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View Full Version : HoW to do an air leak test...i need to know

10-15-2007, 03:26 PM
simply put...my cars running like shit...

swapped in a DOHC s14 KA into my chassis

simply put when im on first and i try going over 2500 rpms car starts boggin horribly...

every gear 2500 rpms is the dead zone ...luckily im able to hit 65 on the freeway atleast...

so i changed the stock intake hoses ( ones runnign to the valve cover and connect to above the TB

and it actual allows me now to rev to aroun 3k

so my conclusion is its an air leak i can niether see nor hear when engine is on...

so how the hell can i do an air leak test for thi sdang fangle contraption

i know the problem isnt fuel since pressure is constant around 40psi i believe and injectors are spraying...even did a seafom injector clean and carb cleaner for it all

still wcan anyone point me in the right direction or tell me how todo this task.... i already know compression is low aswell

help me

10-15-2007, 04:45 PM
Get a cap for the turbo's inlet. Once that's capped off, pull off the vacuum line on your BOV and inject compressor air into it. About 15psi should be good. Listen for any air leaks and fix accordingly.

10-15-2007, 05:14 PM
his car isn't turbocharged

10-15-2007, 05:25 PM
OK, then pull the MAF off of the car and put the cap on the intake pipe.

Curb King
10-15-2007, 05:34 PM
Get a can of carb cleaner or brake fluid and spray it around various parts of of the intake and throttle body when you hear an increase in rpms thats where your leak is.

10-15-2007, 05:49 PM
Do you even have the maf connected? I know when I don't have the MAF connected it doesn't let me go past 2,500 RPM and it boggs like crazy. Is it a MAF for an 89 or 90 if you did the SOHC to DOHC swap? Is the MAF dirty?

10-15-2007, 07:24 PM
Get a can of carb cleaner or brake fluid and spray it around various parts of of the intake and throttle body when you hear an increase in rpms thats where your leak is.

do as he says ^

I recommend carb cleaner or intake cleaner. More than likely your MAF is dirty, search for the MAF cleaning thread its easy and worked on 2 cars for me already

10-16-2007, 10:20 AM
Do you even have the maf connected? I know when I don't have the MAF connected it doesn't let me go past 2,500 RPM and it boggs like crazy. Is it a MAF for an 89 or 90 if you did the SOHC to DOHC swap? Is the MAF dirty?

the MAF is from a 91-94 dohc s13, brand new oem from nissan jigga :bigok: i know wuts up lol

though ill try the carb cleaner tech...would i leak in that gasket ( TB gasket) really make things that bad ???? :tweak:

10-16-2007, 11:07 AM
it would make the motor lean out because it is recieving more air than your computer thinks it is.

10-16-2007, 11:15 AM
leaning out meaning less fuel when im tryin to gas it,hence the 2500 - 3k restriction in revs :confused:

10-16-2007, 11:22 AM
generally a leaning condition will still allow you to rev, but more importantly is the loss of vacuum inbetween the manifold and the intake... since the T-body gasket is leaking your motor will not be produce vacuum (which comes from the t-body itself)...

Spray the T-body housing on the outside to see if it is sucking in air behind the T-body.

*edit* (technically, your motor is producing vaccuum, but it is being lost through the T-body gasket.. so the vacuum ports on the t-body itself are useless)

10-16-2007, 11:33 AM
if it is the problem... u think liquid gasket or silicone would work... or fuck it just get the actual gasket, and or gasket paper and do it that way

10-21-2007, 09:12 AM
I would do it correctly and just order a gasket. It's safer and much cleaner. Plus, they are only like $3.50.