View Full Version : The worst day at work/whats wrong with people???

09-23-2007, 11:56 AM
My friend owns a Donut shop, I hang out there and chill and when i do I help customers while he bakes them.
at the donut shop
He got board and drew on my left arm (which is almost half sleeved with a tat, but is just the out line)
than he marked on my face with the black marksalot marker,i didn't want him to but FUCK, it'll wash off eventually, so he was like hey ill just give you a fake mustache and we see how many people laugh. and you can write some shit on my face( yeah thats retarded i know) but thats what happened, i ended up with a chaplin stache and a goatee like Satan, and i gave him a uni-browe and a huge crazy mustache.

people thought it was funny and this skinny tatted shaved head white guy walks in, and says hey man im down with that pounds his chest twice and saluts me like Hitler, you might think this is funny but he was fuckin serious. I was sooo pissed. All i could say was a stern "NO, I AM NOT!"

There must have been 35 people in 5 hours and this one guy saluts me? and says white power?
what the hell is wrong with people.

kinda ironic that this happened the same week as the guy hanging the noose on the back of his truck and driving thru the civil rights ralley back east.

its a shame that people are still that racists.

any pranks gone wrong ever happen. by the way if your that racist your a dick, and should have your head checked.
I wonder if anyone hear has never had to deal with a racist person who is really this racist, by the way his tats were all racist, you can just imagine what they were.

if there is someone who has not had to deal with a .

If there is anyone who hasn't had to deal with this kind of ignorance please let me know.

09-23-2007, 12:10 PM
I am required by The Marine Corps to get a haircut every week. It's just easier and cheaper for me to shave it clean. Evidently, this gives certain people the wrong impression about me...

On a trip back home (Pennsylvania) I was approached in Public Place by two young men wearing black boots, black slacks, white button up shirts, black suspenders, and bald heads. They tried talking to me like we were old friends, but I just tried to ignore them. I just don't like talking to people I don't know. Another gentlemen walked by and they the tone of the conversation changed as they began making some of the worst racial comments I had heard. That's when I took the time to actually look at these guys. Each of them had a Swastika Pin and an SS (No, Not Super Sport) Pin on their suspenders.

I told them they were ignorant idiots and to leave me alone. They then started directing their racial slurs in my direction and threatened to beat my ass. I stood my ground and they eventually backed off and walked away when they realized they weren't intimidating me.

I almost felt the need to chase down the guy that had passed us earlier to apologize for their behavior, but then I realized that would be almost as bad. Striving to prove you aren't a racist is just as bad as being a flagrant racist. That just means you're a closet racist with a guilty conscience. (not referring to anyone in particular, just stating my opinion) My actions and attitude speak loud enough for me.


09-23-2007, 12:40 PM
I've had racist remarks said to my face in high school, I've been threatened a few times for being white while passing through the "wrong" part of town, I've been hated on by Asian dudes for having an Asian girlfriend, I've been hated on by black dudes for having a black girlfriend, and I've had rocks thrown at me while skating in a Hispanic neighborhood haha, oh well, I don't want to be a crybaby and sound like one of those butthurt white people who bring up examples of racism against whites as an argument to just start even more stupid racist arguments.

Neonazis and their beliefs are completely ridiculous, militant neonazis are the worst, I'm pretty sure nobody likes them and I hope nobody considers them a representation of white people even though I've learned that everyone likes to stereotype an entire race by its worst few individuals which is sad but I guess it's natural human behavior. A skinhead stole my lunch money once when I was like 9 haha, seriously, who robs 9-year old kids.

It's sad how some individuals are so seriously racist, I admit I've shared stupid jokes too, but I have great friends of all races and I love them all.

drift freaq
09-23-2007, 01:01 PM
Get this, this happened yesterday afternoon around 4:30-5:00 on the 101 freeway in downtown L.A. of all places.
Just to preface this I am half Italian American, the half that seems to win out in the Gene wars i.e. I look Italian my other half is English and Scottish. (ya my body fights itself) lol.
Anyways the combo and the fact that most people look at Italians in the U.S. these days and pretty considers us caucasian aka White for all racial purposes and profiling . I turn brown when I get out in the sun due to the Italian in me. I have dark brown hair and eyes as well. Ok looks explanation out of the way. I am considered by most people to be white.

So I am driving along in bumper to bumper traffic in my lowered Silver Blue S13 . Traffic is moving at about 15-20 mph stop and go. There is exactly a half a car length in front of.
There is a 2002-2003 Land Rover to the right of me. This guy tosses his blinker on and just starts moving over into the gap.
As I am moving forward. He is literally about to roll over the front end of my car. So I honk my horn at him several times.
He just keeps on going completely cutting me off. I had to pull a quick manuever into his lane or I would have hit him.
So he rolls down his window and I roll down mine and he is like why are you honking? I am like, you cut me off. Here it comes, (he is light brown haired white guy by the way), he yells at me, go back to your Homeland! WTF!

I am shocked and pissed. I yell back at him I am a fucking American, asshole. He responds with why didn't you let me in your not going anywhere. At this point I just say fuck you and proceed.

Now mind you, I was pretty shocked at this whole exchange. I honked my horn because he cut me off but what ensued after that just blew my mind.
Was he being racist because he was racist or did it have something to do with the fact that I was driving a S13?
If I had been driving a BMW would he have made the same comment? Fucked up shit and ya Whats wrong with people? So to my friends of other races I understand what you go through man and its bullshit.

Seeing it from the otherside really was shocking. Even if the comment is not intentionally meant to be racist it comes out that way.

09-23-2007, 01:11 PM
i am indian and used to work and target and right after the 9/11 mascare occured .. i was always tormented that " ur people" did this and stuff.. i mean sometimes some people act so uneducated that dosent surprise me that big companies hire asian people to work .. i mean..american's spoil their own culture by doing this kind if stuff and u know that is why most of the world look down up them.. i have lived here about 8 years and man i have come across situation where i totally was shocked..but i guess some people u just cant change..

09-23-2007, 03:04 PM
to the original poster, take some whitening toothpaste and scrub it and it should come right off, it works with sharpie so it should be the same.

09-23-2007, 03:30 PM
^^ Drift Freaq, I am French/Italian and while I've never been mistaken as a foreigner, ppl have mistaken me for Caucasian and have tried to lure me into making racist comments sometimes even against France. :loco:

09-23-2007, 05:04 PM
you have a friend who has a donut shop? boner

09-23-2007, 05:24 PM
we still live in a society that skin color is still a barrier. every where i go, i still encounter this type of crap.

drift freaq
09-23-2007, 05:41 PM
^^ Drift Freaq, I am French/Italian and while I've never been mistaken as a foreigner, ppl have mistaken me for Caucasian and have tried to lure me into making racist comments sometimes even against France. :loco:

lol shit I will make fucked up comments about France. Not so much racist, just about the way the country acts towards the U.S. and how some of the French people tend to be kinda snooty. But ya thats some strange shit Fromxtor. Ya as much as I saw the current young generation become more colorblind than previous there are still holdouts.

SoCal is strange though because a lot of the different races actively segrate themselves rather than integrating.
In Norcal, aka San Francisco bay area in particular, it was always this melting pot.
Down here its like the Blacks south central and south passy, the Jews,Russians,ArmeniansHollywood, Armenians Glendale, the Chinese are San Gabriel valley the koreans are K town type shit, and the hispanics are like the only ones who manage to infiltrate all these area's.

The whites are around but somewhat of a minority. Maybe that guy that cut me off feels like a minority and wants to act out? lol ya right.

Oh ya and I always tell people I am not white! Look at my skin does that look white? Its brown in the sun and olive when it gets no sun. :rofl:

09-23-2007, 06:39 PM
^^ Drift Freaq, I am French/Italian and while I've never been mistaken as a foreigner, ppl have mistaken me for Caucasian and have tried to lure me into making racist comments sometimes even against France. :loco:
Umm, the French and the Italians are white. Or are Caucasian and white two different things? Now I'm curious because I've actually seen white and Caucasian as two different checkboxes on a couple of forms, and I didn't know which one to check. Anyway, I love France and Italy, and I don't like how people who have never been to France talk down on it and make it look bad.

09-23-2007, 06:43 PM
chocolate rain...

09-23-2007, 08:03 PM
Umm, the French and the Italians are white. Or are Caucasian and white two different things? Now I'm curious because I've actually seen white and Caucasian as two different checkboxes on a couple of forms, and I didn't know which one to check. Anyway, I love France and Italy, and I don't like how people who have never been to France talk down on it and make it look bad.

Caucasian pertains to anyone ranging from europe to northern africa to the middle east and certain parts of asia that are white or light skinned. This includes italians.

09-23-2007, 08:58 PM
To start things off, I am not racist.
I'm 100% Japanese, was born in Japan, moved to the states when I was 3, and have been here ever since. I got my green card a little over a year ago.

So a few months ago, when I was delivering pizzas in a Protege 5, I win a delivery to the semi-rough part of my city. I ended up parking my car a block away from the house I was delivering to cause the dumbass who ordered the pizza didn't have his porch light on. As I'm walking back to my car, a group of wigs approach me and start yelling shit at me which I completely ignored. "Hey pizza boy!" "Can I order a pizza?"......"Hey chink!" Stopped me DEAD in my tracks. "Do you know karate?" (cause all Asians automatically are born with karate genes) I turned around, "Actually, I do...black belt" (first degree in Choi-Kwan-Do). Stopped them dead in their tracks in return. I ended up just stepping in my car and driving car. Seriously, what the fuck?

I joke around with my friends of various ethnic backgrounds all the time, but to be called a chink by someone who I don't even know, is fucked up.

drift freaq
09-23-2007, 09:18 PM
Caucasian pertains to anyone ranging from europe to northern africa to the middle east and certain parts of asia that are white or light skinned. This includes italians.

This is true but see its bullshit too. 50-60 years ago Italians were not considered white by Anglo Saxon descent Americans aka British/Scottish/Irish/German descent. They were derided and put down and not considered to be Caucasian no matter how correct it might be. Now they are and thats hypocritical. Now they are so many Italian Americans that almost every major corporation in the country has a Italian American in upper management i.e. we have become the American success story. Strange how that works eh?
And Matej,
I do have French friends who are cool. Though I have met quite a few French in my life that deride the U.S. act superior and want to put us down.

I don't care what anyone says about France, the country is very ungrateful. Twice in the last century the U.S. saved their asses and we got nary a thank you.
All we got was put down and talked shit about by them. Now there are some French people that are not this way but there are enough that my comments are valid. I am sorry to any French here on the forum but this is true.

Oh ya and guess who started the whole shit in Vietnam? Not the U.S. the French , they were in there mucking shit up for 10 years and getting there asses handed to them. The mistake the U.S. made was thinking it could step in and carry what the goverment and President JFK thought was the good fight against communism.

Oh and guess who is mucking up North Africa? The French. Well I guess when America makes mistakes the French can criticize us but if we so much as say anything about them we are all messed up?

Oh and by the way the French revolution was hardly a revolution it was more a lynching of the rich by the poor in the name freedom. Killing innocent people just because they may have money is not about freedom if you ask me . Its mob hooliganism. The French goverment was fucked up at the time but the mob took it way to far and killed people for the sake of killing.
The American revolution was actually about freedom there is a big difference there.
Sorry but don't start defending Frances actions they are as guilty as the next and not above anyone. Though they would like you to think they are.

Fuck look now you got me all political lol. Anyways

09-24-2007, 01:27 PM
wow, first off, it comes off just fine, with dish soup and a dish sponge.

and yeah Ive been hated on by so many people its not funny.
liek I had Swastikas drawn on my house and they wrote know your own, trader, and swp, which means supreme white power on my sidewalk, and after they finished they wrote all over my white car, scratching the clear coat and leaveing racist shit on my car, by some racist ass down the street from my house (which is in a white area of Modesto Ca, cause he saw me driving around with my girlfriend of the time(who was cambodian/chinese).

the messed up thing is that 2 days before this happened I was at a local pool hall with the said girlfriend and this white guy keeps hittin my back with his stick, and says "watch what the fuck your doing""your ruining my shot" the whole time this is going on I am ignoring this and appoligizing and than he keeps giving me the dirtiest of looks, finally he bumps into me again while I am in the middle of a shot, and says " Watch out, whats wrong you cant see? or are you too chink eyed like your gook girlfriend? I swear I almost skewered him with my pool que but I said "FUCK YOU HONKEY, OUTSIDE!"
threw my stick on the table and walked outside, my girl came with and I waited, people come out to see whats going to happen, and he doesn't show, I look in and he is gone, slipped out the back or something. So I get a drink go back inside calm down, and continue my night out, and play some more pool. (the funny thing is i think everyone there was white except for like 4 people and the place was packed, so when they heard honkey the all looked)
We stayed for a long time, and as they close we leave, I'm parked in the back of the parking lot, (I had a white, 98 gsx at the time, I orginaly wanted a zenki s14 but the dealership didnt have a used one) and its parked next to a lifted ford with small penis tires on it( super swampers)
and there 3 guys at the back of it drinking, one was sitting on the tail gate( he is the asshole who said the shit to me earlier). so i give my girl the keys tell her to go in the car and lock the door only open it when i tell her to, no matter what happens to me, she gets in the car and I walk around my side which is next to the truck, one guy blocks my way and one guy flanks me, while the asshole is still on the tailgate of his truck. guy in my way says "where you going, and what is this shit i heard you saying earlier", the guy behind me says some shit like "gooklover "or something, and i look at him quick and when i do the guy on the truck slides off and hits me in the nose on his way down knocking me to the floor breaking my nose, and he is laughing with his friends as soon as i fall, but the second i fall i jump back up and on my way up i bring my fist up in a shoryuken fashion(see street fighter, lol) like a rising uppercut, and knock the asshole against his truck , the guy in my way goes to grab me, i throw him off, and my girl unlocked the door, and i jumped in and sped off and they threw beer bottles at me as i drove away. I went home and reset my nose.

so for those that know me I didn't always have a big nose

I think the racist down the street knew the guys from the pool hall, and thats why my house and car got tagged.

but those are just two more incidents, of stupid racism.
and despite all this and some, i still think that people are geniunly good.

Sorry If the story was all over the place, and if it seems like Im crying about this , I am not, I just get tired of people acting like racism is only done to people by white people and that white people can't possibly understand what it is like to be treated this way.

09-24-2007, 02:38 PM
haha i remember you told me about this solid snake. damage factor... donut shop days, i remember i stay there for like and extra 6 hours for no reason helpin with the donuts and shit with davey. free soda!

09-24-2007, 03:44 PM
Racism is fucking weak. It's not even worth talking about.

I could tell you literally a thousand stories of me having racism directed to me or how i've gotten my ass beat/beaten someone's ass...or I could tell you that the more you talk about it the more you indirectly encourage it.

If you kick someone's ass, don't you like hearing people gossip about it? Or if you pull a nice time at the track, wouldn't you get a kick out of people saying "hey that guy did that shit it was tight". Racism is like that timeslip/trophy or KO-kick to the teeth.

you have a friend who has a donut shop? boner

That's what I was thinking. My eyes just lit up.

09-24-2007, 08:11 PM
I used to work at a Sav-On when I was 18, and it was located right in the middle of one of the most ghetto areas of L.A. I used to get tortured DAILY at that place. Most of the customers were black, and I used to get cussed out and insulted all the time. It was funny sometimes because they would call me a dumb white girl, and I'm Mexican. I used to get merchandise thrown at me when I would ring it up higher than what they thought the price was. My mom had it worse- she worked at the same Sav-On but she worked in the pharmacy. My mom has actually been attacked by people. She's come out of the store to her car and found her window broken, her car keyed, and her tires slashed (all separate incidents). This has been within the past 3 years. She's the only Latino worker in the pharmacy- the other employees are either black or like, Indian or something. They treat her like shit because she's Mexican. They treated me like that for the same reason.

Racism comes in all colors, shapes, and sizes. I've been hated on by more minorities that I have been by white people. Sometimes I hate it that minorities can get away with racist behavior, but are the same ones to scream racism when it happens to them. Hate is hate is hate.

09-24-2007, 11:19 PM
Damn illvia...crazy story.

I like how a lot of my friends are anti-racism.

Some guy at a McDonalds called me a terrorist fuck and he got his shit fucked up...

Some guy at the mall started yelling durka durka and shit...so my friend grabbed a shopping bag of new Hollister stuff and threw it in the fountain at the mall and shit. 6'2" skinhead in your face= pwnt.

BTW some of you don't know this, but not all skinheads are racist.

09-25-2007, 05:33 PM
i ended up with a chaplin stache.

Although I'm as appalled at this situation as you, don't you think it was a little unwise to have a mustache of this style drawn on you, and then to not expect Hitler related comments?
I know I sure wouldn't want to, even if I didn't run into any white supremicists.
I mean, US soldiers would often call Hitler the "Little Tramp", due it his simularity with Charlie Chaplin's Little Tramp character.

09-25-2007, 06:18 PM
Racism will always be around for the as long as we live in this world.

We can't get rid of it, we can't ignore it, and we sure as hell can't deny it.

I've experienced it many times. But you can't change ignorant people. It is what it is. Hell I've been racist at some points in my life too. I don't think anyone can truly say they haven't themselves at one point or another.

Asian people are racist against other asian people. Majority of Taiwanese people can't stand Chinese people. So on and so on. It's just how it is.

In Texas the Texas born hispanics don't like mexicans.

It's just weird like that.

I try to look past the color of an individual and respect that individual based on their character and not their skin color.

09-25-2007, 08:48 PM
Yeah Yuri, I was expecting someone to call me the donut nazi or is that a hitler stache, but the guy salluted and pounded his chest and said hell yeah brother, I mean if that guy was my brother I think i would have to kill him.

and the funny thing is that the part of town that this happened in is largly hispanic and of people from african and asian decent, so its not so white.

I guess racist skin heads come out of the woodwork for fresh donuts at 3 in the morning.

and yes not all skin heads are racist. there are anti rasict skin heads called

S.H.A.R.P.S Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice . I guess they take that style to infiltrate the skinheads and fuckem up. but they HATE being called racist, cause they are not. I dont know if they are still around.

and I wasn't starting this thread to promote racism, I was just trying to spread the awareness that racist people are jerkoffs and I am surprised that they are still around. I was just shocked at the what happened, despite the fact that i hate a pushbroom stache.

and one last thing, for the record, I didnt choose the hitler/chaplin stache, my friend who isnt white thought it looked funny. and he drew it.

09-25-2007, 09:03 PM
what pisses me off is everytime i shave my head. one of the mechanics at work, who is cuban and also has a confederate flag on his toolbox(i dont get it either). always gives me the hitler salute. i know he is kidding but it pisses me off cuz i dont think everyone else at the shop thinks he is.

09-26-2007, 09:46 PM
Your Cuban coworker is crazy.

Sharp skins are still around, saw some Saturday

09-27-2007, 05:41 AM
Racism is pretty shitty.

Donut Shop = CAMBODIAN. I'm cambodian, i should know. I worked there since i was a kid, and saw some ghettooo shit happen there, from shitty looks, to gettin asses beat to bloody pulps.

One sour apple to ruin the batch.

I thought this quote was funny. Forget where i found it.

"I'm white. People call me a Racist. Thats Racist."

09-27-2007, 11:06 AM
i was in vegas this weekend playing some roulette and some drunk white guy walks up to me since he sees im doing pretty well. he starts to watch the table, then direct his attention to me, at first, i thought he wanted to take my chips or something, but then he goes, "you know what? i hate asians, i hate you, but your winning so it seems your an alright asian" then he slurrs around and talks more about asians and how the drive etc etc etc. i really didnt care cuz everyone else heard him and someone else could have said something. if he was outside though, and told me that, it would of been crazy since i was already pretty drunk. haha

09-27-2007, 12:16 PM
the messed up thing is that 2 days before this happened I was at a local pool hall with the said girlfriend and this white guy keeps hittin my back with his stick, and says "watch what the fuck your doing""your ruining my shot" the whole time this is going on I am ignoring this and appoligizing and than he keeps giving me the dirtiest of looks, finally he bumps into me again while I am in the middle of a shot, and says " Watch out, whats wrong you cant see? or are you too chink eyed like your gook girlfriend? I swear I almost skewered him with my pool que but I said "FUCK YOU HONKEY, OUTSIDE!"
threw my stick on the table and walked outside, my girl came with and I waited, people come out to see whats going to happen, and he doesn't show, I look in and he is gone, slipped out the back or something. So I get a drink go back inside calm down, and continue my night out, and play some more pool. (the funny thing is i think everyone there was white except for like 4 people and the place was packed, so when they heard honkey the all looked)

maybe they all thought u were talking to them and thats why they went outside....and were waiting for you to make the first move :keke:

09-27-2007, 01:44 PM
wow, first off, it comes off just fine, with dish soup and a dish sponge.

and yeah Ive been hated on by so many people its not funny.
liek I had Swastikas drawn on my house and they wrote know your own, trader, and swp, which means supreme white power on my sidewalk, and after they finished they wrote all over my white car, scratching the clear coat and leaveing racist shit on my car, by some racist ass down the street from my house (which is in a white area of Modesto Ca, cause he saw me driving around with my girlfriend of the time(who was cambodian/chinese).

the messed up thing is that 2 days before this happened I was at a local pool hall with the said girlfriend and this white guy keeps hittin my back with his stick, and says "watch what the fuck your doing""your ruining my shot" the whole time this is going on I am ignoring this and appoligizing and than he keeps giving me the dirtiest of looks, finally he bumps into me again while I am in the middle of a shot, and says " Watch out, whats wrong you cant see? or are you too chink eyed like your gook girlfriend? I swear I almost skewered him with my pool que but I said "FUCK YOU HONKEY, OUTSIDE!"
threw my stick on the table and walked outside, my girl came with and I waited, people come out to see whats going to happen, and he doesn't show, I look in and he is gone, slipped out the back or something. So I get a drink go back inside calm down, and continue my night out, and play some more pool. (the funny thing is i think everyone there was white except for like 4 people and the place was packed, so when they heard honkey the all looked)
We stayed for a long time, and as they close we leave, I'm parked in the back of the parking lot, (I had a white, 98 gsx at the time, I orginaly wanted a zenki s14 but the dealership didnt have a used one) and its parked next to a lifted ford with small penis tires on it( super swampers)
and there 3 guys at the back of it drinking, one was sitting on the tail gate( he is the asshole who said the shit to me earlier). so i give my girl the keys tell her to go in the car and lock the door only open it when i tell her to, no matter what happens to me, she gets in the car and I walk around my side which is next to the truck, one guy blocks my way and one guy flanks me, while the asshole is still on the tailgate of his truck. guy in my way says "where you going, and what is this shit i heard you saying earlier", the guy behind me says some shit like "gooklover "or something, and i look at him quick and when i do the guy on the truck slides off and hits me in the nose on his way down knocking me to the floor breaking my nose, and he is laughing with his friends as soon as i fall, but the second i fall i jump back up and on my way up i bring my fist up in a shoryuken fashion(see street fighter, lol) like a rising uppercut, and knock the asshole against his truck , the guy in my way goes to grab me, i throw him off, and my girl unlocked the door, and i jumped in and sped off and they threw beer bottles at me as i drove away. I went home and reset my nose.

so for those that know me I didn't always have a big nose

I think the racist down the street knew the guys from the pool hall, and thats why my house and car got tagged.

but those are just two more incidents, of stupid racism.
and despite all this and some, i still think that people are geniunly good.

Sorry If the story was all over the place, and if it seems like Im crying about this , I am not, I just get tired of people acting like racism is only done to people by white people and that white people can't possibly understand what it is like to be treated this way.

be the bigger person... walk away..... violence solves nothing... unless they call you a gooklover.. then you smash some teeth!! ur the man

09-27-2007, 03:40 PM
People always look for an excuse to showcase their stupidity. Being that I own/operate a business, you get to meet all types of individuals. And being that I like to express myself, I could giva' fuck whether or not people end up liking or hating me. Honestly, might as well be yourself and let people accept you or not accept you.

There's obvious racism and then there's stuff you dont see until it gets exposed. For instance, a person with dark skin will always have to deal with bullshit because its obvious. But another example is someone Jewish, which isnt so obvious. Jediasm is a culture & religion, and jews have (and continue) to be hated by certain types.

People need to first LEARN, then accept other people's nationalities, religions and cultures. The ignorance shows when they dont learn, because people end up hating what they dont know.

Its just ignorance.. there will always be a shortage of smart people, and an overwhelming amount of idiots in this world.

steve shadows
09-27-2007, 04:43 PM
Get this, this happened yesterday afternoon around 4:30-5:00 on the 101 freeway in downtown L.A. of all places.
Just to preface this I am half Italian American, the half that seems to win out in the Gene wars i.e. I look Italian .


you must look pretty fob

my other half is sicilan we were actually considered non-human in the late 1800s fyi in ellis island.

Ukrainians are just considered conan the barbarian, or just poor as shit.

fuck racists

hitler lost that war, end of story, next!

09-27-2007, 08:03 PM
Yeah its funny you mention the stereotype bout Cambodians and donut shop, my friends donuts shop that all this crazy shit happens, is Cambodian owned. and he is Cambodian(duh).

But my brother had a gun pulled on him there, a guy with a gun had the cops rush him when he didn't expect it and the dog ripped the shit outta his leg and I had to clean up the blood and junk.

And I have even had to get crazy with a few people cause they say some shit like go back to your country to my friends dad, and he doesn't deserve that and neither does anyone. I mean my parents are not even from here, so as far as I was concerned he was insulting me.

I have so many crazy stories from there. but yeah Hate is hate and its a natural and irrational emotion.
and yes racism will be around forever, but its nice to hope that it wont, and to not have to expect people to be racist.

09-27-2007, 08:58 PM
It's funny to me how they'll make racist comments, but will still buy donuts from the same place. I guess they're not too racist for sugary goodness.

09-27-2007, 10:42 PM

chocolate rain...

Only in the past is what they say

09-27-2007, 10:50 PM
I swear that dude looks like a chick.

09-27-2007, 11:40 PM
pssshhhhhhhhhh.... dee raven, dont talk no smack about tAY [email protected]

tay is the [email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]! BOOM!


the boy born with the voice of optimus prime, awesome.

drift freaq
09-27-2007, 11:48 PM
^^^^^^ hahahahaha he is actually pretty damn talented lol^^^ and ya the voice of Optimus Prime :rofl:

09-28-2007, 01:21 AM
I want Zay to do guest vocals in my next band.

09-28-2007, 02:20 AM
The whole cambodian donut shop deal? its not a stereotype. Its a badge of honor.

I do not know one cambodian that doesn't A) own a donut shop. B) have worked at a donut shop C) has family working/owning donut shops D) is visiting family @ their donut shops.

Some way, some how, cambodians are attracted to donut shops. Its cool as hell. I should know. I used to work in once as a kid. Kinda like a sweat shop, but with food. and being paid.

09-28-2007, 02:53 AM
yeah well when im there its like customer service stuff and its free, it is just chillin with a friend and helpin him out, I mean i can eat all the donuts i want and drink as much soda as i want. And I know its not like its a bad stereotype, I mean come on, yeah damn those cambodians and owning a bussiness wtf are they thinking ? yeah right, its a good stereotype, like koreans owning dry cleaners.
but yeah for some reason, the craziest shit happens there, and the most racist shit ive seen happens there.

09-28-2007, 08:21 PM
Hey, it's like only viet chicks do nails and stuff. I'll tell you one thing- they do a damn good job. That's one stereotype I'm happy with. I'll always go with a nail shop run by Asian women before I go with anything else- they're clean, fast and efficient.

10-01-2007, 02:34 PM
Everyone always confuses my people with 7-11 people.

Big difference.

We are doctors...or own a textile/oil/etc. company.

We make them $$scrillz$$

10-02-2007, 12:17 PM
I'm not getting in your guy's discussion... BUT I WAS LOLOLOLO'ing at the whole marker thing.

10-02-2007, 01:33 PM
Today we had a debate on gay marriage in law and justice class.

Some kids said gay marriage was injust...now that's opinion based, but their reasoning was some of the dumbest things i've ever heard, and I wish I had it on tape to make it brainwashing propaganda. I'm not trying to start a religious or even gay debate, this is more of a way for me to vent and show how stupid many youths are nowadays.

"Gay marriage is gross." Wow, make a law cause of your opinion...cool.

"Marriage is between a man and a woman." Thanks for being so elaborate. I hope your vocal chords aren't strained out.

"The bible says it's wrong." Separation of church and state...and it's ironic how the kid who said this is a drunkard piece of shit who humps any piece of ass he can get. Kinda hipocritical if you ask me, follow whatever the bible tells you if it's convenient.

"I was taught to believe that." Luckily you weren't raised in Nazi Germany, or else you'd be spitting on some jews right now. Fucking idiotttttttttttttttttttt omgggggggggggg.

Then a bunch of spoiled asshole kids saying stupid shit and completely disrespecting people conveying their opinions. If you're gonna give your opinion at least have the balls to listen to someone else. If murder was legal....

10-02-2007, 09:27 PM
yeah Ive had shit like that with people at school who talk about day marriage is as bad as if they are the ones participating in it.

And when I say, " What does it matter? So because someone is different than you, than they don't deserve to be happy?"

than some idiot asks me if I am gay. why because I respect people?

I know what you mean bout the idiots.

10-02-2007, 09:44 PM
I'll admit, I used to be against it, but now considering I've changed my religion to I-don't-care-ism, it really doesn't matter to me anymore. Whatever makes ppl happy.

10-27-2007, 01:05 AM
So today I was at te before mention donut shop, and im at the front counter, and i turn my back to go wash my hands when some dumb ass tagger runs up to the window and tagged all over the front windows, and its a corner store on one of the busiest intersections in town and it was 830 at night. The punk bitch was so fast by the time i came back up front( like 10 seconds) the whole store front was tagged, so i had to go out and clean it off with a wet rag and a window blade.

If your reading this and your a tagger, just try to think for a second, of how much of a coward you are.
because you want to write on everyone elses shit but god forbid that someone tags up your house or business.
And if your not leave an address so i can vandalize your home/business.

I understand that it can be art, and I have seen some good shit, but do it on something that you have permission to write on, or one plyboards that you attach to a wall, but if its not yours and you have to hide your face and run away when confronted, than your a coward. shit just pissed me off, i wish i would have seen him, i would have beat him down like a punk.

10-27-2007, 01:34 AM
Hey, it's like only viet chicks do nails and stuff. I'll tell you one thing- they do a damn good job. That's one stereotype I'm happy with. I'll always go with a nail shop run by Asian women before I go with anything else- they're clean, fast and efficient.


Pho is not Pho without it being owned by a Viet... and if it's in SJ there is always a friendly tranny sitting in the corner.

Racism is awsome because I'm waiting for someone to call me chief chinkjapflipspic. Rasicm's is a thing that will probably never going to go away until the day that this planet is running out of resources and we need to find another planet to take over or something... then it will come back. But for those brief few years we won't care about anything except for our own survival. I think it's just a natural instinct that when we don't have our lives directly threatened by anything we just like to blame our problems on someone else, eventually it builds up by finding others to help you blame people. It's easier to do that because now you can lie to yourself that there is someone below and you are better than everyone else. In reality you are the scum on my shoe that I wouldn't take the time of day to wipe off because you will eventually just go away and find some other poor sap to cling on to.

I am racist though, I don't like idiots. I believe they are a race, the ones who have no common knowledge or respect for anyone else around them. If you cannot accept that there are individuals that are different than you (which contradicts what I am saying) but you actually categorize a person by some stupid experience or what you heard and decide to act upon that, then you fail. I'm sure you can find a person that you dislike and don't agree with within every race, so does that mean you should be racist against everyone except those who only follow you? Sure you can but it does get lonely.

10-27-2007, 10:38 AM
all of the following happend within my ONE year of living in vegas:

in hs when i lived in vegas for a year i got my ass kicked by three big black guys on the bus because "cracker as cracker" (referring to me) wouldnt get out of one of the dudes seats.. as if it was his.. they said a few more racial slurs to me but i wouldnt move. so then one of the dudes sucker punched me in the back of the head and yeah.. the said a bunch of racial shit while i was getting my ass kicked too.

yeah i know. probably could avoided the whole thing if i would have just moved seats.. but he didnt say please. lol. or at least "please cracka". then i might have moved.

then there was a "mexican vs blacks" fight in the 'desert' (which was a baren piece of land across the street from the high school). i'd say about 100 kids showed up to brawl. cops came. arrested a lot of kids.

when i was in third period english we got into the discussion of racism for some reason. and this black girl got up and said "its in my religion to HATE white people".. i'm thinking to myself, "why would you want to be part of a religion that promotes hate?!"

then my family moved back to san clemente about 8 months into my hs year... a couple years ago i lived in capo beach and there was a white nissan altima a street away that had a huge sticker across the back window that said "white power"... isnt that kind of an oxymoron?

10-27-2007, 09:14 PM
I go to a pretty much all white school full of rednecks. I get this racism bullshit all the time.

Racism or discrimination really shows no logic. It's literally like:

"So, Why do you hate black people?"
"Because they're NIGGERS!"

They have no reason to hate these or any people. I have no problem with anyone reguardless of race, orientation, gender, or religious views.

What I've found is that there will be something you like about everyone. I have yet to actually HATE anyone. Hate is such a powerful word, and it's overused in society. To come out of line and say that you hate an entire group of people just because of one difference (skin color in this example) is totally absurd.

But on the other hand, you have to take into the account that the world is too racially sensitive. If I (white, "cracker" if you will) randomly walked down the street and got punched by a black man, he gets charged with "simple assault/battery". Take the same scenario, but I punched HIM. It's still simple assault/battery, but now it's a hate crime, and I did it just because he was black. NAACP would be all over that shit.

Now take the NAACP, yes there are jokes about it-- Now Apes Are Called People, blah blah-- but it's in my eyes one of the worst organizations known to man. Same with the UNCF. You cannot tell me that the black race in particular would get their panties in a wad if there was a United White College Fund. I know I'm going to regret it sooner or later, so I will go ahead and get it out:

The most racist people I know are blacks

If people want to hang dummies as a symbol of hate towards a race, let them. They are harmlessly telling the world how ignorant they are. Lynching DID happen, they're just replaying history. Get over it. If a black guy wants to hang a white dummy, go for it. I'm cool with that. Just don't bitch when I pull out my 9 and blow your fucking tires out.

Racism = immaturity. Grow up and play nice with the other kids.

As for the "tattoo" incident in the first post, you somehow distinguished yourself to be one of "them" and you told him that you weren't. In my eyes, +1 respect.