09-19-2007, 03:55 PM
*if this is in wrong forum pls move*
Gad, i hate my damn 240 right now.....that thing is a piece of shit rust bucket thanks to it sitting in a parking lot for what, 2+years?!?!?!
The other day, i broke the head off of one of my bolts that holds the strut in place, and on the other side of my car, same bolt and spot, i stripped the damn thing out trying to get it off....not to add, the fact that i had to let al of my bolts on my suspension sit in PB BLaster overnite just to break the rust torque....btw, i was trying to change out struts and springs with some coilovers, and also repalce my bushings, rotors, and brake parts at the same time since they are either rusted to shit, or in the case of my bushings all torn and worn...and i mean all of them are torn............anybody else feelin me on this rust thing, or did good purposely do this to me, to make me suffer???
Gad, i hate my damn 240 right now.....that thing is a piece of shit rust bucket thanks to it sitting in a parking lot for what, 2+years?!?!?!
The other day, i broke the head off of one of my bolts that holds the strut in place, and on the other side of my car, same bolt and spot, i stripped the damn thing out trying to get it off....not to add, the fact that i had to let al of my bolts on my suspension sit in PB BLaster overnite just to break the rust torque....btw, i was trying to change out struts and springs with some coilovers, and also repalce my bushings, rotors, and brake parts at the same time since they are either rusted to shit, or in the case of my bushings all torn and worn...and i mean all of them are torn............anybody else feelin me on this rust thing, or did good purposely do this to me, to make me suffer???