View Full Version : Good part time jobs to have while in School

09-03-2007, 11:54 PM
So i am going back to college here in two weeks, and i am quitting full time work to be a full time student. anyone have some suggestions on decent part time work to do while going to school that would pay decent and let me choose my hours. something like 20ish hours a week. up to 25tops to start out with. once i get things figured out i can add more work and get more scholarships next semester.

09-04-2007, 12:07 AM
So i am going back to college here in two weeks, and i am quitting full time work to be a full time student. anyone have some suggestions on decent part time work to do while going to school that would pay decent and let me choose my hours. something like 20ish hours a week. up to 25tops to start out with. once i get things figured out i can add more work and get more scholarships next semester.

Valet. Ballin tips, esp on weekends. Not too strenuous on your mind. Drive car, park, done.

09-04-2007, 12:26 AM
delivery. doesn't have to be pizza. and do it for a local company, not a major chain. local places charge more, and rarely have coupons. because of this, people expect to spend more, and tip generously. also, your hourly rate is usually better, and the rules are more relaxed. when i worked at dominos, we had to be clean shaven, we got .65/delivery on top of minimum wage, we had to do other shit besides delivering when in the store and there were no deliveries to be taken, we had a uniform, and tips were shit because people always had coupons and were trying to get the most out of their deal. when i worked at imo's, we could be as dirty as we wanted. no uniforms, $2/delivery, people actually tipped because there were no coupons to be had, only a couple daily specials, and when we weren't delivering, we had cable tv to watch, or we could hunt raccoons in the alley with the store's pellet gun. also, better food, and more free food.

seriously, get a delivery job. it's only embarrassing if you're not in school.

09-04-2007, 12:33 AM
a restruant. ive been bussing tables ever since i turned 16 and havent made less than 12/hr. usually 14-15 even during the week and 17/hr on good nights. i work about 15 hours a week with 200-250 cash in my pocket.

09-04-2007, 12:43 AM
I use to Bus for a Steak House,

made good money, no stress pretty much, just running around cleaning, but cash in the pocket,

Also worked for a pizza place, inside only though, when you work out the money to deliver, you don't make much, cost of gas/repair/wear tear/chance of accident/ etc.

but all were my part time jobs while in school,

Im lucky to work at an engineering firm while I go to school, I make my own hours and shit, but I dont know of anyone else that has a flexible job in a engineering firm/competion field that is ez like that :P

09-04-2007, 01:01 AM
I use to Bus for a Steak House,

made good money, no stress pretty much, just running around cleaning, but cash in the pocket,

Also worked for a pizza place, inside only though, when you work out the money to deliver, you don't make much, cost of gas/repair/wear tear/chance of accident/ etc.

but all were my part time jobs while in school,

Im lucky to work at an engineering firm while I go to school, I make my own hours and shit, but I dont know of anyone else that has a flexible job in a engineering firm/completion field that is ez like that :P

next semester i am looking to get on with an engineering company that has some walk in positions for people in school for engineering, hopefully that works out. not really wanting to do delivery as it is snow and icy here in the winter and i am in need of a winter car, no RBS14 delivery car rocking out on snow all day, that would suck.

09-04-2007, 01:22 AM
Sell <insert illegal substance here>.

That is all.

A Spec Products
09-04-2007, 02:20 AM
I would intern somewhere (paid internship) that is related to your major

So that when you come out of school you have good resume experience

Think long term, cash will come and go

That's what I did, and look where I a.....HEY wait a minute what the hell

Yeah don't listen to me, you end up a washed out looooser selling car parts

09-04-2007, 03:16 AM
^^^^ true that.

That's what a college degree gets you.


Dirty Habit
09-04-2007, 03:45 AM
I worked for the school's dining services. Shitty yes, but I never worked past 5 on a weekend, got to pick my hours, made a good 8.50 an hour and was never hungry.
Plus after being there a year I got promoted to a managers position and did jack shit for the next 3 years.

09-04-2007, 05:43 AM
a restruant. ive been bussing tables ever since i turned 16 and havent made less than 12/hr. usually 14-15 even during the week and 17/hr on good nights. i work about 15 hours a week with 200-250 cash in my pocket.

true. im a busser too. and just imagine what the servers can get

09-04-2007, 07:00 AM
Porn star!!


Seriously valet or delivery is probably the best thing for you because you get tips which equals that you see cash everyday you work. Good luck!

09-04-2007, 08:02 AM
i did retail and if ur good u get alot of commission (if they offer) and bonus from selling certain products. Just from selling old phones u can get up to 200 from just selling that phone and about 20 bucks per phone subscription and stuff. Easy money. i was making 600-1000 every 2 weeks part time :D another one is cell phones because thats were all the money is if u want to sell. U get alot from activations/upgrades and selling services.

09-04-2007, 08:15 AM
im a server working 12 hours per week. tips are goood.

09-04-2007, 08:16 AM
Try to get a job for the school or for an apartment complexes front office. If you work for the school you'll get paid plus you may get tuition discounts. If you work for an apartment complex you can get free or cheap rent. That's what a lot of students at UF do here. Or do what everyone else said, work at a restaurant. You'll probably get a meal a day or whatever they offer which is awesome.

I took the harder road. I work full-time as a software engineer and when I get out of school I'll have a Computer Information Sciences degree. Not only that, but I'll already have almost 7 years of experience. I should be fucking set then.

09-04-2007, 09:00 AM
I made 91 after tip out friday night in 4.5 hours with all my sidework done. Serve if you can handle stress/multi tasking. Doing a catering gig is nice and stress free, Iam shooting to pick that up

09-04-2007, 12:50 PM
Try your local drug store.

Easy, pay is okay, you don't do much usually.

09-04-2007, 01:01 PM
i go to school and drive pizza delivery, i get 8.75 plus tips and 1.75 per delivery (which is usually less than a few miles away). I work about 30 hours a week and end up making around 15 an hour. I dont drive my s chassis though, did that for a little bit and felt too bad so i drive a civic for a daily driver now.

09-04-2007, 01:07 PM
As previously stated, restaurant. But, skip busser and go for server if you can. I've served at a few places and have done quite well. Anything decent averages about a hundred bucks a shift.

Did pretty well at Sears as well. If you're decent at selling, anything commission based is worth checking out.

09-04-2007, 02:06 PM
golf course, pretty chill and you get free golf ( if you play ).

09-04-2007, 03:50 PM
golf course working at the restaurant you can bank, working at yacht clubs, shit like that. Go to where the rich people are and the shit is expensive. Unless you have no experience then have fun working yourself up in the hierarchy

09-04-2007, 05:42 PM
Honestly dude, see if you can get a job at a local hospital.
I make pretty decent money for only working 3 days a week as an Interpreter but its easy for me.

09-04-2007, 05:58 PM
Man i used to work at the local "premier" restaurant in St. Robert, right off post, bussing tables. I made 5.25 an hour, worked 30 hours a week, and i didnt get any share of the tips... that job sucked. Now i work at the commissary on post, work about 20 hours a week bagging groceries and make anywhere from 10-20 dollars an hour in tips. That job is the shit...

try to find a local grocery store that uses baggers who get tips only. Its not too bad around here...

09-04-2007, 09:02 PM
yeah im in a similar situation right now, i just started stocking at a local grocer at night, its like 10 or 11 pm to 4-6 am, and than school right after bu i only have school three days a week, and i get payed like almost 10 an hour, iive only been there like 3 days, ( haha) and like its alright, as soon as i finish my motor imma get a easier job that pays more (i hope)
i mean its busy and time goes by fast. so thats always good.

09-04-2007, 09:29 PM
Ive worked as a busser, server, both sucked ass cuz the restaurant was lame. Good cash if your managers and schedule isn't crazy.

Library. 20hrs max for part time. pay is w/e but its a government job, cant get fired unless you sexually harass someone lol >_<

I work at a shop now and its pretty fun. One of the best jobs ive had. Especially if you like fixing up your car. ^_^

09-04-2007, 11:04 PM
Test video games. Good way to waste your life and never be drug/alcohol tested.

09-05-2007, 06:25 PM
I sold phones when I was in devry for my business degree. Spring, T-Mobile, Cingular, and Verizon was the phones I sold in a span of 3 years.

Became a manager, made 1800 a month, dropped out of college, now back and wished I stayed in school haha.

REGULAR SALES REPS at phone places make decent money to just stand there for 1-2months before you get fired for now selling a single phone. They figure, they hire you wait 2 months to see if you sell anything, then fire you. If they fire your before 2 months then you must of done something bad because they usually wont. They would wait and see if you adapt to selling phones haha....

Ok thats my 2cents.

09-05-2007, 06:49 PM
male prostitute is always an option for you...

09-05-2007, 11:47 PM
work at the college you attend, try and get one where you just sit down and answer phones! so you can study, and work...if you think about it, you'll be getting paid to study, but then again fliprayzin does have a point...

09-06-2007, 10:54 AM
male prostitute is always an option for you...

I may have to take you upon that.

09-06-2007, 12:14 PM
work for something towards your major if you like or work for bestbuy, the pay is alright and its not a hard job. They work with my hours. I get around 23 hours a week

09-06-2007, 02:28 PM
Get a job as a night time security guard at a factory or plant or something. I had classes with a guy who did that and he did all his studying and homework while he was at work. He'd sit at a little desk and study then every hour he'd make his rounds. I think he made like $12/hour.
