View Full Version : drive you crazy?

09-18-2007, 04:04 PM
Okay, a lot of people i know say I am a hater, but i have to disagree, i think i just get annoyed by things and when i do i state it.

this thread is for you to post the little pet peeves that drive you ape shit.

just think of it as venting or therapy

like for example, i think the most annoying thing i can think of is people who eat loudly and drink loudly and have to gulp or smack when they do these things.

oh and people that don't signal drive me nuts too.

and as of recently people on zilvia who ask you to hold an item for them that you have for sale, and than they make you wait two weeks and tell you they changed there mind after you already told other people it was sold.

09-18-2007, 05:08 PM
When there are 2 doors and 1 is locked

09-18-2007, 05:10 PM
automotive fashion trends

09-18-2007, 05:39 PM
when you take a dump and the water splashes back

09-18-2007, 05:46 PM
When people can't follow the short, simple list of Rules and Guidelines that are posted in EVERY MAJOR SECTION OF THE FORUM!

09-18-2007, 05:50 PM
when you take a dump and the water splashes back

ha... i hate that shit too.....

09-18-2007, 06:08 PM
ha... i hate that shit too.....

I think it feels refreshing.

09-18-2007, 06:25 PM
i hate when people ask rhetorical questions, number one being:
me: i lost my key chain
person: where did you put it?


or when the passenger of the car opens the door before it fully unlocks then you have to lock then unlock again

09-18-2007, 06:54 PM
1.stunna shades
2.show cars of any make and model
4.reality TV
5.the joke of an east coast/new england car scene


i hate when parents are like "why do guys oogle my daughter with their eyes? shes so young?"


i love how some parents will blame everything but themselves.

also, my sister is 15 now, and when she comes to my work the guys i work with make jokes about doing shit with her and its all i can do to not pull out my 8lb sledgehammer and bash their fucking head in.

09-18-2007, 07:37 PM
when people make that loud ass smack noise with there gum, it always catches me off guard.

09-18-2007, 07:40 PM
everything pisses me off.

abso fucking lutely EVERYTHING

this post alone is making me furious just reading it.

09-18-2007, 08:13 PM
I don't hate anything.

09-18-2007, 08:26 PM
People who drag their feet.

People that read over your shoulder.

People that lack social skills.

People that leave their turn signal on for 85 million miles and never change lanes/turn, then when you try to they decide they want to.

People that brake for no reason.

People that breed for dumb reasons.

Stupid people that breed PERIOD.

09-19-2007, 09:37 AM
i forgot people who ask what happened, in the middle of a story cause they got there late.

oh and guys that wear two different shoes or socks, for example converse or vans and white and black socks? wtf? and about that rhetorical question thing totally pisses me off.
i think everything pisses me off.
esp white supremecist or anyone that thinks they are bettrer than anyone else.

and my last 2 cents, is people who think that I have an sr just cause I have a front mount.

09-19-2007, 10:21 AM
Nothing bothers me really. Except for...

Rap music on the radio today

People not saying please and thank you

People not holding a door open when someone is right behind you

People not using their turn signals

People that text while driving

When someone asks $1200 for a S13 Silvia Front End conversion

The fact that I can't find a matching black/gray S14 seat for a decent price

When people don't post pics of items they are selling and expect to sell it

Power Rangers

When people say Nintendo only makes kid games

That Sony has fucked up with the PS3

Chmercer ripping people off and it being "OK" to some people

People's morals and values today

That they haven't made another Robocop movie

When I put my phone on "vibrate only" and it rings

Guys that wear girl pants

Emo haircuts

The fact that girls didn't make out as frequently as they do now when I was in HS

The episodes of Billiards on my DVR for some reason aren't playing

That Mike Tyson sucks now

That Buster Douglas was the guy to beat him

That Tito Ortiz will never beat Chuck Liddell

That Nascar is so popular

Why can't I find Coconut oil

When i iron my shirt in the morning and get almost finished with it and see that there is a spot from the detergent on like the last part, so then I have to go iron a whole other shirt

That 240's are so cheap and abundant in cali as are places to work on'em

When I call someone at work, and they tell me they are very busy and in a meeting...Well WHY DID YOU ANSWER YOUR FUCKIN PHONE THEN!?

That my car isn't running right and I suck and can't figure out the problem

My mouse at home

The pen tool in Photoshop

The IGN forums and their endless complaining about EVERYTHING

Other then that I can't really think of anything.

09-19-2007, 10:37 AM
people who rest their foot on the brake pedal while driving.

buses in the carpool lane.

the 101, 91, and 405 freeways.

people who use the exit lane as a passing lane and force their way in front of you right before the off ramp begins.

people who dont want to wait for the off ramp and use the shoulder as a passing lane.

"rubber necking" when theres a accident

people who drive 70 or less in the fast lane and decide to "brake check" you instead of being curtious and getting over to let you by.

the "over-compinsating for something" trucks at night that blind you when they get behind you (i hate having to flip my rearview mirror up or adjust the way im sitting)

soccer moms in oversized suv's. or in any suv for that matter.

teenage drivers.

the cord on the vaccuum cleaner. (why dont they come cordless!?!??!)

parking lot meter enforcement officers.

stepping on something wet when wearing socks.

not passing the smog test, when youre sure it will pass this time.

getting laid off 4 times in one year because the mortgage industry blows right now.

09-19-2007, 10:50 AM
i fucking hate....

emo kids

over dramatic goth kids

the other mechanics who come over to my lift just to see if im doing a job that pays more hours than what their doing

when other mechanics tell me how to work on my 240 that ive had for FOUR FUCKING YEARS

09-19-2007, 03:26 PM
i hate it when people curse in front of/at their children.

09-19-2007, 05:07 PM
this shit happened today, I was at my friends family bussines eating when a guy walks by( wasnt homeless cause he was wearing designer jeans and newish lookin nikes and had stunner shades and bling, walks in and says
"Can I get some change?"
I ask what for and he says for some food, that he is starving( and he is watching me eat this taco bell that i just got, lickin his lips and everything)
so being the nice guy that I am say " alright man you want some change? he is a buck" and than he says...
can you gimme another dollar?"
Im like are you fuckin serious?
"i just gave you a dollar when you asked for some change!"
" well , gimme your burrito?"
I say no way, if you want something to eat, Ill give you a donut(my friend bussiness is a donut shop)
than he asks for a apple fritter, wtf?

I mean i read if you give a mouse a cookie he is going to want some milk, but what ever happened to manners and courtesy and some appreciation for people like me being generous and charitable?

09-19-2007, 05:22 PM
Some fucking douche asks me and my bro for money for a cab when we're standing like 50ft from the bus station.

09-19-2007, 06:50 PM
I HATE when people dont signal. It bugs me too when I answer peoples questions and they respond with "yea?" or "oh yea?" like no, I just lied to you, of course YEA!

09-19-2007, 06:56 PM
I used to hate when people would call me on my HOME PHONE and say "Hey, where are you?". You just friggin called me AT HOME, where the Hell do you think I am?

09-19-2007, 08:49 PM
I used to hate when people would call me on my HOME PHONE and say "Hey, where are you?". You just friggin called me AT HOME, where the Hell do you think I am?

Yes!!!! This irritates me too.

I hate-

People that will continue to lie to you even when you've caught them with their own bullshit.

People that will go and snitch on other people and sell out their own friends just to get ahead.

Snotty, over-gassed people that look down on you like their shit don't stink.

People that smell like corn chips and onions because they don't wear deodorant, and stink up a crowded bus by standing and holding the overhead rail.

People that don't respect the rules of the bathroom and have to occupy the stall next to you.

People that will see you doing work on a car, and proceed to ask "were u working on your car?" when you're washing your hands.

People that talk on the phone while in a crowded elevator.

People that slow down on the freeway because they're talking on the phone. When did it become common knowledge that just because you slow down, you're safer? Distraction is distraction.

09-19-2007, 11:44 PM
People .

09-20-2007, 08:17 AM
immature people in general. doesn't have a clue whats going on. members in here that dont use the search button. blah blah blah. i can go on but these are the one that irritate me.

09-20-2007, 08:33 AM
people who talk loud all the time

people who won't answer a simple you ask them when they are on the phone around you

people who put their feet on my dash


when more then one person is fighting one person.. KEEP IT 1 on 1 you fucks

people that won't admit that they are wrong

when i can't slip my shoes on

having anti freeze or oil or soap on your shoe and getting in your car and your foot keeps slipping off the pedal

spoiled kids who take stuff they get for free for granted!!!!

The smell of tranny fluid - YUCK

when my boxers get twisted or ride up

people who say they are going to call you at so and so and never do

buyers that flake out and not tell you untill the next day through PM

riding in someones car who smokes or smells like smoke

working at 3am at my news job!

and much more, most of my pet pieves i only realize when they happen

Andrew Bohan
09-20-2007, 11:36 AM
i hate people

09-20-2007, 11:54 AM
when hair or spider webs or things of that nature touch my face....I used to spaz out when my girlfriends hair would touch my face

when someone says something racist in a room full of ppl and no one wants to be the one to say something...so they just let it go

when ppl answer their phones when your in the middle of a conversation

parents who scream at their kids for no reason

09-20-2007, 01:03 PM
when you take a dump and the water splashes back

Damn it!! I was going to say that! LoL.. It really grinds my gear when that happens.:eek:

09-20-2007, 02:55 PM
I HATE people who talk shit on the internet

09-20-2007, 03:37 PM
i hate that my friend thinks because he loves his GF, that me and her are going to get along. which will never happen. because she is an emo douche.

i hate that my car still has 15inch factory alloys (albeit they are flat black :naughty: )

i hate people telling my i need to paint my fucking car

i hate the 2008 WRX even more now that ive driven one (my 91 corolla handles better)

i hate that the toggle pedal for my guitar amp broke for no reason, and i cannot figure out how to fix it

i also hate.....
the beauty and the geek show

that i cant afford to go to england yet

that i have parts to a s14 conversion and a s13 silvia conversion, but not the whole of either

people who can't understand why i don't like college football

how overhyped the ps3 is

my addiction to buying car parts

09-20-2007, 03:58 PM
When I ask my girlfriend whats the matter, and she's crying, she says "nothing," it's annoying because she's crying, I do anything I can think of to get her happy and nothing works, one of her friends come over and does one of the many things I did and she starts laughing. Like what the fuck is up with that?

09-20-2007, 04:01 PM
Being in such a rush to drop a deuce, that you don't realize until after you're done that you chose a stall with no TP. :rant2:

steve shadows
09-20-2007, 04:56 PM
I think it feels refreshing.

same here :hsdance:

When I ask my girlfriend whats the matter, and she's crying, she says "nothing," it's annoying because she's crying, I do anything I can think of to get her happy and nothing works, one of her friends come over and does one of the many things I did and she starts laughing. Like what the fuck is up with that?

Shes cheating on you, and the crying thing is because you choke her during sex.

same thing happened to me, bail out.

09-20-2007, 07:10 PM
- The word "conversate."

- People who REFUSE to properly punctuate a sentence, or even attempt to, but use the excuse "this is just the internet, what are you, some kinda goddamned English teacher?"

- Talking on the phone.

- People who KNOW I hate talking on the phone, but call to yammer on about nothing.

- When I actually TAKE a phone call and the person on the other end enters a room full of people and begins conversing with them, while still on my call.

- When that person tries to make me out to be the badguy when I hang up to let them handle their business.

- Smoking chicks.

- "Donks"

- Uncouth women.

- Uncouth men.

- The uncouth children that the previously named individuals will make.

- The fact that women treat their children as fashion accessories, ignoring the necessity of proper upbringing.

- The fact that child support and custody standards are so slighted in favor of women, yet the responsibility to avoid unwanted pregnancy is not. Pregnancy has become a "hustle" to some.

- Network television.

- That EVERY story on FoxSports explodes into a racial issue, with the racists, bigots and idiots running rampant, and the individuals making sense from either side largely ignored.

- OJ Simpson, enough said.

- Driving to the mall last week:
(overheard) "Dude, check out that drift car, let's go talk to him"
"This your car?"
"It's nice"
"Not really, but thanks"
"What you got done to it?"
"[insert information that can be found by you clicking the picture in my signature]"
"Sweet! So when you gonna slap an SR in this thing?"
"February 31st."
"I'm not."
"What you gonna do, then?"
"My options are open, I am brainstorming."
"So, do you drift?"
*looks at watch* "I gotta get in here and out, my man."

- That those jackoffs were still at my car when I emerged from the mall 25 minutes later.

09-20-2007, 07:28 PM
Chmercer ripping people off and it being "OK" to some people

When I put my phone on "vibrate only" and it rings

Guys that wear girl pants

Emo haircuts

When I call someone at work, and they tell me they are very busy and in a meeting...Well WHY DID YOU ANSWER YOUR FUCKIN PHONE THEN!?

agree with ALL those :D

- Talking on the phone.

- People who KNOW I hate talking on the phone, but call to yammer on about nothing.

- When I actually TAKE a phone call and the person on the other end enters a room full of people and begins conversing with them, while still on my call.

- When that person tries to make me out to be the badguy when I hang up to let them handle their business.

- The fact that child support and custody standards are so slighted in favor of women, yet the responsibility to avoid unwanted pregnancy is not. Pregnancy has become a "hustle" to some.

- That those jackoffs were still at my car when I emerged from the mall 25 minutes later.

this man has good ideas

09-20-2007, 08:07 PM
- Driving to the mall last week:
(overheard) "Dude, check out that drift car, let's go talk to him"
"This your car?"
"It's nice"
"Not really, but thanks"
"What you got done to it?"
"[insert information that can be found by you clicking the picture in my signature]"
"Sweet! So when you gonna slap an SR in this thing?"
"February 31st."
"I'm not."
"What you gonna do, then?"
"My options are open, I am brainstorming."
"So, do you drift?"
*looks at watch* "I gotta get in here and out, my man."

- That those jackoffs were still at my car when I emerged from the mall 25 minutes later.

shit like that is why i dont daily drive my s13 anymore. i love my 91 corolla.

09-20-2007, 08:56 PM
I HATE people who talk shit on the internet

Yea, cuz 90% are the quietest people youd ever meet in real life

09-21-2007, 09:38 AM
for all the people that dont like the back splash when droppin a duece, ever think of trying to jump up after you let go to kinda dodge the splash!

Andrew Bohan
09-21-2007, 11:36 AM
i always think, "well if i'm gonna get splashed anyway....."

and then shoot it out as hard as i can

09-21-2007, 01:55 PM
American cars




Cocky people

High school kids that drive $70,000 cars

Ugly people who dont realize they are ugly

fat people who smell

ugly girls that try to talk to me

90% of jdm shit


Over-religious people

family guy

Racist blacks

16 - 25 year old girls that talk on the cellphone while driving

People who dont use their turn signals

people who slam on their brakes for no FUCKING reason

kids who talk too much

Thats all I can think of now, I have a shit load of annoyances.

Andrew Bohan
09-21-2007, 02:21 PM
they have a reason for slamming on their brakes. they're simply going too fast!

and they never heard of throttle modulation.

and they don't realize that their suspension is SUPPOSED to compress in turns.


09-21-2007, 02:31 PM
People that breath loud

People that smack their mouths when eating

Anyone that makes wheezing or weird sounds while eating or breathing.

People that hold their spoon/fork like a shovel and shovel food into their mouth.

Fat People eating at Mcdonalds

Fat people eating while driving.

People tryin to park while on their cellphones or trying to get out of parking while on cellphone and just fuckin up. (i yelled at a guy once who was on his phone, Actually get out my car walk up to him while he was trying to back up and yell "GET OFF THE FUCKIN PHONE AND DRIVE". (good thing he didnt get out))

Drivers who make mistakes while driving but don't know they did anything wrong.

Spencer from the hills, dustin diamond, and that ugly redhead chick from one of the top chef seasons. (it only takes one episode for me to see to know i hate someone)

09-21-2007, 05:07 PM
How many pages do I get?

-Kanye West
-50 Cent
-G Unit and their associated clothing line
-Reality TV
-Hyphenated Americans
-Rap in general
-Idiots procreating
-People who are so lazy they're on welfare
-Those same people who have kids while on welfare
-Really fat people
-Society's focus on celebrities
-There hasn't been a second Boondock Saints
-There aren't any good GOP candidates for '08
-Emo kids
-Homeless people who just drink all day then suck tens of thousands out of hospitals which are required by law to try to keep the motherfuckers alive
-Anyone who does ANY illegal drugs
-Drunk drivers
-99.9% of college-age assholes
-People who destroy their neighborhoods by refusing to alert police to criminal activity
-Mob mentality
-Illegals who think they deserve special treatment
-Thieves of any kind
-Anyone with "420" anywhere
-Thugs and those who are simply belligerent assholes for no reason
-The red tape preventing law enforcement from doing its job properly
-The percentage of lousy cops
-Corruption in all levels of government
-People who think the government should pay for everything that goes wrong in their lives
-The fact that your mom doesn't shave
-Child molestation doesn't carry the death penalty
-Rape doesn't carry the death penalty
-Child abuse doesn't carry a dismemberment penalty
-Spousal abuse doesn't carry a dismemberment penalty
-How fucked up humankind is
-Militant Muslims
-Militant Christians
-Most of what the ACLU does
-What the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton have done to shit on the same group they supposedly represent
-Any law abridging my Second Amendment right

-3/4 of the people on all car forums
-Squids on my favorite roads
-People who don't signal
-People who take shitty lines through corners
-Slow drivers in the right lane
-Slow drivers in my way
-Viceroy/Mercer/McRussell way of thinking/acting
-Drifting elitism
-SUVs (ALL of them)
-Failing a CARB smog test because of ignition timing outside of factory acceptable range, fixing the timing, then passing the smog test with higher smog readings at the acceptable timing. If the point is to reduce smog, why allow a vehicle putting out reduced CO and NOx to fail?
-909/951 yeahbro trucks
-People driving "sleepers" on shitty rubber on their stupid, skinny stock wheels and putting down anything resembling power
-People who think that their all-seasons actually make cornering force
-People who don't understand that horsepower is not everything
-People who put RBs/2JZ in cars that had lighter engines in there to begin with
-People who undertire their car because they failed to budget for adequate tire sizing
-Drag racing
-Assholes with no mods other than Silvia front ends
-Megan Racing/OBX/all China knockoff crap
-Idiots with $2.5k worth of wheels wrapped in Hankook K106s.
-Show cars
-Heavy wheels
-Undertiring/underbraking/undersuspending a car
-Turbo lag
-Driving '65-75 Porsche 911s
-Most Subaru drivers
-Most Evo drivers
-Most Civic hatch drivers
-Most E36 drivers

I'm sure I will think of more.

09-21-2007, 05:45 PM
Taking a shower, putting on underwear and clothes, only to realize that you have to take a dook.

09-21-2007, 06:10 PM
when people use the word Dook cause my name is Duke..... j/k carry on

09-21-2007, 07:57 PM
kadesonethree....what do you mean by squid on a street? never heard it b4..

and i hate people who ask me why i'm so honest.

09-21-2007, 08:02 PM
He hates people who smoke weed lol

Andrew Bohan
09-21-2007, 08:14 PM
squids are idiots on bikes

usually noobs, usually not wearing much gear, usually trying to show off

09-21-2007, 08:16 PM
I could write a book about them.

The fact that I don't have time to do that annoys the fuck out of me.

09-21-2007, 08:46 PM
Present annoyance- Girls that get jealous because their husbands have female co-workers, and because they talk work stuff to them on AIM, they automatically assume that said female co-worker is trying to be with the husband. If you're insecure, that's not my fucken fault.

That's all.

09-21-2007, 08:53 PM
Damn, Lisa...
What did you do?

09-21-2007, 09:10 PM
OMG nothing!!!!! LOL

09-21-2007, 09:22 PM
I'll name a few, for now.

american society
people who act WAY too fucking sarcastic in conversations
people who eat with mouths open, which usually involves the lip smacking and stupid breathing pattern.

09-21-2007, 09:24 PM
I think it would be easier for me to list things that I like- it'd be a shorter list.

09-21-2007, 09:27 PM
turbo lag


sleeping with socks on

rusted bolts

when you prove something to someone and they say "same difference"
those little fucking tiny dogs.....sorry rats that get more salon time than paris hilton.

paris hilton

dead batteries in a wireless mouse

pop up notifications on aim

people who dont drive using the correct precautions
5784983 people in one car

illegals who get in car accidents in this country with no licence and are not even deported let alone thrown in jail

shitheads who(at night) drive with their corner lights only


not having money

stupid bank charges

falling asleep at like 4:30 in the afternoon waking up at six and thinking you have to get ready for work but you realize that its only 2 hours later.

paris hilton

britney spears

california (although nice and i enjoy it,smog sucks so does the traffic and i would gladly take potholes and an inspection sticker over refs and smog)

people who protest the armed services and the war with out seeing regardless of the times and situations, they fail to realize that there are young women and men willing to put their lives away to fight for the rights of the us citizens.

most 1980's music

those fucking gangsta wanna-be white boys that think they are bad ass cause the piled their "boys" in the back of mommy's honda accord and went to the mall yet again on a Wednesday night


people who talk about revolution,and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life

genocide in Darfur

ppl who try to sell knock off shit as the real thing



most Honda fan boys

pda phones that arend g3 or gsm equipped

microsoft os's

ppl who think I'm a prep or upper class cause i rock dolce galsses and like to dress up every once in a while.

when women kill a good buzz.

people who think budweiser is the original beer when it was bud so stole their name and part of the recipe for their beer from pilsner urkuel (czek republic beer)

people or companies rather who brew beer with rice (cough cough budweiser) might as well make a double malt whiskey.

step parents

in laws


lith. ion batteries that cant last half a god damn day

people who think vtec is god

people who think turbo is god

people who think they're god

people who think they're gods gift to the fucking green earth we live on.

how john kerry can sit and do nothing while a kid gets his rights violated

how john kerry has one of the most un-eco-effecent homes, and does not want to drill foroil/ het alternate forms of energy while bush (oil boy) has a house the produces 0 look again kids 0 emissions.

george bush and people who work for him being connected to al quida and the bin laden family.

middle eastern oil

hondas with nismo stickers

acuras with honda badges(other than itr's)

people who arent truthful with me when i ask for honesty.

reality tv.......honestly i I haveenough bullshit in my life do you really think i wanna deal with yours.

^^^my space bar not working sometimes ^^

people who come up to me saying hey do you drift and after i say yes they say"awesome i do to" thin i say "what do you drive" they reply ....."a civic"
just because you can pull your E-brake and POWERSLIDE doesnt mean you drift.

beneath all this I'm pretty chill

09-21-2007, 11:08 PM
people who protest the armed services and the war with out seeing regardless of the times and situations, they fail to realize that there are young women and men willing to put their lives away to fight for the rights of the us citizens.

I hate people who think like you, because your an idiot. Our soldiers that are "fighting" ( and I use that term loosely ) in the middle east right now arent fucking fighting for our rights, you brainwashed retard. You fail to realize why we are actually there. If you fucking SIGN up for the military, then die fighting for a bullshit war, I could fucking care less...you get 0 respect from me or anynody with a fucking brain. Its called operation IRAQI FREEDOM ( or basicaly operation get more oil and money ), not operation AMERICAN FREEDOM.

09-21-2007, 11:22 PM
SR oil filters.
Getting smoked in the balls.
Cocky little boys who are yet to hit puberty.
Misconception that all Asians have small penises.
Birds that shit on my car.
Running out of beverage unexpectedly.
People who think the sound of an external wastegate is VTEC kicking in.
Waking up at 6:45am when my alarm is set for 7:00am.
The morning after.
People who ignore "NO TURN ON RED" signs.
Speed bumps.
The 'twitch' before I fall asleep in class that I know everyone is silently laughing about.

09-21-2007, 11:28 PM
V8 owners who live by the saying "there's no replacement for displacement."
Volumetric efficiency FTMFW!

09-21-2007, 11:47 PM
i think its kind of dumb to hate things that people like.
and despite the saying don't hate appreciate, i think hating brings out the best in people. cause it makes people try to do better.
and by hate i dont mean hate like that asshole that drove through a civil rights rally with a noose hanging from the back f his truck. I dont know where it was at but im sure it was in the south, and im sure Phlip knows bout it.
but yeah bring on the hate, its fun to read how much we all hate and have in common.

09-21-2007, 11:51 PM
falling asleep at like 4:30 in the afternoon waking up at six and thinking you have to get ready for work but you realize that its only 2 hours later.
whats worse than this is waking up at liek 7 and thinking your late, just throwing on a new tshirt and runnin out the door only to relize that as you reach the front door you can smell dinner being made and your mind tells you who the fuck is making pot roast and potatoes for breakfast? and thats when it hits you, its am! shit, that was good sleep right? i mean thats the bright side, you slept three hours and it felt like 8.

09-21-2007, 11:59 PM
Completely losing your sense of time to the point where you wake up early, get ready for work, head out the door only to realize that its your day off....

Andrew Bohan
09-22-2007, 12:42 AM
i hate it when i've been on a search and destroy mission for 4 days and blow up my own camp


09-22-2007, 12:59 AM
I hate it when I'm writing game issues on MS Word, and during lunch the rainstorm blows through and knocks out all the power and erases all my work.


Andrew Bohan
09-22-2007, 01:00 AM
that's why word has auto-recover

09-22-2007, 01:06 AM
i love how some parents will blame everything but themselves.

Right there. And people who bitch and complain about another person's personal preference. And cry over/bitch the smallest thing that has nothing to do with them.

09-22-2007, 05:45 AM
I hate complaints. There should always be, at least, some attempt to fix the problem while complaining. That's the point at which I'll lay off. For example: people earned their say to complain about Bush, as long as they voted.

09-22-2007, 08:52 AM
I hate people who think like you, because your an idiot. Our soldiers that are "fighting" ( and I use that term loosely ) in the middle east right now arent fucking fighting for our rights, you brainwashed retard. You fail to realize why we are actually there. If you fucking SIGN up for the military, then die fighting for a bullshit war, I could fucking care less...you get 0 respect from me or anynody with a fucking brain. Its called operation IRAQI FREEDOM ( or basicaly operation get more oil and money ), not operation AMERICAN FREEDOM.

dumb shit i said regardless of the times and the current situation /war not to get off topic

^^^^people who dont know or appreciate real sacrafice

slow internet connections

my recruiter.

dell pc's

hp pc's


being famous

09-22-2007, 09:39 AM
People who disrespect the men and women of the Armed Forces because they don't agree with the government.

People who sign up for the Armed Forces just to get money for College.

People who join the Armed Forces, then refuse to fight.

People who actually believe in Military Stereotypes. (Marines are Stupid. Sailors are gay. Airmen are lazy. etc. etc)

People who think the only people who join the armed forces are stupid people who couldn't get into college.

People who think that because they have a Degree in ANYTHING that they are more valuable then anyone else.

People who spend 4+ years at any College and do nothing more then waste money and party.

09-22-2007, 12:37 PM
I hate people who say "whatever" as a response to a question.

09-22-2007, 02:22 PM
I hate this stupid reputation system, you guys are really fucking mature on this site


09-22-2007, 03:51 PM
Right there. And people who bitch and complain about another person's personal preference. And cry over/bitch the smallest thing that has nothing to do with them.

lol like you just did? :fawkd:


i hate customers who try to tell me what's wrong with their car after i explain to them in great detail what the actual issue is.

or even when its something simple, and they try to tell me otherwise.

"well ma'am the problem seems to be with your coil" (short version)

"well my husband told me its the fuse and the spark plugs."

HUH?! lol but alas such is life at a dealership. i'm sure you guys who run performance shops must get some good ones...

09-22-2007, 09:05 PM
*phone rings*
me - "hello?"
me - "hey"
"whatchu doin'?"
me - "writing"
"really, well why you answer the phone?"
me - "well, I thought you might have wanted something, since you know I hate just talking on the phone for nothing"
"well, no, just called"
me - "good bye"
"no, don't be like that"
*hangs up*

... it is 11:05pm, and I know where everyone I give a fuck about is, so I am turning it off now

Andrew Bohan
09-22-2007, 09:15 PM
today the gardeners came.

one of them used the weed wacker to trim my neighbor's plants that stick through the fence.

now the whole right side of my car has little bits of leaves and shit all over it.

fuckin gardeners.

09-22-2007, 09:57 PM
home depot sucks, lowes has hotter girls

my expensive flashlight said it was waterproof, it wasnt

i hate the current rep system and i support the new rep system

09-22-2007, 10:32 PM
today the gardeners came.

one of them used the weed wacker to trim my neighbor's plants that stick through the fence.

now the whole right side of my car has little bits of leaves and shit all over it.

fuckin gardeners.

^^ that happens to my car all the time!! But with lawn mowers

I hate that shit too. I wash my car, then the next day my car looks like it went through the forest or sumthin:rl:

lawn service sucks:down:

09-22-2007, 10:35 PM
^^^ That makes me glad my brother works for a landscaper and does my yard while no one is home...
I DO, however, hate when whomever these broads living next to me pays to cut THEIR yard does it and blows the clippings into MY driveway.

09-22-2007, 10:44 PM
yeah some landscapers could care less what you drive.
Lambo or a clean ass Porsche,they'll blow all the weeds/grass on it

09-22-2007, 11:49 PM
I hate it when people ask me everyday if my car is running yet?? its been continuos since feb.

I hate it when people lie about stupid crap. (like "man i raced a lambo yesterday in my honda and almost beat him")

I hate the influence the mainstream music/scene has on my generation (sex, drugs, and the lack or morals)

I hate the fact that there are 3 girls in my old middle school that are pregnant. (im not in middle school anymore)

I hate the fact that everybody that thinks just because im 16 and own a 240sx, that i am a bandwagoner.

I hate the fact that im really tired and my grammar sucks balls!!!

I hate the fact that i hate the fact!!!

And last but not least

I hate the fact that it is considered unusual to be a junior in highschool and be virgin, and have never smoked, drinked, dipped, or anything else.
what ever happened to having morals, or caring for your own body.

Andrew Bohan
09-22-2007, 11:52 PM
at least you can spell "grammar"

most people here can't

09-23-2007, 12:17 AM
Morals are dying as the WWII vets are dying. The fucking hippies destroyed us.

I hate people like Diabolical who insult our men and women who are fighting and serving this country every day. I support the war we're in with every fiber of my being because in my mind to do any less is to nullify the sacrifice of the brave. I think our boys and girls are over there kicking ass and taking names in the cause of justice and freedom and they'll always be heros to me.

09-23-2007, 01:55 AM
lol like you just did? :fawkd:

Difference, I'm not bitching or complaining, I'm just simply replying to the thread :fawk2:

09-23-2007, 11:02 AM
I think that the rep system is okay
i mean i get a few neg reps over bs stuff, but what i can say is that of all the times ive been fucked over on a sale or purchase the person has had neg rep.

and people who bad mouth the military
its not like they made they go to war with who they want to , and thats not what is important, what IS is the fact that they are making a sacrifice and that its a big one, there life.
so be a little more appreciative.

and i couldn't agree with 90 accord i REALLY HATE when people ask me if my car is going yet, cause if I did they would know it, cause i would be seen with her.

09-23-2007, 11:43 AM
big pet peeve......
nothing against people who are gay, I personally don't care about someones personal preference but why the hell do I have to drive down the highway and see people with "proud to be a gay parent" and others.....

you don't see me cruising around Boston with "proud heterosexual" or I'm a vagatarian" (<actually saw that one once). then on top of that, half of the people who do literally label themselves are the ones going to the parades and saying that there is homosexual oppression.

I have one experiance (sp?) where i verbally assaulted someone who was gay. that was at work. I told the kid to back off because he was making some messed up comments. and I had some choice words for him, I got fired because I was verbally defending myself.


your sexual preference has no bearing what so ever on how I think of you as a person but, DO NOT ADVERTISE IT!

cause we all know once someone decides to throw an all heterosexual parade. someone will start to complain about there preference not being included.

Andrew Bohan
09-23-2007, 11:49 AM
i'm down to go to the straight pride parade.

right after i start the white students club.

09-23-2007, 12:46 PM
people who use your instead of you're or the other way around

09-23-2007, 12:48 PM
^ Don't forget Breaks and Brakes.

09-23-2007, 12:53 PM
You're forgetting there, their and they're as well

09-23-2007, 01:26 PM
people who use your instead of you're or the other way around

it depends on context,

if I say "your cool" that wrong it should be you're (you are)
if i say "thats you'res" thats wrong it should be your because it implies some form or ownership or control.

09-23-2007, 01:48 PM
um steve, that's what he means.

i hate it when steve gets shit wrong. :rofl:

09-23-2007, 02:33 PM
um steve, that's what he means.

i hate it when steve gets shit wrong. :rofl:

what did I get wrong?

Andrew Bohan
09-23-2007, 03:58 PM
he said "people who use your instead of you're or the other way around"

and you went and gave this big lecture with the tone that you were right and he was wrong, but actually you said the same thing in more complicated terms. :love:

09-23-2007, 03:59 PM
*pats steve on head*

its ok steve, you're still young.

i hate cadillac for having one of my favorite songs ("stars" by the band hum) in their new CTS commercial

09-23-2007, 06:53 PM
i hate weak minded people, which is almost everybody these days

09-23-2007, 07:42 PM
he said "people who use your instead of you're or the other way around"

and you went and gave this big lecture with the tone that you were right and he was wrong, but actually you said the same thing in more complicated terms. :love:

no I wanted to go with what he was saying.
and i didn't mean to sound that way

09-23-2007, 09:35 PM
Your thats should be that's.

09-23-2007, 10:37 PM
i wouldnt say i hate this, but i dont like when people answer they're phones "hello?"
seriously. 999 out of 1000 times its the person the the caller ID says it is.
just answer it "hey greg" when i call you.
i mean i could understand if phone calls only went through half the time. but it works perfectly everytime. its an outdated greeting.

but i hate when people dont use manners. "please and thank you"

Andrew Bohan
09-23-2007, 10:42 PM
i hate it when i'm going in or coming out of place with double doors, and there's someone on the other side waiting for me to come out so they can go in.

wtf that's why there are two doors. fucking use it.

09-23-2007, 10:46 PM
I dislike when people pluralize words with apostrophes that are not to be pluralized with apostrophes

Andrew Bohan
09-23-2007, 10:59 PM
i hate it even more when people pay money to have a professional sign made and pluralize words with apostrophes that are not to be pluralized with apostrophes.

shit man, get a proofreader.

and even more than that, i hate it when people make grammar and spelling mistakes and justify it with "we're not in school, teacher"

seriously. the point of leaning in school is not to please your teachers. it's so you're not an idiot once you're done with school.

Baka Sama
09-24-2007, 12:58 AM

When WHITE people tell me I "dont act black"! WTF?!

When ANYONE tells me "I dont act black". How do you act a race?!

When Im with a group of friends and we meet up with another person and he says "hello" to everyone and something stupid like "wasup dawg" to me.

People who think being ghetto is a good thing.

Military recruiters at the mall or outside the gym who try to sugar coat joining the military like its one big site seeing trip around the world with free college credit.

The Pope acting like hes freaking Jesus Christ.

People who have kids that are not married and think its ok to have "baby mamas" and "baby daddys".

People who think leaving $5.00 on a $50.00 tab is a good tip.

Women who dont know how to cook.

Mexican girls, whose fathers have worked their butts off to come to this country and provide a better life for their kids, that get pregnant at 15!

Women who dont like to suck dick. Its 2007, that shit is mandatory!

When people say most asians are good at math.

When people refer to ANY asian person as chinese.

Any "man" who beats his wife.

People who live above their means and wonder why they have money issues.

Baka Sama
09-24-2007, 01:25 AM

Men who get butt ass naked in the gym changing rooms.

People who keep up with the WWF like its a real sport.


People who come to my job and tell me in english that they dont speak english. And then when I ask them if they would like me to get a spanish interpreter to translate, they say yes in english.


Fathers who dont teach their sons to be men.

Fat people who go on diets but dont excercise.

People who walk on treadmills for 45min at the gym when I could be on it actually running.

Diet soda.

09-24-2007, 11:30 AM
I don't like how in todays society a black man will go off and flaunt the word nigger. then get offended when a white man uses it in the same context, not that I do. see, doesn't the black man who uses that term openly in a "good way" give right to the white man to say it? perhaps it's me.

also, I don't understand how Black/Asian/Latino communities are still in the ghetto's. I don't use the word ghetto in a derogitory(SP?) way look at the Jew's they came up from most of the "slum's" we see here in the united states. The very ghetto's that "minorities"are living in today. what I don't understand is how those families haven't flourished yet like the
Jew's,Irish,and Italian's, who managed to move up and out within 2-3 generation's. it seems like a vicious circle for todays minorities.

I hope nobody takes this post the wrong way. I'm actually anti-racist.

Baka Sama
09-24-2007, 11:53 AM
I don't like how in todays society a black man will go off and flaunt the word nigger. then get offended when a white man uses it in the same context, not that I do. see, doesn't the black man who uses that term openly in a "good way" give right to the white man to say it? perhaps it's me.

*Edit* No comment

I don't understand how Black/Asian/Latino communities are still in the ghetto's. I don't use the word ghetto in a derogitory(SP?) way look at the Jew's they came up from most of the "slum's" we see here in the united states. The very ghetto's that "minorities"are living in today. what I don't understand is how those families haven't flourished yet like the
Jew's,Irish,and Italian's, who managed to move up and out within 2-3 generation's. it seems like a vicious circle for todays minorities.

The jews didnt have rap music saying how cool it was to live in the ghetto and sell crack. Jokes aside, its harder than you think. Most people dont want to live there. They may be single parents or people who just dont have the money or education to move out. There are poor people everywhere, whether its the ghettos or trailer parks or slums. You just have to have the will power to want a better life. Sadly many people today lack that. Also having children at a young age will pretty much kill your chances of a better life anytime soon.

09-24-2007, 12:07 PM
I used to live in the projects, so I can understand in some way how much it sucks. and yes it is sad that a lot of people will let music influence their way of life. it should be the other way around.

sure some people don't have the education,I can see that nor do i dispute it. but parents should take charge and have their kids lead a better life regardless of having a baby at 15. sometimes it's not that they can get out its that they don't get out because it's a lazy society/culture we live in and it only makes me want to move away more.

as for the Jew's not having rap music to show them thats it's cool to sell dope, or smack a bitch. thats because they would want better for themselves and would probably protest otherwise. they never wanted to live in the ghetto.

Blacks,Latinos,Asians,Whites, should be capable or working for something better and not just robbing the welfare system dry. It's unfortunate but I see it happen a lot.

09-24-2007, 12:51 PM
okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Baka you brought up some real shit that moves me in a way to say I hate hate hate......

when people see me in my car and say Paul Walker cause I'm a white guy in a Japanese car.

and how the second a white guy has something nice its cause his mom and dad bought it for them.

and the n word thing bothers me too, but Phlip already knows bout this one.

ignorance drives me crazy.

people who think that me being a white guy with only a few white frineds is a phase or a weird thing.

people that don't take care of there animals and force dogs to fight giving certain dogs a bad image.

I hate my racist uncle who is locked up, and Im glad he is there, hope he gets beat and wises up.

people that let there kids crawl all over the floor at a public place.

i hate when someone is a faker.

for example....

guy one:"I love Led Zepplin!"
guy two: "What's your favorite song?"
1: "stairway to heaven, man"
2:" what other songs by them do you like?"
1: "what other songs? "

I mean i have nothing against people liking one song, but don't wear a t-shirt of a band when you only know one song.

It would be like me wearing a tupac shirt and when someone asks me whats you favorite song i bust out california luv, and thats all i know.

I guess its just frontin in general.

and people who jay walk when they are 5 feet from across walk.

and for the record
Im the first of my family born here in the u.s, yes im white, and when my family came to north america all they had was a suitcase and $20, and my grandfather was actually an indentured servant, so that's why I hate it when people act like I have had it easy cause im white.
I didnt live in a good neighbor hood, and Ive worked for everythign I have had since i could push a lawn mower or do anythign that would give me money( not ANYTHING, sexual favors are not on my list of how to make money)

oh one last thing, when you say hi to someone or good morning and they clearly hear you but dont say hi or goodmorning back.

09-24-2007, 02:32 PM
calm down snake man! take a deep breath and go eat some donuts. suddies again?

09-24-2007, 03:09 PM
you would think i would calm down, but alot of stuff can get me heated quick.

which i bet could piss off alot of people

09-24-2007, 08:28 PM
More Hate.....

I hate going out on dates and the guy "conveniently" forgets his wallet and sticks me with the check after dinner- after I offered and paid for the movie.

I hate going out on dates PERIOD.

I hate skinny girls that stare at me when I go shopping because I don't fit into sizes 6 and lower.

I hate stores that don't stock sizes higher than 6.

I hate the pain in my arm and hand that comes from playing Guitar Hero all night, non-stop-- and drunk.

I hate people that talk through an entire movie.

I hate people that drive in between lanes, and can't decide which lane to be in.

I hate living in the ghetto, and people thinking I AM ghetto.

I hate people that assume I'm a welfare skank because I'm single with 2 kids, and I'm 25 years old.

I hate Pictionary. (Work related LOL)

09-24-2007, 08:43 PM
Weedheads that act like everyone else in the world is wrong for NOT being weedheads are an extreme pain in the ass.
Those SAME weedheads that can't fathom HOW I can not smoke and have waist-length dreadlocks and can only produce the most juvenile reasoning for such are a wholly different brand of stupid.

Baka Sama
09-24-2007, 08:46 PM
people that let there kids crawl all over the floor at a public place.

Ohhhh, you just hit a nerve.

Back when I use to worked retail, I was cleaning the toy area and found a 1ish year old baby destroying one of our toys. I was like... this has to be a joke. I looked around and no one was there. How do you leave a baby in the toy department like its a freakin baby sitter?! We had to call over the loud speaker twice for the parent to come and she acted like it wasnt a big deal.

Not only that, you cant imagin how many times Ive told people not to let their babies crawl around on the waiting room floor in a hospital. You would think that would be common sense. People bleed, vomit, and crap all over the floor on a daily basis!

09-24-2007, 09:02 PM
Don't get me started on parents and kids....

I hate when people stare at me when I yell at my kids in public. I actually had a lady come up to me and tell me, "You know, you shouldn't yell at your kids- it's really damaging to their self-esteem".

I turned around and told her, "If they're acting bad, they'll be lucky if the only thing that's damaged IS their self-esteem".....

Don't tell me how to raise my children, especially if you don't have any of your own. At the end of the day, those are not your kids. If I see other kids acting like little assholes towards their parents, the only thing I do is laugh, because those people have no balls. My kids look at those kids horrified, like they're waiting to see them get their ass kicked. Then they look at me, and I tell them, "Don't ever get any kind of idea that you can act like that, because you already know."

It will make me mad when I see kids act like that, but there's nothing that I'm gonna do or say (short of kicking that kid's ass myself- and the parent afterward) that's gonna change anything. The only way to change things is to raise my kids to be better than that, so at least the stupid over-breeders don't completely take over.

I also hate people that let their smaller kids run around naked.

I hate mothers that teach their daughters to dress like skanks at 7 years old.

I hate fathers that teach their sons that it's okay to mistreat girls.

I hate people that beat their children. If it leaves a bruise, it's abuse.

I really, really REALLY REALLLY (did I say REALLY?) hate girls, that have boyfriends, that are not the fathers of their children, and allow said guys to hit/beat/insult/abuse their children. Nothing gets me more than that. This guy has NO TIE to your kids whatsoever. He has NO BUSINESS laying a finger on those kids. I don't care HOW much you love him- your kids are more than that asshole.

Andrew Bohan
09-24-2007, 09:37 PM
oh i hate it when parents bring their kids to the laundromat. especially ghetto ones.

even i can barely stand to hang out at the laundromat.

kids go crazy when they have to stay somewhere super boring for a few hours, and start annoying the fuck out of everyone


i'm glad i live in a house now

09-25-2007, 02:54 PM
I hate:

-people who don't signal
-people who brake all the time, when NO ONE is in front of them
-people who don't pay attention while driving
-people who come over to my house and start touching everything
-people who don't know how to spell, or use correct grammar
-people who ask me if I drift
-people who ask me if I have an SR
-people who use drugs and are proud of it
-people who drink and drive
-people who bash the military, when they have no clue of what's really going on
-people who bash Bush, when they didn't vote, or not even old enough to
-illegal immigrants
-the Phoenix Suns (lol)
-ricers, because they swear their car is the shit, when it's actually a piece of shit
-people who talk about a subject matter acting like they know everything about it
-people at work who don't give a shit about what they're doing, as long as they get paid

I have plenty more, I'll add to it later.

09-25-2007, 05:54 PM
I also hate people that let their smaller kids run around naked.

I hate mothers that teach their daughters to dress like skanks at 7 years old.

I hate fathers that teach their sons that it's okay to mistreat girls.

I hate people that beat their children. If it leaves a bruise, it's abuse.

I really, really REALLY REALLLY (did I say REALLY?) hate girls, that have boyfriends, that are not the fathers of their children, and allow said guys to hit/beat/insult/abuse their children. Nothing gets me more than that. This guy has NO TIE to your kids whatsoever. He has NO BUSINESS laying a finger on those kids. I don't care HOW much you love him- your kids are more than that asshole.

THANK YOU!!! good to see someone agree with me....

my mom's second husband used to kick the shit outa me, but not the two kids he had with my mom.


i hate that work is busy one week, and the next i'm making 3 hours a day off oil changes. i might as well stay the fuck home. :zzz:

09-25-2007, 08:51 PM
Yay for today's hate....

-People that try to make you feel stupid because you like things they don't.
-People that try to make you like the things they like just on the principle that they think they are "cooler" than you are.
-People that won't talk to you because your clothes aren't as expensive as theirs.
-People that will actually GET MAD, because you went to an expensive store with them and immediately went to the sales rack.
-People that think having money is the only way to be happy with life.

-The people that are trying to build a stadium town over a school that was just built about a year ago.

-Gossip columnists that somehow took over the world, and now everyone cares about what they have to say.

-ABC for canceling The George Lopez show and replacing it with that stupid Geico caveman show.

-Reality TV.

-Awards shows that congratulate the retards on Reality shows for making total fools of themselves and further contributing to the intellectual decay of american society.

-Anyone in the government still concerned with trying to defend past mistakes instead of working to find solutions to fix the damage already done.


Anyone that is gonna flame me or neg rep me for anything I've said so far.

09-25-2007, 09:03 PM
I got a haircut today, and i had to wait for something I really HATE....

-40 something year old white guy walked in before me and is wearing a baseball hat, and takes it off, and his haircut(friar tuck has more hair than him) took almost an hour, because he is trying to make at my 25 year old Viet girl who cuts my hair on the regular.
All he kept saying was how much money he has, and "what watch should I buy this rolex? or this tag watch? I just won 30k at the local casino see here is my picture with the check, I told you you should go up there with me yada yada yada",

-old guys in general mackin on girls half there age.

-guys that are old but try to buy "Asian" women.

-the shallow Asian girls who live here ( cause I don't blame girls from other countries who are poor and accept the fact that marrying a guy for money to live in the u.s is a good way out of a poor situation) and marry old guys and have a family with them just cause of money.

-people who marry someone, date them just for money.

-super shallow people(I say shallow because i think everyone is a little shallow sometimes)

-people that call maple bars "chocolate maple bars", instead of "maple bars" because there is not any chocolate on the damn thing, it is just a bar shapped donut with maple on the top.

Andrew Bohan
09-25-2007, 09:31 PM
who calls those chocolate maple bars?

lol retards

09-26-2007, 03:59 PM
getting out of the shower and realizing you have to drop a deuce.

steve shadows
09-26-2007, 04:06 PM
it drives me crazy when im dropping one in a public restroom and some dude decided to come in and fukcing wash his hair, brush his teeth, shave, mist his hair and then finally take about a full 10 minutes to wipe their hands off, while smiling at themselve in the mirror.

one tiem I almost, ALMOST, pooped in my hand and threw it.

I mean when i poop it really smells, I would be throwing up if I was that guy.

09-26-2007, 04:28 PM
I hate when people say "spirited driving."

09-26-2007, 04:36 PM
i hate it when my back itches and i cant reach it, or when your driving when its hot and your back gets wet

09-26-2007, 08:23 PM
I hate when you're playing Guitar Hero for long periods of time and your hands start to fall asleep and get tired, and you wanna keep going but your fingers won't respond anymore.

I hate when you're in the middle of a good song and you haven't made a mistake yet, and the phone rings, and keeps ringing, and ringing...... and ringing.

I hate people that know that I work at night, but insist on waking me up at 830 in the morning..... and ask what I'm doing.

I hate dudes that are Pussified Western Males.

I hate girls that come to work at a video game company dressed like they work at a law firm, or like their next stop after work is filming a porno flick.

I hate Rosie O'Donnell.

I hate Elizabeth whatever-the-fuck-her-name-is from the The View.

I take that back- I hate The View PERIOD.

I hate the stale cookies that are in the vending machine.

09-27-2007, 02:54 PM
i hate it when i drive past cops and they stare at me with their evil fuckin devil eyes like they wanna kill me for no reason

09-27-2007, 03:30 PM
i hate when you wave at a local cop to be polite and they look at you like you just killed their family

i hate that my service writer will have work on the counter and turn around and tell me there's no work

i hate that i'm so fucking tired after work

i hate that england is so expensive to go to.

09-27-2007, 04:22 PM
the feel of cottonballs ripping apart

and littering, wasted food, and gossip mongers

steve shadows
09-27-2007, 04:25 PM
the feeling of hemroids ripping apart

09-27-2007, 07:33 PM
To reiterate,

I hate, Hate, Haeyyyyte, HAAAAAAAAAAATE Pussified Western Males.

09-27-2007, 07:40 PM
I hate those backpacks with wheels that people use at school.

and people who complain about shit they do to themselves.

like why am I so fat?i hate being fat, and they say this when they are elbow deep in a bucket of KFC.

09-27-2007, 07:48 PM
I hate when people post, just to complain about other people not helping.

Guess what, a post complaining about people flaming isn't helping anyone either!

Andrew Bohan
09-27-2007, 09:38 PM
i hate your big sig barry

09-27-2007, 09:42 PM
I hate those backpacks with wheels that people use at school.

and people who complain about shit they do to themselves.

like why am I so fat?i hate being fat, and they say this when they are elbow deep in a bucket of KFC.

I have one of those because I got it for free, and I use it every day. Says "SEMA" on it. People jock it.

09-27-2007, 09:48 PM
the muffin pants girls wear.
you know the ones that are so tight that they bellys and what not hang over the top like muffins do the paper wrapper.

Andrew Bohan
09-27-2007, 09:55 PM
i hate fat girls who wear skimpy clothes.


no one wants to see your belly hanging out of your short shirt

no one wants to see the inside of your shorts legs riding up your buttcrack

09-27-2007, 10:00 PM
emo look only works (and I use the terms "emo" and "work" in the same sentence VERY loosely) for skinny people. Fat people (girls especially) do not look good. I'm tired of seeing girls on the street that look like pumpkins trying to be asparagus. They look so ridiculous to me.

Also what i hate about fashion- when did it become cool for guys to wear low-rise, tight ass pants? i don't want to look at you and immediately know what religion you are.

09-28-2007, 02:56 AM
um tight pants were cool before they had baggy pants, look at the 50-70 and especially the 80s.
but i get what your saying.

I hate my creepy neighbors, my ghetto neighbors who sell drugs and whore out there kid sister.

09-28-2007, 09:06 AM
I can't stand when I take a day off and EVERYONE who sees my car at my house or catches me online has to ask why I am not at work.
Perhaps it is because I am a FUCKING adult, who can take a day off damn near whenever I damned feel like it.

09-30-2007, 04:27 AM
I hate when people want to argue that Kobe is better than Jordan.

I mean I dont seeing people killing people for there Kobe Bryant's?

but many people have been killed for jordans.
and yes its dumb to kill someone for a pair of shoes, but besides that the stats are there.

and the same people try to say that tyson in his prime could lose to anyone in there prime.

10-01-2007, 05:34 AM
I hate it when someone decide's that because there is a thin layer of dirt on my car (or what my car was) it would be a spendid idea to write in it.

I hate hit and runs.

I hate McDonald's (just because the movie "Super-Size Me" creeped me the f*ck out).

10-01-2007, 05:47 AM
those stupid little oem clips that hold on all your vaccuum/coolant lines. i think theyre called butterfly clips. FUCK THOSE. give me the muther fucking screw on ones any day of the week and im a happy camper.

i also hate:

-when people sign off an instant messager when youre still talking to them
-bug/giant sunglasses on girls with ity bity heads
-the phohawk. i call it the 'poof' its when girls poof up only their bangs when they pull them back and leave the rest down. SHIT LOOKS RETARDED!

10-01-2007, 05:50 AM
I hate people that know that I work at night, but insist on waking me up at 830 in the morning..... and ask what I'm doing.

yes, FUCK that. shits annoying as hell. i work til 7am, do NOT call me at 9-1pm for any reason. exceptions include; my house is on fire, my car is on fire, my car is being stolen, and a family/friend died.

unless it is one of those, i will mumble something and hang up. do not hold me accountable for remembering what i said nor expecting me to follow through

10-01-2007, 07:34 AM
I hate the whole adhd thing... just when Im getting to a point I tend to loose m

Andrew Bohan
10-01-2007, 11:00 AM
if you really had it you would have forgotten to hit "submit reply" and then found your incomplete message a few hours later, said fuck it, and looked at a different thread.

10-01-2007, 11:56 AM
I hate it when you go to a fuckin jack n the box at around 11pm-1am on a weekend and every single fuckin one has a LOOOONG ass fuckin line

10-01-2007, 12:44 PM
everything pisses me off.

abso fucking lutely EVERYTHING

this post alone is making me furious just reading it.

I have to say after reading through all the pages I think I agree that EVERYTHING pretty much pisses me off... Even somethings that I do because after finishing something I want it to work... Then it doesn't and I get pissed off... :werd:

10-01-2007, 03:32 PM
i hate how the stores by my house close whenever the fuck they want, not just any stores but fucking JACK IN THE BOX and SAFEWAY.

i hate how im sitting down reading shit online during the summer without a shirt and ash from my cigarette falls off mid-drag and burns my stomach.

i hate the smell in the hallway of my apartment studio complex, the smell of permanent cigarette smoke in my studio is actually refreshing.

for some reason, although previously discussed, the misuse of "your" and "you're" annoys me to an unnatural extent, possibly because of how common it is.

10-01-2007, 04:51 PM
i hate:

-kids who walk up to me and ask if my car is from need for speed underground
-people who scratch my old car and i don't know who did it. i mean goddamn, it's a piece of crap already, why the hell do you have to make scratches all over it?!
-people that don't have respect for other peoples belongings (referring to my second point)
-people that ask me how i feel even if they don't really care.
-people on the net that talk shit about you and everything, and when you meet them in RL they act like they never said anything bad to you.
-teenagers who act like they're gangsta
-people who act like they're your friends but talk shit about you behind your back.
-the fact that there are no racetracks in my state.
-bitchy and slutty women
-having no change in my wallet for cigs and drinks
-people who ask me if it isn't illegal to drive a RHD car on our roads.
-people who ask me why i didn't get a skyline.

well, thats what i can think of for now. but the list grows daily ;)

10-01-2007, 08:04 PM
I hate slutacious bitches.

I hate guys that think they're pimps- when they're actually slutacious as well.

I hate parents that throw your car parts away, then have the nerve to ask you for money.

I hate squatters.

I hate not having enough cigarettes or money to buy cigarettes when you're on an insomnia kick.

I hate eating bald-headed noodles and ramen soups.

I hate being broke.

I (occasionally) hate my car for draining every nickel and dime from me, and still having the nerve to not be done and ready for driving yet.

I then hate myself for hating the car.

I hate nosy ass managers that have no other reason to be here but that they have no life.

I hate work snitches.

10-01-2007, 08:25 PM
i hate when you have to work on a car and you have to wear a surgical mask just to get in the thing because of the rotten food/dead shit smell.

god that sucked today.

10-01-2007, 09:10 PM
I read this thing the other day that reminded me of one of the reasons i started this thread.
it said....To get along with a person, ask him/her what he/she DOESN'T like. If you and he/she can share it, you guys will get along really well.
so far it looks to be true.

10-09-2007, 10:09 PM
I hate short fat people that walk slow in public places, and make you change your tempo or speed of walking and have to go around them.

ingeneral people that walk around with out any purpose. I understand strolling thru the park or the beach, but at school inbetween classes.

and also people that call phone sex lines and believe they are talkin gto the girls from the commercials.

10-09-2007, 10:17 PM
i hate when the turd your about to drop is too wide

Andrew Bohan
10-09-2007, 10:17 PM
what you mean? who was i talking to really??

10-10-2007, 11:00 PM
Ok, I'm reviving this thread because i'm really pissed off.

I get handed a new project today, which means it hasn't been worked on at all. This is a good thing, because it means that I'll have a million bugs to report and it will boost my bug count. So I'm happy, working, working, working.....

I've written a bunch of bugs, and I go to the queue to count how many I've written, and it hits me-


This is a bad thing, because now a lot of the shit I've been busting my ass writing for the past 4 hours doesn't count, because about 65% of the stuff I've written came out as duplicates, because the person working on the same project found a lot of the same bugs. I'm pissed off that no one told me that someone else was working on the same project, and now more than half of my hard work means nothing.


10-11-2007, 12:05 AM
don't you get paid by the hour lisa

Or do you get paid commission for finding bugs

Should I nickname you the bug lady from now on

10-11-2007, 12:11 AM
Yes, I get paid by the hour, but our bug counts are monitored to make sure we're actually working. They count towards keeping a job.

Andrew Bohan
10-11-2007, 01:09 AM
you don't have some test plan to follow that only you have?

or you just randomly poke around and find bugs?

10-11-2007, 01:10 AM
Yes, I get paid by the hour, but our bug counts are monitored to make sure we're actually working. They count towards keeping a job.

What Bugs? Seriously I am lost.

10-11-2007, 01:41 AM
Corruptions in the game, be it graphics, functionality, etc.

10-11-2007, 06:24 PM
thats just retarded, i figured people at a video game place would know that if you find the bugs, you still found them, even if someone else found them first, you obvioulsy didnt knwo about it and you did the work because you found alot of bugs.

and if it helps i think my dog has fleas, you can come count them. jk

10-11-2007, 10:47 PM
They don't count duplicates because they know people can be shady and just duplicate other ppl's bugs just to keep the count up and not get fired.

Andrew Bohan
10-11-2007, 11:25 PM
that's why when i worked in QA everyone got a specific area to work in.

and if you found a bug out of your area, you can search for it first to see if someone already got it

10-12-2007, 12:17 AM
Everyone gets the same basic checklist that just goes through the game in a nutshell, but there are different teams for different areas of testing. I'm on the Multiplayer team, so I test specifically all the games that have Multiplayer features. There are other teams that are specific to certain carrier networks, or others that only handle the sports games, etc.

10-19-2007, 02:28 AM
i hate when people step on the back of there shoes and ruin them, and when you have to take your shoes off at a house whos floors are as dirty as outside.

Andrew Bohan
10-19-2007, 03:36 AM
i hate a lot of whites and i hate a lot of blacks
i hate poopin in public places but we all hate that
i hate lesbian feminists cuz they're so damn ugly
i hate spin magazine cuz they never ever plug me
i hate regis and i hate kathy lee
i hate every single movie by that midget spike lee
i hate people that think that i care what they think
i hate people that think that their ass don't stink
i hate jon bon jovi but i hate is music more
i hate killin people cuz i hate to keep score
i hate you but you hate yourself too
i hate to be honest but i'd hate to be you

08-20-2009, 12:18 AM
old thread but its funny

i hate getting pinched
wen ppl lean on my car
sit on my car
make a mess in my car/house
ppl act like their shit dont stink
girls who think they're fine
ppl who try to race me
ppl who cant drive
problems wit my car

08-20-2009, 03:52 AM
seriously my roomie and i talked about this we came up with the fact that i hate 98 pecent of people in this world. and the other 2 percent i havnt gotten to know yet lol

08-20-2009, 04:10 AM
Damn i hate it when I set a tool down, I go back for it, and its gone. And you know for a fact you set it down right where you recall.

08-20-2009, 07:29 AM
Damn i hate it when I set a tool down, I go back for it, and its gone. And you know for a fact you set it down right where you recall.

Oh man I fucking hate that. I swear there is a force out there that moves tools. It's fucking with us, I know it is.

08-20-2009, 08:15 AM
People in the lane next to me who speed up when use my turn signal in an effort to stay ahead of me
People who judge or "hate" on WOW even tho they have never played the game.
J-walkers (when a crosswalk is like 20 feet away).
People who signal after they have already begun to switch lanes.
Being a security guard
People who think I'm on some kind of insane power trip when i'm just trying to do my job
the social atmosphere in any given Wal-mart.
Parents who just let their kids run wild in stores.
Blind dates.
Flirty pregers.
Red ring of death on xbox 360
People who play their music way to loud in their car (usually rancheras in my area)
Anybody wearing a cowboy hat
The fact that I cant even wear my NY yankees hat in my town without somebody asking me if I'm in some gang.
People who have lived in this country for years(legal or not), yet refuse to learn English

08-20-2009, 11:00 AM
it drives me crazy to see this thread but i could have swore we had a similar thread entitled 'You know what really grinds my gears?' similar to the Family Guy one, but I can't seem to get my ass to search for it.

08-20-2009, 11:21 AM
I hate those people that you ask a question and they answer you "don't worry about it"

I wouldn't be asking the question if I didn't want to know

08-20-2009, 12:34 PM
Drives me crazy when you put something up to sell, and the first 10 emails you get are Nigerian scams...

chucky norris
12-21-2010, 05:15 AM
i hate it when i get blue balls!!
or when the house chihuahua takes a dump on the kitchen table!!!

12-21-2010, 05:40 AM
i hate uniformity, fucking Marine Corps.

i hate gwedos and bros in the gym and all of the useless yelling, grunting, throwing weights and the ssssssss sounds they feel the need to make.

i hate okinawa japan, dont even think about coming here.

12-21-2010, 07:01 AM
The whole military attitude, I can't wait to get out, 3 more years.

People who can't spell (not talking about forums, talking about whenever I have to take an online class, it's University level, and you can't fucking spell a simple damn word?)

Going grocery shopping at any time except immediately after opening or immediately before closing. Tons of Fat Women + Grocery Carts + Narrow Aisles = Hell

12-21-2010, 11:07 AM
i hate a lot of whites and i hate a lot of blacks
i hate poopin in public places but we all hate that
i hate lesbian feminists cuz they're so damn ugly
i hate spin magazine cuz they never ever plug me
i hate regis and i hate kathy lee
i hate every single movie by that midget spike lee
i hate people that think that i care what they think
i hate people that think that their ass don't stink
i hate jon bon jovi but i hate is music more
i hate killin people cuz i hate to keep score
i hate you but you hate yourself too
i hate to be honest but i'd hate to be you

excuse me for quoting an old post but i knew this had to be from a song


12-21-2010, 11:30 AM
I hate it when people eat loud or like a pig.

I hate mind games

I hate the new clothing trends ( Big ass logos and tight pants )

I hate the SRH and SoCal kids that feel the need to claim DGAF

I hate all the people that tell me i have a nice prelude when its a 240 coupe with a silvia face.

I hate most all people.

I hate Birds

I hate people who try to controll me

I hate busy places

I hate the face that I fall to easy for girls that dont really mean shit in my life.

What realy makes me mad is people that think they know what they are doing when it come to a simple ass sr20 swap and make it look like shit and fuck up the wiring..

12-21-2010, 01:49 PM
People who have no respect for someone else's belongings/hard work

Incompetent people

Rude/inconsiderate people

When people are dishonest

Getting a sweaty back while driving

Pooping in public bathrooms

As PHLIP said, "Weedheads that act like everyone else in the world is wrong for NOT being weedheads"

Sleeping in too late (which I tend to do a lot)

People who can't, or at least don't, drive at least mediocrely

When people are in a huge rush driving and cut people off and do other dangerous things just to move a few cars ahead in traffic

chucky norris
12-21-2010, 01:59 PM
people that just barge in your room with out knocking

12-21-2010, 03:40 PM
when you take a dump and the water splashes back

That totally just happened to me earlier and I wanted to tell someone about it at the office, but realized that that would be inappropriate. But here on Zilvia....

12-21-2010, 04:59 PM
when customers call me on the phone and first thing out of their mouth is "listen"

muh fuckah...you called me. all I can do is listen!

and everything exitspeed said.

oh, and people that don't know how to say bye....."seperation axiety"!

12-21-2010, 05:04 PM
when people drive over on the line, dont signal while changing lanes, use a phone while driving, have high beams, when people honk at other drivers

pretty much: when i'm not the driver

and ppl who think they know everything

12-21-2010, 06:23 PM
when people drive over on the line, dont signal while changing lanes, use a phone while driving, have high beams, when people honk at other drivers

pretty much: when i'm not the driver

and ppl who think they know everything

what if they do know everything?

12-21-2010, 06:55 PM
what if they do know everything?
they should shut up about it then :D

12-22-2010, 01:05 AM
I hate when you're with your gf and she's texting (doesn't happen anymore)
People who lack common sense
When you fix something on your car and something else fucks up
The wait in the DMV
Registering for college/finding parking the first month in school when half of those little fucks are gonna drop out within a week.
240 owners who think they're the shit when they have shit bucket of a car
Stuck up people
Girls who think they're hot when they're really not
Know it alls
Not marking your turn signal
Stupid people
People who lack manners
I don't like the fact that I cuss a lot ( trying to stop that)
Idk there's a lot mostly involves peoples driving

Slow drivers in the fast lane

12-22-2010, 01:41 AM
I hate when you're with your gf and she's texting (doesn't happen anymore)

means she doesn't like you LOL

I hate people who ask me 21 questions when they see my car

12-22-2010, 03:20 AM
When someone doesn't close the door on their way out of my room. It was closed before you came in wasn't it?

12-22-2010, 05:09 AM
-hate when people cut you off and get mad like you were in the wrong
-when a girl hits me up askin why i havent visited/hung out with her..i tell her ill come by ina lil bit since im close..she says ok..when im ready to stop by..no response(happnd tonite)

12-22-2010, 11:54 AM
means she doesn't like you LOL

I hate people who ask me 21 questions when they see my car

Yup I wasn't worried about it I was hitting up other girls when I was on a date with her... :-/

12-22-2010, 12:46 PM
-hate when people cut you off and get mad like you were in the wrong
-when a girl hits me up askin why i havent visited/hung out with her..i tell her ill come by ina lil bit since im close..she says ok..when im ready to stop by..no response(happnd tonite)

you should have told her next time she stands you up, she won't get dick. :naughtyd:

12-22-2010, 03:14 PM
When you've got two lanes merging down to one and people wait until the last possible second to get over. It just makes the traffic even worse than it would be if you had merged earlier.

12-22-2010, 05:13 PM
fuckin campers!

12-22-2010, 05:17 PM
fuckin campers!

^^^this!!!! i hate them too :rant:

12-22-2010, 06:12 PM
when business wont take a business check.. 2 times in particular....

1. my college.... so they not want my $4,000+ tuition check?! bastards
2. Apple store........ dumb mother fuckers.....

i fucking lost it... wasted 3 hours of my day... and didnt even get to buy what i needed

12-23-2010, 06:01 AM
I HATE IT when I'm trying to angle up a driveway,
and the person blocking my way just stares at me instead of actually DRIVING and leaving the damn parking lot like they should be..

I hate it when people come use my bathroom and don't put the cap back on the toothpaste,
and it ends up rolling all over the ground..

I hate it when people come up to me and start speaking in random Asian languages..

I hate it when I drive my janky ass car around, and people automatically assume it's my BROTHER'S or BOYFRIEND'S car..
Just 'cause my car is haggard-looking doesn't mean it requires a penis, instead of a key, to turn the damn thing on

12-23-2010, 12:29 PM
I HATE IT when I'm trying to angle up a driveway,
and the person blocking my way just stares at me instead of actually DRIVING and leaving the damn parking lot like they should be..

I hate it when people come use my bathroom and don't put the cap back on the toothpaste,
and it ends up rolling all over the ground..

I hate it when people come up to me and start speaking in random Asian languages..

I hate it when I drive my janky ass car around, and people automatically assume it's my BROTHER'S or BOYFRIEND'S car..
Just 'cause my car is haggard-looking doesn't mean it requires a penis, instead of a key, to turn the damn thing on

fuck yessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or when you are trying to get out....so you get all parallel with the road...and someone half way turns in....and blocks you from getting out.

and then manages to stare at you...untill YOU back up.

fucking ass tards!

12-23-2010, 02:56 PM
Maybe you should raise your car to a level that would allow you to leave normally? You are the one causing the inconvenience, not the person who simply wants to go the same direction you are coming out. It's your fault for blocking both lanes, you should be the one to back up.

You know what drives me crazy? When I'm trying to go shopping or go eat or something and I go to turn in and some jackass in a car entirely too low to be driven anywhere except completely flat roads is taking up the entire entrance/exit because he/she has to go out damn near completely sideways.

12-23-2010, 04:34 PM
Maybe you should raise your car to a level that would allow you to leave normally? You are the one causing the inconvenience, not the person who simply wants to go the same direction you are coming out. It's your fault for blocking both lanes, you should be the one to back up.

You know what drives me crazy? When I'm trying to go shopping or go eat or something and I go to turn in and some jackass in a car entirely too low to be driven anywhere except completely flat roads is taking up the entire entrance/exit because he/she has to go out damn near completely sideways.

I pay my taxes for these roads....i don't cry cause i can't make it over speed bumps...i just don't drive there.

and I only fill up my gas at one gas station...there's 4 fucking entrances....you can enter somewhere else.


12-23-2010, 10:59 PM
I hate that Zilvia is slowly becoming more focused on fitting bullshit JDM wheels that are wider than the fender wells, than actual content :/

12-23-2010, 11:06 PM
when the inside of you ear is itching like a mother f'r at midnight and you get up to get a q tip to scratch it,then realize there is none. That shit irritates me,cause you got nothing to scratch yourself with

12-23-2010, 11:18 PM
Elderly/senile people that should not be on the road, nonetheless be left unsupervised. My closest encounters with death have been just that, close encounters with death behind the wheel of another car. Me narrowly escaping a horrific accident with my life because of some decrepit person who is at the end of their own. When "death" is behind the wheel of a crown vic or regal everyone on the road is in danger. OATS PEOPLE! shit...

OH, and anyone that paints over factory paint and does a shitty job. Even if its not perfect, factory paint is good stuff. I have seen too many(mostly Honda owners) ricers that paint their car flat black or some shit because the factory paint has some blemishes. They are ruing cars and mocking the automotive paint industry as a whole. die.

end rant, I feel better.

12-23-2010, 11:21 PM
Backseat drivers

DUDES that wear pants way too tight

loud neighbors



12-23-2010, 11:28 PM

Damn hipsters!

And their DOG too!

12-24-2010, 12:56 AM
fuck yessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or when you are trying to get out....so you get all parallel with the road...and someone half way turns in....and blocks you from getting out.

and then manages to stare at you...untill YOU back up.

fucking ass tards!
i live in the fucking suburbs so everyone is on my ass 24/7

I HATE IT when i put my blinkers on cause i know a bump is coming up, so i slow down, and they DONT give me room

all show no go
12-25-2010, 03:19 AM
I hate that Zilvia is slowly becoming more focused on fitting bullshit JDM wheels that are wider than the fender wells, than actual content :/

Woah, You & I share minds. :love:

12-26-2010, 11:34 PM
Lol. You guys seriously need to chill the fuck out. And I thought I hated people.... Lol.

12-27-2010, 09:28 AM
when gay cars backfire all of a sudden wen they see me n my dropped coupe

12-27-2010, 09:47 AM
i fucking hate it when people don't say thanks when i hold the door for them...

12-27-2010, 10:19 AM
I hate that Zilvia is slowly becoming more focused on fitting bullshit JDM wheels that are wider than the fender wells, than actual content :/
i concur. :wavey:

12-27-2010, 10:31 AM
credit card calling your home on a late payment, and your family getting on you about it. =\

12-28-2010, 01:26 PM
I fucking hate how fucking Disneyland is so goddamn fucking expensive now!

And I also hate people that curse a lot.

Oh, and hypocrites.

But my main problem is Disneyland.

12-28-2010, 01:41 PM
I fucking hate how fucking Disneyland is so goddamn fucking expensive now!

And I also hate people that curse a lot.

Oh, and hypocrites.

But my main problem is Disneyland.

just get an annual pass! all pays off in 5 visits.

i hate lagging.. games, browsing, people getting ready, etc.

Dirty Habit
12-28-2010, 05:02 PM
People not using the entrance ramp of the highway to get up to speed. Just going 45mph directly on to a 70mph highway without even looking at whats coming up on them.

Almost put my car through a prius this morning. Lucky my brakes work great and there was a large area between her and the guardrail.

12-28-2010, 05:07 PM
I fucking hate how fucking Disneyland is so goddamn fucking expensive now!

And I also hate people that curse a lot.

Oh, and hypocrites.

But my main problem is Disneyland.


12-28-2010, 05:12 PM
I hate not finding what i want when i look in the fridge, like sour cream. All i found was cottage fucking cheese that looks like sour cream. Fuck.

12-28-2010, 10:26 PM
I hate when a thread I actually enjoy reading and find useful gets locked because a few of you dumbshits want to come in there just to start shit.

Why cant the dumbshits just be pinked but I guess everyone must pay the price instead thank you zilvia.

I hate that I am not on Ziptied and I have to put up with this BS just because its the next best thing.

12-29-2010, 08:30 AM
I hate when a thread I actually enjoy reading and find useful gets locked because a few of you dumbshits want to come in there just to start shit.

Why cant the dumbshits just be pinked but I guess everyone must pay the price instead thank you zilvia.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR7A3kMXYDbQHye101LzhOFL_ruBhpod zlmmaycVIxemJixlnR3TQ

Hopefully there will be another. Seeing as how that was the second one after the first got locked for a bunch of fast and furious quotes.

12-29-2010, 09:05 AM
just get an annual pass! all pays off in 5 visits.

pretty sure you can do payments on the annual pass. i had one last year. it cost 80 bucks up front and 19 a month for a year. no interest.

12-31-2010, 12:43 AM
I hate speed bumps.
Also hate crazy driveways, and people that buy the cheapest parts they can find, and break their cars just so they can fix them with zipties and rattle can the shit outta their car, and slam the fuck outta it so they scrape on everything just so they can look cool, when everything else is stock.

Also hate punk ass security gaurds who push women and pepper spray everyone.

Im sorry I gotta lotta hate.

12-31-2010, 02:00 AM
new neighbors across the street. i thought they were cool guys at first because they have two twin turbo z32's.
these assholes cannot leave the house without hitting redline in first and second. i just left a friendly note. seriously, it's 3am. people are trying to sleep. you can't go to taco bell without scratching second? what the fuck is wrong with you?
this used to be a quiet neighborhood. i'm an old man. what the fuck.

12-31-2010, 02:02 AM
new neighbors across the street. i thought they were cool guys at first because they have two twin turbo z32's.
these assholes cannot leave the house without hitting redline in first and second. i just left a friendly note.
this used to be a quiet neighborhood. i'm an old man. what the fuck.
I fucking hate douchebags like that. Everytime I leave my neighborhood I try and be quiet as possible, yet we have douchebags that come through at 40mph in 2nd gear making me look like the asshole; oh well. :ddog:

12-31-2010, 02:08 AM
I fucking hate douchebags like that. Everytime I leave my neighborhood I try and be quiet as possible, yet we have douchebags that come through at 40mph in 2nd gear making me look like the asshole; oh well. :ddog:

yeah, it's definitely possible to drive a rowdy-ass car without being a shithead in residential areas. my roommate used to have a mustang with a very loud flowmaster setup, yet he always managed to leave, FROM MY DRIVEWAY, without waking me up.
the first day it snowed the white z32 came back with a smashed up front end... guess i know what kind of menace i'm dealing with here :/

12-31-2010, 02:25 AM
hey busted hope for more snow, I think mother nature will take them out for you.

12-31-2010, 02:29 AM
I think it feels refreshing.
poor mans bah-day/ (using my phonetics)

12-31-2010, 02:43 AM
I hate many things.

Kids who drive old ass gutted honda's and think they are dope rides with lots of power since it's so lite now.

Icy roads.Just heard on the news of a 100 car pile up..Fuck..


Drunks who try and fight.

That it's winter and my car is done and I can't daily drive it.

That I moved my car around yesterday and got stuck in about an inch of snow if that.



Paris Hilton is hated a lot, I am also on that hate boat.

Warm pepsi, fuck it's nasty.

That I haven't found a sweet find in my car since I bought it.


Iced over windows.

Skate 3, Since I have become addicted to it.

While taking a dook, you decide to pick the stall closes to the wall, at the far end. Then some jackass butt fuck walks in, and out of the 8 other open stalls, he picks the one right next to you. Then he repaints the fucking toilet, which sounds like he is setting off fucking grenades off in the toilet. That's not the worse. He then has the nerve to reach his hand underneath to ask for wipe.

Fuck public bathrooms.

12-31-2010, 04:14 AM
I hate the fact that my gf leaves to the army in two weeks
I hate when you're looking for something but can't find it but when you don't need it you find it
I hate when people mad dog when I say what's up to them
I hate that my bitch ads teacher gave me a D when I did all my work
I hate it when it's too cold and you're laying in bed all warm and you can't hold it in no more and come back hoping your beds still warm but it's like a ice block... I gotta take a piss.... Peace out ZILVIA!!!

12-31-2010, 10:49 AM
That I can't eat what I want to because I just had my wisdom teeth pulled

12-31-2010, 03:35 PM
my lazy second hander co workers.