View Full Version : Best money I've spent in a long while.

11-10-2007, 05:00 PM
Actually found this new at a Dimple Records (for those that don't know, it's pretty huge Northern CA based New/Used Music store).

The last concert with Tarja Turunen.
1 DVD (105 minutes)
2 CD's (the entire thing in high quality audio format)





Any other Nightwish fans here?

11-10-2007, 05:08 PM
fuck ya i got it in the garage player as we speek

11-10-2007, 05:12 PM
I love nightwish

11-10-2007, 05:37 PM
Sweet!! Nightwish FWT!

It's been hella long since I've been up in Dimple Records.

11-10-2007, 11:56 PM
Yeah miss Tarja.

It's crazy how many americans have never even heard of nw. May explain this:

Nightwish's new Album "Dark Passion Play" had a very successful start all around the world:

# 1 Germany
# 1 Finland
# 1 Switzerland
# 1 Hungary
# 1 Croatia
# 3 Czech Republic
# 4 Sweden
# 5 Austria
# 5 Netherlands
# 5 Greece
# 6 France
# 7 Norway
# 14 Italy
# 24 Canada
# 18 Denmark
# 25 UK
# 36 Belgium
# 42 Australia
# 50 Poland
# 62 Ireland
# 84 USA

11-11-2007, 01:08 AM
Yeah the hip hop culture is destroying America.
But this isn't really news. :( Actual decent music comes out and it's forgotten within a month or just never played on the commercialized radio.

11-11-2007, 03:25 PM
fuck ya i blame it all on 50cent type of b.s what a fucking joke, i would have to say the usa radios play the worst shit. its funny i went to a party all they were playing was rap i went up and had my friend put a good dance song on and all the girls stoped dancing fucking slut bags.

11-11-2007, 04:50 PM
Hahaha some sandy vagina neg repped me for saying "hip hop culture is destroying America."

Guess what? There is actual evidence supporting this theory. The "thug culture" so far, has done more damage to African Americans than any sort of racist or activist group could have ever hoped to do. It's truely sad.


Homicide is the leading cause of death among black men between the ages of 15 and 30. And it is a fratricidal enterprise. Young black men are killed by other young black men.

If white entertainers were making millions singing about the slaughter of black men and mistreatment of black women, city streets would clog with protesters. Demonstrators would pack the halls of Congress. Commerce would grind to a halt as black activists demanded boycotts. But somehow, the violence and misogyny of T.I., 50 Cent and Nelly are less inflammatory.

In fact, Bill Cosby wrote a book on it.
Link to book: http://www.amazon.com/Come-People-Path-Victims-Victors/dp/1595550925/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/105-4582944-7371666?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192805284&sr=1-1

11-11-2007, 04:54 PM
Ive been rocking Nightwish for about a year now,

so epic ownage.

11-11-2007, 09:10 PM
fuck ya i blame it all on 50cent type of b.s what a fucking joke, i would have to say the usa radios play the worst shit. its funny i went to a party all they were playing was rap i went up and had my friend put a good dance song on and all the girls stoped dancing fucking slut bags.

11-12-2007, 06:54 PM
man i never could get into nightwish even though ive tried!
nice pickup though looks like a sick DVD

11-12-2007, 10:28 PM
So what kind of music is this?

Ive been spinning house, dnB, since 95. Just receintly Hiphop.

11-13-2007, 03:47 AM
So what kind of music is this?

Ive been spinning house, dnB, since 95. Just receintly Hiphop.
It's Finnish Heavy Hetal and with Tarja (old singer) it had a very Opera-like feel to it. Favorite Band aside from Reel Big Fish. I still like Anette, their new singer, she's just different, and Nightwish still rocks ass.

Some songs are in Finnish others in English, and some mixed :D Here are some vids from the concert on the DVD (some have 2 songs):

Dark Chest of Wonders & Planet Hell

Bless The Child

Ghost Love Score

Over The Hills & I Wish I Had An Angel

11-13-2007, 04:06 AM
+1 for hip hop culture destroying america
"So young, so angry damn that rap music"
And I'm definitely checkin this nightwish out when I get off work. euro rock groups are usualy good I.e. H.I.M.(bam sold them out still good though), the rasmus, rammstein I expect this should be good listenin.

11-13-2007, 10:48 AM
Hahaha some sandy vagina neg repped me for saying "hip hop culture is destroying America."

Guess what? There is actual evidence supporting this theory. The "thug culture" so far, has done more damage to African Americans than any sort of racist or activist group could have ever hoped to do. It's truely sad.


In fact, Bill Cosby wrote a book on it.
Link to book: http://www.amazon.com/Come-People-Path-Victims-Victors/dp/1595550925/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/105-4582944-7371666?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192805284&sr=1-1


best money you ever spent

you sure it wasnt the super 15 dollar foglamps? those seemed like a good deal

or was it the presidential paint job, i mean that was a good deal too!

sarcasm aside, how are you going to come on here and start preaching bullshit about rap/hip hop corrupting ANYTHING?

its just like chris rock and bernie mack have both said, what crazy black dudes do you know of that have planned a massacre or tried to blow up any buildings? besides random murders which every culture has committed, where do you see black kids listening to rap blowing shit up?

but i could give a shit about anything PUBLISHED? Yahoo NEWS has white-washed Cynthia Tucker writing in her precious column, or bill cosby writing a book - who cares? thats all opinion.

ive listened to rap music since the early 80s, you dont see me killing anyone or doing any stupid shit. from NWA, tupac, or something completely chill like talib kwali..... saying that rap music is "to blame" is fuckin DATED, these discussions are ancient.

i cant believe people are even trying to draw a boundary between white/black/brown - it doesnt make a difference... listen to whatever the fuck you want to listen to, period.

11-13-2007, 10:51 AM
here is a pic of cynthia, being appreciated by the white man for her mind-control drivel

11-13-2007, 11:34 AM
EL OH EL. Why am I not surprised you further enable your own stupidity as well as others' by listening to that garbage.

The leading statistics (2006) show black to white ratio in prisons is nearing 6:1. I refuse to believe it has anything to do with the color of their skin, because as you said, it doesn't matter, and I firmly believe that and agree with you. Black people are not inherently violent or aggressive as many stereotypes will lead folks to believe. What matters and what really affects them is the garbage they're feeding themselves and embedding in their childrens minds with this so-called "music" or "expression."

But go on and keep believing what you want. You live in the US after all. You have the right to remain an idiot.

11-13-2007, 11:45 AM
Hmmm....not bad. Look into Savior Machine when you get the chance.

11-13-2007, 11:55 AM
EL OH EL. Why am I not surprised you further enable your own stupidity as well as others' by listening to that garbage.

The leading statistics (2006) show black to white ratio in prisons is nearing 6:1. I refuse to believe it has anything to do with the color of their skin, because as you said, it doesn't matter, and I firmly believe that and agree with you. Black people are not inherently violent or aggressive as many stereotypes will lead folks to believe. What matters and what really affects them is the garbage they're feeding themselves and embedding in their childrens minds with this so-called "music" or "expression."

But go on and keep believing what you want. You live in the US after all. You have the right to remain an idiot.

I'm with Mike. Been listening to hip hop/rap music since the 80's.

I never once knocked someone out because my momma said to.

I never killed a cop because Ice T thought I should.

Seriously. It's not just rap music. These kids have no parents. That's their problem.

11-13-2007, 12:02 PM
I'm with Mike. Been listening to hip hop/rap music since the 80's.

I never once knocked someone out because my momma said to.

I never killed a cop because Ice T thought I should.

Seriously. It's not just rap music. These kids have no parents. That's their problem.
They have no parent(s) because it's "cool," to be a playa, and it's what the G's rap about holmes. Werd

11-13-2007, 12:02 PM
They have no parents because it's "cool," to be a playa, and it's what the G's rap about holmes. Werd

Your kidding right? I'm just going to think you are.

11-13-2007, 02:06 PM
i like nightwish, there cover of Gary Moore's over the hills and far away is amazing, and deep silent complete is another great song!

when did they get the new singer?

11-13-2007, 02:51 PM
i have been listening to nightwish for years, but have been slacking lately, and havent heard of this, thanks for the heads up.

another album to add to my embarassingly large collection of black/death/power/whatever metal, half of which i cant pronounce because i'm a stupid american.

11-13-2007, 05:45 PM
EL OH EL. Why am I not surprised you further enable your own stupidity as well as others' by listening to that garbage.

The leading statistics (2006) show black to white ratio in prisons is nearing 6:1. I refuse to believe it has anything to do with the color of their skin, because as you said, it doesn't matter, and I firmly believe that and agree with you. Black people are not inherently violent or aggressive as many stereotypes will lead folks to believe. What matters and what really affects them is the garbage they're feeding themselves and embedding in their childrens minds with this so-called "music" or "expression."

But go on and keep believing what you want. You live in the US after all. You have the right to remain an idiot.

Seriously, I read the shit that spews out into your posts and say to myself "you MUST be a fucking idiot."

I am not amazed at how stupid you are, but I am more amazed at how smart or clever you think you are.

- You fell for a MAACO paint job
- You buy cheap shit like 15 dollar foglamps
- You talk down about a certain music because you dont like it and because the statistics support your imaginary claims

You'de have to be a complete fucking idiot to believe statistics. Just because surveys are done, what makes you think they're correct? What makes you think they are factual and not somehow biased? You never know who's in charge of those figures, you're just a fucking follower....

The way you are going, you might as well get into discussions and arguements about religion and politics, as if these subjects havent been beaten to death by idiots and extremists since day 1. If its one thing I've learned in life, is to think for your fucking self - have your own opinion and quit following other peoples pre-set writings. Fucking lemmings....

If you want a fuckin blanket statement, how about this one. Its not about black, white, yellow or brown - its about social classes. Either you're rich, your poor, or you're somewhere fuckin inbetween. Everyone has to hustle to survive, some more than others. The gangster life has been around & glamourized forever, regardless of what color, nationality or religion you are.

11-13-2007, 05:48 PM
Hahaha some sandy vagina neg repped me for saying "hip hop culture is destroying America."

Guess what? There is actual evidence supporting this theory. The "thug culture" so far, has done more damage to African Americans than any sort of racist or activist group could have ever hoped to do. It's truely sad.


In fact, Bill Cosby wrote a book on it.
Link to book: http://www.amazon.com/Come-People-Path-Victims-Victors/dp/1595550925/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/105-4582944-7371666?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192805284&sr=1-1
No sandy vag here, just a college graduate who happens to have been raised on, continues to love and makes hip hop, so fuck you.
Using Bill Cosby's book as an example is not the bar you should measure how black people should be seeing themselves. Mainly because BILL COSBY IS NOT THE OFFICIAL FUCKING SPOKESPERSON FOR BLACK AMERICA!!! I do not recall who or how he was made to think that he was, but to write a book opining on negative stereotypes that he HIMSELF is guilty of (do your research, or you will continue to look like a douche missile EVERY time you speak... Autumn Jackson is her name, begin there and follow his sketchy history).
EL OH EL. Why am I not surprised you further enable your own stupidity as well as others' by listening to that garbage.

The leading statistics (2006) show black to white ratio in prisons is nearing 6:1. I refuse to believe it has anything to do with the color of their skin, because as you said, it doesn't matter, and I firmly believe that and agree with you. Black people are not inherently violent or aggressive as many stereotypes will lead folks to believe. What matters and what really affects them is the garbage they're feeding themselves and embedding in their childrens minds with this so-called "music" or "expression."

But go on and keep believing what you want. You live in the US after all. You have the right to remain an idiot.
No, see the ratio of black to whites in prison is mainly because of Reaganomics, and the overpunishment of crimes inherent to people who have less. The fact of the matter, here, is that any group of people who were not indigenous to an area, were brought in for subservient roles, then "freed" of that role, but find themselves in need of a "civil rights movement" a hundred years later means something... You know what that means? It means that now, 40 MORE years later, shit is not much better, the ratio of prison populations is fucking sickening. The major reason is the divide between the LEVEL of punishment between crack cocaine and powder cocaine... Do you not find it odd to punish the coloreds carrying around a street level "cheap" drug heavier than they do the big man with the powder that created it? Why NOT chase the big man? Again, do your research.
They have no parent(s) because it's "cool," to be a playa, and it's what the G's rap about holmes. Werd
Man, are you REALLY this stupid, or are you playing?
Yes, I just -repped you again, and I will EVERY time you come out of your ignorant-ass face with shit like this.

11-13-2007, 06:18 PM
Funny how we have two different contrasts going on here, Philip being black and a graduate - and me being white and a college dropout. The way I see it is simple: think for yourself. Anytime you follow someone elses beliefs you're being a lemming. And to me, its fuckin common sense: anyone who's currently broke or ever BEEN broke, should understand that life is fucked up.. opportunities are not always out there for people who need them. There are a lot of people who are ridiculously skilled or talented, that should have work or more opportunities, that simply dont. Many of these people just dont have the economic backing that many others simply take for granted.

The way I've always seen things, is as plain as ever. I have friends of every nationality and every economic status, some rich some poor, and some in between. I sit in the middle class and for me, thats where I like being. Regardless how lavishly some of my rich friends live, I dont care, need or want that type of lifestyle. Same goes for some of my poorer friends. I work hard enough to keep me exactly where I need to be, and I listen to rap music to remind me of the problems that existed back in the 80s, 90s, and continue to exist.

To me, certain rap songs will always symbolize the problems of that era, or even if its not about problems, it will take me back to that time. Its a form of expression and its meaningful.

I dont sit here and hate on you for listening to fuckin butt-rock, thats your thing, fine. There are plenty of crazy white kids blowin up buildings (not me) that listen to death metal and what not. Actually, I could care less what the fuck people listen to... just chill the fuck out and quit blowin shit up.

11-13-2007, 07:32 PM
First and foremost (and also lastly) I'm not following anyone elses beliefs. I happen to come to that belief (conclusion) on my own that rap "music" (again, music in quotes, because it simply isn't music) has very negative impact on society. I just happen to post quotes or info from a few folks with whom I agree with. One being Bill Cosy, and I also agree with Morgan Freeman's viewpoint on a lot of recent issues. He, who mainly believes that it's idiotic and borderline racist to have a "black history month."

Anyways, we're going way off topic here. Bottom line: We live in the US. You have the right to be a completely moron (like me) and listen or endorse whatever you want. Thankfully is this free society we can hear who these idiots are (look at all my red squares, when will I recover?), and avoid them.

11-13-2007, 08:20 PM
You wanna blame rap music for the way black people supposedly behave? You really think that people that listen to rap music are influenced by it enough to go out and commit crimes? You are truly an idiot.

You listen to Rock music. Have you forgotten that society thought Rock music contributed to juvenile delinquency in the 60s? Do you not remember how society blamed Marilyn Manson, ICP and other heavy metal bands for the Columbine incident and others like it?

Let me make a thread real quick and talk about Rock music promotes anarchy and violence. Let me talk about how i read some random survey, probably done by uber-religious groups, how Rock music is influencing kids to turn away from God and become Satanists, to go and shoot up their schools and kill their parents, and to become completely antisocial and depressed.

I don't, because 1- I don't care, 2- neither does anyone else, and 3- it sounds stupid to say that music is the only contributor to this. You've made a total ass of yourself to make a ridiculous point.

Can someone lower the ban-axe now????

11-13-2007, 09:07 PM
You wanna blame rap music for the way black people supposedly behave? You really think that people that listen to rap music are influenced by it enough to go out and commit crimes? You are truly an idiot.

You listen to Rock music. Have you forgotten that society thought Rock music contributed to juvenile delinquency in the 60s? Do you not remember how society blamed Marilyn Manson, ICP and other heavy metal bands for the Columbine incident and others like it?

Let me make a thread real quick and talk about Rock music promotes anarchy and violence. Let me talk about how i read some random survey, probably done by uber-religious groups, how Rock music is influencing kids to turn away from God and become Satanists, to go and shoot up their schools and kill their parents, and to become completely antisocial and depressed.

I don't, because 1- I don't care, 2- neither does anyone else, and 3- it sounds stupid to say that music is the only contributor to this. You've made a total ass of yourself to make a ridiculous point.

Can someone lower the ban-axe now????
Where did I say it was the only contributor to the problem? Thanks for putting words into my mouth though, that's awesome.

As far as religion goes, it needs to be banned as well.

If you don't agree that's fine just let the thread die, geez. Move onto something else. We're way off topic now.

Dirty Habit
11-13-2007, 09:13 PM
Where did I say it was the only contributor to the problem? Thanks for putting words into my mouth though, that's awesome.

As far as baby seals go, they should be clubbed to death as well.

Seriously, what the fuck is your problem? They're helpless animals man...

11-13-2007, 09:28 PM
Enough of this shit.
Zomgdrift, I can fix it so you can't start new threads, since it seems that so many of the ones you start seem to turn into everyone versus you.
I would think that if that happened once or twice, with a member or 2, then it is an overly crotchety constituency, but the frequency with which this shit is happening, the problem is YOU, not EVERYONE else.
I will kill this thread now.