View Full Version : $4,200,200 Donation to the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation

10-22-2007, 01:07 PM
Rush Limbaugh has raised and donated $4,200,200 to the MC-LEF through the auction on eBay of a letter from the US Senate attacking him.

Press Release:


-- Mr. Limbaugh Matches Philanthropist Betty Casey's Winning Bid: $4,200,200 Goes to The Marine Corps – Law Enforcement Foundation --

LOS ANGELES, October 19, 2007 – Last week, Rush Limbaugh announced the eBay auction of Senator Harry Reid's letter that was signed by 41 Democrat Senators and sent to Clear Channel CEO Mark Mays. The auction closed today with a record-breaking winning bid of $2,100,100 for charity through eBay Giving Works. Previously, the most expensive item sold through eBay Giving Works was the celebrity-signed Harley-Davidson from Jay Leno in 2005, which sold for $800,100. All proceeds, including Mr. Limbaugh's matched donation, totaling $4,200,200, goes to the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation, a registered charity that provides financial assistance to the children of fallen Marines and federal law enforcement officers. Mr. Limbaugh serves on the Board of this organization and has been active on its behalf since its inception.

Mr. Limbaugh stated on his nationally syndicated radio show today, "Our winning bidder, subject to the receipt of funds, is a wonderful woman named Betty Casey. As trustee of The Eugene B. Casey Foundation, she gives significant sums to hospitals, hospices, colleges and private schools. These include The Eugene B. Casey Diabetes Education Center, The Eugene B. Casey Swim Center, The Eugene B. Casey Academic Center and The Casey Home Hospice. She has also donated tens of millions from the foundation and her personal funds to the Washington Opera."

He continued to share that, "Betty has been a listener to my program since its inception, and we can't thank her enough for her support. We'd also like to thank eBay Giving Works for allowing us to break their website in the closing moments of the auction, and Auction Cause, who was our consultant in prequalifying bidders and developing the auction."

"The Eugene B. Casey Foundation believes freedom of speech is a basic right of every citizen of this country. Their purchase of the smear letter was to demonstrate their belief in this right, and to support Rush Limbaugh, his views and his continued education of us," said a foundation spokesperson.

eBay Spokesperson Catherine England commented, "eBay Giving Works can confirm that Rush Limbaugh's listing has set a new record as the most expensive item sold for charity on the site. Unique items such as Rush's letter are what make eBay a one-of-a kind experience. eBay Giving Works is exceptionally pleased to see such a generous donation going to support the Marine Corps – Law Enforcement Foundation and the good work that they do."

Mrs. Casey receives the original "Harry Reid Smear” letter with 41 signatures; the Halliburton briefcase in which the letter is secured 24 hours a day; a personal letter of thanks from Mr. Limbaugh; and a photograph of the radio personality displaying the letter on stage in Philadelphia on October 11.

For video link of Mr. Limbaugh's announcement on his radio show today, go to the homepage of www.RushLimbaugh.com.

Nationally syndicated by Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show is heard by approximately 20 million weekly listeners and airs on nearly 600 radio stations.

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10-22-2007, 01:10 PM

That's awesome.

10-22-2007, 01:17 PM
Baller. Talk about a write-off.

10-22-2007, 01:51 PM
What was the letter about?

10-22-2007, 02:02 PM
guess that'll make up for him being such a worthless sack of oxycontin loving shit.

10-22-2007, 02:02 PM
That's a lot of monies for a good cause.

10-22-2007, 03:15 PM
What was the letter about?


10-22-2007, 03:59 PM

No, that is NOT the truth.

He was talking about a "phony" soldier, named Jesse Macbeth, who claimed that he had received a Purple Heart and had witnessed and participated in war atrocities in Iraq, killing women and children. Meanwhile, he was never in the military and had washed out of boot camp after 45 days. This whole case was reported by ABC News and Rush was talking about it.



MediaMatters (which is part of the Democratic Party) twisted the facts and Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats ran with the Mediamatters story.

10-22-2007, 05:19 PM
there's a transcript of the show at the bottom of the page (not the whole show, but the caller he was talking to at the time, and the previous caller), and Jesse Macbeth was not a topic of conversation at all.

So, because one idiot claimed to be a veteran of Iraq, when he wasn't, that means that there is not a single active soldier or Iraq veteran who opposes the war? I'm willing to bet that "the media" has talked to a few actual soldiers who oppose the war, and for them to be lumped together with jesse macbeth dishonors their service to the country.

10-22-2007, 06:44 PM
The transcript is not accurate. I listen to the show everyday and that (transcript) is not what went down.

I'll see if I can find the actual audio from the podcast, but not sure I can edit the relevant section.

10-23-2007, 04:52 PM
the best part about it that reid made a speech on the floor of the senate after the news of the auction commending rush's plan. he only regretted that he didn't give it the time to collect the rest of the democratic senator's signatures.
he spoke nothing of the false reporting and his subsequent error.

what a tool.

steve shadows
10-23-2007, 05:12 PM
So, because one idiot claimed to be a veteran of Iraq, when he wasn't, that means that there is not a single active soldier or Iraq veteran who opposes the war?

thats pretty fucking important imo

Ive yet to meet or hear from anyone who's been there that is PROVEN without a doubt, to be staunch anit-Iraq surge etc.

There are a lot who are tierd.

but remeber both sides of this have their mass propoganda.