radio and a speaker and i conect it stray and yes it works so let see