View Full Version : NemeGuero

11-19-2007, 03:50 PM
Bought a so called tial 35mm wastegate off of him.
When i received it, it was clearly fake, it had no signs of any tial writing on it. I know all tials have their name engraved in the metal.

Basically i bought an ebay tial knockoff wastegate that was advertised as a genuine tial wastegate.
I even asked him if it was real and he said yes before i purchased it.

Now, when i contacted him recently about it, he said he was under the assumption that it was real, and wouldn't even offer a partial refund.

The money i paid for it, i could have bought 2 fake ones.

I'm just asking for a partial refund to make it right.
you shouldn't advertise items as genuine when they are clearly fake.

A partial refund at least would make things right, but when i contacted him about it, he stopped responding.

11-19-2007, 06:39 PM
Nemeguero is a legit guy, I'd like to hear his side of the story before jumping to any conclusions.

11-19-2007, 07:11 PM
Yeah, he's a legit guy. I bought stuff from him just the other day, I'd like to hear his end too

11-19-2007, 08:12 PM
well wait, i just told my side.

No b.s, just telling the truth.
hopefully he can make good on the situation.

11-19-2007, 10:35 PM
well the rules say that he cant post on his own review thread correct?...but he seems like a legit dude

11-19-2007, 10:39 PM

Me being a person who lived and been around him for along time.

Never done any wrong to anyone, including myself.

Maybe things got mixed up? He's a FT student and always buisy.

Just give it time, I'm sure you'll get ahold of him.

11-19-2007, 10:56 PM
luisgonz just sold me a SS o2 housing for sr20det, i'm guessing he thought it was some kind of knockoff, turned out to be a greddy 02 for $45 shipped. hell yeah.

Point is he was probably just mistaken, give him time.

11-19-2007, 11:26 PM
Evan is a stand up guy. Always has been. I will see what his side of the story is...

11-19-2007, 11:38 PM
Now here is what Evan has told me in regards to your concerns:

NemeGuero~ deal is, I bought it as a tial and have no reason to believe it isn't one,straight up, other than what this guy says.

If he can give me proof its fake we can work something out,he had pictures of it before he bought

Now here are the pics that he said he had in his imageshack.



11-20-2007, 12:05 AM
well, according to tial's website, all tial wastegates have tial engraved on it.
yours clearly doesn't. They even have a link showing how to differentiate a real one from a fake one.
clearly yours is fake.
here is the link
i think i'm entitled to at least half of what i paid.
these were all over ebay for 60 bucks when i check last.



11-20-2007, 12:11 AM
and here is another link that i found, with more pictures.


actual photo's


11-20-2007, 12:41 AM
All things bought and sold on zilvia are an "AS IS". You saw the pics before you bought it right? He stated that when he bought it, he also bought under the impression that it was "Tial".

While I understand you are upset with the fact that it may not be real, you had the opportunity to back out of the deal. You told Evan that this was for a friend. The ultimate responsibility is on the buyer to make sure that it is what HE/SHE wants to purchase. If you buy something off of ebay, it is on you the buyer to make sure what you are buying is what you want and it is up to you to do the footwork and research.

Upon looking at those pics. The fake is the one that is rounded and has no angle to it. The pics of the one you bought have that Angle. While, I don't know a lot about Tial, there are a lot of companies that have products with a run of products with no stamp, then later, they add a stamp to the product.

Also, Evan is more than willing to work with you. Try sending him a PM or hitting him up on AIM. His character is one that is not that of a scammer or one to trying to act shady.

11-20-2007, 12:52 AM
When someone tells me its a genuine item, and when i realize it's not, i think i would be entitled to a refund of some sort.
Now, i asked him numerous times and he told me it was a genuine tial wastegate.

Now i don't know where you came up with this quote that all things bought are sold as is.

if i sold someone something that was fake, i would at least try to make the situation better.

And like it shows on all tial wastegates, they all have the name engraved in it. Every product tial sells has their name on it. From the tial 35, 38, and the 44mm all of them have the name engraved.
the one he sold is just a different version of a fake tial wastegate (there are more then 1 producer)

I just want him to make it right.
its clearly fake, there's no secret behind it, you can describe anything about it that you want, but without the logo, its a fake wastegate in the end.

I just hope he would do what any other person would do and help resolve the issue. Maybe i'm just asking too much, but if you guys say he's a such a good guy, i'm sure he'll make it right somehow

11-20-2007, 01:00 AM
and you were mentioning the angle.
well here is a genuine tial 35mm with the named engraved on it, and it is a genuine tial. It is from the link that i posted


11-20-2007, 01:58 PM
message received from tial.

From https://mail.ryerson.ca/imx/all-0.gif (javascript:parent.toggle()) Jake Niergarth <[email protected]> (javascript:parent.addSender() Sent Tuesday, November 20, 2007 3:36 pmTo 'Mark Rai' <[email protected]> (javascript:parent.addSender(&quot;\'Mark Rai\' <[email protected]>&quot;)) Subject RE: wastegate inquiryHello,
Unfortunately, that is a fake

TiAL Sport

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rai [mailto:[email protected]] (javascript:main.compose('new', '[email protected]]'))
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 3:33 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: wastegate inquiry

Hi there,.

i attached a picture of a tial 35mm wasgegate that i recently purchased, and
i wanted to know if you can verify that it is fake or real.

to my understanding all tial wastegates have the name engraved on it.
this one does not.

thanks for your help

Best Regards,

Mark Rai

11-20-2007, 02:12 PM
Now, even though I can't see pictures at work, if it was "clearly" a fake, why weren't you able to tell this beforehand from the pictures?

What's the price difference between real and fake?

11-20-2007, 02:18 PM
The reason why i couldn't tell from beforehand was from the original picture, the side that should have had the tial logo engraved was not shown. He only took pictures of the opposite side.
Also, he told me it was a genuine piece.

i'm not asking for a lot, just a partial refund.
the price i paid was a good deal for a genuine tial, but not a fake one.

11-21-2007, 06:27 PM
he said he's gonna refund me some money.
hopefully its around 50-70 bucks, that should be fair enough.

well see what happens.

11-21-2007, 06:34 PM
why come in here and vent some more?

obviously you have been talking to him regarding your concerns.

so why bump this thread? Let it be.

If he doesn't attempt to handle the situation then take all measures.

But he is reasonable, and I'm sure he will work with you.

11-21-2007, 06:37 PM
i'm bumping the thread so people know what the outcome will be, simple as that. I don't see anything wrong with that.
he contacted me to resolve the dispute, that's all.

11-21-2007, 06:39 PM
Is it everyone else's concerns about your item? no.

It seems like a personal problem. I understand why you made the thread.

Turns out he has good reputation with almost everyone on this forum, and would not be considered a "scammer"

when the outcome unfolds, then you can vent to the public.

thats just my opinion.

11-21-2007, 06:43 PM
am i missing something here?

i would think if someone in the community sold something shaddy, everyone has a right to know so it doesnt happen to anyone else.
I contacted him before to resolve it, but he said i had to prove it, and i figure it would be easier to do in public, so i made a thread for people to know.

I'm not sure what the problem is with me posting about my experience.
i just don't want it to happen to anyone else.
i can understand if your his buddy etc, and you want to stick up for him.
but i just posted in the thread an update so people know that he's following through. Was there any harm done? No, so i'll leave it at that.
now i don't want to clutter up the thread with b.s postings, so if you have anything to say or something bothering you, just pm me bro.

And just for the record, i never said he was a scammer.
maybe you should read carefully before you make any accusations

11-22-2007, 04:44 AM
OP~ Let us know what happens, and update with the final outcome, unless something happens between now and then.

And just for the record, i never said he was a scammer.
maybe you should read carefully before you make any accusations

Shady/scammer are essentially the same thing, and you called him shady in the same post. That is why he said that.

i would think if someone in the community sold something shaddy, everyone has a right to know so it doesnt happen to anyone else.

Downshift_Sideways~ Let him post his review

****Everyone is allowed to post their experiences in this thread for NemeGuero, that said... a LOT of ppl on Zilvia and many other forums have dealt with him in a positive manner. DO NOT take up an argument with a poster in this thread or any other review thread. It is a review thread for a reason. Good and bad. If you feel the need to talk to a poster, TAKE IT TO PM. It is not the place to argue with someone. Post your review and move on. If there are changes in the transaction, then PLEASE update this thread (or any review thread for that matter) with the most up to date info. Now, lets stay on topic and ONLY review the seller.

11-22-2007, 07:28 AM
Nemo is a cool dude, this is real odd for a review about him like this.
I'm sure he will make right, did you try to contact him before coming on here to bash or what not? I'm not taking any side but maybe you should try to get ahold of him first.

11-22-2007, 11:34 AM
bought a turbo oil line longggggg time ago,

sent it quickly,

Nemo is the best,


11-24-2007, 08:46 PM
luisgonz just sold me a SS o2 housing for sr20det, i'm guessing he thought it was some kind of knockoff, turned out to be a greddy 02 for $45 shipped. hell yeah.

Point is he was probably just mistaken, give him time.
Good for you. I wouldn't been able to sell it for more that, On here.:keke:

03-25-2008, 05:24 PM
I recently purchased a shock/spring setup from him and everything went well. I mean he shipped it a day later than expected but what the hell, I know stuff comes up sometimes. He kept me informed regarding the process, and responded to the pm's I sent with questions answered. He shipped it out the next day, and contacted me immediately with the tracking number. When the product arrived it was packaged well, and exactly in the condition he described it.

All is well in my book and I would Definitely do business with him again.

Thanks Evan!