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10-27-2007, 05:08 PM
Wrongly Convicted Man Sued for Child Support
Dwayne Allen Dail

Raleigh — A man who was pardoned after spending 18 years behind bars for a rape he didn't commit has been sued for child support for the years he was in prison.

Dwayne Allen Dail, 39, was cleared in August of the 1987 rape of a 12-year-old Goldsboro girl. The girl identified him as her attacker, and hair found at the scene was similar to his. DNA evidence found on a fragment of the girl's nightgown years after the trial proved Dail wasn't involved in the attack, however.

Gov. Mike Easley pardoned Dail two weeks ago, making him eligible to receive $360,000 from the state – $20,000 for each year he spent in prison.

Dail, who now lives in Florida, was served Tuesday with a lawsuit by Lorraine Michaels, the mother of his son, who is seeking back child support. The suit does not specify how much money she wants, as is normal in North Carolina, but asks a "reasonable sum for the care and maintenance of the minor child" for the years Dail was in prison.

"Since his release, Mr. Dail has not indicated any intention to provide support to Ms. Michaels," Michaels' attorney, Sarah Heekin, said in a statement. "In order to fully protect my client’s statutory rights, it was necessary to file an action for child support prior to the minor’s eighteenth birthday."

Dail said he was devastated by the suit. He said his son recently moved to Florida to live with him.

"I was thrown in prison. What could I do? I missed my whole life. I missed my son's whole life. I'm not the person to be compensating anyone for anything – not me," Dail said.

"I'm sure the mother had her issues over the years, but nothing like the issues that Dwayne Dail dealt with for 18½ years,” said Chris Mumma, the attorney who helped establish Dail’s innocence.

Heekin, who said she filed the suit last week, works in the same law office as Don Strickland, the former Wayne County assistant district attorney who prosecuted Dail for rape.

10-27-2007, 05:16 PM
$20k for each year... are you kidding me. I don't know what's fair, but a year of anyones life is worth a lot more than that.

10-27-2007, 05:17 PM
$20k for each year... are you kidding me. I don't know what's fair, but a year of anyones life is worth a lot more than that.
<--- 28+ year NC resident...
an NC resident can live and get fat on 20k a year, especially given the inflation of wages on the whole and applying an average over that period. If awarding "lost wages," that amount (if awarded all at once) is actually fair. If this dude is smart, he will never have to work again, provided he handles his ca$h correctly. He SHOULD, however, sue for more based upon being convicted and imprisoned on wholly false pretenses.

to respond to the story presented in the original post:

The thing in NC, as I understand it, is that they gauge child support to what the parents make, and award support based upon that sum...
They look at what the state has paid out in welfare and seek restitution of that amount.

The whole thing, though, to expect someone to have to pay back child support for a period in which he was incarcerated for something he did not do is FURTHER support to my stance that pregnancy is a fucking hustle, and that the hustle is slighted to the advantage of women who have NONE of the responsibility, but reap ALL of the benefit of what comes from ONE night of irresponsible behavior. Yes, the whole shit is fucked up.
Pregnancy; the oldest hustle in the history of legally muddled procreation.

... no, I don't want children as long as shit like this is allowed to continue to happen.

10-27-2007, 05:50 PM
On top of the assumption that he most likely would've made more than $20K a year (I know he'd have to pay bills, taxes, buy things, and all that, but whatever), it's not really about "lost wages", he should've been given a lot more than that, if someone put me in a small room for 18 years for no reason I'd go crazy, I can't even stand being in the house all day, the guy missed a huge part of his life, he missed out on memories, experiences, seeing his child grow up, it's more of an emotional thing that you can't really put a price on (oxymoron to my argument).
But I agree with you Phlip on the pregnancy/child support thing.

10-27-2007, 06:34 PM
Heekin, who said she filed the suit last week, works in the same law office as Don Strickland, the former Wayne County assistant district attorney who prosecuted Dail for rape.

All this case is about...

10-27-2007, 06:44 PM
wow that is some bullshit.

his wife is just a peice of shit. heard he was getting out and getting his ass PAID now she wants a peice. she dont need money, she just wants some free money.

10-28-2007, 07:49 AM
not his wife obviously lol

how the hell did they prove him innocent after all this time? did the female jus come out and say "you know i was jus kiddin nah he didnt rape me it was jus a fling during recess" ??

10-28-2007, 10:07 AM
"I missed my son's whole life."

That's so ridiculously sad. No sum of money can replace that. I think the biggest part of life is watching your children grow up to become successful. He missed 18.5 years of his son's life to be proud.

Koopa Troopa
10-28-2007, 10:18 AM
$20k for each year... are you kidding me. I don't know what's fair, but a year of anyones life is worth a lot more than that.

Tell that to the govenment.. I make like 19k a year and still pay taxes... Funny when taxes pay your paycheck yet you still pay them...

10-28-2007, 10:38 AM
not his wife obviously lol

how the hell did they prove him innocent after all this time? did the female jus come out and say "you know i was jus kiddin nah he didnt rape me it was jus a fling during recess" ??

Probably from advanced dna testing and forensics that we didnt have even 5 years ago

10-29-2007, 12:01 PM
This shit kills me.

10-29-2007, 03:26 PM
Being in prison is considered a legal disability IIRC. He should be able to win any lawsuit since he was in prison for the duration of whatever missed child support is being alleged.

Hopefully he wins costs as well, to jack the deadbeat wife for being a bitch.

10-29-2007, 04:54 PM
Tell that to the govenment.. I make like 19k a year and still pay taxes... Funny when taxes pay your paycheck yet you still pay them...
Your housing and accomodations are paid for, so besides taxes pretty much everything you make is spending money.

10-29-2007, 05:03 PM
It's like the show "Life"

Except that guy got millions for his troubles.

10-29-2007, 05:05 PM
This is probably one of the most fucked up things I've ever read. Makes you think twice about how "bad" you REALLY have it.

11-04-2007, 05:40 PM
I read about this in the paper

Good ole NC

B Love
11-04-2007, 11:04 PM
Wow that lady freaking sucks. Im sure he would have done something if he could have but he was in prison. Not too much money to be made in there

11-04-2007, 11:29 PM
choke that biatch!!!

what a grimey scam artist....not to mention the kid is clearly like 19+ she doesnt need child support...and if she does sue the state not the dude who was locked up for 20years.....talk about a gold digger lol damn what is he supposed to do pay you in cartons of cigarettes while hes locked up.....I hope this guy rapes the state for millions cause there is no amount that he could sue for to make it worth 20years...

bottom line that woman is a money grubbing whore

11-05-2007, 01:00 AM
choke that biatch!!!
bottom line that woman is a money grubbing whore

Indeed she is... She is jealous because now that he got out he gets money and she wants some... It sucks how they put a price on life though... 20k a year...