View Full Version : Fuke reuben

09-13-2007, 07:58 PM
Hey guys im ganna take fuke reuben to court for jacking money from me

I need every one that has been scammed by him to come in and share all

there experience and wat happen. Im printing out a page so that i can take it

to the judge for references and show him how man people been scammed

getting there money jacked from fuke reuben

AKA evilways driftbety

09-13-2007, 08:11 PM
Dude, do you get it or no?
There is a going discussion on the merits, or complete and total lack thereof of whether or not one should deal with this individual.
We understand that you're frustrated and want people to know, but the fact remains that SEVERAL people have made it known and starting eleventybillion new threads about it is not going to help you very much.
Good luck with your case, please do not start any new threads about this.