View Full Version : Oxygen Sensor Replacement - which one?

11-15-2007, 06:16 PM
I couldn't find an answer from any existing threads...I need to replace my front oxygen sensor for my KA in an OBDI 95 5spd. I thought I could just stop by Kragen and pick one up but it seems more complicated than that...do these descriptions from Kragen's website make sense to anyone?

Available Bosch o2 sensors:
12046 OE Type; 1 Wire; Unheated; Upstream Sensor; M/T, To 2/95; Check / Replace Interval: 50,000 Miles

13791 OE Type; 3 Wire; Heated; Downstream Sensor; M/T, 2/95 on; Check / Replace Interval: 100,000 Miles

13420 OE Type; 3 Wire; Heated; Upstream Sensor; M/T, 2/95 on; Check / Replace Interval: 100,000 Miles

15726 Universal Type; 3 Wire; Heated; Upstream Sensor; M/T, 2/95 on; Check / Replace Interval: 100,000 Miles

11027 Universal Type; 1 Wire; Unheated; Upstream Sensor; M/T, To 2/95; Check / Replace Interval: 50,000 Miles

What does heated/unheated or upstream/downstream sensor mean? The sensor I have now is a 1 wire sensor so I'm assuming I can go with number 12046. If anyone disagrees, or can explain these terms, please do...

Thanks in advance!

11-15-2007, 06:19 PM
Dude, it's not rocket science.

You have a 1wire sensor, buy the 1wire sensor.

3wire and 4wire sensors are heated. Downstream is the secondary sensor behind the catalytic converter, used for OBD monitoring only.

11-15-2007, 06:26 PM
you could of found out by calling your local kargen or schucks. They have a database that lists all that.

11-15-2007, 06:30 PM
Yeah they have a good database, but I find that half the time the people working there don't know how to use it...I'm sure the 1-wire will work, just wanted to find out what that other stuff meant. Thanks guys. :)

11-15-2007, 10:19 PM
Try this thread....