View Full Version : Wii is now #1 Worldwide!

08-23-2007, 09:24 AM
Hate all you want, Nintendo brought a perfect product out at the perfect time. Period. The graphics are lacking, but obviously not all consumers only care about graphics, including THIS consumer. There's nothing to debate here, so if you are a Nintendo hater, keep quit.



Vgchartz.com, the most comprehensive Videogame charts in the world has announced that lifetime sales of Nintendo's Wii have passed Microsoft's Xbox 360 on a worldwide basis as of August 23rd. (*)

Two years ago, very few analysts would have predicted the Nintendo Wii would be market leader this generation against the established Playstation and Xbox brands. But analysts can be in error: Vgchartz.com data, which is based on sample data from retailers all over the world indicates that the week ending August 23rd Nintendo's Wii (which was released one year after the Xbox 360 in November 2006), currently standing at 10.57 million consoles sold, passed Xbox 360 lifetime sales of 10.51 million units, making Nintendo the new market leader in both the home and handheld videogame console businesses.

As weekly data from vgchartz.com shows(**), the console outsold Microsoft’s Xbox 360 by a margin of 2.3 : 1 worldwide on average each week since its release, selling at an even faster rate than the most successful console ever created, Sony's Playstation 2, despite still being sold out in most major markets.

This is the first time that a company has been market leader in the home console and the handheld market since 1994 when Nintendo’s Super NES and Gameboy dominated worldwide.

Vgchartz.com is proud to be first to announce this major sales cross over as an independent tracker of sales and expect this to be a milestone for the current generation. In just two years, home console sales for the three major manufacturers have effectively reversed. This will have a large impact on third party publishers and will undoubtedly influence the decisions they make in the future.

One factor that has no doubt helped Nintendo's Wii to gain so quickly is the console's broad appeal across all age groups, demographics and countries. Current sales are pretty evenly split between the three major markets – 3.46 million have been sold in Japan, the American market (including Canada and South America) accounts for 4.24million and Other markets (including Europe and Australia and a few niche markets) for 2.87 million units sold, respectively.


(*)Vgchartz.com tracks consoles sold to consumers and not to retailers and other outlets. While Microsoft’s Xbox 360 lifetime shipments may be slightly higher than the shipments of Nintendo’s Wii, more Wii consoles made it from retailer to consumers than Xbox 360´s, due to the fact that Wii remains in a state of shortage in most regions around the world and units are sold just shortly after they become available to consumers. This furthermore explains why numbers on the front page of VGchartz.com are always a bit lower than the numbers given by the manufacturers themselves: To Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo every console that made it to retailers is “sold”. In reality these consoles may be lying in retailer warehouses and outlets for weeks until they are sold to consumers.

(**)Vgchartz.com projections are based on sampled retailer data from all over the world. Vgchartz.com collects data from a carefully selected group of retailers and determines projected sales figures for entire regions with knowledge of market size, retailer market shares, retailer bias and so forth - the same methods used by larger and more established sales tracking firms. To learn more about VGchartz´ methodology of tracking sales data, contact us ([email protected]) or visit our website to find out more.

08-23-2007, 09:32 AM
I would have never guess that Wii would have done so well compared to 360 and PS3 when it was first announced. I associated Nintendo with "kiddie" games for the most part

But having used all 3 systems, I'm not surprised. Nintendo really got it right.

08-23-2007, 09:53 AM
i never would have thought that the wii would sell this well when i was waiting in line to get one at 3 am at south coast plaza best buy, cause thhe same night, people were fighting each other for ps3 and in fresno some dude shot a guy at a store for a ps3.

Andrew @ 240sxMotoring
08-23-2007, 10:15 AM
Yeah, it's amazing. It just took a bit of legwork to get my Wii on release day but a few weeks later, they were impossible to find!

08-23-2007, 10:18 AM
Wii's are still selling out at most stores worldwide. That's just crazy.

I made $100 on this too. My uncle and I made a bet about when it would happen (not IF). I said it would happen by the end of Sept worldwide. I had a few weeks to spare even. ;)

08-23-2007, 10:23 AM
I bought a few on launch day


I sold them almost right away for minimal profit, mostly to friends that couldn't find one themselves. Then a week later, ebay prices were crazy! Had I known that they would be impossible to find for months, I could have banked

08-23-2007, 10:25 AM
Wii blows, I hate it. I can't get used to the controls.

08-23-2007, 10:45 AM
Wii blows, I hate it. I can't get used to the controls.

That's not the Wii's fault. :keke: Sounds like YOU blow. At least so I've heard. :keke:

08-23-2007, 11:13 AM
Still a gimmicky console.

But cool it's selling.

08-23-2007, 11:18 AM
Still a gimmicky console.

But cool it's selling.

I'm blown away that a year later, Nintendo breaking records and people still saying the Wii is a gimmick. Unique and and industry changing are far betters ways to describe it. Wii's biggest problem right now is that 90% of the games that have came out SUCK. I'll admit that any day. Luckily they have a whole slew of great games on the horizon that will appeal to a broad audience AND most importantly the hardcore gamer (like myself). That's really what the console is lacking more then anything.

08-23-2007, 11:39 AM
The Wii sports boxing is pretty cool, i wish they'd come out with a fight night style came or something, remake Mike Tyson's punch out maybe... I don't know, I guess i never was a big time Nintendo fan.

08-23-2007, 11:48 AM
the really cool thing about the wii is that you can play any game that nintendo has ever made! that shit to me is pretty sick. its like nintendo, supernintendo, nintendo 64, and the game cube smashed into one... ( i just like saying the word nintendo)

08-23-2007, 12:07 PM
I'm not a big gamer, but the Wii is fun.

The fact that it's #1 is not suprising. The motion sensitive controls are a novelty people want to try, it's cheapest of the three options, and (I think) has the most units manufactured to date as well. Also, a lot of people got turned off to buying a new Xbox I think with that batch of them crapping out... I know a couple people who went and bought a Wii instead. haha

My only complaints about the Wii are:

1) Nintendo went a little overboard on the "kiddie factor" Everything feels to cartoony ... at least it just feels that way to me. That will probably lessen once some better and more older kid/adult oriented and better games come out.
2) The controler needs some fine tuning. The other day I was playing boxing with a friend, and we tried experimenting... a couple times it would throw punches with almost NO movement. Other times you could flick your wrist, move your whole upper arm, and nothing would happen. Also, (this applies only to boxing) where your punches end up being aimed seems to be random most of the time.

I'm sure later games will work those bugs out. lol

08-23-2007, 12:13 PM
I'm not a big gamer, but the Wii is fun.

The fact that it's #1 is not suprising. The motion sensitive controls are a novelty people want to try, it's cheapest of the three options, and (I think) has the most units manufactured to date as well.

Also, a lot of people got turned off to buying a new Xbox I think with that batch of them crapping out... I know a couple people who went and bought a Wii instead. haha

Well the biggest factor here is Japan. 360 has only sold 0.43M, where the Wii has sold 3.46M. If not for selling SO well here (360 6.75M vs Wii's 4.24M), the 360 would be a flop.

08-23-2007, 12:17 PM
^^^ That's likely true.

I edited my post since you quoted me, but I have to say a system with only two minor bugs/complaints about it would definitely be hard to beat in my books.

08-23-2007, 12:28 PM
My only complaints about the Wii are:

1) Nintendo went a little overboard on the "kiddie factor" Everything feels to cartoony ... at least it just feels that way to me. That will probably lessen once some better and more older kid/adult oriented and better games come out.
2) The controler needs some fine tuning. The other day I was playing boxing with a friend, and we tried experimenting... a couple times it would throw punches with almost NO movement. Other times you could flick your wrist, move your whole upper arm, and nothing would happen. Also, (this applies only to boxing) where your punches end up being aimed seems to be random most of the time.

I'm sure later games will work those bugs out. lol

I agree with both of those issue's. The first one is the third party support more then anything. Nintendo has been really the onlu one to bring any hardcore games to the system. They are the only ones also that are just not porting shitty games over from other systems.

You second point is rather valid and I think that will be address more as developers (Nintendo included) get more used to the hardware.

I think in another 6 months, we're going to see a far different Wii then we do today.

One where we are going to see developers FINALLY using the Wii's hardware to it's fullest and we'll start seeing some really great looking games. For the last year they've pretty much JUT been trying to get used to the unique control.

Also, where the control is going to get more tweaked and polished. Tighter response and better uses for the controller.

That's my prediction. I've been right on almost EVERY SINGLE prediction this gen.

08-23-2007, 12:39 PM
Wii is awesome, I'm a Nintendo fan for life. The first memory I have as a little kid is playing the first Mario Bros game, so I guess it's only right that I be that big of a fan.

Miyamoto is my idol. I even bought the Penny Arcade shirt with his face on it. :keke:

Edit: There's also a decent mod scene developing. Already people are using wiimotes on their computers. I'm actually writing a DirectX game right now that uses the Wiimote as the controller.

08-23-2007, 12:56 PM
I love my wii. Go nintendo!!!!

08-23-2007, 01:41 PM
Doesn't surprise me at all. After seeing how hard it was for me to find a Wii in the first few months, I already guessed that it would surpass M$. I see them rather often, but I can't justify buying a Wii right now because I'm already busy enough as it is and my XBOX360 is satisfying enough for now (Forza 2 :D). I'm never gonna get a PS3 though, hahahhahaha.

08-23-2007, 01:53 PM
I'm blown away... Wii's biggest problem right now is that 90% of the games that have came out SUCK.

Sure, industry changing. It made Sony put Six Axis in which I hear sucks and no one ever uses for real game play. I've played Wii, it was cool for about an hour, I love the concept, but the execution is POOR. The games are abysmal. Metroid Prime is this huge deal, but from watching videos of it I'm bored to tears.

It's like a mini-PS3.

Great console.

Crap games.

All the Wii/PS3 owners talk about "Great games coming out soon".

Hate to sound like a fanboy, because I'm not, I eagerly await the day I can buy a PS3 or Wii and be happy with it. But the 360 is a crappy console with a slew of really, really great games and the best multiplayer system available anywhere. I don't care what system sells the most, I don't play a SYSTEM I play GAMES.

The Wii would be a driving force if it's hardware wasn't so ancient. Developers want to make a step forward in design, and they can't do that with Wii. PS3 is just a flop, so they develop for the 360.

I still might buy one to play Zelda though. But it'd probably be easier to just get a gamecube.

08-23-2007, 02:13 PM
The Wii would be a driving force if it's hardware wasn't so ancient. Developers want to make a step forward in design, and they can't do that with Wii. PS3 is just a flop, so they develop for the 360.

Correction, developers want to keep development costs down while still making a profitable game. The Wii's development cost are said to be a quarter to half as much as development costs for the 360 and PS3. This directly translates to more games coming down the pipe. Developers are happy using slightly less beefy graphics and focusing on pushing the envelope in the realm of innovation with the wiimote's array of input possibilities. THAT is the step forward in design you speak of, not graphics. The people that care about crazy graphics should buy a 360, PS3, or a PC. Nintendo isn't catering to that crowd, hence why those people generally stay away.

I still might buy one to play Zelda though. But it'd probably be easier to just get a gamecube.

Amazing game, but definitely better on the Wii. I played it over again recently on my brothers Gamecube and it just wasn't the same. You just can't beat actually swinging the sword and aiming the bow. But don't take my word for it, this is coming from a guy with a Zelda tattoo. :keke:

08-23-2007, 02:37 PM
Sure, industry changing. It made Sony put Six Axis in which I hear sucks and no one ever uses for real game play. I've played Wii, it was cool for about an hour, I love the concept, but the execution is POOR. The games are abysmal. Metroid Prime is this huge deal, but from watching videos of it I'm bored to tears.

It's like a mini-PS3.

Great console.

Crap games.

All the Wii/PS3 owners talk about "Great games coming out soon".

Hate to sound like a fanboy, because I'm not, I eagerly await the day I can buy a PS3 or Wii and be happy with it. But the 360 is a crappy console with a slew of really, really great games and the best multiplayer system available anywhere. I don't care what system sells the most, I don't play a SYSTEM I play GAMES.

The Wii would be a driving force if it's hardware wasn't so ancient. Developers want to make a step forward in design, and they can't do that with Wii. PS3 is just a flop, so they develop for the 360.

I still might buy one to play Zelda though. But it'd probably be easier to just get a gamecube.

Well like I said in my previous post, the Wii int eh next 6 months is going to be a different system then it has been.

There are few very valid reasons that are FACTS.

The first is that third parties are afraid of Nintendo. There's been this notion in the industry that only first party games sell well on their consoles. So they feel they're biggest competitor is Nintendo. Which is true. However Nintendo is really trying to encourage third parties with the Wii and courting them pretty well to boot.

The second thing is that when they announced the Wii everyone had a "wait and see" attitude. All the big names, Capcom, Konomi, etc had this mindset. well, they waited, and they seen, and now they are ALL beating Nintendo's door down to hope on board.

It's gonna change. Like I said I've predicted almost to a T what has happened this far, and I'm very confident in my predictions going forward.

On the Metriod not, if you haven't been a fan of the series before, this one may or may not draw you in. But even without playing the game yet, if I had to choose to play either Zelda or MP3, I'd pick MP3. As big of a fanboy as I am, I was disappointed in Zelda.

08-23-2007, 04:05 PM
The people that care about crazy graphics should buy a 360, PS3, or a PC. Nintendo isn't catering to that crowd, hence why those people generally stay away.

Woah woah woah, don't get it twisted. There's one reason, and one reason ONLY I buy a console.


360 has them.

It also has super cool hardware that puts out great HD picture, that's a bonus. But on the real, GAMES is #1 and only reason to buy a console.

Hell I play XBL Arcade games almost as much as I do the graphic heavy blockbuster games.

Wii has a couple titles I'm interested in, and the price is okay, once they're not sold out around here I'll consider one.

And on the coming down the pipe stuff, that is not fact. That is speculation.

There is no fact until games/hardware/whatever hit the shelves.

Just look at the crappy reviews all the PS3 blockbusters are getting, those were the games that were supposed to make the PS3 a legitimate choice for gamers, and they're flopping.

08-23-2007, 04:22 PM
Wii is awesome so far. Waiting for Mario Galaxy in October (paper mario was a letdown), Need for Speed was pretty dope once you got used to the steering controls. Madden '08 is easy to pick up and fun, but just not the same as PS, which makes me want to pick up a PS3, Just can't force myself to pay the $800 after taxes, controllers, game, blah,blah out the door stuff. I'm addicted to making mii's for one reason or another. I need to get online at home so's I can get the old skool games :) Cooking Mama is pretty fun too. My GF plays more games on it than I do. Again pushing for the PS3 since I ripped apart my PS2 (trying to fix it, and make myself buy a PS3, doh) But yeah FUN factor out the wazoo, what a videogame console should be.
hooray for Wii.

08-23-2007, 04:40 PM
I would have never guessed that the wii would be number one, i'm also very surprised the interest in the playstation brand fell straight through

08-23-2007, 05:34 PM
well I went out and got a wii the day it came out (woke up at 9 and went to costco and got one when they opened at 10) but thus far I have loved it, the old school games plus full compatibility with all of my gamecube games along with the virtual console. but I have to say I have been a nintendo fan for a long time, I have owned every system minus the portable ones (but I absolutely love my ds!) I am a huge fan of their own titles (mainly metroid and zelda) these games have always been well thought out and never been a let down with tons of hours of play along with a great inovation to each new addition. I would love to get a 360 just for online first person shooters and some of the racing games, but I am glad to see that it is number 1.

08-23-2007, 05:38 PM
Interesting read. Go Nintendo go!
One day maybe I'll start playing video games again... maybe.

08-23-2007, 05:40 PM
i dont like reading;ls buut bumpe for a good time...happy times!!!

08-23-2007, 05:49 PM
the wii is really just a toy. it's not a nextgen console. it's a gamecube with funny controls.

why is it selling so well? because it's cheap and different. it's got the perfect price point, especially when you look at the obscene pricetags on the (real) 360 and the ps3. it's also a shitload of simple fun. it appeals to people who aren't gamers (think about apple appealing to people who aren't familiar with computers).

it's not really on the same level as the 360 or ps3. that said, i have one. it's fun. it's also modded, so the games are free.

08-23-2007, 06:17 PM
I have both Wii and PS3. I see the Wii as something for my wife...shes the one who plays it more than I do. I play the Wii to pass time till better games start dropping for the PS3. Heaven's Sword so far looks awesome.

The most Ive done with the Wii is downloaded Punch Out and played that...The Wii is fun, but it annoys me more than anything. The pointy control thing sucks in my opinion. Like somebody already stated, thing got a mind of its own.

08-23-2007, 06:40 PM
xbox still has more in the US..

but congrats worldwide.

08-23-2007, 07:25 PM
weird i just walked into walmart and bought mine like a week or two after it came out. they said they just restocked like an hour before with only 2 left. now ever sinse they have been sold out. or maybe i just go look at the wrong times.

i guess i got lucky

08-23-2007, 07:36 PM
Nintendo marketed the Wii to kids. That's why all the games seem cartoony. In a world where Microsoft and Sony are competing to make their consoles the best in graphics so that you can see more blood splatter and gore, Wii came out with the intention of marketing to PARENTS. Parents are intimidated as hell when they have to go buy their kids video games, and they're wary of all the violent or super-complex games that they're not sure they want their kids playing. But with the Wii, it's fun, it's simple, it's not as expensive as the other consoles, they have better games for kids- of course it's gonna sell better. Kids outnumber adults, which leads to more sales for all the kids that want a system their parents will allow them to have.

Although, for the record, my daughter has all three systems, and she plays the 360 the most.

08-23-2007, 08:27 PM
I just bought a Wii a few days ago. I must say that I'm not a big gamer at all but this thing is fun. I've been looking into games and the choices out there kinda suck. There are a ton of games planned for this year though:


although that list includes many of the classic games as well.

08-23-2007, 11:22 PM
i love the wii. when i didnt pay my cable bill they turned off my internet. i couldnt get on my computers but my wii actually hacked into it and i was able to get on the wii. and just for shits and giggles. my older brother who manages the Rzone of our toys r us picked up one on launch day..hes about 5 10 250lbs of muscle plus a big kid attitude and a cheap tv. about a week into it this happens.


what can i say, he gets into it..

08-24-2007, 12:20 AM
i love the wii. when i didnt pay my cable bill they turned off my internet. i couldnt get on my computers but my wii actually hacked into it and i was able to get on the wii. and just for shits and giggles. my older brother who manages the Rzone of our toys r us picked up one on launch day..hes about 5 10 250lbs of muscle plus a big kid attitude and a cheap tv. about a week into it this happens.


what can i say, he gets into it..

hey, i don't know if you're aware, but you're posting on the internet. we've seen that picture before.

by the way so i went to my kitchen a minute ago and my cat was in my fridge, eating my foods.


that's my cat lulz

08-24-2007, 01:06 AM
dude. i think there was only 2 people who had permission to use it. hell didnt think it was that popular. give me a break, damn. haha what you dont think thats my pic? that tv is sitting about 16" from me. so where did you see it?

08-24-2007, 01:20 AM
is that seriously yours? cmon, write "zilvia" on a piece of paper and take a pic of it with the chunk'd tv in the background. i think i saw that pic on gizmodo, but... it could have been anywhere, i get all my "news" from digg

08-24-2007, 08:43 AM
it appeals to people who aren't gamers (think about apple appealing to people who aren't familiar with computers).

That's a bad assumption. I'm the most hardcore gamer I know and I love it. I play it equally as much as I do my 360. If I had to choose one or the other, I'd pick the Wii.

08-24-2007, 09:15 AM
is that seriously yours? cmon, write "zilvia" on a piece of paper and take a pic of it with the chunk'd tv in the background. i think i saw that pic on gizmodo, but... it could have been anywhere, i get all my "news" from digg

hahaha yes..thats our pic. i was going to do that when i got home from work i just dont have time right now. haha :bigok:

alright this ones for you busted.

08-24-2007, 09:24 AM
My fiance's gay ass spoiled brother got one of these as a late christmas present last year cuz they couldn't find any on christmas.. he was being such a bitch that he didn't get it on christmas... then once he got it he played wii sports like 5 times then got zelda and only got like half way through. after that he gave up on wii and sat back on the comp playing W.O.W. 24/7. I'm gonna steal his wii and sell it on here soon. :)