View Full Version : good thing technocop didn't run my license

10-11-2007, 10:56 AM
so i got a speeding ticket in Kansas, way back in April, when i was headed out to san francisco on a long ass road trip. as soon as the cop got back in his car, i just went "kansas? lol! i'm never coming back here!" and threw that shit out the window.

well, kansas is one bad motherfucker. they rang up my state's DMV, and now my license has been revoked, until i pay kansas for 95 in a 60, and give my own DMV 20 bucks. apparently i've been cruising around without a license for two months. woot!

so yeah, don't laugh about excessive speeding charges and throw them out the window when you're out of state. at least, not when the state neighbors yours.

10-11-2007, 11:04 AM
wow, you're one lucky bastard....lol, just stop listen to techno until you get your license back...

10-11-2007, 12:37 PM
MO > KS haha.

10-11-2007, 02:56 PM
what's a stamp cost now? i've got my garbage ready to mail, but i need two stamps.

10-11-2007, 03:20 PM
yeah i found that type shit out the hard way.
got pulled like 4 times in a month for registration. Finally went "ok fuck this" and got my car registered. Took the tickets to the clerk of the court, said "ok, its registered, can i get these tickets waived?"
"sure, no problem, let me just remove them"

fast forward to 3 months later

get pulled at a traffic stop, no biggie, I wasn't visibly drunk, guy ran my license.

"sir, i'm going to need you to step out of the car"


"you have 10 failure to appear in court charges"


I get handcuffed, spend 13 hours in a holding cell. Turns out, the clerk fucked up, and missed entering one of the tickets.
THANKS BRO, now i get to pay 180 dollars to get my fucking car out of impound, along with 300 to a lawyer to get me out of trouble. (lawyer was cheap, it took them like 20 seconds to explain what happened).

moral of the story, make sure your shit is cleaaaaan

10-11-2007, 03:30 PM
^ That's some bull shit right there.

To the OP...isn't anything over 30mph a felony charge? Sucks...

10-11-2007, 03:32 PM
yeah, i had a 98 in a 60 here in missouri "fixed", it was a felony charge initially. apparently this kansas one is 95 in a 70, though, and it wouldn't matter anyway, out of state = no points on your license :D

10-11-2007, 03:48 PM
my dad got pulled in his 350z doing 120 in a 45. Told the cop "I just got this car, just wanted to see what it had in it" (blatant lie, Z was an 03, he bought it brand new, this was in 05).

cop: "well, i see that you live right down the road, and i dont have my ticket book with me, so just take it easy from now on"

dad: "yes, officer"

then his wife spun it in the rain and he sold it because "It isn't virgin anymore"

Dirty Habit
10-11-2007, 04:16 PM
Your pops got lucky. Most carolina troopers dont put up with shit. I got pulled doing 2 mph over on 95 outside of raleigh going to bragg once. No bullshiting, dude gave me a ticket.

10-12-2007, 09:28 PM
Wtf. Who did you run into clean? DAMMMN. Never heard of that...and I live here.

You dodged a bullet on the no license thing y0.