View Full Version : Just alittle venting

09-19-2007, 03:55 PM
*if this is in wrong forum pls move*

Gad, i hate my damn 240 right now.....that thing is a piece of shit rust bucket thanks to it sitting in a parking lot for what, 2+years?!?!?!

The other day, i broke the head off of one of my bolts that holds the strut in place, and on the other side of my car, same bolt and spot, i stripped the damn thing out trying to get it off....not to add, the fact that i had to let al of my bolts on my suspension sit in PB BLaster overnite just to break the rust torque....btw, i was trying to change out struts and springs with some coilovers, and also repalce my bushings, rotors, and brake parts at the same time since they are either rusted to shit, or in the case of my bushings all torn and worn...and i mean all of them are torn............anybody else feelin me on this rust thing, or did good purposely do this to me, to make me suffer???

09-19-2007, 04:00 PM
do you store your car at the bottom of the ocean or something? i dont think that was just caused by it sitting in a driveway/parking lot. My car has sat in the driveway for 3+ years at a stretch and has been fine. you may want to see about sealing the bottom of the car after you replace everything

09-19-2007, 04:11 PM
Ill say it... Cry me a river.

Then build me a bridge.

And get over it.

You live in South Dakota, where Im pretty sure it rains a lot. You drive a car that is somewhere between 10 and 22 years old if youre driving a 240... What do you expect? Of course shit is going to get rusty and break.

09-19-2007, 04:16 PM
lol yeah....it literally sat in a parking lot for 2+ years......anywho, of course im getting over it...the problems have been fixed except the bushings, but its irratating to fuking deal with it, cause of its damn history..and the fact that i have to pay hourly to work on my car, cause of where i have to work on it at..and spending 2-3 hours trying to break bolts adds up over time....so im alittle pissed at that also...

09-19-2007, 04:18 PM
shit, i just saw that you were in SD. Yeah, seal the fuck out of the bottom of your car when you're done. I suggest driving through 3 feet of liquid tar

09-19-2007, 04:20 PM
do you store your car at the bottom of the ocean or something? i dont think that was just caused by it sitting in a driveway/parking lot. My car has sat in the driveway for 3+ years at a stretch and has been fine. you may want to see about sealing the bottom of the car after you replace everything

+1 a good degreaser and undercoating can go a long way. :) GL w/ the bushings

09-19-2007, 04:21 PM
lol, ill try to get that done..cause in about 3 months, itll be sitting in storage for a full year 0.o;

09-19-2007, 04:27 PM
good luck with the car. also, a turbo will prevent moisture from rusting parts of the head, so you should do that too