View Full Version : Replacing motor mounts- EASY WAY???

09-25-2007, 10:01 PM
I'm replacing my motor mounts on my s14 KA. I have access to many tools, multiple jacks, and an engine hoist.

With that being said, does anyone have a quick tip/easy method of doing this? How much time would you allot?


(right now i'm thinking of just chaining the engine/exhaust manifolds, lifting motor up few inches with hoist(with tranny mount still connected) and replace... Any better ideas?)

09-25-2007, 11:12 PM
I had to drop the sub frame a bit to work it out.

09-26-2007, 02:18 AM
its a bitch... I had to do it with 2x4s and two jacks. Just do one side at a time. took me a couple hours to do.

09-26-2007, 12:14 PM
I loosened the tranny crossmember/chassis bolts. Don't undo them, just loosen them. It gives you more angle to work with when you raise the motor off of the mounts.

09-26-2007, 12:22 PM
I used one jack. lifted at the oil pan, put a block of wood under the pan so you don't dent it.
Replaced them one at a time.
The driver side is easier to do, I'd start there.
Had to take off the tranny cross member to put the back one on but yeah it'll take a couple of hours the first time you do it.

09-26-2007, 12:33 PM
- Loosen the front subframe bolts (4) BUT DON'T REMOVE THEM OR THE ENGINE WILL KILL YOU!!!

- Also loosen the 4 tranny crossmember bolts to give you some free play.
- Take off the top locking nut on each motor mount.
- Jack up the engine from the back where the tranny meets the engine, use a wood block to avoid damage.
- Once you have the engine supported by the jack, remoe the lower locking nuts on the mounts.
- Continue to jack up the engine until you can guide the mounts out, bottom stud first.

- the reverse order for the re-install.


09-26-2007, 12:48 PM
Lift car
Secure engine with hoist (this avoids lifting/supporting the engine on the oil pan)
Loosen tranny mount so you can swivel engine
Loosen cross member and drop it ~1 inch (Don't completely remove it)
Soak mounts bolts in liquid wrench and wait for a bit if they're stubborn.
Use a swivel socket to remove the mount bolts if possible
reassemble your shit
Lower car onto ramps and make sure everything is tight.

09-26-2007, 12:53 PM
I just did this last weekend but my trans was out so it was a tad easier. I wrapped around the intake manifold and lifted that up then,removed. Left it unbolted and then wrapped around the engine metal motor mount on block. I used some strong pulling neon orange rope tow/anchoring thing lol Took me 1hr . I did this to my friends s14 a while back with trans in, just had to hoist it up and remove a bracket off the firewall. Just make sure you don't get hung up on anything in the bay when hoisitng. Are you doing polyeurth. mounts? if so they are great nasty!

*When reinstalling mounts do not install the bottom nut on the mount. You need free play in most cases..if you have a buddy he can guide the mount in as you slowly lower the hoist.He will make sure bolt lines up into hole the gets his hand out when its lined up. I saw a two buddies struggling for about 30mins+ beating on the engine using pry bars cause they bolted the lower motor mounts in.

09-26-2007, 01:04 PM
this is how i did it in like 2003

#0 loosen upper motor mount bolts
#1 raise car
#2 support motor by jacking it from where the tranny meets the motor; no need to raise it alot (i did it by the oil pan cuz i'm not smart)
#3 unbolt bottom bolts
#4 curse cuz they are stuck and you also need a swiveling socket for one of them
#5 pb blast, the right socket, a torch and a big breaker bar
#6 curse cuz its a pain in the ass to slide the motor mount in place
#7 bolt everything back, replace, etc

09-26-2007, 01:19 PM
Passanger side mount bolt is a snap iirc.
Driver side sits at a funky angle and you can strip the nut if you use a regular socket. Don't ask how I know this...

09-26-2007, 01:32 PM
this is how i did it in like 2003

#0 loosen upper motor mount bolts
#1 raise car
#2 support motor by jacking it from where the tranny meets the motor; no need to raise it alot (i did it by the oil pan cuz i'm not smart)
#3 unbolt bottom bolts
#4 curse cuz they are stuck and you also need a swiveling socket for one of them
#5 pb blast, the right socket, a torch and a big breaker bar
#6 curse cuz its a pain in the ass to slide the motor mount in place
#7 bolt everything back, replace, etc

What I did. It was like only a 30 min job. One problem I had was that I had to take off my oil filter.

09-26-2007, 01:37 PM
i hate doing them... the end.

or is it - I had to burn them apart once and then cut that shit with a whizwheel and nail it with an air hammer (shit was rounded off)

another time i broke the bolt - that worked out ok tho.

on one car we used the urethane windowweld shit and it is working good still.