View Full Version : insurance questions

11-11-2007, 03:52 AM
well i got rear ended today at a stop light, the guy ran for it so i had to chase him with my car, luckily he crashed and then ran on foot where i caught him and "restrained" him until the cops got there (my friend called it in when we realized he was driving off), he is obviously at fault, the accident shifted my 1/4 panel a couple mms and fucked my bumper and taillights, i was wondering if getting the highest quote would be the best or if i that would "total" my car and i would get a salvaged title and not get the full amount for the repairs.

im sure somebody has experience dealing with this.

i read that if they total your car, you receive money of whatever value your car had and give you option to buy it back.

i really need information on this guys, i will be searching the internet but sharing your experiences and the knowledge you gained from them would help a lot, thanks.

11-11-2007, 05:15 AM
info on what your car is would help.
and if you have pictures of the damage that might help as well.

If you were in So Cal I would send you to my guy he'll take care of you.

Sorry to hear about this. Hope you guys aren't hurt.

11-11-2007, 08:01 AM
Technically, you fled the scene and you may not get anything at all (that's unless you guys do things differently in the States?). I know cuz I'm an Insurance Agent now, lol.

B Love
11-11-2007, 09:45 AM
Technically, you fled the scene and you may not get anything at all (that's unless you guys do things differently in the States?). I know cuz I'm an Insurance Agent now, lol.

Hahaha I dont think this would count as leaving the scene if a police report was made then you are all good. Depending on the car and the mileage and such is how they will pay your for the car. Its sucky insurance blue book so if its a 240 with lots of miles you wont be getting much back. It might be better to just get it fixed. Because I doubt they will give you much for the car. But in the end they are the ones who decide if it is "Totaled" or not. So it is all up to your insurace company

11-11-2007, 09:58 AM
Wow WTF Yuta, your a badass?
Did you put him in a Boston Crab Submission Hold?
How f'd is your car?

11-11-2007, 09:59 AM
/\/\(B Love) I know that. I was just saying, "technically". If the insurance co. really really wanted to, they could look at it that way. I'm not saying they will. Just be prepared for the worst I guess?

B Love
11-11-2007, 10:05 AM
//(B Love) I know that. I was just saying, "technically". If the insurance co. really really wanted to, they could look at it that way. I'm not saying they will. Just be prepared for the worst I guess?

yea I know what you mean. But I think as long as he got a police report that would obviously show he was at the scene still. Hhaha I always hoped I would never have to chase anyone down if they hit me. I would tottally bust a pit maneuver. ahhaha

Vision Garage
11-11-2007, 10:08 AM
I doubt they can hold up running away from the scene as an excuse to not pay you. You had to apprehend the other party. If you didnt it would have come out of your ins. company. Now that you caught the guy, his ins will or should pay for your car.

11-11-2007, 10:11 AM
First bit of advice from me, take it out of a tow yard if its at one right now. Keep it at your house if possible. Those places charge massive amounts of "storage fees."

If the damage to your car is more than the half the value of your car, most insurance companies here in California will total it. If its totalled, the car will have a salvage title. You will then have a option of buying the car back like you said.

I've been an agent for a little over two years now, and I work for one of the larger insurance companies in California. The way we determine the value of a car is market value. Even if KBB has a 240sx at about $1000, we usually pay a lot more than that because of market value. You should PM gtstwincam. I believe he's a claim adjuster. He can give you better advice.

B Love
11-11-2007, 10:33 AM
I doubt they can hold up running away from the scene as an excuse to not pay you. You had to apprehend the other party. If you didnt it would have come out of your ins. company. Now that you caught the guy, his ins will or should pay for your car.

Hahah i doubt that guy had insurace or a license.

11-11-2007, 02:42 PM
actually he did, i dont know why he ran.

and i got a police report and everything.

and thanks for the info ill PM gtstwincam

B Love
11-11-2007, 09:04 PM
actually he did, i dont know why he ran.

and i got a police report and everything.

and thanks for the info ill PM gtstwincam

Hahha WTF? thats the craziest thing I ever heard. Most of the time people run because they have no info lol.

11-11-2007, 09:21 PM
Actually same exact thing happened to my TL. I was driving and this guy rear ended me, and he ran. Don't say you chased after him though cause then that is a bad count one you, just say you drove around to find the perpetraitor and then you saw another accident and you recognised it was him. For his sake, did he get arrested? Usually he will because it is considered a hit and run, that is what happened in my case. The guy ended up t-boning another car at another intersection while running. He got hurt, cops came, the paramedics patched him up and then immediately cuffed and went to jail. The charges were hit and run.

My insurance company, AAA, basically talked to his insurance, his insurance pleaded 100% guilty, no harm no foul for me. My car got all fixed up, no salvage title. But for a 240sx I am almost 100% it is totalled. Based on the damage, if your quarter panel is dented, that is immediate like $1000+ dollar fix and for sure it will be worth more than the car itself.

I would suggest total the care, hopefully you had some accessory insurance, get money, and find another 240sx. Salvage cars are worth crap and even if they racked the car to straighten it, it will never drive right again. So don't bother fixing it and if you are thinking about racing, don't it will probably run off track for sure no matter how you rack the car....

Sorry to hear that, since then my TL runs like shit, all these quirks and stuff. PIA but I couldn't total it. Good Luck.


11-11-2007, 09:57 PM
Just had to say your a badass for catching the guy, but good luck with whichever route you take.

11-12-2007, 06:02 AM
crap, should i start taking out my coilovers, wheels, roll bar etc?

or cant i just buy the car back from them for significantly less than the money i make from them totaling the car?

i mean i can always just pound the quarter panel out and get charge speed overs to cover up like 90% of the damage.

its a 240 after all.

11-12-2007, 06:32 AM
Honestly, i thought if you total your car out, you get the vaule of what the car is at? Or vice versa? Also, if you decide to buy it back you can, but it may be some of what the insurance will give you back.

11-12-2007, 09:01 AM
My old GF's dad was addament(sp?) that I should have gotten the check, AND the truck back when my old Flareside got totalled. Unfortunately before I could blink, my mom sent the title off to the ins co. It was in her name.

I don't have any real advice for you, but when you say "restrained" the guy, did you make him wish he never hit you?

B Love
11-12-2007, 10:54 AM
Hhaha yea did you serve him some street justice? I mean as long as the frame isnt messed up I would get the money and buy the car back

11-12-2007, 02:49 PM
ill just say i am really glad i am not him.

the car still drives straight, ill see whats up.

thanks for all the advise guys, ill keep you posted as i go through this process, maybe somebody else can benefit from the info.