View Full Version : Shoot Em Up

karl wasabi
09-08-2007, 04:35 AM
Yeah...I saw it today. I really don't know what to say. All my friends wanted to see it, and they all thought it was great. I on the other hand thought it was a really stupid movie. I thought this movie was suposed to be semi-serious. Turns out, it is meant to be plain out ridiculous and unrealistic. Yeah, there were some good actors, but I just didn't like the movie. I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.

Anyone else see it? And what did you think?

Unholy S14
09-08-2007, 07:14 AM
doesnt it come out today ????

I fucking cant wait for the movie, clive owen is the man.

09-08-2007, 09:06 AM
If you've seen the red-band trailer, you can tell pretty easily that it's meant to be an unrealistic, over-the-top action flick.

I'll see it and probably enjoy it.

It's not meant to be taken seriously.

Consider the name - 'Shoot 'em Up'.

That's a genre of film!

I think it's meant to be a fun tribute to all stylized action films.

Unholy S14
09-08-2007, 11:36 AM
yea thats what most reviews are saying and they are all good.

09-08-2007, 12:03 PM
I haven't even heard of it.

Unholy S14
09-08-2007, 12:04 PM

haha jk, you tube that shit farzam

09-08-2007, 12:34 PM
I don't think it was meant to be serious. I liked it for what it was, if you really took the movie seriously then you would obviously come out disappointed... or slightly retarded.

*looks around* .... *grabs boobie* :D

you know you are teh shit when you can run around with a baby in a kevlar vest killing over a hundred guys

09-08-2007, 12:38 PM

I like how they used Motley Crue in the trailer :)

Looks pretty decent to me

Unholy S14
09-08-2007, 12:40 PM
yep Kick start my heart baby

09-08-2007, 12:47 PM
Hmm thats the first time I've seen that trailer... But thats what happens when you don't have cable... Anyways, looks like an enjoyable film, but as mentioned it shouldn't be taken seriously

09-08-2007, 12:59 PM
i saw it last night..i thought it was going to be kinda busy on opening night but there were only 10 people in the theatre lol.

i was expecting it to be unrealistic but this pushed it waaaaay over the edge. it was funny as hell though. and imo its worth the money to go see it.

it was cool

09-08-2007, 01:03 PM
Apparently they didn't advertise well at all....

I never heard of it until this thread...that's saying a lot.

09-08-2007, 03:52 PM
looks absolutely stupid.

but with paul giamatti, clive owen AND monica belluci, i have to see it.

karl wasabi
09-08-2007, 07:44 PM
haha. That's funny. No one is on my side? lol. Well yeah. Just like Farzam, I never really saw a trailer for it, and I thought it was going to be a serious movie. And my friends didn't tell me that it was supposed to be a ridiculous movie. Oh well, I guess it was Ok then.

I liked how Smith had all those pet peves though. Like the dude with the blinker cutting off people. That is what I want to do sometimes. =)

09-08-2007, 08:12 PM
If you've seen the red-band trailer, you can tell pretty easily that it's meant to be an unrealistic, over-the-top action flick.

I'll see it and probably enjoy it.

It's not meant to be taken seriously.

Consider the name - 'Shoot 'em Up'.

That's a genre of film!

I think it's meant to be a fun tribute to all stylized action films.

Exactly. The title IS the genre.

It's almost like making a romantic comedy and calling it "Romantic Comedy" lol

09-08-2007, 08:34 PM
I really want to see it. If you've seen any preview of the movie, I dont understand how you thought it was supposed to be serious and not over the top lol

Vision Garage
09-08-2007, 09:55 PM
If its anything like CRANK I probably WONT like it!

09-10-2007, 12:01 AM
so when you saw the trailer you didnt think it looked unrealstic? it was all action, and all crazy shoooting, i mean sliding across a room just by layin on your back and shootin? looks cool i wanna see it. dont take everythign so serious and maybe youll enjoy more things in life

09-10-2007, 10:48 AM
How can a film were Monica Belluci plays a prostitute that specializes in breast milk fetishes be anything but serious?

Unholy S14
09-10-2007, 11:19 AM
nothing like crank

this is actually good

09-10-2007, 11:34 AM
Wolf Mother, AcDc, Motorhead, and I cant remember the last song but it was awesome.

Super killer sound track

Shit was so stupid and I loved it

09-10-2007, 12:36 PM
i thought that mechanical baby was pretty ingenious. hell yea sex in the bedroom while shooting up other hitmen = awesome orgasm ahaha

09-10-2007, 01:25 PM
"Talk about shooting your load"