View Full Version : The war in Iraq...for military zilvians

11-14-2007, 10:46 AM
Recently I joined the army for military police, i was confused on if i just wanted to do national guard which is 3 years reserves, or go full time which is 6 years, 3 years reserves and 3 years fulltime, well im thinking about full time, if i go fulltime i wont get out til im 27, i will be old and i want to do law enforcement, sheriff deputy, so here is my question how are things in Iraq, I watch news but they dont say shit about it anymore, is it still hell there? let me know, cause i will be going seeing how im military police.

steve shadows
11-14-2007, 11:02 AM
havent been and not military

FOX news will not tell you if it was or wasnt

look at death statistics for civilians and mil pers on the ground in Bagdahd lately that should give you an idea.

remeber you fight for freedom and isreal, i mean the US


11-14-2007, 04:05 PM
well i was hoping thatguy could give me his opinion too

11-14-2007, 04:06 PM
A bit OT, but...

Thanks to all the military guys. We all owe you a ton.

Except the ones that have fucked my ex. I'm sure there've been a ton. :rofl:

steve shadows
11-14-2007, 04:09 PM
well i was hoping thatguy could give me his opinion too

pm his ass :squintd:

11-14-2007, 04:23 PM
from what ive heard from ppl who ave come back its still pretty nuts....i agree with steve....watch the news if youre not sure what the state of things is

11-14-2007, 04:47 PM
From the sounds of it, you're going no matter what it's like right now. Best just get ready. ;)

There are some (not sure how many) zilvians who are currently there... maybe one will chime in here

11-14-2007, 06:13 PM
thank you, yeah i know im going to have some fun, but as for your ex LOL SAME HERE

11-14-2007, 06:24 PM
I can't speak for the Army (I'm in the Navy), but the only time I've been OCONUS is in S. Korea for like 2 weeks... And that's not bad at all... I know a couple guys though who've come back from the middle east with severe PTSD... I had a friend who reached for his rifle whenever he heard a door slam, or a loud noise, or an alarm clock...

11-14-2007, 06:32 PM
lol @ hijack3d's avatar...sorry for being off-topic

All I can add to this is that things are not to good on the contracting side of things. I had a lady come into my class and speak on the HUGE infrastructure projects her company does across the world and they have really good plans for Iraq, but people are still getting killed senselessly simply because they are from America....its so bad she can't tell us certain details (i.e. who's involved or any locations) because any leaked info leads to trouble.

11-14-2007, 06:51 PM
there are at least 2 zilvians over there right now, but they wont be able to tell you much due to OPSEC. It is still bad, and you will be doing patrols on dangerous areas. I guess, yeah war is hell no matter where you are...

Guess I am not too sure on what you are trying to get at exactly.

11-14-2007, 07:21 PM
Shouldn't have gone MP...
Good ruck though.

11-14-2007, 07:59 PM
There are good areas and bad areas, good times and dangerous times.

They don't need us in the good areas during good times, and you won't find yourself in them for extended amounts of time.

Good luck to you. :bow:

11-14-2007, 08:01 PM
Why not Kevin? I thought MP's were God's gift to mankind. At least that's how some of them act. :p

I haven't been to Iraq, but I've got plenty of friends and colleagues that have.

All I can really tell you is that A) war is war, and war is hell and B) some people can handle it better than others.

If you're pulling Pogue duty in one of the big FOBs your experiences are going to be different that if you go out on patrols and raids in some of the worse off places in Iraq.

A couple of notes about enlisting.

There's an incentive out right now that will pay you up to $60k for doing a Active/Guard enlistment. Basically, you enlist in the Active Component for a certain amount of time and then when your obligation is over you serve in the Guard for a specified amount of time. The actual amount of money you qualify for depends on the lengths of your enlistments and maybe some other requirements like what MOS you pick and how well you did on the ASVAB.*

Bring it up to your recruiter if he hasn't mentioned it yet.

Good Luck!

*Don't join just for the money. Not worth it. And if that's your only motivation we probably don't need or want you.

11-14-2007, 09:36 PM
thank you, yeah i know im going to have some fun, but as for your ex LOL SAME HERE

:rofl: :mamoru:

11-14-2007, 09:44 PM
do what ever you feel like. more power to you. i though i was going to stay in for 4 years. now on my 6th year, i might stay in because i like it. im in the navy and i go with the marines. been there than that. some stuff i didnt like, some i do. but the fun part is catching or blowing up the bad guys. good luck

11-14-2007, 11:09 PM
ive heard that the news stretches details about stuff that goes on in iraq is that true?

11-14-2007, 11:35 PM
no its not for the money at all i want to experience this, and yes that is what AIT is for, i will be ready for it, i know war is hell i just dont know how much hell it is, i mean am i in for an experience i wont forget?

11-14-2007, 11:41 PM
not that i don't respect reservists, but go full time ie. active duty, or go to school, and just join the rotc!

Vision Garage
11-14-2007, 11:44 PM
remember, once you are in, you are in. If you decide to leave, you better have a damn good reason. Dont want to go MIA and be arrested for leaving. Thats one thing i never got. you voluntarily join the army but once you are in, the law wont let you get out.

steve shadows
11-14-2007, 11:52 PM
no its not for the money at all i want to experience this, and yes that is what AIT is for, i will be ready for it, i know war is hell i just dont know how much hell it is, i mean am i in for an experience i wont forget?

I really respect you guys who serve.

I mean I still could after I get my BA over spring apply for OCS etc wtf army marines all call it something different.

...but now im planning on a graduate degree or juris doctorate, although still eager as ever to serve in some way I might wait and make my way up the food chain or intl law or try to contribute to diplomatic security in some way in the future.

I really wish I had the experience of being in war, my familiy has a history of military service both us in one side and in foriegn allied forces in past wars etc.


Do what your heart tells you and your mind is willing to allow. Just do it for the right reasons. It's like marriage. I just wast ready for it when I was mulling it over.

but hey i was thinking chiar force so you can all have at that.

CHAIRS to the FRONT! Forwwwaaaaard HAAARch

jstars and strippers : we've been waiting for you

11-15-2007, 04:54 AM
Why not Kevin? I thought MP's were God's gift to mankind. At least that's how some of them act. :p

Bleh. I hated jerkasses who couldn't grasp that their badge didn't make them god. Of course, being 19 with a pistol and a badge, and the authority to cite anyone on base but the installation commander is some pretty heady shit for a kid to wrap his head around.

no its not for the money at all i want to experience this, and yes that is what AIT is for, i will be ready for it, i know war is hell i just dont know how much hell it is, i mean am i in for an experience i wont forget?

While I appreciate where you're coming from, I can't with good conscience say that it's a wise decision. Maybe I've just gotten too old, but the idea of risking my life in an arbitrary war isn't all that appealing to me. I think that the experience of being in combat would be one that I would 'like' to have, but looking past that, could I say that I enjoyed being in combat?
Part of me regrets getting out of the Marines when I did, as my staying in would've almost definitely ensured me going to Iraq. It's not that I want(ed) to go to Iraq, but rather I hated seeing guys getting killed over there and feeling helpless to save or help them.

jstars and strippers : we've been waiting for you

Air Force is the only service I would EVER recommend. Or, if you like boats/the ocean, the Coast Guard.

The Coast Guard is one of the least-lauded branches of the military, but they see more 'action' than most all other servicemembers. Most of the people in the Coasties are pretty shit-hot as well.

11-15-2007, 05:35 AM
Air Force is the only service I would EVER recommend. Or, if you like boats/the ocean, the Coast Guard.

The Coast Guard is one of the least-lauded branches of the military, but they see more 'action' than most all other servicemembers. Most of the people in the Coasties are pretty shit-hot as well.

I had a friend in the Marines who said if he could do it all over he would go Air Force. It's the reason why I chose this branch :P

My friend just got back from Balad AB, it was still getting hit with rockets and mortars all the time, just like it was a year ago when I was out there.

Dirty Habit
11-15-2007, 06:25 AM
Air Force is the way to go. I have army buddies and air force buddies. The army friend works his ass off and gets sent to places like upstate new york and desolate places in Germany. Air Force friend gets sent to southern states with beaches and works from 9am to 4pm at the latest and does whatever the fuck he wants on weekends. Go AF, for the most part they get paid to do nothing.
No offense to AF guys.

11-15-2007, 08:05 AM
Air Force is the way to go. I have army buddies and air force buddies. The army friend works his ass off and gets sent to places like upstate new york and desolate places in Germany. Air Force friend gets sent to southern states with beaches and works from 9am to 4pm at the latest and does whatever the fuck he wants on weekends. Go AF, for the most part they get paid to do nothing.
No offense to AF guys.

It really depends on the job...

Cops in the AF have shit hours and work outside rain or shine. I think no matter what service, MP is going to be a rough job.

11-15-2007, 09:14 AM
I can't speak for the Army (I'm in the Navy), but the only time I've been OCONUS is in S. Korea for like 2 weeks... And that's not bad at all... I know a couple guys though who've come back from the middle east with severe PTSD... I had a friend who reached for his rifle whenever he heard a door slam, or a loud noise, or an alarm clock...

Ugh... I've had friends deal with shit like that. Some people just can't handle, or don't handle, the shit that well.

In any case, OP, just do your job and stay as safe as possible and get your ass back OK in one piece. :bow:

My friends little bro wanted to join the army... he wanted me to talk to his parents and make them feel better about it. I told him to join the air force and they wouldn't worry :keke:

I keed... Air force work for a living.

11-15-2007, 09:25 AM
Yeah I tell people to go Air Force as well… Best food, best luxuries, housing, everything is just 100 times easier.

It’s the other crazy, wacked out, SOB’s like myself, who like it when everything is extremely hard, you don’t have the best gear or tools to do anything, you have to make $hit up to make it work and think its cool to beat someone to death with only using your forehead… those people I tell to join my beloved Corps.

But anyway, just like everyone is saying… MPs out there will either be in the shit every day, or guarding something like prisoners or bases. It just depends on where you are. In 04-05 when I was out there in Fallujah they were right there with us going house to house, getting blasted and dragging off all the people we captured. Some of the other ones like on Al-Asad airbase… just drove around base making sure everything was cool after rockets or mortars hit.

So it really depends on where you are at. I can tell you this right now though… If you are worried about having to go to war multiple times, then don’t join. Because you will… and you will get shot at, shit will blow up, and friends will die. Some of that stuff happens in the streets of NY too but what ever ya know? The experience I gained in my 8 years in the Corps I would not trade for anything. I can almost walk on to any police department I want to…

I don’t consider Iraq a real war… I went to war with a 3 tour Vietnam vet, 3 purple hearts, 3 bronze stars, 2 silver stars and the Navy Cross. He was in war. My father’s friend is a Black Sands Marine, one of the 17 or so people that survived the first wave on the assault of Iwo Jima… HE was in a REAL war. Iraq is a head game with 10 mins of chaos and excitement thrown in every so often. People say I've seen hell... well if that is the case then these guys has seen hell, bought some land, were neighbors with Satan, and went next door and pounded his face in because he stepped on their lawn funny.

Sorry to rant, don’t mean to make zilvia my therapist but hey, that’s just my take on it.

11-15-2007, 09:33 AM
^^^Agreed 110% good sir. :bow:

My grandfather told me stories at times of his 4 years in action in the second world war, and he was in a combat role the entire way, and made 3 airborne drops, and needless to say, had a nice compliment of medals. He saw fighting in Africa, Italy, France, Holland, Austria and Germany, and was even given a battlefield commision at the age of 20, at which he was already a (IIRC) SSgt. Nothing happening today can really compare to what those men went through.

11-15-2007, 02:37 PM
WOW you guys appreciate your comments, but like everyone is saying, an MP is an MP and AF...The have some other name special security or something, im not afraid to go to war, yes you have good point i can get shot here or get hit with a car, i realize that, thats why im not afraid, so im just going to stick with it, im not those assholes no offense to you Navy and AF guys, that get a good job and do nothing but sit on your ass and say you were in the military, i dont want to join a branch and feel like my fellow soldiers are being attacked, i cant sleep......

11-15-2007, 03:38 PM
^well it sounds like you know what you want to do...

In that case what i would do is stop by the recruiters stations and talk to them about the different branches... obviously they are going to talk up their own branch. But one of them will give you a happy little feeling inside, and that is the one you should go with. Also talk about sign up bonuses... as there are A FUKING BUTT TON for people getting in now. $20k bonuses for some MOS (military occ specialty) AKA your job, if you qualify for them.

But just something to think about... And remember, there are going to be days you hate going into work... but really its just like any other job... but you live at work, eat at work, screw your GF at work, work at work, its just kinda different from going home every night. But goods and bads there are both, and you will have a lot of fun times too. But with anything the good and the bad. For some the annoying bad things drives em nuts and they get out after their first commitment. others like me stay a for a few contracts, others retire at 40, collect a good pension keep all the govnt benefits and go start on another pension...

Just things to think about... good luck to you though. Semper Fi.

11-15-2007, 03:57 PM
I thought the OP was already enlisted...

Don't listen to me, I can't even read. haha... Except for what I just wrote below... listen to that.

Other advice: ASK QUESTIONS when you talk to the recruiter. If you are unsure or unclear about ANYTHING, make sure... before you put your signature on anything. I'm not saying they'll try to pull a fast one on you, just you want to be sure about details when you're making a committment for the next few years. It's not like any other job, you can't just quit if you don't like it.

11-15-2007, 07:59 PM
airforce has it 100 times better

thats why they get made fun of as being little wimpies.

navy seals, secret service, gestapo or area 51 security FTW

Dirty Habit
11-15-2007, 09:01 PM
thats why they get made fun of as being little wimpies.


Lived next to an AF guy when we were stationed in NC. Guy would come out to weedwack his lawn in long sleeves, jeans, boots and safety glasses in 95 degree heat. It was hilarious.

11-15-2007, 09:51 PM
Everyone already hit the main points I came in here to discuss.

To the OP:
1. Just stay motivated--BCT and AIT are really mind games. Take the training seriously, but don't take the punishments personally.

2. LEARN from your NCOs--We went through the same BS you will go through, and when you become an NCO, you will do the same things to the next generation of fresh recruits.

3. Be a leader. Everyone will tell you to blend in and lay low. Fuck that shit. You made a choice to serve your country, something many of the sheeple at your college will never understand. Take charge and take responsibility when you or your team fucks up. No one likes a shitbag who is always getting everyone in trouble or someone who is always blaming other people. Set the example. Do the right thing the first time and you'll be good.

4. Iraq is hot, stinky, and still dangerous. And I can't think of a single positive thing to say about being an MP in Iraq. I'm really sorry you picked that MOS. Send me a PM.

11-16-2007, 03:07 AM
Anything but the army...why? Cuz 15 month rotation with 6 months back on station will make you hate life quick. I got a buddy who's in the reserves who got activated, he's on his second tour there right now as a field medic. His first tour was okay cuz they put him on an actual hospital. Right now, its sucking cuz hes out in either patrols or medic for the convoys. So far hes been there 4 months. Hes already seen 5 humvees blow up in front of him, 12 trucks get shredded, 3 major gun fight and lost track of how many pot shots they've taken at his vehicle.

The brightside...he got a nursing job waiting for him at home thatll start him off at $90k a year.

11-16-2007, 04:21 AM
Join the Marines. Travel to foreign countries. Meet Foreign people...and Kill them.

11-16-2007, 05:49 AM
thats the most retarded reply i have ever seen ^^^^

Koopa Troopa
11-16-2007, 05:58 AM
Nothing happening today can really compare to what those men went through.

No, nothing today could... Definatly not people wearing 80 pounds of armor in 100+ degrees Fahrenheit heat and fighting an enemy with no uniform....

11-16-2007, 08:04 AM
No, nothing today could... Definatly not people wearing 80 pounds of armor in 100+ degrees Fahrenheit heat and fighting an enemy with no uniform....

This is hell for our generation yes. I just have the opinion (as I know many others do) that it still pales in comparison to previous conflicts. My grandfather went to war at 16 (lied and said he was 18), and didn't see home again, not even once, till he was 22. Was wounded 4 times, and saw as many people killed in a couple days as there has been in the last 6-7 years since 9/11. They did shit like that in 100+ degree heat, and -40 degree cold, in desert, mountains, forest, plains, tundra and cities.

It can compare. I just agree with DragonUSMC, it's a different degree of hell. I won't say anymore, I don't want to risk turning this into an arguement. All I can say is I compare what I've seen, and what my friends have, with what my grandfather told (of which I know there was a lot more he didn't tell me about) me about what he had seen, and I feel amazed he even survived the first month to say the least. Let alone 60.

11-16-2007, 10:11 AM
Telling me to grow up when I'm telling them thank you and making a joke? Fuck off.

11-16-2007, 10:29 AM
thats the most retarded reply i have ever seen ^^^^

Ever Ever? Damn Sweet:bigok:

11-16-2007, 11:30 AM
4. Iraq is hot, stinky, and still dangerous. And I can't think of a single positive thing to say about being an MP in Iraq. I'm really sorry you picked that MOS.

im going through the process, i know i will see war there, and plus military police will do stuff like patrolling and shit, but i dont think its worst than infantry

11-16-2007, 11:58 AM
Recruiters lie.

or they twist the truth to make shit sound better.

But I have no regrets joining and am very glad I joined and did my 5 years.

Just remember that the shit you see in movies aren't like real life because you can't press pause anytime you want to.

Life will be hard, but so is everything else. It just makes you a harder person.

11-16-2007, 06:41 PM
Recruiters lie.

Hell yea they do. I told my recruiter I didn't want a bad job, and I wanted to do the quick ship program (its like going in open general... kinda)

He tells me there are no bad jobs in the AF. LOL.

I got the hookup though, about a week later I got a job in comm... I would be hating life right now if I had got services or any job out on the flightline :p

11-16-2007, 07:52 PM
Join the Marines. Travel to foreign countries. Meet Foreign people...and Kill them.


marine corps all the way

11-16-2007, 08:59 PM
yup recruiters are scum of the earth, they'll do and say anything to get u to join. Not all are bad but most are. I can say that cause thats what Im doing this April... as far as the whole Iraq thing is concerned, the news just makes everything look worse than it really is. I've been twice, and it really wasnt that bad. sometimes there wont be shit happening for like a month, and other times u cant go to sleep for a few days cause u'll get pop shots in like every 2-3 minutes.... well the best to ya on whatever u decide bro.

11-17-2007, 04:56 PM
Hell I like you, you can come over to my house and fuk my sister!

I never saw Full Metal Jacket until AFTER i went to boot. (yeah i know it's almost a disgrace to my beloved Corps... but still)
The start of this video is wrong... you other Hollywood Marines can easily tell this is MCRD SD and not PI


If you've got a couple mins... get take a walk down memory lane marines. My Gold I love my Corps!

11-17-2007, 05:04 PM
Recently I joined the army for military police, i was confused on if i just wanted to do national guard which is 3 years reserves, or go full time which is 6 years, 3 years reserves and 3 years fulltime, well im thinking about full time, if i go fulltime i wont get out til im 27, i will be old and i want to do law enforcement, sheriff deputy, so here is my question how are things in Iraq, I watch news but they dont say shit about it anymore, is it still hell there? let me know, cause i will be going seeing how im military police.

Well, I was in the air force and I did one tour in Iraq (4 months for Air Force) and my job didn't require me to leave the base, I was an escort for the Iraqi's that came on base to work. Not much really happened there except for a few rocket attacks. As a civilian I have been over here for 14 months now. It really isn't that bad(if your job doesn't require you going off base). We get the mortar and rocket attacks on base every so often, but the chances you dieing from that aren't that good. I'm not saying its not dangerous, it just depends on what you do. If you are joining the Army you will most likely have to go to Iraq. It just depends if your job is combat related or not. For the people who have to go off base and patrol and are in combat roles, my hats off to you.

11-17-2007, 05:15 PM
^you by chance arent at Al Asad are you? If you are is everyone living in tin cans now? And did the MWR ever get that pool done?

11-17-2007, 07:03 PM
im not those assholes no offense to you Navy and AF guys, that get a good job and do nothing but sit on your ass and say you were in the military, i dont want to join a branch and feel like my fellow soldiers are being attacked, i cant sleep......

Hey! I don't sit on my ass....:keke: :keke: :keke: OK OK I DO...but that is just right now. But what I do saves lives of my service men/women. I respect that you want to get in and do your thing. Best of luck to you!

Koopa Troopa
11-17-2007, 08:17 PM
^you by chance arent at Al Asad are you? If you are is everyone living in tin cans now? And did the MWR ever get that pool done?

I left Al Asad not too long ago.. Cans for almost all and the pool is built. Never went to it but I hear it's nice.

11-18-2007, 03:20 PM
LOL they built a pool???

11-18-2007, 05:18 PM
why not? When i was there we slept in the dirt, the Iraqi pool was used, and probably still used as a water purification area, we showered out of the same bottles of water we had to drink out of, shaved and brushed our teeth with the same.

One of the buildings near the North West corner of base by the giant wall the MWR took over. They got internet, phones and a gym set up for us, and eventually even got some instruments. Which was awesome because when i would come back from a convoy i could play guitar.

We had the Chowhall, but the Iraqi people who passed clearance set up stores in the old stadium, and in the old theater.

I guess now they have some Hardee's like stands, and pizza hut now too, since the seabee's have been building the tin can city. Those little things like that will make your day after the bad ones... I'm actually jealous a bit that i was living off of MREs and sleeping on the fuel truck (if you cram your sleeping bag between the fuel cells it feels like a hammock, and if you get hit... well you'll go quick) Glad that people dont have to sleep in the dirt and crap like i did.

But yeah why do you laugh that they have a pool? i dont know about you but i would to have LOVED to have a pool just to beat the 140 deg. heat for a bit if i had the chance between missions.

11-19-2007, 12:27 AM
i check this site daily http://icasualties.org/oif/ just has basic casualtie reports from in country.

Im 20 years old and about to join the marine reserve. been thinking about it for a long time and feel now that im ready. really looking forward to it.. anyone have suggestions (gi bill) for someone not already in. Im gonna go 6 year reserves n switch to active if i find i love it. any thoughts would help thanks!

11-19-2007, 11:59 AM
But yeah why do you laugh that they have a pool? i dont know about you but i would to have LOVED to have a pool just to beat the 140 deg. heat for a bit if i had the chance between missions.

Its not like a laugh, making fun of it, its more of a laugh like WTF? we are in a fucking war and find the time to build a pool laugh

11-19-2007, 03:23 PM
^you by chance arent at Al Asad are you? If you are is everyone living in tin cans now? And did the MWR ever get that pool done?

No when I was in the military I was in Kirkuk, I am in Mosul now. Cold as shit right now, working night shift and filling in for the mobile tire guy. Sucks!

11-19-2007, 06:02 PM
Its not like a laugh, making fun of it, its more of a laugh like WTF? we are in a fucking war and find the time to build a pool laugh

On Al Asad and a few other FOBs you will find a TON of civilian employee's Like for the MWR and normal Army Civilians. Its not us (the military guys) building the pools =) they are doing it for us! and it rocks!

I'm just sad that those just getting over for their first time wont have the enjoyment of drinking 100 deg. water from bottles and showering with it later that night. =(

11-19-2007, 06:40 PM
On Al Asad and a few other FOBs you will find a TON of civilian employee's Like for the MWR and normal Army Civilians. Its not us (the military guys) building the pools =) they are doing it for us! and it rocks!

I'm just sad that those just getting over for their first time wont have the enjoyment of drinking 100 deg. water from bottles and showering with it later that night. =(
Haha we get water shortages all the time up here, have to take bottled water showers and only get 2 bottles. But its been pretty good lately.

11-20-2007, 12:38 AM
wow man....i just found out after im done with boot camp and all that, cause the 90th com in los alomitos already got deployed, 2010 is when i might go, but than again we will have a new president so lets see how this goes

11-20-2007, 12:42 AM
Its not like a laugh, making fun of it, its more of a laugh like WTF? we are in a fucking war and find the time to build a pool laugh

Trust me, lil shiet like that will make your 15 month vacation over there that much more bearable.

11-20-2007, 12:44 AM
Trust me, lil shiet like that will make your 15 month vacation over there that much more bearable.

i understand

11-20-2007, 12:51 AM
That and find some hook up with somebody who works for the Communications Squadron. Call home all you want and surf the net behind the firewall...

11-20-2007, 12:52 AM
That and find some hook up with somebody who works for the Communications Squadron. Call home all you want and surf the net behind the firewall...

wow what are my chances on doing that?

11-20-2007, 10:46 AM

If there's one piece of advice that I've found to have held true throughout my military career it is this:

It's not what you know that matters, but who you know.

Sad but true.

Good Luck!

11-20-2007, 07:40 PM
^That aint no lie. Military is all about, favors...

"oh you need this (insert object here) done (first, now, yesterday?). Thats no problem... but what would really grease the gears on this would be, (insert your desired object here)."

that, and "if its not bolted down, it will become acquired by another Marine."

rules to live by... =)

11-20-2007, 07:48 PM
wow what are my chances on doing that?

Me...I <3 being a Satellite Communications troop...:naughty:

Your best bet would probably find a telephone chick, bang the shiet out of her and see if she hooks you up.

11-20-2007, 08:04 PM
im going through the process, i know i will see war there, and plus military police will do stuff like patrolling and shit, but i dont think its worst than infantry

MP's do alot of road running in Iraq.
They are mostly convoy security but sometimes they patrol. Infantry does alot of the patrolling but its mostly door kicking for those guys.

Convoy Security sucks. It's boring as hell and then you have to deal with the occasional jackass trying to blow your vehicle up.