View Full Version : more noob questions (sr20det)

11-19-2007, 05:02 PM
okay so when i bought the car the guy gave me an extra tranny with it because the one thats in it grinds 2nd and 3rd a little. its not bad just when u get on it.

Recently when im doing a hard 2nd to 3rd the rpms will stay kinda high, a friend said this is my clutch "sticking"

So when i take my car to a shop to have them put in my new tranny i guess my old clutch wont be going in it if its bad so i wanna buy a new one.

Whats the differance between 6 pucks and 3 pucks is one better than the other? I'm looking at the ones on heavythrottle and i think i wanna go with a spec stage 3 any opinions?

11-19-2007, 05:04 PM
6 pucks has 6 pucks
3 puck has 3 pucks

more pucks are better

haha the more you say "pucks" the dumber it sounds

11-19-2007, 05:09 PM
alright cool, that was simple and to the point "the more pucks the better" thanks! :D

11-19-2007, 05:12 PM
whats the car for? I had a 6puck clutch and its kind of a pain for daily compared to stock or other clutches....you obviously get used to it but that 6puck could bite hard

EAT Motorsports
11-19-2007, 05:13 PM
sounds like your clutch is slipping, how much power do you plan on having in the future? 6 puck might be alittle harsh. Just go with a ACT street disk or something like that.

11-19-2007, 05:14 PM
Just something to keep in mind is that puck clutches are hard to drive in traffic. Not the best daily driving clutch. A full faced clutch is the best for daily driving. Try finding a full faced disc that doesn't use an organic facing so it will hook better. My recommendation is dxdracingclutches.com. They use exedy components but use their own feramic facings and springs. I have the stage 3 clutch and its got very easy pedal effort and doesnt slip at all.

11-19-2007, 05:17 PM
sounds like your clutch is slipping, how much power do you plan on having in the future? 6 puck might be alittle harsh. Just go with a ACT street disk or something like that.

+1. im rockin a act street/strip model thats nice and grabby, but not as aggresive as a puck style.

11-19-2007, 05:19 PM
well when i do the hard shift to 3rd it stays around 4grand still pulls just not as hard my friend said it "stuck" but i guess it could be "slipping" its only in a hard 2nd to 3rd pull though, no other gears.

as far as future plans. its a daily driver and i dont intend to mod it over 350 whp.

EAT Motorsports
11-19-2007, 05:26 PM
then go with ACT Street disk w/ Heavy Duty Pressure Plate is good for 365 ft/lbs of torque or Xtreme Pressure Plate which is good for 450 ft lbs but that be a bit much for you.

11-19-2007, 05:30 PM
I have a spec stage 3 its a great clutch, get it!
it can take up to 500hp if i am not mistaken, and is still street friendly
thing is it catches on with very little play, maybe about 1 inch of play.
so kinda pain in the ass if stuck in traffic for a long time, with stop and go!

but it can take the beating, (had mine for over 2 years)

11-19-2007, 05:34 PM
i have an exedy 3 puck with hd pressure plate, very firm clutch pedal (braided line directly to slave) and basically engagement is instant. if you like chirping in 2nd, 3rd, and fourth go for a 3 puck lol..but as already stated, you'll have to adapt to the harshness when you get stuck in traffic.

11-19-2007, 05:53 PM
damn i live in a tourist town, i gotta deal with hella traffic sometimes.. i need one good to 350 at the wheels 400 TOPS... so spec stage 3 would be best with my terms?

EAT Motorsports
11-19-2007, 05:59 PM
spec stage 3 will suck in traffic but it is really up to. if you want to go with spec go with the stage 2 which i believe is good for 350-400 ft lbs.

11-19-2007, 06:10 PM
im not stuck on a spec im open for options. whats a good clutch for a 350-400whp car that isnt too bad in traffic?

EAT Motorsports
11-19-2007, 06:13 PM
Spec stage 2 or ACT street disks are your best bet it sound like. Exedy probably has one in that range to but lost my exedy spec sheet....:ugh:

11-19-2007, 06:25 PM
Spec stg 3 6 puck sprung. Most friendly pucked clutch I've ever driven. Takes a while to get used to though.

11-19-2007, 06:51 PM
have fun DD this thing...ive done it...no es bueno especially if u got arthritis and 30% maniscus tissue only

11-22-2007, 08:45 PM
aaahhhaaa, true, lol, it does hurt my ankle a lot when driving everyday...something to think about, it started hurting during the second year, my ankle started hurting everyday I drove a lot

EAT Motorsports
11-23-2007, 01:59 PM
http://www.eatmotorsports.com/products/?id=5121 .... there you go its only 1700 right. it will be as easy as a stock clutch but hold like 700+ hp :)

11-23-2007, 02:50 PM
http://www.eatmotorsports.com/products/?id=5121 .... there you go its only 1700 right. it will be as easy as a stock clutch but hold like 700+ hp :)

1700, ouch... that just the clutch? or what all comes with it?:hsdance:

11-25-2007, 01:10 PM
comes with a clutch, .................................................. .......................................
and your foot to step on it .......................i think!
so basically go buy the Spec stage 2 clutch, then go through $1300 in the trash and burn it and you have the same clutch!

you dont have 700hp anyways, so dont have to worry about messing up the spec!

EAT Motorsports
11-25-2007, 06:13 PM
1700, ouch... that just the clutch? or what all comes with it?:hsdance:

haha its a clutch and flywheel twin disk.... setup.. basicly what racers use but has very streetible feel:bigok: lol he doesnt need, but i just put it up on the site and no one really knows about it...

11-26-2007, 11:21 PM
did you try to neg rep me or was that posi rep???
cuz it is a grey square, basically had no effect!