View Full Version : super cheap sprint plan online offer

09-10-2007, 03:20 PM

www.sprint.com/sero (http://www.sprint.com/sero)

(use [email protected] as the email)
this one's been around for a while, but i just signed up for it.

500 anytime minutes (plans with more minutes available if you need them)
unlimited data
nights and weekends at 7pm
unlimited text messaging (if you sign up before sept 27)
quality phone discounts (i'm getting a Moto Q for 150)

30/month! that's retarded cheap.

09-10-2007, 04:30 PM
Thats annoyingly cheap but Sprint use to fuck with me on every single bill. Not nice guys

09-10-2007, 05:35 PM
yo, i dont know if you signed up or not using that email addy but they have been denying a lot of people try to use it. your best bet to get an sprint email addy is going into the store and taking on of their cs cards. ive been on sero for a bit because i was stuck on a previous contract, but slickdeals usually has been good with their sero updates if you need any new info.

i hate their cs but i can deal with them for another 2 years for the plan they offer.