View Full Version : No one on the forum...Kinda boring

08-21-2007, 11:16 PM
so as im sitting here i realize that there's not that much activity on the forum...and its getting boring...so i made this thread for the nights where there's only a handfull of people...so rant away

Lets see....Well i broke my controll arm (or upper a-arm) on my nissan hardbody...kinda sucks...So here's some pictures of it, broken control arm...and it sitting on a wrecker:confused:

http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/th_100_2853.jpg (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/100_2853.jpg)
This is right before I broke it...took this shot to try to sell the wheels
http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/th_100_2856.jpg (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/100_2856.jpg)
Look at the front wheel...EE!! that hurt when i seen this
http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/th_100_2858-1.jpg (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/100_2858-1.jpg)
There it is....split in half
http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/th_100_2857.jpg (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/100_2857.jpg)
Decided to get out and take a shot of the back...why not? I was bored waitin on the wrecker
http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/th_100_2860.jpg (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/100_2860.jpg)
It was 110 degrees and it took the wrecker 45 minutes to get there...so i started to think bout my controll arm again...then i got more mad....Can you tell?
http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/th_100_2863.jpg (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s240/Not_Nissan/100_2863.jpg)
Finally....it made it just fine and is put away untill i buy my new control arm (which will be today)

Thats my story that i have for today...if you have anything to just rant about, then shoot

08-21-2007, 11:30 PM
This is what we need....

There's someone that works here who i would love to shoot his kneecaps off... Everyday he goes to my lead and tells him that i'm screwing off on the internet and not doing work... that dude is a lead too, but he's not anything to me, he has his own team. he walks around looking to see who he can tell on. He's caused me so much drama at this job, to the point where I've had to fight to keep my job on 3 different occasions.

I want to shoot him in the face. I'm tired of him, and the first time I see something that I can snitch about to get him fired, you betta believe I'm gonna do it.

That's my rant.

08-21-2007, 11:35 PM
This is what we need....

There's someone that works here who i would love to shoot his kneecaps off... Everyday he goes to my lead and tells him that i'm screwing off on the internet and not doing work... that dude is a lead too, but he's not anything to me, he has his own team. he walks around looking to see who he can tell on. He's caused me so much drama at this job, to the point where I've had to fight to keep my job on 3 different occasions.

I want to shoot him in the face. I'm tired of him, and the first time I see something that I can snitch about to get him fired, you betta believe I'm gonna do it.

That's my rant.

i brought my lap-top with me for lunch breaks (to check zilvia and a couple of my cars for sale adds)....then they got mad at me for using my phone...so finally i just said screw it...So it was a nuetral firing/quiting as i would call it...lol...They got mad at me when i did that on MY 30 minute UNPAID lunch break....but its whatever....they're getting ready to lay off for the season

08-21-2007, 11:51 PM
The fucked up thing is that no one else trips. My lead trips a little, but only when I have like, myspace or video stuff up. If I'm on Zilvia he doesn't trip just because he knows I'm building up my car right now and I have to look for stuff online. My work is good, my shit is always done (or near done) by the end of the night. I just get mad that everyone has to be in my business.

08-21-2007, 11:57 PM
ah...yes...i had someone ask me why me and my g/f break up....i told them thats my personal life and has nothing relevant to do with us working...so 5 days later she comes up to me....I know why you and your girlfriend broke up...I was like "really now?"...then she told me...and i was like.."okay...99.9% are people's reason's of why we broke up...no one truly knows why we broke up...so im glad sum1 here has enough free time to get into my personal life...so dont repeat anything unless you know it's true...and btw: what you said wasnt true...so dont spread rumors".....

I know i was coming off mean...but c'mon....I go to work to make money for my projects....not to go around tryin to figure out people's personal lifes....yes having friends at work are nice and makes it go by faster...but dont butt into my personal life

08-22-2007, 12:16 AM
i was off today, and spent the whole day napping and seeing harry potter at the imax. i haven't worked on my 240 in months, and have no running car. i need some ritalin or something.

08-22-2007, 12:22 AM
i was off today, and spent the whole day napping and seeing harry potter at the imax. i haven't worked on my 240 in months, and have no running car. i need some ritalin or something.

since we're just ranting....then i have a question...Im looking for mainly resale purposes....buti can trade my white 280zx (worth about 1200$) for a 1997 Hyandai Tiburon...Yes i know thats a sucky car...but i need some extra cash and am looking mainly to resale....the market for a car like that is a little above the market for my 280zx...Although i dont want to do it, i think i could sell it and buy either parts for my 240....or just buy a S14

08-22-2007, 12:22 AM
I'm sitting here watching a spainish (like the country Spain) movie about a group of people who go to a corporate office for an interview and then they get locked in and slowly have to eliminate each other through tests and trials. It's pretty cool. Looking at the subtitle sucks but hey I love foreign films. They make ours look like crap.

Its still hot. Still making love to my a/c.

DRaven I think your a rebel and that's cool in my book. Go kick that lead in the balls and tell him that if he says anything you'll tell your boss that he sexually harassed you.

08-22-2007, 12:52 AM
im gunna rant a bit
my school goes on a session system..each session is 2 months. so i get my loan checks from school every 2 months.

well last session(may/june) i took an incomplete grade in my class so i could finish up some missed projects, when the new session started up(july/august) i turned in my work, and waited for the teacher to grade them so i could receive my loan check.
it is now almost the end of this session, and i haven't gotten my check. i e-mailed my teacher about 6 times. 3 weeks later, he finally contacted me, saying i hadn't turned in enough work. so he is giving me till the end of this week to get the remaining work turned in.

i have gone all of last month, and this month with ZERO money. i get little bits of cash here and there from my parents, or recycling soda cans.

stupid prick teacher

08-22-2007, 12:54 AM
yea...things tend to happen at the worst time

08-22-2007, 06:14 AM
I just spent 14 hrs of day today processing the mobility line for a stupid base exercise. Its amazing how many people dont know how to do their fucking jobs.

08-22-2007, 06:19 AM
this thread rocks....

I work at 3am mon-fri... nuff said!!!

Dirty Habit
08-22-2007, 08:17 AM
Its raining on my only day off for the next two weeks. Sweet.

I really shouldnt bitch, all it ever does in Ohio is rain/snow/suckass 10months out of the year.

08-22-2007, 10:09 AM
Its raining on my only day off for the next two weeks. Sweet.

I really shouldnt bitch, all it ever does in Ohio is rain/snow/suckass 10months out of the year.

dude my part of kentucky hasnt seen rain in almost 2 months...well wait...(it did kinda sprinkle for about 5 minutes one day)....its 106 degrees w/ a 115 degree heat index...id rather it rain than be like this...the farmers corn is wasted, the grass is like a brownish color...(i have mowed once this YEAR)...and idk about you...but 115 degree heat index isnt worth going outside

08-22-2007, 02:44 PM
Embrace the joy in life.

08-22-2007, 03:22 PM
lol my rant

i have two fucken test this week... monday and thursday ...fucken both finals and all deals with Physics... not my favorite topic......but yea... i found out that my rack and pinion is fucked up this morning before i left for school ... that kinda killed my day since its a bitch to change... hmmm... lets see what else is there... o yea didnt have hot water today since my dad didnt not pay for the gas bill cuz he was out of town for awhile... but yea

lol... more later!!!!!

Dirty Habit
08-22-2007, 05:13 PM
This power window swap is driving me fucking nuts.

Well, mainly the wiring, the fucker who got it for me must have went at it with a fucking lawnmower...simply fucking ridiculous.

08-22-2007, 05:53 PM
im tired of people who know im not working cause its hard finding work since my car accident, adn they know i dont have a job yet, and i just payed for school and need to buy books and shit, and they ask when you gona finish your car and get it back runnin? and all i can say is when someone buys my turbo and my wastegate or i get a job.

08-22-2007, 06:08 PM
learned that the love of my life prefers girls...

school starts tomorrow... and ive got 4 periods with this bitch that is completely infatuated with me

w/e im young

08-22-2007, 07:52 PM
I'm supposed to be getting a job offer from Activision. I hope that follows through soon or I get a promotion here, because this shit is so freaken wack I can't stand it anymore.

On the upside, at least I can come to work stoned and no one cares. Yay me.

08-22-2007, 08:57 PM
I might as well rant.

I AM FUCKING BROKE! My car looks like shit, im stuggling to pay for gas, i need new rear tires, an alignment, my clutch is slipping after only 8,000 miles, im single, ive been so stressed out lately i havent been eating well or drinking enough water so ive been losing a shit ton of weight (which is ok i suppose, but its not a healthy weight loss) i cant save money worth shit, my car is falling apart (mentioned it but it still pisses me off) its hot and humid, school sucks, america is full of fucking retards, the world is full of fucking retards, no one understands my unique perspective on life, i have these bug bites on my arms that look like track marks from shooting up heroin, ive decided to quit smoking because i cant run a quarter mile without being winded, and i have a headache... Damnit damnit damnit!!!!

But I'm alive and kickin... so its not that bad.

08-22-2007, 09:16 PM
I might as well rant.

I AM FUCKING BROKE! My car looks like shit, im stuggling to pay for gas, i need new rear tires, an alignment, my clutch is slipping after only 8,000 miles, im single, ive been so stressed out lately i havent been eating well or drinking enough water so ive been losing a shit ton of weight (which is ok i suppose, but its not a healthy weight loss) i cant save money worth shit, my car is falling apart (mentioned it but it still pisses me off) its hot and humid, school sucks, america is full of fucking retards, the world is full of fucking retards, no one understands my unique perspective on life, i have these bug bites on my arms that look like track marks from shooting up heroin, ive decided to quit smoking because i cant run a quarter mile without being winded, and i have a headache... Damnit damnit damnit!!!!

But I'm alive and kickin... so its not that bad.

Hey, but you have an unlimited slip diff. That in itself should be an accomplishment, you got that hot shit off streets....

I feel you on all that- imagine feeling all that way, but having a job that sucks that really doesn't pay shit, so you feel like you don't have money anyway.

C. Senor
08-22-2007, 09:33 PM
i'm going to rant about being bored.......other than that life is good.....that's my rant: life is good.

08-22-2007, 09:41 PM
Im still going to school to be a mechanic, so im working at the commissary on post. Its about 12 bucks an hour cash (tips lol) but thats the problem... its cash, and 1's. So all in all i make about 1000 bucks a month on average just to support my needs, but its all blown by the time i want something nice.

I need to find a better paying job. Maybe in a few months... Ill apply at Autozone or something. Good experience good pay discount on parts. Hells to the yeah.

08-22-2007, 09:52 PM
Here's something to rant about:

Do you know when you're looking for a job, potential employers now search for your profile in MYSPACE?!?!?! They do it to get an idea of what type of person you are.

I used to work at an ambulance company and the management keeps a log about anything and everything work. My homeboy that still works there got promoted and was introduced to the logs they keep. He looked me up and found a bunch of entries about what my manager would see in my MYSPACE! The former manager was bitching about how he saw that I still had their company listed as my current employer months after I left there (got fired). Nosey assholes!

nothing is private anymore...:ugh:

08-22-2007, 09:54 PM
If you post it, they will read...

In other words, make your myspace like mine. Completely BS, so much so your potential employer would HAVE to actually sit down and talk to you.

08-22-2007, 09:54 PM
That's why my profile is set to private.

08-22-2007, 10:06 PM
Or you could do that... idk. Mine isnt because there are alot of people that dont like me, because everyone else likes me. Mostly the nerds who wont lose their virginity until they're 30, and the occasional person I piss off due to my stance on religion, politics, and/or social heppenings. They can message me all they want. I love fucking with those people.

08-22-2007, 10:44 PM
so i loaded up my jump drive this morning in hopes of getting some movie viewing done at work. in an 8 hour work day there should be time to squeeze in two movies, right? so i get there and it's so goddamn busy, i only get to watch Live Free or Die Hard. didn't even get to touch Sunshine. i'm pissed.

08-22-2007, 10:48 PM
so my friend/roommate didn't come in to work today, and now i'm stuck here without anyone from the real world to talk to.

I hate this place.

08-22-2007, 10:56 PM
that's always fun. i love it when the people who sit in my little cubeland are off and i'm not, and i get to kill 8 hours without talking to people other than on business calls.

08-22-2007, 11:06 PM
yea but we usually talk shit about everyone around us, this is what they think of us at work.....

08-22-2007, 11:33 PM
so my friend/roommate didn't come in to work today, and now i'm stuck here without anyone from the real world to talk to.

I hate this place.

WHOA WHOA WHOA the grass is still green and the sun STILL shines.:bigok:

C. Senor
08-22-2007, 11:43 PM
^lol fuckin luis. that's why i have sun glasses!

08-22-2007, 11:54 PM
i wonder if DRavens13 is hot?

Just curious.

In other news. I didn't get to go to hollywood video tonight to get movies. I don't get regular channels so I watch dvds all day. Or at least when I get the chance. Now that I have this labtop it does help kill time prior to sleep.

08-23-2007, 12:04 AM
I had to go buy av cables for my dvd player since my brother stole mine before he moved out. But thankfully I can go back to watching retarded movies when i get home. yay me.

azndoc- please stop e-humping me, LOL.

08-23-2007, 12:10 AM
rant: why isn't sansai open 24 hours, i don't want JITB or stupid Del Taco >: (

08-23-2007, 12:15 AM
azndoc- please stop e-humping me, LOL.

Like I said just curious.

Damn don't get all defensive about it.


08-23-2007, 12:48 AM
Curiosity kills. :bigok:

j/k all in good fun.

08-23-2007, 12:51 AM
Curiosity kills. :bigok:

j/k all in good fun.

It's okay I have my answer already.

08-23-2007, 12:54 AM
What did you do- comb Zilvia to find my picture???

08-23-2007, 12:55 AM

Not that bored.

C. Senor
08-23-2007, 01:06 AM
Lol .

08-23-2007, 01:26 AM
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

C. Senor
08-23-2007, 01:30 AM
approximately a 2x4 that is exactly 16 inches long.

08-23-2007, 01:48 AM
Wow, how do you know that? Authority on solving tongue twister questions...

08-23-2007, 01:53 AM
I'm bored.

Thank goodness there's youtube.

08-23-2007, 01:56 AM
I'm bored, and I'm testing Pictionary. I tell you, who's really gonna wanna play this game?

C. Senor
08-23-2007, 01:59 AM
Wow, how do you know that? Authority on solving tongue twister questions...

yeah, i can pretty much solve any tongue twister. LOL

I'm bored, and I'm testing Pictionary. I tell you, who's really gonna wanna play this game?

i play that game so dont make fun of me.

anyways...have a nice night.....sleepy time for me.

08-23-2007, 02:05 AM
I highly doubt you play it on your phone. If you do, then you are GHEY. This game is dried donkey crap on a splintered stick.

08-23-2007, 02:07 AM
I'm sure your company will love your great love of your product.

08-23-2007, 02:13 AM
This company can suck an AIDS infested donkey d***.

08-23-2007, 02:23 AM
I think you have a lot of built up anger.

Do you feel the need or want to go postal on your co-workers?

08-23-2007, 02:26 AM
Only one of them.. I want to shoot his kneecaps out.

08-23-2007, 02:30 AM
Only one of them.. I want to shoot his kneecaps out.

I think you should seek help or take comfort in finishing your car.

08-23-2007, 02:39 AM
If I say all that stuff, it's just cuz i've been here way too long and I'm tired as hell. The job isn't really bad, it's actually kinda fun when you're not playing retarded ass games. The problem is the people- this is the bottom scrapings of the rejects of human society. I can't stand these ppl. a friend of mine got fired today for no reason just because one of the dudes on his team went and told the manager that he was in the game room playing street fighter during worktime.

08-23-2007, 02:46 AM
Damn sounds like you in a pretty competitive workplace where people are willing to climb up the ladder at all cost. Even if that means losing their moral values. Its all just politics. Everywhere you go its there.

Sucks because I hate ass kissing and I hate ass kissers. Those are the people that can't do their jobs correctly and the only way to get promoted is to bust out the knee pads and start brown nosing.

Dirty Habit
08-23-2007, 03:38 AM
The job isn't really bad, it's actually kinda fun when you're not playing retarded ass games. The problem is the people- this is the bottom scrapings of the rejects of human society.

Whaaa? You play video games for a living!! I think anyone here would want your job. Shit. I worked at a prison for 3 years. Now I'm working with contractors getting them supplies to build houses. 99% of the time, they dont speak english, or never came close to finishing high school.

Trust me, your job is awesome.

08-23-2007, 09:36 AM
well here i am....haha

08-23-2007, 07:25 PM
The job itself is cool, I really don't mind it. I mean, it's a dream job- playing video games everyday for 8 hours. But due to the nature of the business, there's gonna be a lot of competition, and a lot of politics. Personally, I don't give a f*** about all that, I'm just here to work and I don't particularly care about moving up. I just hate that I have to get dragged into silly high school competitiveness with a bunch of people that lived their entire lives in the basement playing RPGs, and then have a skewed outlook on life because you can't manipulate people the way you do in a video game. They are socially retarded people.

08-23-2007, 07:33 PM

Your saying that people who hide in their house, in their room, and eyes locked onto the computer/tv screen are not people friendly.

Wow.... I don't know if I believe that.


08-23-2007, 07:38 PM
Well, even if you didn't really believe it, you would after being here for a day. I knew ppl that didn't show up to work one day because they were all lined up to get that expansion pack thing for World of Warcraft. I swear I didn't know what that was until I started working here. Now I never stop hearing about it.

08-23-2007, 08:17 PM
Well, even if you didn't really believe it, you would after being here for a day. I knew ppl that didn't show up to work one day because they were all lined up to get that expansion pack thing for World of Warcraft. I swear I didn't know what that was until I started working here. Now I never stop hearing about it.

I honestly think your job would suck...Im not one that can just sit down and ply a video game for 8 hours....Yea, im sure its fun...but as every job, it'd get old...fast...But I wouldn't mind just testing it out for a week....

08-23-2007, 09:22 PM
So you got a position opened?
I think it'll be fun for a 2nd job.

that and I can bullshit all these people all day long.

that and I just watched Grandma's boy. again.

08-23-2007, 09:29 PM
Well, even if you didn't really believe it, you would after being here for a day. I knew ppl that didn't show up to work one day because they were all lined up to get that expansion pack thing for World of Warcraft. I swear I didn't know what that was until I started working here. Now I never stop hearing about it.
I would have to kill myself...

Very slowly...

Maybe by a camel...

Or my crazy estranged wife...

08-23-2007, 09:36 PM
I would have to kill myself...

Very slowly...

Maybe by a camel...

Or my crazy estranged wife...

that shouldnt be funny...but i chuckled

08-23-2007, 09:44 PM
Playing Pictionary everyday for 6 months will make you want to hang yourself, believe me. If you're serious about the job, email [email protected] (L.A. area) and send your resume. They have 2 different shifts. I'm on the night shift, and as annoying as it is, I'd still rather be here than on the day shift. The drama there is 502947509875098509485 times what it is at night.

08-23-2007, 09:45 PM
So what kind of qualifications do you need in order to get a job there?

08-23-2007, 09:47 PM
Not much really, you can kinda bullshit your resume and make it seem like you have experience in computers and have interest in making it in the gaming world. Most of the people that work here are younger than me, and for a lot of them it's their first job. As long as they see you're enthusiastic about the job, then there shouldn't be a problem. They are hiring too- they fired a gang of people recently.

08-23-2007, 09:51 PM
Where is it at?

In LA wise?

08-23-2007, 09:55 PM
Where is it at?

In LA wise?

must be nice to say that

08-23-2007, 10:31 PM
Not much really, you can kinda bullshit your resume and make it seem like you have experience in computers and have interest in making it in the gaming world. Most of the people that work here are younger than me, and for a lot of them it's their first job. As long as they see you're enthusiastic about the job, then there shouldn't be a problem. They are hiring too- they fired a gang of people recently.

It's actually for my younger brother.
Homeboy is a BUM!
Don't work (Never has) Don't go to school (dropped out of Westwood College)
sits at home, plays video games.
I'm not hating, I do the same shit, kinda.
At least there he'll get some work experience and make money also.
I told him about it, hopefully he follows through.


..isn't it by PCH in uhh Malibu area?

08-23-2007, 11:11 PM
Its in Playa Vista, next to Culver City, down the street from Loyola Marymount University.

08-24-2007, 12:21 AM
there an online application? missouri is getting stale, and i don't like california, but a change of pace would be nice :D

08-24-2007, 12:23 AM
Shit, an hour away.

I'm sure he wouldn't mind.


20mins till I get off work.

08-24-2007, 12:38 AM
There's no online application- you interview with the project managers, and then they send you to a temp agency where you give all your info, sign your life away, and the agency gives your paychecks. You're technically a temp- but I doubt the 9 months that I've been here counts as being temporary.

08-24-2007, 12:43 AM
ugh. so it's all in person?

08-24-2007, 12:58 AM
Pretty much, buddy. It's not so bad though. It's not like you're talking to a bunch of stuffed shirts- they're (somewhat) regular ppl that dress like normal everyday shit. The dude that you would be interviewing with has hair that looks like his head blew up, and he dresses in that colorful raver stuff.

08-26-2007, 12:00 AM

so i went downtown for the annual Moonlight Ramble- a 20 mile bike ride through downtown and midtown. as i'm riding up to the starting line, my rear derailleur pretty much suicides, and somehow jumps into my spokes. i knew i should have taken the singlespeed >: (

08-26-2007, 12:07 AM
That sucks.

So what did you do after that happened.

In order news. I'm hungry.

08-26-2007, 12:11 AM
well, it happened about 90 minutes ago.. ride started at midnight. so i pretty much came home, threw that piece of shit in the garage, and now i'm on here >.<

08-26-2007, 12:15 AM
Yeah I'm just waiting for a certain person to put some dinner on the damn table.

08-26-2007, 08:44 PM
A little threadrophilia here...

I've decided to get an sr20. My Ka is a beast and its served me well, but a new KA is literally the same price as an sr20det front clip...

so im going with the sr.

AND IM FUCKING BROKE!!! DAMNIT! it'll take a few months.

08-26-2007, 10:54 PM
yea.....but what i hate is when people like you for what you drive....i hop in my Datsun and no12 wants to talk to me...i hop in the Hardbody and its a magical wall that dissapears....that crap pisses me off....like i get the truck out and i cant go newhere w/o sum1 talking to me for about 15 minutes

08-26-2007, 10:57 PM
WTF did you just admit to making a new sig after your old one got banned.


08-26-2007, 11:04 PM
WTF did you just admit to making a new sig after your old one got banned.


what are you talking about???:naughty:

08-27-2007, 11:25 AM
laughlin kicked my ass.

08-27-2007, 01:06 PM
I hate this place.

lol.... family guy

"I've been trying to get a sewing machine for months and you give her a freakin car!?!?!? I hate this place!"

08-29-2007, 02:38 AM
Great, now I'm getting sick.

09-02-2007, 05:50 PM
this has been the slowest day i've experienced at this job so far. so slow, in fact, that i'm applying for better positions within the company. that's how much time i have.

09-06-2007, 12:01 AM
Boring again. I'm starting to get the impression that I don't like my job very much.