View Full Version : Bad TPS???

09-23-2007, 02:35 PM
Hey guys, i've searched for this to no success....

It's really the driveability issue. No CEL's. If I'm easy and slow on the throttle, everything's fine. It's when I WOT the gas pedal when the car seems to hesitate for a second then accelerates. Do you think the TPS went bad?
It's the '92 240sx with the stock ka. Thanks a lot in advance guys. You guys rock!!!

09-23-2007, 02:47 PM
check your tps see if the voltage even gets up to 4.5 ref voltage.

sounds to me like you have a fuel problem
fuel filter, fuel pump issue

09-23-2007, 02:54 PM
It could also be a lazy MAF sensor but that is not possible to test for without a lab scope. Try cleaning and tightening the connections. (forboth the MAF and TPS)

09-23-2007, 09:51 PM
It could be a TPS issue without it having gone bad. Its possible it just got out range, which you can check/fix in 5 mins with a 6mm wrench and a meter.

It could also be your fuel system, as was mentioned above. You would have a lot more issues than just at wot if it was the MAF though.

Start with the cheap and easy fixes first though. Tps, maf, connections, fuel filter, etc

good luck