09-12-2007, 12:55 PM
Hey every1 i have a serious on going problem i have a 93 240sx with a black to sr20 out of a 98 180sx- my ecu is a J4. For the past 5 months my car has been in 2 different shops waiting to get tuned. Im attempting to use a aem ems. but everytime they i attempt to start the engine i burn up the ignitior---super aggrevatting :wtf: -so now i run through a bunch of different trouble shooting things and the only thing i can think of is 1 either the J4 ecu is not meant for the black top or 2 the aem that i have is just screwed up or the wrong part number or finally 3 aem just plane sucks-- i doubt its the later though because there are soooo many things you can do with the aem if only it worked. So anyhow, any advice, suggestions etc. is appreciated