View Full Version : Beat your children, its a good thing

09-27-2007, 10:19 PM
Although most people think I am old, and that I am a parent. I am not.

Now, near the office here at work, there is a liquor store. A great place for a quick snack, bag of chips, or a drink. Now that I've been right next door to a liquor store, I am starting to gain an understanding as to what types of people come here. And, how I hate some of these people.

- Smokes & Liquor, yes.. I know you people cant live without your alcohol, or without your fucking cigarettes. These patrons dont catch me by surprise, although I will admit that I do find it funny just how many people are FUCKING ADDICTED. You see people leaving with their "brown bag special," which is an alcoholic beverage of choice, of course. And you see people run in for their "morning pack of cigarettes" as they are barely able to make the request, with their worn vocals which sound much like a rusty gate being closed or opened. "A pack of marlbro and some lighters, thaaanks" .. fuck. "Dont you look in the mirror," I ask myself? Face looking like a dry old catchers mitt (-seinfeld)

- Lotto FREAKS. I see the weirdest people ON THE FUCKING PLANET come in for their lotto TUESDAY or LOTTO FRIDAY or whatever_the_fuck special day they're conning you idiots into buying tickets. I cannot fucking BELIEVE how many people are quick to give their hard-earned money away. I see 20, 40, 100 dollar lotto purchases. What the FUCK is wrong with you people? Make me wait in line for what, so that you can lose? I could've told that to you right then and there, you fucking SUCK at life and you're a fucking LOSER. GO HOME. Give your children that money, they can use it on something called education, something you obviously are not equipped with. AND, the type of people buying lotto tickets is even more amazing than their stupidity. They're always either old, dying, dead, or just disabled and barely operating. God I see some weird fucks buying lotto tickets.


Now that my rant is done, lets start with the topic at hand. Funny how I always make my point at the END of my posts, but whatever. The beginning is my introduction which explains my twisted mindset.

So as I am stepping away from my office (nextdoor), I hear some honking. Not a short honk, like someone is holding the horn for whatever reason. Sometimes this happens when someone not-so-skilled is installing their "club" anti-theft device. No, not this time. I see a Ford Focus with its weak horn blaring "beeeeeeeeeeee beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" and some fat kid in the passenger seat. I already knew what was happening. Little fatty is honking the horn to piss off mom, who left the car running because shes "only gonna be a minute." And, the kids are laughing away while they annoy mom. How funny, its 9PM.. lets pissoff all the neighbors, the liquor store owner (who happens to be Korean), mom, me, and everyone else.. because its funny. I got something funny for you, how bout I come beat your fuckin fat face in, bitch. Thats funny.

Anyway, I walk in, grab my Freshly Brewed Lipton Unsweetened Ice Tea, and get in line behind... Mom. Mom has a tattoo on her arm below her elbow, and is looking for change to pay for her bullshit cigarettes while fat fuck, is still blaring the horn. She tells the owner, again, who is korean... "You should tell them to stop because they're not gonna listen to me!"




Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with society? Bitch cant raise her kids so she asks a stranger for help? Anyway, the owner yells "[email protected][email protected]!?$%@!?" with his nice Korean accent, which stopped them for like.. 5 seconds. But then they started again as mom walked upto the car.

Mom was searching through her purse for CHANGE to pay for her cigarettes. Oh for chrissake.. she doesnt even have enough real money, she has to pay with pennies and nickles for her addiction. She leaves her car running with the children in it, real safe.

My beef is this. Because of modern day society, EVERYONE is safe. Auto transmissions dont accidentally go into drive because of a safety feature! Why? Because people died when cars accidentally were put into gear. Oh? GOOD! Let people die. Let these people die. Let little fattie roll off a cliff because she was laughing, honking, and her fat arm accidentally shifted into "D," thats what I say.

Too many people are safey nowadays, and that shit is annoying. There's too many people, too many idiots at that, and I'm tired of parents who cant parent. Modern day society (american society, that is).. looks down upon parents that beat their children. FUCK THAT, if those were my kids.. I'de go outside, pull the kid out of the car, and give her a public beating that she and everyone else would remember. We'll see how she acts up when the back of my hand slaps across her face and leaves a print.

People - please, take my advice. Beat your fucking children. Be proud. Raise them right, and lets move FORWARD... not backwards.


09-27-2007, 10:31 PM
[sigh..] Where to begin.

Ok, I agree with you on every single point of your rant. I agree that parents have become absolutely retarded when it comes to their kids. I have 2 children of my own, and when they look at other children misbehave, they look in absolute horror because they think those kids are gonna get what I would give them for that kind of behavior.

There's just one word in your lil rant that I hate. BEAT. I do not condone BEATING your children. It's one thing to spank them, hit them with a belt, but BEATING your child means you lose control of your anger and you do them serious damage. Any kind of corporal punishment should not leave bruises, or welts, or any kind of mark- except the psychological one that tells them not to repeat the behavior that caused them the punishment. Like you said, you don't have kids, so I don't know if you would know the difference.

In the case of the scenario you described, IF (and I really mean IF) my kids had the balls to do some shit like that, I would do what you said, and drag them out of the car and smack them silly in front of everyone. It hurts and it's embarrassing- enough to make the point. But I wouldn't beat him/her like I would an adult.

K, that's all.

09-27-2007, 10:31 PM
The second story, is much, much shorter. A couple of weeks ago we had a heatwave here in socal, right before it started raining. I'm here in the office, working. Office window blinds are open, ah nice.. sunshine coming into the office, great.

The window shows the parking lot, my car, my co-workers' cars, the neighbor's house.. I see birds flying around, an occasional squirrel running around.

This time.....

hehehe I shit you not....

haha man, I am laughing as I'm writing this...

THIS TIME, I take a look out my fucking window...................

and I SEE A FUCKING woman................ taking a PISS................ behind my wife's Mazda Miata.



[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]

She had JUST pulled up her "workout clothes" so I didnt see any poonanny or any peeing-action, for any of you weird fetishists, so fuckoff. But I saw enough, because:

1) She wasnt good looking
2) She was like 40 or 50
3) She looked crazy, you know..

i mean,,...... YOU KNOW how crazy people look. They always LOOK crazy, like something is wrong with them.

Anyway it was hot, I went outside and saw she was gone. And within 15 minutes the pee had evaporated, how nice - the beauty of nature. Anyway, about 15 MORE minutes pass and I see that bitch again, and she starts walking BACK to where my Miata is.. and she's talking on her cell phone....??

WHAT? I dont even have a cell phone, by choice of course, because I dont believe in having these electronic ball-and-chains. But this crazy bitch has a cell phone, and yet she's riding a bike?? Anyway, I raise my index finger and make the "no-no" gesture and, she leaves on her bike. The End.

Fucking WEIRD place we live in. And still, this doesnt even hold a candle near ANY of the shit I've seen in LA. Burbank is a much more calm, and quiet place to live.

Minus the crazy women who like to pee in the back of our office.

09-27-2007, 10:37 PM
There's just one word in your lil rant that I hate. BEAT. I do not condone BEATING your children.

Dee Raven Ess Thirteen

I very much like the word BEAT, it instills fear into people. Fear is good, because if its one thing I learned from my parents - is to fucking FEAR them when I do something out-of-line. There is no "time out" in a Greek family. Anyone with traditional parents understands, "time out" is an American thing. Parents from other countries dont play that Time Out shit.

Anyway, we're on the same page.. its just a form of expression. You dont "beat" with a closed fist or anything like that, and you dont leave bruises.. although if I recall correctly.. I did have a bruised ass from my mom when I was a kid, she spanked me so hard that her hand hurt. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.. maybe thats why I have that weird fetis...nevermind. haha JK. really.... i joke i joke.

But yeah, it should all be done within limits. However, I also recall my dad picking me up by my NECK once from doing some stupid shit. But trust me, I never EVER acted out of line after that incident.... so I dont consider that too much either.

09-27-2007, 10:46 PM

I don't do that time-out shit either. My kids (mostly my son) get ears pulled, smacks in the back of the head, smacks on the butt, and I've only used the belt maybe 5 times between them. I'm a big believer in kickin ur kids' ass when they need it, because God knows I've had to. But I'll tell you one thing- my kids are some of the most well-behaved kids you'll ever see these days.

On a separate note, that lady peeing- pure comedy. Too bad you didn't have a phone. I would have taken a picture of her, then went down there to show it to her. I would have told her that I was gonna call the cops to report indecent exposure unless she gave me money. Yay for extortion.

09-27-2007, 10:48 PM
You post the best shit man. That women pissing story was nuts. I see shit like that alot for some reason now. Alot of crazy people are in the area I work.

09-27-2007, 10:57 PM

My kids (mostly my son) get ears pulled, smacks in the back of the head, smacks on the butt, and I've only used the belt maybe 5 times between them...............

my kids are some of the most well-behaved kids you'll ever see these days.

I'm not sure I understand. Kids learn by example, so what values are you teaching them? I don't know you, so don't take that personally -- I'm just curious.

The only thing I learned from my parents hitting me with a belt is 1) to hate my parents, and 2) to not hit my kids with a belt.

09-27-2007, 11:12 PM

I agree with your first story, I see TOO much of BS like that... Parents need to be what they are called, PARENTS, and PARENT their damn child...
The second story about the lady is hilarious, and :bigok: to Dravens13's idea for extortion, even more funny :rofl:
Good post, interesting read, and I agree with so much.


It's true kids learn by example but maybe for you (since I don't know you either) you learned to 1) hate your parents and 2) never hit your kid with a belt from your parents hitting you with a belt...
I grew up in a single parent home, and as if that wasn't enough stress, I did really stupid things (got caught stealing shit, graffiti, other stupid things)... But every time I did something bad (mind you this all happened in 1 year cause I was trying to be the cool kid) my mom would BEAT me as ixfxi would put it, and after that year, I was a straight A, perfect attendance student... I'll admit at the time that she was disciplining me I would feel like I hate her, but now that I'm older I know why she did it, and I learned how to be a parent from her... But thats just me... Basically, contradicting what you said, I learned that when I do decide to have children, I have to discipline them, because as a child I stepped out of line, and after being beat, I learned not to do it... Thats my two cents...

Again +1 for ixfxi, great post

09-27-2007, 11:22 PM
Then of my kid learns anything from me then he /she will be one fucken drunk up the butt hole satan. LOL
But really Im thinking the same thing, because my brother is not putting his foot down on his kid. Very sad.:-/

I agree with your first story, I see TOO much of BS like that... Parents need to be what they are called, PARENTS, and PARENT their damn child...
The second story about the lady is hilarious, and :bigok: to Dravens13's idea for extortion, even more funny :rofl:
Good post, interesting read, and I agree with so much.


It's true kids learn by example but maybe for you (since I don't know you either) you learned to 1) hate your parents and 2) never hit your kid with a belt from your parents hitting you with a belt...
I grew up in a single parent home, and as if that wasn't enough stress, I did really stupid things (got caught stealing shit, graffiti, other stupid things)... But every time I did something bad (mind you this all happened in 1 year cause I was trying to be the cool kid) my mom would BEAT me as ixfxi would put it, and after that year, I was a straight A, perfect attendance student... I'll admit at the time that she was disciplining me I would feel like I hate her, but now that I'm older I know why she did it, and I learned how to be a parent from her... But thats just me... Basically, contradicting what you said, I learned that when I do decide to have children, I have to discipline them, because as a child I stepped out of line, and after being beat, I learned not to do it... Thats my two cents...

Again +1 for ixfxi, great post

09-27-2007, 11:28 PM
dee raven, most people probably wouldnt ask out of politeness, but i am not a polite person.. so i have to ask. do you alone, do the beating? or is there a dad who also assists in the beating? i know there are single parents out there, and so i ask because i'm curious. i know single mommas have to play both roles (mom and dad) and being the bad guy is typically the dominant, male role.. atleast it was in my house - but not true for all houses. my friend's father was a puss and his mom was always the one throwing down with him.

reason i ask is because my momma never used the belt with me. the belt is like a sword, an excaliber if you will. Only Pops is capable of weilding that weapon of choice. Mom, she was more civilized. Mom used the kitchen slipper. Funny, my mom is greek.. but gaddamn sometimes she acted asian, throwing slippers like ninja-stars when she couldnt catch me! Gaddamn I think back to when I was a kid and laugh now.

about the camera PHONE, that i do not have. BUT, i have a nice digital camera here at work, by my side. I guess I could have taken a picture of that pee-er, but then... I'de have to worry about my wife, thinking i am a fetishist. she's already pissed off at me for being a man, who likes women, and who enjoys sex and porno. well, probably because until most fucking men, i am open about it.. and dont HIDE the fact that, like all men - i like tits, ass, sex, porno, etc. some guys are pathetic, telling their girlfriend or wife "no honey, i dont masturbate" yeah right, every man does.


rambluxxx> The only thing I learned from my parents hitting me with a belt is 1) to hate my parents, and 2) to not hit my kids with a belt.

if you were abused, thats one thing. but if your parent(s) had a reason, then that reason should be obvious - you fucked up. your parents are here to keep you in check and keep you in line. if they beat you, its because they care for you and they want the best for you. maybe you dont understand harsh behaviour, but its what separates the weak from the strong, and the smart from the stupid. its a fact, beating reality into your children makes them street smart.

disagree? readon: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=beat


09-27-2007, 11:30 PM
Then of my kid learns anything from me then he /she will be one fucken drunk up the butt hole satan. LOL
But really Im thinking the same thing, because my brother is not putting his foot down on his kid. Very sad.:-/


your spelling alone makes me want to BEAT you.

hows that sound? haha

edit: luis, i love you. tranquilo vato.

09-27-2007, 11:35 PM
Dude I drink like every nihgt/night.LOL Sorry man I type so fast that I dont even go back and check.Haha I feel you on your post.dawg.LOL

09-27-2007, 11:44 PM

My kids neither hate me, or are scared of me. Reason being is because they know exactly WHY I'm doing it, and I give them fair warning. What example am I giving them? It's one of cause and effect, that kids don't know about these days. If they do something stupid, they're gonna get smacked. It teaches them consequences. Like I said, I don't do that time out shit- what does that teach them later on? If you do something dumb, someone's gonna put you in the corner for a while?

My grandmother raised me with an iron fist. She used to pinch the shit out of me in church, and that shit HURT like a MF. It taught me how to sit still and listen to everything I was missing. She used to hit me with a wooden spoon that she would smack across my hands. It taught me to leave shit alone that wasn't mine. When I got to high school, and they called her for some dumb shit I did, she showed up- BELT IN HAND- and beat me raw in front of the school principal and all my friends. She didn't give a FUCK.

I don't hate her for any of that. I loved my grandmother with every inch of me, and God rest her soul, I still do. She taught me that there are consequences to every action, and they do hurt- sometimes more than any belt or spoon could ever cause.

09-27-2007, 11:46 PM
ixfxi- Yes, I do the majority of the dirty work. My daughter bats her eyes at her dad, and that's all it takes for him. My son's father is a Pussified Western Male.

I would guess that with a girl, it's harder for a dad to do the dirty work.

09-28-2007, 12:25 AM
Yeah, but I also learned that if I don't like what someone is doing, I can hit them to make the problem go away. I'm of the belief that the behavior can/should be corrected before the "hitting" stage.

As an example, my wife is an infant/toddler teacher and works hard to create a loving example with her kids. Unfortunately, she spends more time with them than their parents do. Not a single one of them is problematic, but every single one of them now knows sign language (3 month old babies can communicate with sign language pretty effectively) and can read before the age of three years, and they've all learned respect through example. It's because the program that my wife leads gives the kids more credit than most people are willing to give children. These kids aren't exceptional, they were just raised differently.

You wouldn't hit an adult, so why hit a child?

And I never said I was scared of my parents. In fact, I beat my dad down on my 18th birthday and never saw him again after that. I never did anything bad enough to warrant getting hit with a belt, and I'd guess that 99% of kids don't do anything to justify getting hit either. I guess what I'm asking is, are your kids' actions appropriate to the punishment?

One more point regarding your grandmother. If you still did all that stuff throughout your childhood and through high school, how exactly is it that you learned?

09-28-2007, 12:42 AM
"I would guess that with a girl, it's harder for a dad to do the dirty work."

oooooooooooooh that makes more sense, i forgot you have a daughter and a son, right? with daughter, its different... the mom needs/should do the enforcing.

my wife gets angry when i tell her that that my side of the family doesnt make females, because all of the guys on my side of the fam that have kids.. ALL HAVE SONS.. almost all. a few girls slipped into the cracks here and there, but honestly.. we're almost ALL MEN! fuck yeah, thats what you get when you have dominant offspring! hahaha but anyway, she gets mad when i tell her that only pussified fathers create daughters. :-) thats why they are "daddys little girl" right? because daddy's typically baby their daughters................... forever.

ramblux> You wouldn't hit an adult, so why hit a child?

no. i have no problem beating your ass if you ever stepped out of line.......... and were part of my family, of course.

i mean come on man, its all to a certain degree. you dont need to spank a any child under 2-3 years old, they're too young to understand at that age. but when they are crazy fuckers, like my 4 year old nephew or cousins, they require a periodic beatdown to remind them whos boss.

you simply cannot get away with certain behaviour. if you steal, write graffitti, or just do plain stupid shit that is WRONG.. and wrong in a big way, then you're gonna PAY... IN A BIG WAY.

there needs to be enforcement on society, and it starts in the household. theres NO room for tenderness unless you want your children to play mind-games on you.

09-28-2007, 12:50 AM
Oh man you really dont know me. I hope you get to know me and what I have been through. But non the less. Dude yousound like a cool guy. So maybe I wont beat you like my child. LOL. But man I dont think a child should be beateb blue close to purple over something stupid. But is she/he give someone a child then Im running my foot up there ass. LOL:2f2f:


your spelling alone makes me want to BEAT you.

hows that sound? haha

edit: luis, i love you. tranquilo vato.

09-28-2007, 01:04 AM
I'm not saying I hit them EVERY TIME they do something bad. I don't punish them when they make a mistake. They'll get verbal warnings, and if they're still acting like assholes, then they get an ear pulled.

All that stuff is well and good about your wife, but those are not her kids. She's a teacher, and she's doing exactly what she's supposed to do for those kids. At the end of the day, those kids go home and she doesn't have to deal with them anymore. It's good that she cares enough to show those kids good things, but any kind of real life shit, they gotta learn from the parents. All that psycho-babble shit is good, but for parents that don't know how to control their anger and take it out on their kids.

Prime example- my mother tries to use all that psycho-babble shit on my kids. Time-out, blah blah. You know what they do? They'll sit there, and then they'll go back to the bad shit they were doing. Why? Because it's not a real punishment. All you're doing is letting them rest and plot the next act of assery. Now, if I see they're doing some shit, and I get up- All I need to do is get up and look at them. That shit stops right there. And they don't do it again. Because they know. They don't want to deal with me.

About me and my grandmother- when you have a puppy, and you're teaching it to be house-broken, how many times do you have to go over and over with the puppy until he gets the hint? Do you send the puppy on a time-out? Hell no, because he doesn't know what the fuck that is. He's gonna continue to shit all over the house. Or eat your shoes. Or scratch the door and whine. It takes stages and a lot of patience and discipline to teach them everything they need to know to get through the rest of their life.

It's takes A LOT of patience to raise kids. That's why I tell everyone I know not to have them. There are times when I want to strangle them for the shit they do or say. Do I do it? No, because I know better than that. Sometimes, they do need that kick in the ass (not literally) to get them to see that what they're doing is wrong. Sometimes talk isn't gonna do it- I think society and the way it is now is enough proof of that.

That's why I endorse ixfxi for President. LOL, just kidding, not really. I'd be the first in line to assassinate him.:keke:

09-28-2007, 01:07 AM
I will be the next inline if you miss, LOL
This guy has a close thought next to minez.Yes you fucken whores MINEZ>

I'm not saying I hit them EVERY TIME they do something bad. I don't punish them when they make a mistake. They'll get verbal warnings, and if they're still acting like assholes, then they get an ear pulled.

All that stuff is well and good about your wife, but those are not her kids. She's a teacher, and she's doing exactly what she's supposed to do for those kids. At the end of the day, those kids go home and she doesn't have to deal with them anymore. It's good that she cares enough to show those kids good things, but any kind of real life shit, they gotta learn from the parents. All that psycho-babble shit is good, but for parents that don't know how to control their anger and take it out on their kids.

Prime example- my mother tries to use all that psycho-babble shit on my kids. Time-out, blah blah. You know what they do? They'll sit there, and then they'll go back to the bad shit they were doing. Why? Because it's not a real punishment. All you're doing is letting them rest and plot the next act of assery. Now, if I see they're doing some shit, and I get up- All I need to do is get up and look at them. That shit stops right there. And they don't do it again. Because they know. They don't want to deal with me.

About me and my grandmother- when you have a puppy, and you're teaching it to be house-broken, how many times do you have to go over and over with the puppy until he gets the hint? Do you send the puppy on a time-out? Hell no, because he doesn't know what the fuck that is. He's gonna continue to shit all over the house. Or eat your shoes. Or scratch the door and whine. It takes stages and a lot of patience and discipline to teach them everything they need to know to get through the rest of their life.

It's takes A LOT of patience to raise kids. That's why I tell everyone I know not to have them. There are times when I want to strangle them for the shit they do or say. Do I do it? No, because I know better than that. Sometimes, they do need that kick in the ass (not literally) to get them to see that what they're doing is wrong. Sometimes talk isn't gonna do it- I think society and the way it is now is enough proof of that.

That's why I endorse ixfxi for President. LOL, just kidding, not really. I'd be the first in line to assassinate him.:keke:

09-28-2007, 01:12 AM
I fucking hate running out of cigarettes, especially at a party. I hate bumming cigarettes...I feel like a fucking idiot, and noone smokes good cigarettes.

I used to work at a pharmacy...I had people spend upwards of $600 at once buying lottery tickets. This guy literally kept coming in every 10-15 minutes getting $60 worth of $5 scratchoffs...after 45 minutes I got one of those addiction pamphlets and laid it out across the counter (lolz). He then came every half hour or so, and he'd hover around the front I guess to see if I was gonna get off work any time soon cause he was probably embarassed...well at least I sorta saved him some money. I won $110 once though, it was cool...I bought some shoes and took a girl out to dinner.

As a teenager I get to meet a lot of fucked up kids. You know what ALL of them have in common? Shitty parents or no parents. Be a good parent or just throw your kid away. Spank your kids, make your kids do chores, make them be respectful, etc. while they're young so they don't turn into the drug addicts and wastes of lives I see at school (if they haven't dropped out yet).

09-28-2007, 01:17 AM
I came from a great childhood, I went to great schools in Los Angeles. I even went to Palisades High school Its the fucken kids and there fucken parents. Idont even know what to do if I have a kid. :confused:
I fucking hate running out of cigarettes, especially at a party. I hate bumming cigarettes...I feel like a fucking idiot, and noone smokes good cigarettes.

I used to work at a pharmacy...I had people spend upwards of $600 at once buying lottery tickets. This guy literally kept coming in every 10-15 minutes getting $60 worth of $5 scratchoffs...after 45 minutes I got one of those addiction pamphlets and laid it out across the counter (lolz). He then came every half hour or so, and he'd hover around the front I guess to see if I was gonna get off work any time soon cause he was probably embarassed...well at least I sorta saved him some money. I won $110 once though, it was cool...I bought some shoes and took a girl out to dinner.

As a teenager I get to meet a lot of fucked up kids. You know what ALL of them have in common? Shitty parents or no parents. Be a good parent or just throw your kid away. Spank your kids, make your kids do chores, make them be respectful, etc. while they're young so they don't turn into the drug addicts and wastes of lives I see at school (if they haven't dropped out yet).

09-28-2007, 01:19 AM
That's why I say don't have kids. The world is populated enough.

09-28-2007, 01:28 AM
Do you have a girlfriend Because I can but on a dress.LOL:D
That's why I say don't have kids. The world is populated enough.

09-28-2007, 01:38 AM
The way I grew up if I did something wrong I knew I'd get a beating. Not a beating just because, but because I fucked up in some way.

Oh I deserved the beatings. I was a rascal. It made me a better and harder person and I appreciated that.

One time my mom had me and my brother kneel down on our knees and hold our hands out like usual. She then took the usual wooden cooking spoon and proceeded to demolish our palms. Then after about 5 minutes into it the stick broke as she was hitting my brother's palms. She got mad and left. We both kneeled there smiling at each other because we knew that we couldn't get hit with the spoon anymore. We were so damn happy that the pain in our palms didn't even matter anymore. We had won against the damn wooden spoon.

But the next day she had a brand new one ready for us.

She always said that it hurt her more than it hurt us. lolz

09-28-2007, 01:42 AM
luis> Oh man you really dont know me. I hope you get to know me and what I have been through. But non the less. Dude yousound like a cool guy. So maybe I wont beat you like my child. LOL. But man I dont think a child should be beateb blue close to purple over something stupid. But is she/he give someone a child then Im running my foot up there ass.

luis, you do realize you're drunk, right? i mean, when you're drunk.. i know its funny to type online, and you're probably laughing and having a good time - but we have NO FUCKING CLUE what you're trying to say. just thought you'de like to know......

ENGLISH mothafucka, do you speak it? haha

dee raven> That's why I endorse ixfxi for President. LOL, just kidding, not really. I'd be the first in line to assassinate him.

once enemies, now friends. you bring a tear to my eye, dear. actually though, i think my wife has you all beat - she'll definately be the first person to kill me... trust me. TRUST ME.

luis> minez.Yes you fucken whores MINEZ........... I went to great schools in Los Angeles. I even went to Palisades High school Its the fucken kids and there fucken parents.

Mexican? This is like a George Lopez skit! "I said MINEZ!"

Funny, i started laughing when you said "great school + los angeles" then i read the magic word........ PALI.

fool, pali isnt LA.. that shit is "santa monica" its a great school, compared to the shithole I went to... fuckin Fairfax high. I mean, it gets more gheto than that of course.. the further east you go.. but hey, fairfax, hollywood, hamilton.. they're all pretty shitty schools.

fuck man, i never went to ONE PUBLIC school here in LA that had doors on their bathroom stalls.. fucking REDICULOUS. how do you take a shit when 1, the stall has shit smeared all over it, and 2, theres no fucking door?! only the retarded kids would shit, you know.. the ones that wore helmets ALL THE TIME and rode the short school bus.

but anyway, the thing that i find ironic about people that are against putting the smack down on their kids, is that they're usually very civilized, rather well off.. and typically: white. again, not white like european, because my wife (who is czech) and me (who is greek) both got our share from our parents when growing up. But i'm talking plain, white, americans... got too much money for their own good, because they have nannies raising the kids for them. anyway, the irony is that most nannies, opairs, or sitters that look after the kids.............. are immigrants. They usually get more respect from the kids than the parents get!

what a fuckin kick in the balls, how ironic is that!

farzam the perrrr_sian> As a teenager I get to meet a lot of fucked up kids. You know what ALL of them have in common? Shitty parents or no parents. Be a good parent or just throw your kid away. Spank your kids, make your kids do chores, make them be respectful, etc. while they're young so they don't turn into the drug addicts and wastes of lives I see at school

you know, most of my friends that went to the shittier schools (like me @ fairfax), turned up better than the ones who went to beverly high (beverly hills high, that is). i mean, a lot of students that went to beverly had money to buy drugs.

shit, most of my friends at fairfax..well... dont get me wrong, we werent broke - we had money. but most of my friends had money from SELLING drugs to punk bitches that went to beverly. :-) again, funny.. the irony!

09-28-2007, 01:46 AM
I love you man. I so fucken drunk Class of 2002m Yeah Fuck yeah. LOL
Im drunk lol
Bitch its minez Like I will blow MInez LOL

09-28-2007, 01:49 AM
Hey you fool, Palisades Is in Pali, You fucken terd. Shit man Atleast Im drunk Not stupid LIke you. LOL. Look at the fucken city's in Los Angeles. Shit man And I wanted you fuck.LOL:ughug:(Im not gay Like you.LOL)

09-28-2007, 01:49 AM
It's true kids learn by example but maybe for you (since I don't know you either) you learned to 1) hate your parents and 2) never hit your kid with a belt from your parents hitting you with a belt...
I grew up in a single parent home, and as if that wasn't enough stress, I did really stupid things (got caught stealing shit, graffiti, other stupid things)... But every time I did something bad (mind you this all happened in 1 year cause I was trying to be the cool kid) my mom would BEAT me as ixfxi would put it, and after that year, I was a straight A, perfect attendance student... I'll admit at the time that she was disciplining me I would feel like I hate her, but now that I'm older I know why she did it, and I learned how to be a parent from her... But thats just me... Basically, contradicting what you said, I learned that when I do decide to have children, I have to discipline them, because as a child I stepped out of line, and after being beat, I learned not to do it... Thats my two cents...

I'm 19, don't have any kids, but my life's straight. I have a girlfriend who I feel is the one and only, who I've talked to just about every aspect of life.

To what xblack240x said: I don't think it was your mom that set you straight. Your mom only made the situation worse by 'beating' you. It was you realizing of your own wrong-doings that set you straight. Whether you learned from your mom's harsh beatings or your actions doesn't matter.
It's your choice to LEARN from your mistakes. It's your mom's duty as a parent to TEACH you of what's right and what's wrong (parenting). Fortunately, you learned and are walking the right path.

Parenting comes in many forms as I'm sure everyone's already aware of. It takes more for a young child to learn than an adult because of human mind development. That's why punishments for an adult are much harsher than punishments for a young child. What's the American time-out for? What's jail time or prison time for? Time hopefully spent to learn.

It's the parents' duty to make the mistakes made by their children significant so there is something to learn from. There are much more efficient methods of punishment than beating. To each parent their own.

My $0.02.

09-28-2007, 01:51 AM
luisgonz- i'm a girl, you idiot.

ixfxi- i never considered you an enemy, just an asshole. you've been upgraded to an asshole I can tolerate.

I went to Lynwood High school- that shit is more ghetto than anything in Hollywood or Fairfax could ever offer. When people get shot in the front on the first day of school, or there's race wars during school, or there's people having sex on the stairwells and no one is fazed by that, or there's kids selling drugs to the security guards- yea, that's pretty ghetto.

09-28-2007, 01:55 AM
If you are Idiot Then I'm your guy. LOL
Were have you been in my life Maybe We should hang aout make me my drinks. You seem like a cool girl. Do you want a beer bottle shifter.LOL
I will send you Photo of me.LOL HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

luisgonz- i'm a girl, you idiot.

ixfxi- i never considered you an enemy, just an asshole. you've been upgraded to an asshole I can tolerate.

I went to Lynwood High school- that shit is more ghetto than anything in Hollywood or Fairfax could ever offer. When people get shot in the front on the first day of school, or there's race wars during school, or there's people having sex on the stairwells and no one is fazed by that, or there's kids selling drugs to the security guards- yea, that's pretty ghetto.

09-28-2007, 01:56 AM
I'm not saying I hit them EVERY TIME they do something bad. I don't punish them when they make a mistake. They'll get verbal warnings, and if they're still acting like assholes, then they get an ear pulled.

All that stuff is well and good about your wife, but those are not her kids. She's a teacher, and she's doing exactly what she's supposed to do for those kids. At the end of the day, those kids go home and she doesn't have to deal with them anymore. It's good that she cares enough to show those kids good things, but any kind of real life shit, they gotta learn from the parents. All that psycho-babble shit is good, but for parents that don't know how to control their anger and take it out on their kids.

Prime example- my mother tries to use all that psycho-babble shit on my kids. Time-out, blah blah. You know what they do? They'll sit there, and then they'll go back to the bad shit they were doing. Why? Because it's not a real punishment. All you're doing is letting them rest and plot the next act of assery. Now, if I see they're doing some shit, and I get up- All I need to do is get up and look at them. That shit stops right there. And they don't do it again. Because they know. They don't want to deal with me.

About me and my grandmother- when you have a puppy, and you're teaching it to be house-broken, how many times do you have to go over and over with the puppy until he gets the hint? Do you send the puppy on a time-out? Hell no, because he doesn't know what the fuck that is. He's gonna continue to shit all over the house. Or eat your shoes. Or scratch the door and whine. It takes stages and a lot of patience and discipline to teach them everything they need to know to get through the rest of their life.

It's takes A LOT of patience to raise kids. That's why I tell everyone I know not to have them. There are times when I want to strangle them for the shit they do or say. Do I do it? No, because I know better than that. Sometimes, they do need that kick in the ass (not literally) to get them to see that what they're doing is wrong. Sometimes talk isn't gonna do it- I think society and the way it is now is enough proof of that.

That's why I endorse ixfxi for President. LOL, just kidding, not really. I'd be the first in line to assassinate him.:keke:

Like I said, she spends more time with them than their parents, who basically put them to bed and take them to school. And you reducing my wife's chosen life work to psycho-babble isn't really an argument if that's what you meant for it to be. What my wife is "supposed" to do is educate parents and undergrad students about child development -- she's also a teacher at UCLA and has revamped several child care programs by donating her time and expertise. She has never done a "time out" either. Like I said, the kids' behavior never gets to that point in the first place, although the kids who walk can do their own dishes.

And did you just compare your kids to puppies? Egad. Seriously, WTF?

Anyway, I'm not here to try change your mind about anything since I know I can't, but you don't seem to be open to anything outside the realm of what you, your mom, and your grandmother do or have done, which makes me wonder how willing you are to learn about why your kids might act the way they do -- the root of their behavior. I have no doubt that you love your kids, so please don't get me wrong. However, people generally are much more willing to read through the FSM for their car than to learn about why kids act the way they do and what their motives really are, as well as how to react to them. And I'm not talking about reading some random parenting book by whoever Oprah happens to have on her show on any given day, I'm talking about actually investigating cognitive behavior and developmental stages.

I'm tired and this is all for naught anyway. Sorry for the book.

09-28-2007, 01:58 AM
Geez, it's come to the point where it takes more than avoiding bars to keep drunk dudes from hitting on me.

09-28-2007, 02:00 AM
luisgonz- i'm a girl, you idiot.

he's drunk - i bet he'll get pinked again. haha

ixfxi- i never considered you an enemy, just an asshole. you've been upgraded to an asshole I can tolerate.


I went to Lynwood High school- that shit is more ghetto than anything in Hollywood or Fairfax could ever offer. When people get shot in the front on the first day of school, or there's race wars during school, or there's people having sex on the stairwells and no one is fazed by that, or there's kids selling drugs to the security guards- yea, that's pretty ghetto.

no no, sounds right. we had the same shit going on at fax, shootings and hallway fucking included. my friend robert would straight walk out of class, go to smart & final across the street, STEAL a fuckin boatload of candy (without them saying a word, because he's a MASSIVE black d00d), then walk BACK into school.. and like robin hood.. distribute it to all the homies in class. One time we walk out of class to use the jon, we're clowning around in the hallway... some teacher comes out and says "shhhhhh hey! what are you guys doing out of class?~!?!!?!" my friend rob says to the teacher.. straight up:

"fuck you, go back into your classrom." hahaha oh man, that shit was hillarious. I have so many funny stories. One time i brought my cousin from san diego into class because i wanted him to see how cool one of my classes was. actually, 3 classes kinda linked. it was this "urban experiment" called humanitees, where 3 classes had the same students.. and the teachers were pretty down, all cool people that we could relate too. everything was good.

UNTIL THE DAY I BROUGHT MY COUSIN. i dunno what happened, but it seemed this class which i thought was so awesome, turned upside down. all was good, class was starting.. teacher walks in and tells the normally-nice african student Umani, to sit down. This kid was ALWAYS smart, knowledgeable, nice.. polite! I mean he's straight from nigeria. Anyway, seems like we rubbed off on him, because all of a sudden he turns and tells the teacher: FUCK YOU!

i mean everyones face fucking dropped. anyway, more senseless story-telling. I'm done.. this forum sucks up too much of my life. i quit.......

for now.

09-28-2007, 02:06 AM
Please dont even.LOL
HAHAHAHAHa I might be alight buzzed.:spank:
Geez, it's come to the point where it takes more than avoiding bars to keep drunk dudes from hitting on me.

09-28-2007, 02:12 AM
Lol. I've been diggin the forum lately. REALLY good threads, like this.

Theres a thin line for pussified people in america between abusing, and disciplining.

I will not hesitate a fucking second to put my kids in line. I was beat as a child, did me some good. I knew not to go off and do stupid shit, or face the consequences.

Respect was earned.

We knew who the big man was, and always tried to fuck around, but not enough to get beat.

We learned our limits.

We got beat more intensely for doing more stupid shit, like burning a field down.

We learned the riskier shit gets, the harsher the consequences.

As a kid, i HATED gettin beat, but again, i did know i did some shit to deserve it.

If you beat the crap outta your kids in a drunk stupor for shits, then you need to be shot in the face. Thats it.

Its all in how you take it. If you sulk and drag on that shit, then yea, you're going nowhere in life. If you man up, chalk it up to experience, and grow from it, you'd do yourself good. Lifes about adapting to your surroundings.

Look at stupid kids now. Being grounded doesn't do SHIT. Its now more than ever that kids are more fucked up because the lack of gettin beat, and putting your foot down.

I can't wait to have kids. And be financially stable.

09-28-2007, 02:13 AM
Hey I want to know who will pink me. That guy I have him. I will hook him up with beer shifter. That Guy Let me know.LOL
luisgonz- i'm a girl, you idiot.

he's drunk - i bet he'll get pinked again. haha

ixfxi- i never considered you an enemy, just an asshole. you've been upgraded to an asshole I can tolerate.


I went to Lynwood High school- that shit is more ghetto than anything in Hollywood or Fairfax could ever offer. When people get shot in the front on the first day of school, or there's race wars during school, or there's people having sex on the stairwells and no one is fazed by that, or there's kids selling drugs to the security guards- yea, that's pretty ghetto.

no no, sounds right. we had the same shit going on at fax, shootings and hallway fucking included. my friend robert would straight walk out of class, go to smart & final across the street, STEAL a fuckin boatload of candy (without them saying a word, because he's a MASSIVE black d00d), then walk BACK into school.. and like robin hood.. distribute it to all the homies in class. One time we walk out of class to use the jon, we're clowning around in the hallway... some teacher comes out and says "shhhhhh hey! what are you guys doing out of class?~!?!!?!" my friend rob says to the teacher.. straight up:

"fuck you, go back into your classrom." hahaha oh man, that shit was hillarious. I have so many funny stories. One time i brought my cousin from san diego into class because i wanted him to see how cool one of my classes was. actually, 3 classes kinda linked. it was this "urban experiment" called humanitees, where 3 classes had the same students.. and the teachers were pretty down, all cool people that we could relate too. everything was good.

UNTIL THE DAY I BROUGHT MY COUSIN. i dunno what happened, but it seemed this class which i thought was so awesome, turned upside down. all was good, class was starting.. teacher walks in and tells the normally-nice african student Umani, to sit down. This kid was ALWAYS smart, knowledgeable, nice.. polite! I mean he's straight from nigeria. Anyway, seems like we rubbed off on him, because all of a sudden he turns and tells the teacher: FUCK YOU!

i mean everyones face fucking dropped. anyway, more senseless story-telling. I'm done.. this forum sucks up too much of my life. i quit.......

for now.

09-28-2007, 02:18 AM
If you need work.Let me know I have enough party's for you.
I have alot friends.LOL :cj:
Geez, it's come to the point where it takes more than avoiding bars to keep drunk dudes from hitting on me.

09-28-2007, 02:19 AM


I'm not in any way knocking what your wife does. Her job is an important one, and one that I have great respect for.

As I stated before, my kids are really good kids. My daughter is doing an awesome job at school. She started the first grade this year, and her teacher, plus her kindergarten teacher, have both told me that she's one of the most articulate, well-behaved children they've ever had. That's a lot coming from her present teacher, who's been teaching for 30 years. I've had battles with both of them, but it's not like i hit them and walk away. I do talk to them, and I make them understand that I do it not because I don't care or because I'm mean, but that I do it because I love them and I want them to understand that what they're doing is wrong. My grandmother did the same.

I'm not comparing my children to puppies, it was an example.

Anyone can question me about my parenting, and I don't really care, because I have nothing to be ashamed of. My kids are damn good. They're not perfect, and I don't expect them to be.

09-28-2007, 02:25 AM
I've had battles with both of them, but it's not like i hit them and walk away. I do talk to them, and I make them understand that I do it not because I don't care or because I'm mean, but that I do it because I love them and I want them to understand that what they're doing is wrong. My grandmother did the same.

Anyone can question me about my parenting, and I don't really care, because I have nothing to be ashamed of. My kids are damn good. They're not perfect, and I don't expect them to be.

Perfect example of perfect parenting. Communicate with your kids.

"Hey, quit that shit" isn't enough.

Mike, DRaven, you're both ballin parents. I'm tipping my hat.

On a side note, it'd be kinda cool to see your kids fighting each other. Jokingly of course. Who's got better parenting in terms of ass-kickery, as opposed to pussification of children.

09-28-2007, 02:26 AM
I have always been told I was a articulate student in class. But shit man My dad must have changed me. LOL Really. Im drink alot.LOL
Fuck it man. I love my nif so fucken much I even Hate my own brother. This guy us the griund braking shit bag,HAHAHA His shit is weak. blah


I'm not in any way knocking what your wife does. Her job is an important one, and one that I have great respect for.

As I stated before, my kids are really good kids. My daughter is doing an awesome job at school. She started the first grade this year, and her teacher, plus her kindergarten teacher, have both told me that she's one of the most articulate, well-behaved children they've ever had. That's a lot coming from her present teacher, who's been teaching for 30 years. I've had battles with both of them, but it's not like i hit them and walk away. I do talk to them, and I make them understand that I do it not because I don't care or because I'm mean, but that I do it because I love them and I want them to understand that what they're doing is wrong. My grandmother did the same.

I'm not comparing my children to puppies, it was an example.

Anyone can question me about my parenting, and I don't really care, because I have nothing to be ashamed of. My kids are damn good. They're not perfect, and I don't expect them to be.

09-28-2007, 02:27 AM
Mike (assuming ixfxi is Mike) doesn't have kids. He stated that in the beginning of the post.

My son can kick some ass. He and the girl fight each other every day.

09-28-2007, 02:30 AM
Blah Blah ,
Man Im so gone. Draven hook it up. LOL Shit man Im gone. dfs
Mike (assuming ixfxi is Mike) doesn't have kids. He stated that in the beginning of the post.

My son can kick some ass. He and the girl fight each other every day.

09-28-2007, 02:33 AM
Dude, stop. Sit your ass down.

09-28-2007, 02:35 AM
Pleaselet me know , Why?
Fuck shit?
Im so fucken tired of people saying that shit to me. Step up and I will say hello .................What ever drunks diont know shit. You really dont know shit.:stupid:

09-28-2007, 02:35 AM
Mike (assuming ixfxi is Mike) doesn't have kids. He stated that in the beginning of the post.

My son can kick some ass. He and the girl fight each other every day.

So i'll rephrase it. Mike would be a great father, when he wants to be.

09-28-2007, 02:40 AM
Pleaselet me know , Why?
Fuck shit?
Im so fucken tired of people saying that shit to me. Step up and I will say hello .................What ever drunks diont know shit. You really dont know shit.:stupid:

Don't make me post the PM you sent me. Better yet, maybe I'll send it to a mod so they can pink you. I'm sure you're a cool guy, but you're a retarded drunk. Go to bed, sleep it off, and you can send me your apology in the morning.

09-28-2007, 02:45 AM
I drink alot and my post goes like this.......So Please who started it first.LOL
This is not south german
Ich liebe Dich

Originally Posted by DRavenS13
Originally Posted by luisgonz
Dont call out people ypu dont know. Besides you love nissan. Im really mazda guy.LOL
You really wont even know what to do with a whin up toy like me. LOL
Originally Posted by DRavenS13
Originally Posted by luisgonz
I think I should Hook up with you.LOL I think I know what too do to you.LOL J/K
uh, huh. You wouldn't know what to do with me- you went to Palisades. Besides, I think it's your bedtime now.
Please sit your drunk ass down. Ain't nobody callin you out. Dang. Stop e-humping me.

09-28-2007, 02:47 AM
QAnd thats just minz side.LOL Fuck it purple me if you like.

09-28-2007, 05:03 AM
this thread is dope.

im not a parent, and i dont plan to be, ever. i could be the best parent in the world (although i have little confidence), and my kids would end up fucked up, because society is wack. i mean, my (single) mother was probably the best parent i could ever ask for and she still is, although she moved back to japan and i live in the US by myself, but i fucked up when i was younger, a lot. but it had nothing to do with her, i tried drugs (i wont state which one, although it was a drug, not weed) for the first time at school, got into a bunch of fights, got locked up a couple times, but ive got my shit straight now, mostly because of her.

i just know i cant ever be half the parent she was, and i would afraid for my kids, and i ain't about to bring a life into this world without knowing 100% i could fulfill my job as a parent.

i wish more people would think more about their kids when they decide to reproduce.

also, why is it that successful, decent people who actually understand basic shit, like how to be a good person and raise kids properly come from ghetto areas and were generally poorer?

props to draven and ramblux's wife.

09-28-2007, 06:57 AM
Do you have a girlfriend Because I can but on a dress.LOL:D
I don't think she would be able to produce 2 kids with a girlfriend.
Mike (assuming ixfxi is Mike) doesn't have kids. He stated that in the beginning of the post.

My son can kick some ass. He and the girl fight each other every day.
Yeah, that is mike, and no he doesn't have kids... I fear for anything he sires.
Pleaselet me know , Why?
Fuck shit?
Im so fucken tired of people saying that shit to me. Step up and I will say hello .................What ever drunks diont know shit. You really dont know shit.:stupid:
Luis, you might need an intervention for the drunken leg-humping you're doing on Lisa here.

09-28-2007, 08:28 AM
I just hate fat annoying young kids. Just want to beat the shit out of them. Used to own a Asian market and this fat kid would always walk into the store while im working and ask me a billion questions about everything, Buy a coke and then leave. Minus well while im still young enough to.

09-28-2007, 01:21 PM
Hahahah, man posting in the mornings sucks - you miss great thread like this.

Spankings? Tme-outs?? Give me a fucking break. I'm the perfect example that BEATINGS are sometimes needed and they work.

I grew up in Guatemala with two younger brothers under the care of my single grandmother. Parents left us to come here looking for a better life - immigrant-tear-jerker-song... whatever.

I was the type of kid that would fight almost daily and come home dirty with torn uniforms, toss fire-crackers at my younger brothers, take off with friends for almost whole days without telling anyone, throw tantrums (sp?) at markets when I wanted shit.

So yeah, I would get spanked but after a while I was so good that that shit didn't hurt and I even learned to cry on command. I was a fucken thespian by the age of 8.
I was so bad-ass that my grandmother had to graduate me to tree branches - she even bought a whip made for cattle. And even that she would wet the tips for maximum 'effectivess'.
Sounds cruel? Abusive? Believe me, 90% of the times I came on the plus side of the equation. I mean, I really did stuff to deserve those beating.

Then my dad came back for us - I graduated to belt buckle and copper pipe status. Man some of those beatings - yes, they were beatings - left me with black and purple on my legs and back. Never the head though, he always made sure of that. Maybe pushign my brother into the ground while he was riding his bike wasn't a great idea... or playing frisbee with a rusty can lid and hitting my brother on the forehead... or dumping my sister's toys in the trash...

Now let me clear some stuff up:
My parents never drank or smoked around us. In fact, my dad gave it up when he found out I was on the way - he began enjoying the occasional glass of wine now that all of us are adults. I maybe saw my parents fight once.
And yes, I hated my parents and there were times I wish I hadn't been born. I even told my mother, rest her soul, that I wish she were dead once.
But as someone else mentioned, I now fully appreciate what they went through with me and I'm deeply thankful for the discipline and love they showed me. I'm a much better person because of it.

So please, fucking beat you kids when they deserve it. They'll thank you later.

09-28-2007, 01:23 PM
Sorry :keke: I had toooooooooooo much to drink last night. Your right draven Sorry. HAha Girls are always right about me.

09-28-2007, 02:27 PM
I am agreeing with Mano, here.
My brother and I were generally bad kids, and we did what bad kids do, we played ding dong ditch at 2-3am,we were firebugs ("firebug" is putting it lightly, we'd aim to make the largest fireballs we could create, right out in the front yard), we stole shit in stores, we fought in school (apparently, to my pops, though, it was cool to fight AFTER school), refused to mind adults and teachers and shit, occasional bad grades and all around general malice.
Time out would not have worked in response to the shit we did, so my pops had this big black belt that the buckle had broken off of a LONG time before. At granny's houses, there were plenty of trees and bushes and shit, so it was the switch (or the wooden spoon, my nephew calls "Mr. Woody" at my mom's mother's house). The thing is that we KNEW what we were getting it for, and as children becoming adults, it trended us out of that behavior.
I ain't dead and I KNOW I am a better person for it, fact of the matter remains that I was SUPPOSED to get my ass beat.

09-28-2007, 02:59 PM
ok just got one thing to say..... humans are animals and as animals we should be the same way... what happens to the sickly retarded gazelle? it get EATEN by the big bad cheetah..

now why cant we do that? haha

ok on a serious note i like the thread. i have two kids of my own that i love one a girl the other a boy niether one of them are treated differently. my girl loves girl stuff and i do those things with her. my boy well he likes boy shit and of course we have a great time. when it comes to getting in trouble well they get the same punishment. I dont hit not because i cant or dont want to but because i raised them so then dont NEED to be smacked.. belive me the words WAIT TILL DAD GETS HOME mean somthing in my house.

and ixfi im so with you man. Those kids need a good beating i just raised my differently.

RAVEN.. i think this is the old raven i used to know i had the two tone s13 blue and silver... anyway i think what you said is great.. as long as kids respect there parents and adults its all gravy!

i had to step parents that beat the shit out of me.. my stepdad would throw gas on me and chase me around the backyard with a zippo... NOT COOL. Just taught me that there another way. My real dad never laid a hand on me except once in a grocery store. I was being bad and embarrased him and he whooped me right infront of everyone.. tell you what i was never bad in a grocery store again. HAHA

AND i am only half sissyfied western the other half is a culture that has no problem kickin the shit out of there kids!

idk just my thoughts..

09-28-2007, 03:02 PM
Lol Phil, I remember once near Christmas time we were given those lame sparkle sticks to play with and I ended up tossing one to the property accross from us full of dry brush... luckily it was more like a field with no houses around and yes, I got my ass kicked that day.
Playing Cowboys and Indians - we would chase and lasso each other - I caught my brother as he jumped a ledge in a field. Broken arm in 3 spots and to this day always reminds me about. Cheech, I said I was sorry.

Man I could go on and on. And yeah, I had friends that were in gangs in Jr High and many or my High School friends had kids before graduation. I remember that by the time I was 15, we would get dragged to many boring things - my parents were big on this 'family unity' concept - and I would do something stupid that a "wait till we get home" from my dad was all it took for me to almost wet my pants. Haha, I still remember when I broke my wrist skating and called home that he hanged up on me when I told him after many warnings about this 'dangerous practice'.

09-28-2007, 03:38 PM

09-28-2007, 03:50 PM
heh, ive been hit with everything including knife fights. but, now were cool with each other (my dad).

man, im just tired of disciplining my kid. im tired of being the bad guy while my wife spoils him. i keep telling my wife what not to do, she just doesnt fuckin listen. as i type this that kid is yellin and is fighting with her. buhahah

steve shadows
09-28-2007, 03:51 PM
luisgonz- i'm a girl, you idiot.


are you an ugly fat girl? who talks shit on ugly fat kids?

09-28-2007, 03:55 PM
my dad beat me with his belt once, thats all it took. man never wanted that again

steve shadows
09-28-2007, 03:57 PM
Eastern Europeans are like Stern Asian fathers.

You fuck up I throw your ass across the room.

I was a good little boy after that, didnt start many fights after that.

The ones others started with me they lost.

I have a squeky clean record, and a good judge of "oh fuck that im not risking my future for this bullshit"

You need a father and mother in the home at least until the kid is at a good age. Male role model, because moms are too pussy to say no to the kid sometimes.

steve shadows
09-28-2007, 04:04 PM
are you an ugly fat girl? who talks shit on ugly fat kids?

im quoting myself now because im serious

you talk a lot of shit on pretty much everything

your joking that your a girl? or no?

09-28-2007, 04:05 PM
^ word, good role models are key.
My dad tells me stories of how just walking into a room where adults were having a conversation was enough grounds to merit an ass kicking when he was a kid.

09-28-2007, 04:10 PM
Discipline is a must for kids, they have to LEARN that when they do something wrong there is a consequence. Keyword is that they have to learn from it and have something to learn from. There are those assholes in the world that will beat their kids or kids that aren't really theres for no reason at all, which are plain scum. They should have their chance to have fun and all, but just as long as they learn right from wrong, and if they do screw up to just take responsibility for it.

Respect is another thing out there that parents should be teaching their kids, but then again I think some of them don't have any to begin with. I think a lot of the world is/has been failing at this, we can't even respect the opinions of people around us or take constructive criticism.

See how they kid didn't care how he was annoying everyone around him, and the mom simply wanted to get a pack of cigarettes not caring how everyone within a block radius could probably hear it. Doesn't take but a few seconds to give consideration to others, walk back to the car, turn him around, and give him a smack and tell him to behave. And then later on tell him why. I learned that way it sinks in a lot better than being told why while you are getting your ass beat because nothing really sinks in at the time, you just want to know when it's gonna stop.

steve shadows
09-28-2007, 04:26 PM
give him a smack and some fucking pita bukkenstock bitch calls the cops

09-28-2007, 04:51 PM
i think every kids deserves a quick beat here and there wont hurt. gotta show them who's BOSS. they have to get dicipline some how if it worked for me ill work for them gotta keep the tradition goin

09-28-2007, 05:00 PM
to the OP your whole first post is bullshit...I wont even bother to read the rest of this piece of shit thread...Basically your main point is that your better than these people...you look down on people who struggle, who made bad life choices and now are stuck with tragic addictions. I guess that lets me know what kind of person you are. The type to look down on some woman who clearly doesnt have a lot of money, possibly a single mom trying to raise kids....you look down on a woman like that cause her life isnt as good as yours, cause she doesnt go out and smack her kid...even though you dont even have kids of your own. Who the fuck are you to pass judgment on someone else and their life? Do you really believe you are that high an mighty that you have the right to judge any one? You know what I do when I see people in need? I fuckin help them....I dont sit around and bitch....like "look at all these poor people....why the fuck dont they have any money?" I fuckin give homeless people spare change I do the walk for hunger so I can help contribute to feeding the hungry people of my community....because I would want people to do the same for me. You think being fucking broke is a choice? Absolutely not....You think having an addiction is a choice? hell no! I honestly hope that you never need anyones help for anything in your entire life...cause karma is a bitch! I wont even start on that beat your kids shit....this aint the 1950's my parents never laid a hand on me and I turned out fine, cause I have common fucking sense and I grew up a decent person. I dont know how your parents raised you but it sounds like they raised a kid whose the type of motherfucker to spit on a homeless man and tell a single mom to raise her kids better....Take a hard look at yourself in the mirror and think if you really should be judging those who are less fortunate....stop being such a douche man, you might actually need someones help someday

09-28-2007, 05:04 PM
^lol, don't bother to read his post and the rest of the thread but are more than happy to go on a crusade to vilify Mike... awesome, I love it.

09-28-2007, 05:18 PM
The lottery is a voluntary tax on people who suck at math.

I can't believe I found another anti-cell phone person. I was beginning to think I was the only one. Repped for that!

09-28-2007, 05:23 PM
^lol, don't bother to read his post and the rest of the thread but are more than happy to go on a crusade to vilify Mike... awesome, I love it.

well I ended up skimming over the thread, If you wanna share stories about getting beat as a child go to town...I got no problem with that, sucks that it happened to you but if you feel like it made you a better person than more power to you...however, the first post is just a rant of inconsiderate bullshit

09-28-2007, 05:40 PM
the first post is just a rant of inconsiderate bullshit

That describes all of Mike's posts, you should know what you get by now when you open one of his threads, lol

sucks that it happened to you but if you feel like it made you a better person than more power to you

I'm glad that they happened, could have very well saved my life.

09-28-2007, 05:41 PM
however, the first post is just a rant of inconsiderate bullshit

thats the beauty of the internet
i mean...
you didnt have to read it :goyou:

my dad never beat me. his voice alone would make me shit my pants.

my mom beat the shit out of me whenever i deserved it.

my mom also spoiled me when i deserved it.

and i turned out awesome.

09-28-2007, 05:46 PM
Dude you have met me before( Think turbo manifold). And Im not a girl. Or maybe?????:fruit:
are you an ugly fat girl? who talks shit on ugly fat kids?

09-28-2007, 06:44 PM
Welcome To America !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-28-2007, 07:53 PM
im quoting myself now because im serious

you talk a lot of shit on pretty much everything

your joking that your a girl? or no?

Uh, are you talking to me?

09-29-2007, 03:23 AM
I think my little brother is being too much of a little bitch at times.

My parents used to lay down the smack down when I was little, but now that its the new millennium you cant do that shit.

So whenever he bitches way too much or just doesnt seem to get thru his head that when my mom or myself say no the first time... it means FUCKING no.

Now that I live on my own, when my little brother starts bitching to my mom while she is on the phone, i tell her "put me on speaker phone". I curse him out now and he gets all pissy and goes to his room in his little temper.

I think some parents are wising up from what the latino/hispanic/mexican population (that includes me) does....

fuck it, george lopez speaks mile's for me

09-29-2007, 08:30 AM
eastcost(BOSTONSUCKS)s14> to the OP your whole first post is bullshit...I wont even bother to read the rest of this piece of shit thread...Basically your main point is that your better than these people...you look down on people who struggle, who made bad life choices and now are stuck with tragic addictions. I guess that lets me know what kind of person you are. The type to look down on some woman who clearly doesnt have a lot of money, possibly a single mom trying to raise kids....you look down on a woman like that cause her life isnt as good as yours, cause she doesnt go out and smack her kid...even though you dont even have kids of your own.

tearing apart posts like this is a sinch. fucking nerd comes in my thread and starts posting his rant. I have a reply for you, here it is:

No, I dont think I am better than these people. In fact, I fucking KNOW I am better than these people. For one, I'm not stupid enough to smoke. I dont crave giving my hard earned money away for bullshit like cigarettes. At 8AM, I dont rush out and buy some beer to start the day; somehow, cereal is more appealing to me. I dont dig through change to buy food at the groceries, I say groceries because thats the only thing I need.. whereas that bitch is hooked on cigarettes.

AND, if I did need something and only had change to pay for it.. I was raised with the courtesy to find AND count my change before going in line, and NOT wasting everyone elses fucking time! You gotta be a complete fucking idiot to NOT understand the stuff I was talking about. Leave your car running with kids inside? Go fuck yourself. Only a tool would care to differ with me.

Who the fuck are you to pass judgment on someone else and their life?

I'de say that I'm your daddy, but I wouldnt want the rep of giving birth to such a pile of shit.

You know what I do when I see people in need? I fuckin help them....I dont sit around and bitch....like "look at all these poor people....why the fuck dont they have any money?" I fuckin give homeless people spare change I do the walk for hunger so I can help contribute to feeding the hungry people of my community....because I would want people to do the same for me.

You're a really KIND person, thats SO fucking cute. You *WALK* for hunger? Wow, I'm sure hungry people around the world are happy that you're WALKING for hunger. How about you COOK for hunger? Doesnt that sound better? Sounds like more people would be eating if more motherfuckers were COOKING.

Second, I think EVERY fucking problem you listed is an OPTION in life. Dont have money? Get a fucking job. Cant get a job? Bullshit. You CAN find a job, you're just lazy and chose not to work. "OH but my addiction stops me" wells thats just too fucking bad, stop doing drugs, smoking or drinking and start putting that time and effort towards cleaning up your life. Most people do drugs because they WANT to hurt themselves and WANT to play that victim shit on people. Learn about the psychology and you find the problem, that most people WANT to die but dont have the balls, so they sap away by doing drugs.

You seem to think that homeless and drunks accidentally ended up that way, but you never know. I've met homeless where I had extra food and they got pissed off at me and wanted MONEY, not fucking food. My wife, an immigrant, worked in downtown LA and day in and day out saw these crazy homeless and the gheto shit they do.

Keep thinking that you're a saint and you're helping the weak, you'll see how they pull you down. They dont pull down RICH people, because RICH people dont associate themselves with dirt on the ground - they have servants that go out and shop for them. Homeless take advantage of the modest middle, working class like most of us - who are broke enough to afford a 240SX, not an NSX, Ferrari, or better.

Fact is, most people get "pulled down" by helping people in trouble who WANT to be in trouble, and ARENT looking for help. Dont get me wrong, there are people who are in trouble and want help, and to them - my heart goes out to them, but not my money. I work too hard and if people want a hand, they need to pick themselves up.

Ever since I was a child, I've had friends. If someone is homeless and doesnt have ANY friends, its because he's fucked over every fucking person around him, and is now stuck in a rut ALONE. What happened, friends just disappeared? Friends never disappeared from my life, because I treat them good and we take care of eachother - not stab them in the back.

Watch Tyrone on Chappelle, remember that skit where he fucks over all his friends? Man, you got a lot of life to learn about.

09-29-2007, 11:45 AM
^^ haha thats fuckin sad man....that you are so willing to just step over your fellow man without a second thought...tell me I got a learn, that whole last post just shows me you dont know shit about shit....karma is real kid so you better watch out it doesnt bite you in the ass hard one day

now debating this further is a waste of time....its obvious that nothing I say would ever change your opinion and nothing you say will change mine so its useless. It appears that you were raised an inconsiderate prick so I can only assume that you will continue to be an inconsiderate prick....and when you do have children you will most likely raise them as inconsiderate pricks as well, and the cycle will continue. So whatever, youre a waste....be a pessimist and look for the bad in people and Ill keep being an optimist and look for the good

and oh yeah eastcoast(bostonsucks)s14....thats mature man, dont talk shit dude, Ive been out to cali...its nice, but not that fucking nice...and Ive been to LA and it defffinitely aint that fucking nice

09-29-2007, 01:15 PM
west > east

everybody knows that.

09-29-2007, 01:37 PM
west > east

everybody knows that.

common man...we all nyc is the shit

drift freaq
09-29-2007, 01:42 PM
^^ haha thats fuckin sad man....that you are so willing to just step over your fellow man without a second thought...tell me I got a learn, that whole last post just shows me you dont know shit about shit....karma is real kid so you better watch out it doesnt bite you in the ass hard one day

now debating this further is a waste of time....its obvious that nothing I say would ever change your opinion and nothing you say will change mine so its useless. It appears that you were raised an inconsiderate prick so I can only assume that you will continue to be an inconsiderate prick....and when you do have children you will most likely raise them as inconsiderate pricks as well, and the cycle will continue. So whatever, youre a waste....be a pessimist and look for the bad in people and Ill keep being an optimist and look for the good

and oh yeah eastcoast(bostonsucks)s14....thats mature man, dont talk shit dude, Ive been out to cali...its nice, but not that fucking nice...and Ive been to LA and it defffinitely aint that fucking nice

Hey MR bleeding heart east coaster. Let me spell it for you.

My dad was born and grew up in the depression. Everyone was broke! His parents went out and worked two jobs and bought two houses. Both were immigrants from Italy. His father had nothing more than a junior high education at best. They raised 7 kids!. Now by all of this my dad should have gone to work in a factory according to your idea's because "people don't choices". Your words not mine.

I got new for you, your clueless. My dad went straight from high school right into the Navy. End of WWII , he went to Purdue University on the G.I. bill He got a PHD in Physics! Designing and building the first Silicon Transistor. He went on to invent TTL and large scale integration. Fact is he made is oppurtunities and was quite successful for it. Did he spank us as kids? Oh hell ya and I am glad he did it taught me about what was right and wrong and respect for adults. Did I wind up using drugs and drinking anyways? Yes, why because I made the choice. Did I stop using drugs and drinking? Yes because I made the choice. Did I learn something from all of it? Yes. I am grateful for all of it.

Never think all homeless are that way because they do not have a choice though. A large majority of them want to drink and use drugs and do not want to work. They have dropped out of societies norms. I lived in San Francisco for 9 years . The homeless Mecca of the world. Fucking cops in your city and a lot of other American cities put them on buses across the country and send them there because they know bleeding heart liberals in San Francisco will put up with them.
These people can make $100 a day panhandling (The San Francisco Chronicle had a reporter that did it for a story) What do they do with this money? They drink it or shoot it in their arm. You want to help homeless offer them some food 85-90% of them will turn it down and ask for cash to feed their habits. Thats a choice on there part. You want to be a enabler go right ahead but don't push that enabling bull shit here.
I am not against helping people but you have to help people that make the choice to be helped not the ones that really don't want it unless it feeds their habit.

P.S. on the children front. My sisters were fearful of my dads spankings to the point they choose to go the so called non violent I will not touch my children approach. My bright intelligent niece , who is almost to smart for her own good played my sister hard with that. She had my sister wrapped around her little finger, got away with murder. If my sister had spanked her at least once that shit would not have happened. IMO

Kids need to know what stepping out of line can cause. There are few people out there that are successful at this without spanking. Just go to any mall and see how many kids are running around unchecked these days because their parents can't handle them because they won't properly discipline them.
These people do not have the skills to discipline their kids without spanking them and that is the result of it.

09-29-2007, 03:15 PM
aight enough of the east west shit....thats a whole different issue, I just made my comment about LA because I didnt see what writing boston sucks has to do with this argument.

Now as for your fathers story...It is a very good one and also a very inspiring one. Unfortunately it was at a different time in our history, people in those times although poor were able to enter industries and do very well for themselves. This does still happen today but I would argue not as much. Now what about my family history? My grandfather was a black soldier in WWII, who drove a truck because, well you just didnt have a lot of black soldiers on the front lines....You think he could have gone to Purdue and got a degree in physics at that time? I think not. He busted his ass working construction to provide for his family and did a damn good job too. Now I add the story about my grandfather just to say that we dont live in a totally free oppurtunity society, there are still barriers for entry, so its not like some guy off the street can just hop off the street after generations of poverty and go job hunting. In that period of time my grandfather was smart, but color of skin alone excluded him from oppurtunities. Also we dont live in a time anymore where everyone is broke looking for a way up, college is exponentially more expensive....and it is exponetially harder to find a job in this country.

Now I think your missing my point in all this when I talk about homeless etc. There have always been shit bums in society, there will always continue to be shit bums. By shit bums I mean people whose lives are in the gutter and they dont give a fuck and they continue to leech of the system. I know kids who are my age who are shit bums. Do I feel bad for the dumbasses who I went to high school with who snorted OC's of their desk and now their strung out junkies? A little, but not much; my heart goes out to thier families but I really dont feel terrible....especially when you know what that junk does to you. Do I feel bad for the homeless war veterans in this country? Absolutely...Do I feel bad for those who do struggle just to get by? Absolutely.....We live on the east coast, it gets fucking cold in our winters...and every year homeless people freeze do death in our streets. Now Some people would say why dont they just go inside? well many of the ones who die are too mentally ill or fucked up to find shelter. If you dont think that's sad then you have no heart. Now I dont really feel bad for those guys who would ask for money but turn down food, cause thats fuckin stupid. Although I am almost certain that guy sleeping on the FUCKING SIDEWALK could use that $1 in my wallet better than I could. Now the people who I really do feel bad for are the people like the woman described in the first post. A woman trying to raise her kids, also apparently just scraping by. She did nothing wrong to the OP other than inconvience him, so he couldnt buy his can of ice tea for another two minutes. Now is that a reason to rage against her and shit all over her life? I doubt it. At the same time its pointless cause he obv didnt have the grapes to call her out in line....rather avoid the conflict and complain about it on the internet but whatever. My point is not that the homeless in this country have no way to help themselves, and you should donate your savings to them and charity...or go build some homeless guy a house. Its that these people are humans too, and by choice or not they are struggling. I think if anything seperates society now from when your dad came up...and you can ask him this and Im sure he'll tell you. Is that people are just colder to one another now, we dont give a fuck about other people any more...we just want them to get out of our faces and stop wasting our time. I just think you cant pass judgement on someone at a first glance, you dont know their story...who was wealthy and lost everything...whose parents died when they were kids...or whose just an addict whose been fucked up their whole lives and never even looked for a job. All Im sayin is dont be so quick to judge...thats all

09-29-2007, 03:27 PM
Don't wanna give your change? Go to the "give a penny, take a penny" thing at the store. Might even luck up and find a nickel.

Back to beating your kids! That's waaaaay more fun than homeless people.

drift freaq
09-29-2007, 03:55 PM
Well on the subject of my favor. Italians were not considered white people when he was a kid. They were a minority that the White anglo saxons of those times looked down there noses at, made racial comments about and pretty much treated like shit and stereotyped beyond belief. My dads oppurtunity for college was not paid for by his parents they could not afford that. It was the G.I. bill and anyone with decent grades that did a stint in the armed services in WWII got a shot at it. My dads older brother got that chance and fucked it off partying. Yup even back in those days.

That aside yes these times are strange, we do not have the kind of mass poverty that existed in the depression. In fact we have more well off population than even before. Though we do have a shrinking middle class i.e. more people that are either poor or rich and not so much in the middle. When I was a kid the middle class was broad and lots of us got the oppurtunity of college and what not at affordable tuitions that our parents could afford. College tuition costs today are stupid crazy.
Do all people care less today? Thats hard to say. Are there more able bodied people free loading the system? Maybe not where you are but definitely here on the west coast.
Do I lump all homeless people into one catagory oh hell no. Is that women that Mike talked about a disgrace that deserves getting arrested for unrinating in a public place out in the open? Yes. Why? The area around where Mikes office is has resturants, service stations, Subway stations etc... all with public bathrooms. There is no excuse for urinating or defecating in public period. Its called I am to lazy to take the time to find a proper place and its uncivilized. Mike has a right to be shocked even outraged by this behavior. You think people in the 50's,60's,70's would have tolerated this? No there are laws against it and the Police used to do there job and enforce them. I will say this having lived in San Francisco and living in LA the homeless thing is a whole different ball of wax. I don't think you quite realize that.
You started the east cost west thing or at least from my perusing of most of the thread thats what it seems like. You rip on California. fine you want it to change why don't you take some of our homeless. I was born 6 miles outside of Boston in Winchester I lived there till I was ten . I will take California weather over the Boston or New York any day of the week thank you.

In fact I am glad you don't like California. It keeps it from getting that more crowded. Now if some of the other late to the game transplants would get a clue, we don't have room. lol

09-29-2007, 04:52 PM
^^ ha yeah I wasnt talkin about the lady takin a piss....thats just weird.. I was referring to the woman with the kids in the store, I never said I didnt like cali....I visited and loved it, fuck I'll take cali weather over our weather any day...my point was cali isnt that nice that id talk shit on another place, every place in the country has its faults....thats funny that you lived in winchester Im from medford, small world

09-29-2007, 05:18 PM
The main focus of my psych degree is on children and their development so i could go on for days about this stuff, but i wont. i'll just keep this short and simple.

I got smacked around by both my parents when i was little. But i always deserved it. I think its rather ridiculous how nowadays people say you shouldnt spank your kids cuz its scars them emotionally and all that bullshit. Whatever. ABUSE does that. Spanking (with or without a belt cuz i got both) is discipline. I'll tell you this much, i'm not emotionally scarred at all. I grew up just fine and i never did the shit i got whoopins for again.

Lack of parental skill and discipline is why we have so many crazy ass kids shooting up schools and psycho criminals. It all starts at home.

09-30-2007, 07:51 AM
You wanna hear about discipline? Im filipino and I grew up in Philippines, 27 gawdamn years old now and im still scared of my damn grandma!!! She pretty much raised me and I got a million stories of her definition of discipline.

Perfect example: You know you done fucked up when your grandma sticks you in a sack of rice and hangs you on the mango tree in front of the house for over an hour. To make things more interesting, she keeps coming back every 5-10 mins poking you in the sack (rice sack not my nut sack) asking you if you learned your lesson yet.

My crime? I was playing down the street with a couple of friends, guess she came outside looking for me. Sent one of my cousins to get me and basically blew him off. Needless to say, she got upset because everybody else had to wait for me to get home so we can all eat.

If you ever need ideas for punishments that wont leave marks or bruises to your kids...ask me...i got a couple ideas in mind. Yes these are from personal experiences...

BEAT YOUR KIDS, theres a big difference between child abuse and discipline. Some people just dont believe in being physical with kids to correct them.


09-30-2007, 04:21 PM
west > east

everybody knows that.


tupac > biggie

everybody knows that.

09-30-2007, 04:41 PM
You think having an addiction is a choice? hell no! I honestly hope that you never need anyones help for anything in your entire life...cause karma is a bitch!

yep, i do think addiction is a choice.

same reason i never did any drugs, because i listen to what my elder friends who ARE addicted told me when i was younger.

save your karma scare for someone who actually gives a fuck. i mean seriously, i'll worry the day i do become homeless and i do start shooting up. but in the meantime, that will mean i'll have to fuck over my friends and family, throw my business down the drain, and kick my wife to the curb. oh yeah, and start playing with needles or drinking, that will really prove the point - i'll be hooked and praying for forgiveness. please, have some sympathy cold cruel world, i really dont know what to do. just a penny, please!

FUCK THAT, i have pride and i dont beg. if i was homeless, i wouldn't punk out -- i'de be that mothafucka at your backdoor with a gun, really to jack you and anyone else that has what i want. i'll be your worst nightmare, and when the time comes to get arrested i'll blast myself out or die trying.

see, not that any of the above is real - they're just examples. but it just goes to show that you never know what people will do when they're living that lifestyle.

how bout the homeless guy that came up to me and my friends a while back after leaving a shitty japanese restaraunt in little tokyo at night. the neighborhood is far from great, but the beggers have a great setup - when people are parking they're cars - they grind down pennies to feed the meter in exchange for change. say no? see what happens to your car later when you come back. they're aggressive, they ask for shit. one had the balls to ask for my friends cap INSIDE his car like "hey, lemme have that cap man.. thats a nice cap" -- for those who get intimidated, it would be wise to give it out. not us, we really dont give a fuck.

one the way out of the restaraunt hommie comes up to us and says "hey guys, spare some change?" we say no and keep walking. then he says "hey baller, i saw you throwin down the cash when you were inside paying, come on you aint gotta lie to kickit.. gimme just a dollar [email protected]!" and not calmly, all aggressive probably because he's jonesing. anyway we just kept on and said fuckit. oh and btw, we paid credit card. big baller, eating 5 dollar ramen.

i've heard of some people getting beatup by homeless when they dont get what they want, and i'll be damned if i'm getting jacked.. for a penny, a dollar, or 20. you want money? work for it. you want MY money? man-up, you wanna throw down.. i dont mind. i'm not a big buy, but i've got a napoleon complex and i'll protect my own.

so cry all you want about your tender story, play the violin for all the fucked up junkies who cross your path. i'm sure if you come to downtown LA, you'll get tired after 50 beggers beg for change ALL in ONE NIGHT. and, when you go to offer food.. they'll toss it on the ground upset and ask for "mothafuckin change man" like they did to me back in the day.

its all good man, its nice having a innocent view on life. you're only young and dumb once...................... i hope.

drift freaq
09-30-2007, 04:57 PM
I can personally say addiction is not completely a choice, in fact there is a Genelogical difference between Alcoholics and and non Alcoholics. Its been proven by the AMA. Now that aside just because you have the genes of a Alchoholic/Addict (there the same thing its one disease) does not mean you cannot hit a bottom and desire a change and get the tools to make that change.
Again first hand experience here. In that point if one wants to stop using they can but they have to want it to make it happen.

A lot of these Alcoholics/Addicts on the streets have no desire to change they are perfectly happy getting fucked up and doing whatever they have to do to get fucked up.

Old school beliefs used to make people think these types were weak willed. Actually these fucks have stronger wills than most of you could ever dream of having.
Think about the shit they are willing to go through just to feed their habit. That is not weak willed thats motherfucking strong ass willed.

Anyways on a side note Ray what your grandmother did to you was extreme emotional abuse in my opinion and I do not consider it proper discipline. I give you credit for making it through without emotional scars(which by the way can be every bit as bad as physical abuse scars).

09-30-2007, 06:45 PM
ixfxi, your posts are always so full of anger and hate against the world, haha, I love it.

09-30-2007, 07:11 PM
YOU KNOW how crazy people look. They always LOOK crazy, like something is wrong with them. -ixfxi

that shit is so funny i was crying.

yeah i'm not down for the parents that are all down for beatings without cause, they are still shitty parents even if they beat there kids to get control, you shouldnt have to beat your kids for them to respect you .I see soooo many ghetto shit fuck asshat parents who don't parent there kids, don't communicate to them, than once shit goes too far, they slap the fuck out of them, and you can see the confused look on the kids face, like, "wtf, mommy never said anything about not touching everything in the store, or writing on the walls with crayons, no she is bitch slappin us like her pimp used to, and we don't even know why"

but about the beatings, I used to get sooo many, lmao.

My dad used to poke me in the shoulder or chest or the head with his giant ass man hand with sausauge fingers from all the manual labor he did, the poke in the shoulder was like the paralyzer from kung pow, if I was being rude, like starring at the jaba the hut look alike at the local grocery store, but he never had to beat me, cause he was understanding and he communicated with us, so we didn't have to act up, we had a mutual respect. We knew he could hurt us, so we were good, but he knew we were good so he didn't beat us.
My step dad, who I didn't respect broke my brothers leg, and hit me in the middle of the night cause I got up for a glass of water, shit scarred me so bad, I pissed my pants the second his hand hit my face, he hit me like he would have hit a grown man I was like 5 years old. Hit for being thirsty? Perfect example of parents who are shitty parents, well when he wasn't around my mom used pull our ears, slap the back of our heads, and spank us, and if we were really bad, she would bust out headlocks and slaps to the face.
(I honestly think she beat us because she couldn't communicate with us, even thought she couldn't we knew we deserved the beatings. she has gotten soft with my step sisters, they walk all over her now cause she wont beat them, now that I'm back home I have to threaten them with the beatings.

and AZNDOC My mom used the wooden spoons too, until she got tired of breakin them and having to buy new ones.
so she started to use her hands, and slappin our ass' till we couldn't walk or sit.

Soooooo one day, my brother and I devised a plan to stop the beatings (we were like 10)
we decided that the next time one of use got in trouble the other person would do the same thing so she would have to beat us both, than, while she is giving us both beatings, LAUGH, TAUNT HER, and whatever we do, dont cry. so thats what we did, and she bent us over her knee and we were laughing with tears in our eyes, and she had to stop cause her hand was swelling, and I think she might have broke her finger, all I know is that her arthritis kicked in shortly after. and the beatings stopped.

But yes, beatings are are good thing, as long as the children know they are deserved. You cant just beat the kids without them knowing that they did to deserve that before hand. And if you don't tell a kid that running around in the store is wrong, and when they do you beat them, and you didn't tell them before hand. thats wrong, you should go beat yourself.(but not in that way pervs)

09-30-2007, 07:14 PM
and with the exception of like me and 5 others all the post are from the same 4 people, its like the lets beat our kids club.

and if you beat your kids for no reason, or without warning, than when they get of age, they are going to try to fight you or challenge you, like I did with my step dad,when I was like 17 I threatin to fuckin kill him if I saw him hit any of the kids again, or tried to hit me.

09-30-2007, 08:02 PM
wooden spoons
plastic hangers
my mom would go through 10 a week

oh you got a 86 what is that a B oh well its not an A

thats how it went and im fucking glad...the only reason i have made it this far in life is because of my parents...

i spent 9 months kicking my moms ass...i dont care if she beats me till im 60 cause i know for sure i did something to deserve it.

10-01-2007, 11:42 AM
funny side-story, i saw my neighbor who's always in his garage revving his car, and always drunk on fridays and saturdays. his 14yo boy ran away the other day, hes worried but he said "hey he wants to try to be like his dad was, and well.. i'm gonna let him"

basically, dad grew up in a bad area of LA (south central/watts) and is white. he's a pretty cool dude, drinking aside. but as a dad, he still acts like a kid.. revving his motor all day, racing through the alley with no care.. i mean hes a bit of a nut job.

anyway, i told him "watcha gonna do when he comes home?" he said "i'm gonna hug him"

i looked at him and said "dude... you're soft. you're afraid to enforce." and i told him that even if he was gonna enforce, he needs to stop drinking. you cant enforce when you're drunk, and you need to set a fuckin example for your son.

either way, some people can be helped.. but honest, you cant expect people to change. if they do, cool.. but i'm not holding my breath.

steve shadows
10-01-2007, 12:08 PM
where the fuck do you live/work? compton? during a crack give away?

H-wood is kind of fucked I guess I could see this on the ass side of USC

10-01-2007, 12:32 PM
my parents beat the daylights out of me whenever i did something wrong, id have bruises on my butt and legs from the ole leather belt and could hardly sit in school the next day

also my dad smacked me in the head once when i was pretty young, i dont remember much but i was unconscious for a couple days i think, so he never pulled that again, but i do remember waking up and seeing both parents sitting at my bedside, (cause they loved me)

10-01-2007, 01:49 PM
[sigh..] Where to begin.

Ok, I agree with you on every single point of your rant. I agree that parents have become absolutely retarded when it comes to their kids. I have 2 children of my own, and when they look at other children misbehave, they look in absolute horror because they think those kids are gonna get what I would give them for that kind of behavior.

There's just one word in your lil rant that I hate. BEAT. I do not condone BEATING your children. It's one thing to spank them, hit them with a belt, but BEATING your child means you lose control of your anger and you do them serious damage. Any kind of corporal punishment should not leave bruises, or welts, or any kind of mark- except the psychological one that tells them not to repeat the behavior that caused them the punishment. Like you said, you don't have kids, so I don't know if you would know the difference.

In the case of the scenario you described, IF (and I really mean IF) my kids had the balls to do some shit like that, I would do what you said, and drag them out of the car and smack them silly in front of everyone. It hurts and it's embarrassing- enough to make the point. But I wouldn't beat him/her like I would an adult.

K, that's all.

I totally agree with you. :kiss: lol

10-01-2007, 03:09 PM
where the fuck do you live/work? compton? during a crack give away?

Yeah, Mike's a thug!

steve shadows
10-01-2007, 03:12 PM
what are peoples thoughts on beating other's children?


:ugh: :keke:

10-01-2007, 07:49 PM
If I could get away with it I would kick other kids' asses if the parents didn't have the balls to do it. I'd be like Granddad on The Boondocks showing parents how to take off a belt and lay down the law.

10-01-2007, 08:24 PM
Yeah, Mike's a thug!

burbank MOTHA [email protected][email protected]?

break yo self

10-01-2007, 08:27 PM
I do community service at a library...and I work in the kiddy section. So many parents are fucking too nice to their kids...trying to beg their kids to be quiet and such. Sure, it eventually works, but then your kids have control (while knowing the fact), you're exhausted, and everyone within a 200 yard radius hates your guts.

Then one day I saw a mom...she was sorta old, sorta butch. Her kids were fucking with the books I just organized and put on the shelf, and she notices before I even do. She walks slowly up to her kids, then when within a few yards, STOMPS UP and says "PUT THEM BACK WHERE THEY BELONG" and lifts up her arm as if she's about to backhand the lil assholes. She then looks at me and smiles and says "they respond better to this" ain which I reply "keep up the good work"

10-01-2007, 09:02 PM
Many parents are the FRIEND ,instead of the PARENT.

10-02-2007, 12:59 AM
Many parents are the FRIEND ,instead of the PARENT.

preach on brotha!

10-02-2007, 04:46 AM
Many parents are the FRIEND ,instead of the PARENT.

Not only that...too many parents are scared to raise their own kids because theyre worried it will be seen as abuse and theyll end up in jail. They gave up on parenting and let the state dictate how to raise their kids. If youre so scared to raise them the proper way, maybe you should just give them up all together?!?! My thought is, would you rather go to jail or keep your kids from ending up in there when they get older because they were lil bad-asses??? Correct them now before they become hoodlums. Shiet start putting them on the proper path when theyre younger, not when its too late. Like Bernie Mac said, if a kid is old enough to talk back, they are old enough to get beat the fuck up!!!

10-02-2007, 07:18 AM
^ Exactly. Once any child is in the state system they then become aware that they are by themselves and no one REALLY cares about you. A friend had his son taken away for the way he disciplined him . Fast forward several weeks later,the son BEGGED to be returned home to his dad. He is now a model of good behavior.

10-02-2007, 09:41 AM
My girlfriend's parents don't discipline her 12-year-old brother, and he's a little shit of the highest caliber. He backtalks constantly, refuses to do trivial shit, and makes the family do his homework. He also has an ego larger than mine (really, really hard to have) because to his parents, he's the best angel/baseball player/genius who has ever walked on this earth. If he's ever punished, it's for an extremely short amount of time and something I'd consider trivial.

I was raised with a healthy fear/respect for my dad's hand and belt. I've always been a pretty good kid, not prone to falling in line with the dumbasses who I always seemed to pick as friends, but I still did some stuff and got spanked or belted if I was out of line. Everyone, and I mean literally everyone, who knew me as a child says that I was the most well-behaved kid they ever met. My parents have always rewarded my good behavior to the point that they really needn't worry about my bad behavior. That's not saying that I was spoiled, as I've never had a TV in my room, got hand-me-down bikes from my dad and all my game systems have been self-bought. My parents just treated me with the respect I had earned and it in turn made me respect and obey them.

I mean, sure, there was that one time that the kids at school were talking about slapping people on the back of the head then I came home, whacked my dad one while he was watching football because I have bouts of no common sense, and got tossed over the sofa into the wall for it... but I deserved it.

My dad also instilled in me a sense of thankfulness for being raised in the family I have. He was born in a shack in the back woods of Alabama and was raised extremely poor. He's worked on railroads, driven watermelon trucks, and despite the "hopelessness" of his situation in the beginning is now a successful CEO/CFO of multiple pharmaceutical companies. I think that without being glad about your upbringing and thankful of the sacrifices your parents make every day to help you succeed, you're far more likely to be a lazy, useless moron.

10-02-2007, 08:05 PM
Ask me how fast I will hit one of my kids in public, and not care about what anyone has to say to me. I don't give a rat's ass about people in public threatening to call child services on me.

10-03-2007, 12:48 AM
I don't know, I mean if you do shit right i dont think you'll have to beat your kids in public, i know that sometimes kids are kids, and will just act up, but I hate seeing the parent who is in the grocery store for an hour and the whole time her kids are going apeshit. and she does nothin' and than all of sudden she gets the idea to beat not punish her kids once the entire store is lookin at her like why don't you get control of your kids?

its liek fake parenting, and you shouldn't be scared to disaplin your kids, sure if your kid goes to school with a black eye they are gogin to call the authorities if the kid says mommy did it, cause I wanted a drink when she was watching her soaps.

10-03-2007, 01:05 AM
Like I stated before, my kids get pretty fair warning before I act. They generally don't act all crazy at the store, because I'll tell them before we even go in- "I'm not buying you shit, so don't ask. I'm going in for [insert random necessity here] and we're leaving. I don't want to hear crying or begging and I don't want to see sad faces or tantrums. You already know what will happen if you make me mad or embarrass me at the store."

And that's all that needs to be said.

10-03-2007, 01:47 AM
Some kids need to be trained by Ceasar Chavez the dog whisperer...