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View Full Version : AC problem in 92 KA

11-03-2007, 01:48 PM
search for the topic but dont find any related.

my problem is that sometime i turn on my AC is not cold at all but sometime turn on rite away. took the car to shop and did the ac service but they said everything are ok.... anyone got the some problem?? dose anyone know whats wrong????

11-03-2007, 08:48 PM
the contacts on your ac relay could be a little burnt therefore causing it not to click over and your ac compressor to turn on, but do this

next time you turn the ac on and it doesn't get cold pop your hood and see if your ac compressor is spinning, and i'm not talking about the pulley that the belt goes on cause that's always spinning as long as your motor's running. i'm saying the very front of your ac compressor (as well as the pulley) should be spinning, if it's not then you can try to pop in another relay and see how that goes. if that still doesn't fix it other possible causes could be the ambient temperature sensor that's mounted right by the hood latch. the ac compressor's clutch coil is not engaging, therefore none of your freon is being compressed, your hi/low pressure switch in receiver dryer may be bad. or your blend door may be binding up. anywho see if the compressor is coming on and we'll go from there k :D , i doubt you're low on freon because #1 the shop you had it at didn't find any problems, and #2 when it does work, it's cold. therefore i'm thinking your compressor's not coming on sometimes for some reason so that's what i need you to check first.

11-04-2007, 06:03 AM
the problem is you need to just take yur ac out lol. ;)

11-04-2007, 10:01 AM
i think what i got from your pm was that the compressor sometimes wasn't coming on.

k, you need to recreate the scenario. if the ac's coming on like it's supposed to then you're not going to find your problem. so the next time you request ac and it doesn't come on, THAT is the time to check.

what you should check is grab a test light and see if the compressor's clutch coil wire is getting 12volts when you're requesting ac. if it has 12volts going to the compressor and the clutch isn't engaging the compressor, then the compressor clutch is bad.

if you're not getting 12volts on that wire then, check the ac fuse (it should be fine, but might as well). try swapping the ac relay with another relay that is the same. if it comes on right away now then you know it was the relay, if still doesn't work, post up your test results and i'll tell you what to do next,
Dave =]