View Full Version : local cop being a belligerent asshole (vid)

09-10-2007, 11:10 AM

i used to have to drive through St. George every morning to get to my highschool. i got a four over speeding ticket there one time. they took my license and said i had to use the ticket as my license until i paid it. their city hall is some guy's house. court is held in his basement. they have two police cars, both of which are sitting on the main road cutting through their town, taking radar, all the time. i can't wait for this video to pick up enough popularity to be on the news.

09-10-2007, 11:32 AM
WOW.... i hate FUCKEN pigs that think there the shit!!!.. but this one brings pigs and their knowledge of the law to a whole new level!!!!.. fucken dumb ass........

09-10-2007, 11:34 AM
Wow this cop should get fired for this and have to apologies to this kid!!

09-10-2007, 11:49 AM
Wait, so is that you in the video, BustedS13?

09-10-2007, 11:51 AM
is this you?

09-10-2007, 11:54 AM
no, that's not me. i just saw this vid on Digg this morning.

09-10-2007, 11:55 AM
Nah the guy in the video is a Maxima dude. He's been stopped and harassed by police before (and got that on tape as well).

That cop is WAAAAY out of line. No professionalism whatsoever.

09-10-2007, 12:06 PM
wtf is that clicking sound in the vid...his radar detector?

but yeah totally agree that the cop was outta line, especially with the whole "do u want me to throw u in jail for something that i come up with right now?"

09-10-2007, 12:13 PM
I think it's his hazards or something. Not sure.

09-10-2007, 12:17 PM
god damn, I;d have that fucker fired so fast, id have that all over the media if that was me. (but i wouldn;t have been as stupid as that kid)

09-10-2007, 12:19 PM
there's a transcript, he says it's his radar detector.

09-10-2007, 12:21 PM
I hope this vid gets enough popularity to make it to the news... This cop is totally unprofessional and deserved to lose his job as well as owes this kid an apology... Stupid cops... Thats how all the cops are back where in my hometown...

09-10-2007, 12:28 PM
Damn that cop was a complete asshole, after he told him about the camera he kinda toned it down a bit. Who listens to the Tokyo drift sound track in their car?? lol

09-10-2007, 12:28 PM
Thats fucked up. Its sad that one has to carry around a recording device to protect themselves from overly aggressive law enforcement officers.

Can you say 'roid rage?

09-10-2007, 12:33 PM
fukin pig was waaay outa line, but i think it could of been avoided. if you've been harrassed by a cop like that you know what im talkin about. i use to be the same way questioning the cop not complying. it just pisses them off, especially if it's a power triping asshole like that douche. if the kid would of given him his id i think he would of let him go. here in texas we have these sherrifs they are just like that. even houston PD dosent like them.

09-10-2007, 12:39 PM
that cop was way out of line...why doesn't that kid just send it to the media on his own instead of waiting for it to gain popularity?

calling cops pigs=disrespectful to the ones that actually risk their lives to save people...shame on you guys

09-10-2007, 12:41 PM
Heres the transcript of the whole thing.


09-10-2007, 12:43 PM
st george?? is this in utah?? this cop seems like a friggin asshole...

09-10-2007, 12:44 PM
wait, what happened in the end? the cop handcuff him?

nvm i read the transcript

09-10-2007, 12:48 PM
st george?? is this in utah?? this cop seems like a friggin asshole...

it's a township in saint louis, missouri.

calling cops pigs=disrespectful to the ones that actually risk their lives to save people...shame on you guys

+1, definitely uncalled for. not all cops are douches. my current girlfriend is a cop.

09-10-2007, 12:53 PM
st george?? is this in utah?? this cop seems like a friggin asshole...

Missouri. I lived in Chesterfield for a few years, and I have no idea where St. George is.

09-10-2007, 01:00 PM
it's the first exit after lindbergh on 55 north.. take 55 north to reavis barracks and make a left, and you're in st. george until you hit gravois.

09-10-2007, 01:03 PM
im gonna have to check this when i get home. no speakers in the computer lab = t3h sux

09-10-2007, 01:14 PM
The guy should send the video to his local news stations.

09-10-2007, 01:30 PM
i would really like to know if that guy got out of this situation without any fines and what happened to the officer as a result of this stop. Makes me want to get a camera in my car. I've had cops try and pull shit like this on me before. I had a group of cops come to my apartment club house 1 time at like 2 in the morning and try to arrest meand my friends for trespassing. I told the guy I have a key, it's 24hr access, and we were all of age to be drinking. After about an hour of questioning an bitching, calling the apartment manager, and generally harassing us, he tells me that he is leaving but if he has to come back all of us are going to jail even if he has to make something up.

09-10-2007, 01:39 PM
Heh what an ass, when did this happen? I wonder if this should make the news, then this guy can learn the law BOY!lol

09-10-2007, 08:49 PM
wow... from what i heard that was just stupid.

but seriously, could he not get that DAMN radar to go off? i mean, SHIT!! i was tryin to hear it and all i hear now is click click click click click click click click click click click click

09-10-2007, 09:31 PM
i have bad luck with the law and i have yet to come across such a dick wad of a cop. everyone that would like to get this more known, just digg this

http://www.digg.com/videos/people/Cop_gone_wild_Lying_and_making_threats_just_part_o f_his_job

i hate the police, but this cop is a bitch ass.

Dirty Habit
09-10-2007, 09:50 PM
Wow. Ive been in situations like that, after getting back in the car and driving off, you just keep thinking to yourself thinking "Holy shit, did that just happen?"
Either way its best to always keep your fucking mouth shut around police.

09-10-2007, 10:23 PM
wow........that is all

09-10-2007, 10:27 PM
Wow, that's not just unprofessional but downright illegal. The cop basically stated that he was going to lie to throw the kid in jail.

That having been said, the kid started off with an attitude and I can see how the officer lost his cool - although he should know how to handle situations like that and not lose it.

All in all, that cop needs to check himself.

09-10-2007, 10:58 PM

same kid, same police department, same trouble.


09-10-2007, 11:17 PM
i hope brett sues the police department and get his due and then the pd fires this cop.

09-10-2007, 11:46 PM
ive felt cops pressure me a few times... i jus dunno if i can resist staying cool next time .. ive been threatend to be arrested in my own home for reporting my neighbor who threatend to kill me and cops said it was my fault and they would arrest me becuase i was arguing with them that they didnt wanna do anything and i happen to be the younger of the conflict *neighbor is old man*... or the many adventures in random pull overs wiht my s13 which cost me hundreds in vehicle fines

I dont think id keep my cool for very long, props to this Guy for staying calm and capturing it on film

Dirty Habit
09-11-2007, 07:30 AM

News is starting to wake up to this.

Cops on leave right now.

09-11-2007, 01:14 PM
good news!

ST. GEORGE — A car-mounted video camera — more commonly used by police than against them — captured a loud and threatening confrontation in this tiny St. Louis County community that left an officer on suspension and the whole world able to listen in.

The picture doesn't show much, but the audio part of the recording, posted on Google Video and YouTube on the Internet, brought more than 300 protest calls to St. George Police Chief Scott Uhrig.

"I was very displeased when I saw the actions on the video," Uhrig said. "My officers are not trained and taught to act like that."

He put Sgt. James Kuehnlein on unpaid suspension pending further investigation.


Drunk Bastard
09-11-2007, 03:57 PM
wow, what a fucking dousche

09-11-2007, 04:22 PM
"Officer #1: Leave your car runnin with the keys in it.
Brett: What's that?
Officer #1: Leave your car runnin with the keys in it.
Brett: I don't want it to roll away officer.
Officer#1: Turn the car on.
Brett: It's a manual officer."

ok this guy is just stupid. how about he just leaves the car on like the cop ask? just pull the brake up and throw it in N.

the first vid. i dont care. these people are just making it harder on themselves. i think if he just didnt ask all those damn questions than the cop would have let him go. he was pulling into a parking lot at like 2AM and parked. cop was just doing his job. and yeah i think he did go overboard but this all could have been avoided if the kid would have just said oh yeah here you go.

09-11-2007, 04:35 PM
^haha i highly doubt it would have changed a damn thing.

09-11-2007, 06:34 PM
at first i thought the video said "hes on paid leave" i was gonna say dam that must be sweet but i listened again and realized the reporter said unpaid.. lol

09-11-2007, 07:03 PM
i hope brett sues the police department and get his due and then the pd fires this cop.

Sue for 11 minutes of lost time?

09-11-2007, 08:46 PM
cop is getting owned

09-11-2007, 08:57 PM
i have four cops in my family and i dont know any of them that would do this, but they have told me stories of guys that work with them that are power hungry swine.

and about this: Brett: Officer please.
Officer #1: I think you're gonna come with me. Then you can try and sue me in grand jury and I bet you I win. Then I'll sue you.

I would Sue the number one cop and the Missouri PD.
and when I got done I woul dsay, "now ive proved my point" and than move to cali.

09-11-2007, 10:34 PM
glad cop is suspended and justice is being served..

hope brett sues and wins to make cop eat his words.

Sue for 11 minutes of lost time?

im sure you can sue for a lot more than that in america. lol..

sue for verbal harassment, sue for violating his 4th and 5th ammendments right as he stated in the video, sue for making brett answer questions which is in violation of that thing that cops usually say.. "you have a right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you." (probably one of the amendment rightS)..

idk you can be creative. i'm not a lawyer, but he can definitely sue the city for this and get the cop fired.

some of you might think.. wtf. sueing a cop for doing his job? handling your job like that as a cop is wrong and illegal like someone mentioned. sort of like police brutality. if you were in rodney king's position.. wouldn't you sue too?

09-11-2007, 11:26 PM
Sue for 11 minutes of lost time?

It's not about 11 minutes of lost time, it's about intimidation and denial of one's rights.
All that kid was REQUIRED BY LAW to do is answer a few questions about his identity and provide his drivers license (if asked). The pat-down search is compulsory, (in this case unnecessary), but could be proven to be illegal.

Basically you have to tell the cop you are, including birthdate and current residence (iirc). You don't have to answer any questions about what you're doing or what you've done (or what you plan to do).

If you're out of the car and the officer can quantify (later of course) that he felt you to be a threat, he can pat you down (no pocket searches).
he can ask you to empty your pockets or to search your car, but those are not required.

Everybody here should watch this:

Done watching it? Watch it again. Know your rights and refuse to be abused.

09-12-2007, 12:04 AM
I dont think i would have been able to keep my cool either.
alot of cops are dicks, thats true, and have every right to be called pigs.
on the other end of that, there are a few cops who are honestly well intended, and, in my case. have let me off the hook when i could have been in a lot of shit. Best just to be respectful, but there comes a point where everyone loses there cool, some sooner than others, some break down and cry some get really agressive. I guess just hope for a decent cop. lucky for that kid, he kept his cool pretty well. If he hadnt, sure he would have won in the long run, but his night will have been really shitty. It just comes down to wether or not you want to be "right", or have things go smoothly

09-12-2007, 02:18 AM
alot of cops are dicks, thats true, and have every right to be called pigs.

so....out of all the cops that pulled you over..how many of them are dicks? you sound like a guy that would get shit from a cop.

everytime you guys get pulled over..do you ask the officer why he is pulling you over?

09-12-2007, 03:09 PM
Done watching it? Watch it again. Know your rights and refuse to be abused.

Actually Kevin, THIS video contains ALL the information people need:


09-12-2007, 03:29 PM
It's not about 11 minutes of lost time, it's about intimidation and denial of one's rights.
All that kid was REQUIRED BY LAW to do is answer a few questions about his identity and provide his drivers license (if asked). The pat-down search is compulsory, (in this case unnecessary), but could be proven to be illegal.

Basically you have to tell the cop you are, including birthdate and current residence (iirc). You don't have to answer any questions about what you're doing or what you've done (or what you plan to do).

If you're out of the car and the officer can quantify (later of course) that he felt you to be a threat, he can pat you down (no pocket searches).
he can ask you to empty your pockets or to search your car, but those are not required.

That's interesting to know. The last time I was pulled over, I was wearing a shirt and tie (like normal), driving my stock 240 hatch, going to work for a 7am meeting. I was pulled over for not having a front plate. He asked me if the car was mine...uh, no I go around in shirts and ties and steal shitty stock 240's. But of course I am polite as I ALWAYS am, and answer all his questions. He then asks me for me social security #. I ask why he needs that, he tells me it's standard procedure. I reply with, "I'm sorry officer, but I've unfortunately have been pulled over many times in many different cities and counties, including this one, and I've never been asked for my SS#." He got all huffy and puffy and said, "if you don't want to give it to me, just say so!". I reply with, "No officer I would not like to give it to you. I hope you can understand that with the frequency of identity theft now-a-days.".

He gave me a ticket and I was on my way. His questioning and actions were way out of line.

09-12-2007, 04:10 PM
I've met cool cops and i've met cops I'd LOVE to talk shit to.

But I will always keep my mouth shut, cause they probably WANT you to react.

And usually I don't answer any questions other than my name.

I just don't say anything and they get the point.

09-12-2007, 08:15 PM
wow, that cop is a pussy and a dick all in one.

09-12-2007, 09:48 PM
Gettin harrassed in maaah s13 loll.

On the reals tho that cop thought he was going to be a tough guy and I hope he eats dick for what he did. Fuckin startin shit for no reason cuz HE probaby had a tough night and wanted to take it out on some one by using his authority. I hope he loses his badge. This guy must have some issues he kept stuttering and fumbling over his words like he was scared of you lol. That cop is fuckin pussy.

09-12-2007, 10:03 PM
I already saw this video on a bunch of different websites, it's spreading fast.

09-13-2007, 08:30 AM
"do u want me to throw u in jail for something that i come up with right now?"


Umm isn't that illegal?

09-13-2007, 12:45 PM

09-13-2007, 01:11 PM
the cop was out of line, but the kid wasn't making things easier. I'm sure this kid just drives around looking for police checkpoints and places to get them to pull him over. I'll bet he has videos where he's being a suspicious dickhead that show cops dealing with his cocky bullshit like professionals.

09-13-2007, 06:49 PM
the cop was out of line, but the kid wasn't making things easier. I'm sure this kid just drives around looking for police checkpoints and places to get them to pull him over. I'll bet he has videos where he's being a suspicious dickhead that show cops dealing with his cocky bullshit like professionals.

yeah i thought that too...

aside from this cop acting like a complete fuck-wad, the kid acts peculiar enough to raise suspicion, which is what cops are obviously geared to "sniff out"

its great that this fucking kid exists though, because he's actually auditing the police and making sure they're doing a reasonable job. its important that stuff like this happens...... who cares if its at the kids expense? thats his lost time and his life... i am sure he cashes up from time to time when he tries to sue the PD and then settles.. that doesnt bother me one bit. i'de rather have that happen, then have an asshole cop be a part of a fucked up force.

though...........its just SO MUCH easier to use jedi mind tricks and just avoid all these bullshit confrontations to begin with.

09-16-2007, 02:37 PM
Man that cop was a dumbass, He said all the wrong things and so did you, defuse the situation next time a cop gets heated at you. dont stare at him like a deer in your headlights and repeat no officer ;i dont want any problems yada yada etc etc...
1st you tell the cop WHAT OFFICER I AM BEING COMPLIANT I GAVE YOU MY LISCENCE / INSURACE ETC.... I DONT UNDERSTAND; okay officer if your going to arrest me, do it... i dont understand what what your doing but do it
(not complying to a police officers demans isnt a law even tho he said it was)
AND WHY THE FUCK DID YOIU TELL HIM YOU HAD A CAM omg retard just ask him to fuck your car up next time. now if that was my car itd be taken off to the impound lot and ripped apart along with the video ( i think he was lying about uploading the video to a *secure source* your not james bond okay)

DONT give him an inch dont allow him to interrogate you further and into fucking yourself over by saying you have something incriminating
Learn to stay quiet too... hahah and remember cops will kick your fuckin ass if you talk shit to them ...sad but tru so stfu.

and the best you can do for your self is LEARN THE LAW every bit of it... it will save your ass one day if your a deviant

09-16-2007, 03:04 PM
^ the best thing for you to do is learn the english language. Good God you almost sent me into a seizure with that post.

09-16-2007, 03:22 PM
word. can still barely understand what he was saying in that post.

09-16-2007, 05:39 PM
hahaha this looks all too similar to our LAPD's finest......

man that cop was a dumbass you didnt say the right things you couldve been out of tehre in 15 minutes.....
1st you tell the cop WHAT OFFICER I AM BEING COMPLIANT I GAVE YOU MY LISCENCE / INSURACE ETC.... I DONT UNDERSTAND; okay officer if your going to arrest me, do it... i dont understand what what your doing but do it
(not complying to a police officers demans isnt a law even tho he said it was) which is differnt from obeying the LAW
AND WHY THE FUCK DID YOIU TELL HIM YOU HAD A CAM omg retard just ask him to impound the car huh????!??!!

Learn to stay quiet too... hahah and remember cops will kick your fuckin ass if you talk shit to them ...sad but tru so stfu.

and the best you can do for your self is LEARN THE LAW every bit of it... it will save your ass one day if your a deviant

english mothafucka, do you speak it?

09-16-2007, 06:32 PM
^ the best thing for you to do is learn the english language. Good God you almost sent me into a seizure with that post.

english isnt my 1st lang. and if that sent you into a seizure i advise you to keep that to yourself, weirdo

09-16-2007, 06:41 PM
what a f***ing ass cop

09-16-2007, 06:49 PM
edited my atrocious grammer for you guys haha

09-16-2007, 07:56 PM
man i got pulled over by a cop like that just not as bad. Gave me a damn ticket for my exhaust being "modyfied" when its barely loud. Told him that its legal to do whatever after the cat, and he just went off saying he would arrest me.

09-16-2007, 09:27 PM
edited my atrocious grammer for you guys haha


its not necessary that english be your first language, but it IS necessary that you use proper grammar and punctuation, or atleast ENOUGH grammar and punctuation so that WE UNDERSTAND what the fuck you're trying to say.

i mean, nothing wrong with knowing other languages.. but it helps if we can actually understand you. :-)

09-21-2007, 03:35 PM
just saw on CNN that this cop was actually fired because of his actions in this video

09-21-2007, 04:01 PM
Good to hear

steve shadows
09-21-2007, 04:43 PM
the sad thing is there are a lot of cops who walk around thinking that exact shit and dont actually say it, but do make shit up, no reasonable sus etc.

not all cops, but Im sure its out there

personally I would have shot him in th head just for listening to that

09-21-2007, 05:35 PM
the video is nuts man..makes me wanna put a camera in my car. I've been pulled over a couple times for vehicle code violations that I never got tickets for so they could run a check on me an my bro in Santa Clara

and of course they came back clean

its hella sad that the people who are supposed to protect us are doing this type of stuff

my suggestion is to brush up on the vehicle code, know your rights.....don't be scared of cops they're not absolute experts when it comes to the law,thats what lawyers are for.....