View Full Version : The worst break-up line

08-20-2007, 10:04 PM
What's the worst break-up line you ever heard?

She said, "I love you but I'm not in love with you." WTF does that mean?

08-20-2007, 10:07 PM
back in high school, this chick told me that she dont know what she want and she is confused. that was the end of us.

08-20-2007, 10:07 PM
Means that she doesn't look at you as a boyfriend material anymore.

Sucks dude.

I don't know any good ones. Usually I'm the one doing the breaking up.

But the one that broke my heart into a million pieces broke up with me after boot camp. That bitch. Don't remember what she said though.

08-20-2007, 10:08 PM
" I need to tell you something...

I'm Chris Hanson with Dateline NBC..."

Lol tell me that wouldnt fuck your day up?

Actually the worst one ive gotten:
I think your a great guy... but your just not up to par with me"
She then went out with by-far the stupidest guy in school.
Oh well she was a whore. He got her pregnant. I think she's addicted to meth now.

08-20-2007, 10:43 PM
There's always more women out there sooooo Don't worrry Bee Happy... :) .. and it only gets better and better at leasst wit me YUP!

Wahl 136
08-20-2007, 10:51 PM
I've had something similar a few years back I was dating this teenie bopper and it had been about 2 years (almost 2 days until the 2 year mark) and she says to me "I love you but I don't know what else is out there for me, what if I'm not supposed to spend my whole life with you" and dumped my ass. haha I cried like a little bitch. Never dated a girl under 19 again! :keke:

On a serious note I know how you feel right now, but remember that it seems like you'll never get over it but you will. Theres always going to be someone willing to pick up where she left off I can promise you that.

08-20-2007, 11:00 PM
mine was "I love you" thats it, soo why are you leaving me? crazy girls.

08-20-2007, 11:34 PM
the classic: "its not you, its me"

08-20-2007, 11:41 PM
It's not me, it's you.

I accidentally said that once, I felt like a real jerk afterwards.

08-20-2007, 11:44 PM
how about, " I love you, but we cant be together anymore" and as she says this she is balling , tears raining from he face to the floor.

but i guess that had a lil something to do with her lying to her parents about dateing me for a year.
later i find out that she had told them we were just friends and another guy from her work . who liked her, called he parents and told them about it, what a btch move, and than he had the nerve to try and tell her it was an accident.

we were best friends too, me and the girl not me and the guy.

but now i dont really trust girls, and think that it doesnt matter, cause there are sooo many girls out there.

girls can really fuck a guy up, and im sure guys fuck girls up too.

and for the record, if a girl says its not you its me, that means that it IS you

08-20-2007, 11:52 PM
haha I had the "I love you" right before I left..oh and but i did this i broke up with her through a text message...i didnt really like her...

08-20-2007, 11:55 PM
I don't know any good ones. Usually I'm the one doing the breaking up.

Hah I have to agree with you on that one...

08-21-2007, 12:00 AM

there we go...if ur havin g/f issue's....haha...but i really havnt had bad break up lines

08-21-2007, 12:01 AM

worst break up line for me,

awww shit, hun, its not what it looks like, aw fuck, no hey, put your clothes on, and get.


yah right pleas.e

A Spec Products
08-21-2007, 12:03 AM
Girls are dumb

Cars are easier

Talking to dudes online rules

Cause dudes care about your carz

Group hug

08-21-2007, 12:09 AM
the only girl to break up with me was the only one i cared about. how much does that suck.

she stopped talking to me for 2 days completely.
her roommates would say she was gone even tho her car was there.

that made me want to kill myself (and everyone in a 5 mile radius for that matter)

when i finally did talk to her, i was fuckin mad. i dont remember what she said.

08-21-2007, 12:21 AM
back in high school, this chick told me that she dont know what she want and she is confused. that was the end of us.

i had that for my 8 years relationship

08-21-2007, 12:23 AM
My favorite line- "You're more of a friend to me than anything, and I don't want to mess that up."

And with that, you're banished to the depths of the "friend" territory.

08-21-2007, 12:35 AM
There was this one girl I was friends with for YEARS during my late teens. She never gave me a chance, I was just a 'good friend'.

She ends up going to the Navy & gets discharged in about a year and a 1/2. During that year and 1/2, I've been elevating my game.

So surprise! She's back in town checking up on the old friends and who does she call up? Me. She notices that I have changed. A whole new swagger. Confident and cocky is my style now.

She's on the nuts so hard by this time!!!

Its unbelievable how a person can change so quickly when they see you differently.

So we become BEST BUDDIES for about 2 weeks and she's becoming a little too comfortable but Im always looking for something new so I drop her this one:

Its been cool seeing you again and its been REAL good this past couple of weeks but to be honest with you, I value our friendship ALOT. If we start going out, we might ruin that. I don't want to take that chance. Lets just be friends again.

Broke the bitches heart.

08-21-2007, 12:42 AM
I broke up with this chick in HS using this line:

"You have a mustache"

08-21-2007, 01:03 AM
me: "im cheating on u"
her: "im cheating on u"

both of us: "uhm ok...guess ill ttyl"

still get domed up from her time to time lol

08-21-2007, 01:07 AM
What's the worst break-up line you ever heard?

She said, "I love you but I'm not in love with you." WTF does that mean?

I've learned this: When it comes down to it... whatever BS reason she gives you, whether it's lies or the truth... she doesn't want to be with you anymore. Reason doesn't matter, the end result is the same. Pick yourself up and move on, don't try and convince her of anything. It's tough to hear, but it's the truth. :-/

Means that she doesn't look at you as a boyfriend material anymore.

Sucks dude.

I don't know any good ones. Usually I'm the one doing the breaking up.

But the one that broke my heart into a million pieces broke up with me after boot camp. That bitch. Don't remember what she said though.

Joining the military seems to be a death blow to most relationships. :-/

It's not me, it's you.

I accidentally said that once, I felt like a real jerk afterwards.

Done that once... oh well, it WAS her. She got really annoying clingy. haha

Girls are dumb

Cars are easier

Talking to dudes online rules

Cause dudes care about your carz

Group hug


:hug: :keke:

I broke up with this chick in HS using this line:

"You have a mustache"

:rofl: :rofl: ouch.

08-21-2007, 01:19 AM
Being in the military does change you. I went out with this guy when i was like 19, and he was all nice and sweet and stuff. He left to the army, and he would write me and stuff, but then he did i think hell week or something, and after that he was completely different. Just cold and distant, no longer the same. He came down and was all trying to get laid, and I sent him on his way after that.

C. Senor
08-21-2007, 01:24 AM
back in high school, this chick told me that she dont know what she want and she is confused. that was the end of us.

damn i've heard that one back in high school

" I need to tell you something...

that came like 5 minutes before the one above came...same chick

oddly enough she got unconfused like 3 weeks later at a dance....then i told her if she didnt trust me, i couldnt trust her..and that was that.

I broke up with this chick in HS using this line:

"You have a mustache"

LOL.....that's one of those that's fucked up but funny things.

08-21-2007, 01:26 AM
Being in the military does change you. I went out with this guy when i was like 19, and he was all nice and sweet and stuff. He left to the army, and he would write me and stuff, but then he did i think hell week or something, and after that he was completely different. Just cold and distant, no longer the same. He came down and was all trying to get laid, and I sent him on his way after that.

It made me a nicer guy! Really!... I'm just an asshole most of the time now, not all the time. :keke:

08-21-2007, 01:35 AM
"let's just be friends..."

that's what i heard after we did everything together, sex and the whole buffet, you name it! that fucked me up psychologically. lol

... i was used!

08-21-2007, 01:42 AM
^^^^ shit like that turned me into a commitment-phobe.

08-21-2007, 02:00 AM
the classic: "its not you, its me"

AHAHAHA!!!!! that one is a classic stupid line.

08-21-2007, 02:08 AM
Hah I have to agree with you on that one...

Well it's not like I enjoy doing the breaking up but when it gets dragged on it's a pain in the ass. Usually with guys the early signs of us wanting to break up with the girl is pretty noticeable. We're dumb we can't hide shit.

It's just awkward breaking up with someone. A couple of time I regreted it and got back together with them then realize its still a mistake and broke it off.

Girls are dumb

Cars are easier

Talking to dudes online rules

Cause dudes care about your carz

Group hug

So true. Cars never yell back at ya. Never cheats on you. Never tells you no when you want to take her for a ride.

Occasionally she breaks down but you fix her up and it's all good.

Sometimes I buy her stuff and I can tell she's really happy about it. So I'm happy.

I broke up with this chick in HS using this line:

"You have a mustache"

What the fuck is up with chicks that have mustaches. It's like do you not look in the mirror girl? Like wouldn't that bother you as a girl? It's a mustache.

^^^^ shit like that turned me into a commitment-phobe.

Welcome to the club. Ask my roommate (nismornr) he'll tell you about the costco story.

I always had this cool fantasy about perhaps someday going home running into (lindsey, the bitch that broke my heart into pieces) and chatting her up. We start spending more time together because I'm a changed man. She'll fall for me and I dragged out the whole I love you part of it and finally proposing to her. We make plans for marriage. Things are going great. The day of the wedding everyone is there and she's all dressed up in her gown looking all beautiful like she is. The minister does his thing and when the moment where you say I do. I say it in the most calming voice that I DON't. Then walk away and live by myself for the rest of my life. Now that is satisfaction.

08-21-2007, 02:45 AM
^^^ It's funny, but would you really waste your time like that? I mean, that's too much time spent on someone that's not worth that much time.

I like indifference. The more I show that I really don't care about the person or their life, the more it pisses them off because he'll wanna see me cry or call or whatever. My whole life motto is, "Aight then, peace out..."

I just don't have time to sit there and agonize. I'm human and I feel, and I'll feel bad, but eh, life goes on.

Besides, like what was previously stated, I'd rather invest all that time, money and love into my car.

08-21-2007, 04:35 AM
Oh man this is bringing up some memories.
The best one used on me was just after high school. I was with this chick for almost 2 years and then i find out shes been seeing this other guy. So I ask her about and know what she says?

"Your defiently a great guy, the better guy, But hes different."

yea that will fuck up your self esteem for a while.

08-21-2007, 05:48 AM
There was this one girl I was friends with for YEARS during my late teens. She never gave me a chance, I was just a 'good friend'.

She ends up going to the Navy & gets discharged in about a year and a 1/2. During that year and 1/2, I've been elevating my game.

So surprise! She's back in town checking up on the old friends and who does she call up? Me. She notices that I have changed. A whole new swagger. Confident and cocky is my style now.

She's on the nuts so hard by this time!!!

Its unbelievable how a person can change so quickly when they see you differently.

So we become BEST BUDDIES for about 2 weeks and she's becoming a little too comfortable but Im always looking for something new so I drop her this one:

Its been cool seeing you again and its been REAL good this past couple of weeks but to be honest with you, I value our friendship ALOT. If we start going out, we might ruin that. I don't want to take that chance. Lets just be friends again.

Broke the bitches heart.

WOW YES! way to go man! Great Story!!

*high five*

must have felt great.

08-21-2007, 07:05 AM
"I gotta tell you something, I'm a man."

WHAAAAAAAAT?! No wonder the back door was always opened, but never the main door.

I kiddd, she was a horse.

20 til 3
08-21-2007, 07:35 AM
"leave me the fuck alone devil woman"

i used that line on a girl once, and i have to say: because it was short, to the point, and delivered in a staggering voice, it worked.

08-21-2007, 08:04 AM
"I'm pregnant"

That wasn't her breakup line, but I sure as Hell never talked to her again.


08-21-2007, 08:29 AM
Girls are dumb

Cars are easier

Talking to dudes online rules

Cause dudes care about your carz

Group hug

i think this is why ive been single since. i dont any girl serious now, and the only girl i love is my silvia.

but yeah girls are funny, and the story bout how you change and girls are all up ons...

back in high school i was like the dude from just friends, i was too nice to date, to skinny and disproportioned to attract the girls i liked.

so like 4 years later after i moved out of town, i move back and all the hottest girls i tried talking too are like whatever and not even attractive, or once they see how ive change are all up ons.

like back in the day, i was liek 5' 8-9 and like 140lbs, 145.
well in the two years after i grew to 6 4-5 and like 200 lbs, plus add the whole facial hair thing and cocky swagger and confidence and the fact that you dont care drives them nuts ( not caring is much easier after you got yoru heart broken.)

so i go to bars and i just run into these girls all night, and i just drop shit like ( " oh wow , you got fat!?" , and "why would i want to call you? " and throw the number away after they give it to me.

on chick got so mad cause after she hit me up at the bar, she found me on myspace and i denied her fried request like 3 times, i still see her but she doesnt even look at me! hahaha how things have changed, karma is a bitch!

and " girls are funny, you treatem like dirt, and they stick to you like mud":boink:

08-21-2007, 08:45 AM
Girls are dumb

Cars are easier

Talking to dudes online rules

Cause dudes care about your carz

Group hug

Hahaha werd :keke:

08-21-2007, 11:49 AM
What's the worst break-up line you ever heard?

She said, "I love you but I'm not in love with you." WTF does that mean?

Basically, shes confused because she still does have feelings for you, but shes basically trying to empty it out. So she says the "I love you part" which in part means "I want to say I love you so I feel better about myself and dont feel like a bitch about doing this to you" and the "but Im not in love with you" means "You male genitals just wasnt all I thought it would be".

Basically girls = dime a dozen. BUT girls you can trust like you do your bestfriend who you've been bestfriends with since you guys were 6 years old going swimming together and telling eachother you pee'd in that spot over there by those girls with cooties, is a gem and usually the one you end up marrying.

08-21-2007, 11:57 AM
^^^ It's funny, but would you really waste your time like that? I mean, that's too much time spent on someone that's not worth that much time.

I like indifference. The more I show that I really don't care about the person or their life, the more it pisses them off because he'll wanna see me cry or call or whatever. My whole life motto is, "Aight then, peace out..."

I just don't have time to sit there and agonize. I'm human and I feel, and I'll feel bad, but eh, life goes on.

Besides, like what was previously stated, I'd rather invest all that time, money and love into my car.

Oh damn I doubt what I said would ever happen anyways. So I'm not really worry about it. I don't think of her much at all. Sometimes the little stuff reminds me of her like having to drive by streets named "Lindsey" and shit like that. But I doubt that I would ever carry out something like that. Just came up with it when I was really angry with it years ago. I'm way over it. It is what it is.

Geez people how mean do you think I am. Damn..... I've learned to be a nice person through Zilvia. Thank you Zilvia.......

08-21-2007, 02:18 PM
I would have to say, "you;re a nice guy, but you are too nice for me I dun wanna break your heart" that one kinda sucked. its by far the worse one i;ve had.

08-21-2007, 02:25 PM
"I like your dad better"

That would suck...or "Im cheating on you with a woman" thats would be a kick in the nuts.

08-21-2007, 02:25 PM
Break ups PSHHHH thats hit dont faze this.
most likely i was already hooking up with there "freinds"

08-21-2007, 02:28 PM
Break ups PSHHHH thats hit dont faze this.
most likely i was already hooking up with there "freinds"

I think you've been talking to Farzam too much there Luis.

08-21-2007, 02:33 PM
"let's just be friends..."

that's what i heard after we did everything together, sex and the whole buffet, you name it! that fucked me up psychologically. lol

... i was used!

I heard that from this girl when i came back to cali...basically she just got out of a 4 yr relationship. But we were doing everything else so im like ooookay. Still fucked for a couple of days, then she introduced me to her friend who was visiting her during finals week (this was in UCD). She told me she doesnt have time to hang out and if i'd mind showing her friend around. Well needless to say since we were just friends, I FUCKED HER FRIEND IN THE MOVIES...i wonder why she got pissed at me after that...we were just friends...:fawkd:

08-21-2007, 03:06 PM
i like the ones where you slowly just dont talk anymore....then you dont talk to them for about a week to two....call them up and just say..."do we still go out?" Although you defintly know the answer...i just find it funny

08-21-2007, 04:40 PM
^^^rofl, i like that one. that's happened to me once.

08-21-2007, 04:55 PM
my favorite:

"you're always gonna be the one that got away."

hello? i didn't get away, you pushed, yah? *sigh* those were the days. lol.

08-21-2007, 04:58 PM
I think you've been talking to Farzam too much there Luis.

Hey Jack who's this "Farzam" you speak of?:coolugh:

08-21-2007, 05:57 PM
i dated this chick back in high school and then for a year after i graduated..she was a year younger them me..no guys talked to her in high school because i was still there..well right after i was done with High school this one kid that i didn't care for too much always tried hanging out with her..her one friend was a big time whore so i knew something was gonna happen..it was coming to that time when you know your about to break up..i just keep my cool and let shit pan out..well out of the blue she calls me up and starts talking to me like trying to get me to break up with her it seemed like..well i went to her house..she then told me that she didn't wanna be "tied down"... to myself i was like ohh wow BS flag on that haha..i kept my cool said ok see ya later..we hugged and whatnot and i left about 2 days later i found out that she started dating that kid..he was a HUGE mustang fag....he had a black mustang..it was loud..thats it..1 night about a month later i saw them too out driving around... i walked away from that kid by about 7 cars on low boost..god i love breaks up, cars, boost and 240s!!!! ..moral to my whole long story was..break ups suck..240 rules hahaha

08-21-2007, 06:05 PM
Things are always great at first, and then they're just okay.

08-21-2007, 06:35 PM
Friend of mine got "I just want to be alone right now, not in a relationship" from his gf of 2 1/2 years.

4 months later she had an engagement anouncement in there areas local paper. She had been seeing some other guy for the last few months she was "dating" my friend.

About 1 month after that, I went to visit him for a week for vacation to try and cheer him up (he was pretty down), and me, him, and a few other friends ended up at a night club for awhile. He spotted this girl, and her new guy, at a table across the dance floor. This guy (my friend) does NOT like confrontations... but he marched straight across the floor, walked right up to the guy's bar stool seat, and with one good kick, took it right out from under him, and poured the guys beer on his crotch. It's a good thing the guy just took it... because me and all his other friends were laughing to hard to have helped him at all. :rofl:

He asked another girl out that night. haha... he's marrying her this weekend. :D

08-21-2007, 07:29 PM
Friend of mine got "I just want to be alone right now, not in a relationship" from his gf of 2 1/2 years.

4 months later she had an engagement anouncement in there areas local paper. She had been seeing some other guy for the last few months she was "dating" my friend.

About 1 month after that, I went to visit him for a week for vacation to try and cheer him up (he was pretty down), and me, him, and a few other friends ended up at a night club for awhile. He spotted this girl, and her new guy, at a table across the dance floor. This guy (my friend) does NOT like confrontations... but he marched straight across the floor, walked right up to the guy's bar stool seat, and with one good kick, took it right out from under him, and poured the guys beer on his crotch. It's a good thing the guy just took it... because me and all his other friends were laughing to hard to have helped him at all. :rofl:

He asked another girl out that night. haha... he's marrying her this weekend. :D

awww....what a good story...lol

08-21-2007, 07:56 PM
I used to be married, and I found out that my ex was cheating on me when I was pregnant. I found panties that weren't mine and he denies that anything ever happened- this was almost 3 years ago. Talk about keeping a lie alive.

08-21-2007, 08:01 PM
I used to be married, and I found out that my ex was cheating on me when I was pregnant. I found panties that weren't mine and he denies that anything ever happened-
Maybe they were his. :keke:

08-21-2007, 08:11 PM
Maybe they were his. :keke:

"oooo, i am soo uncomfortable right now."

:keke: :keke: :keke: :keke:

08-21-2007, 08:11 PM
I was dumped a while back by my most recent x...

"Your too much of a freak. I cant handle you"

Score. Oh well i didnt really like her anyhow.

I say be single FTW... just have a nice hooker budget.

08-21-2007, 09:46 PM
seems like everyone has this problem.


08-21-2007, 09:51 PM
Maybe they were his. :keke:

I doubt he would ever fit a size 4, but hey, you never know.... LOL

For the record, it's not just girls that are problematic, guys can be just as much of drama queens.... I would try being gay, but I don't think it would make the situation any better, girls still corner the market on stupidity.... LOL

08-21-2007, 09:54 PM
seems like everyone has this problem.


That was funny. THE FRIEND ZONE......

Bad place to be at.

Don't people know you can't be just friends with the opposite sex.

Seriously ladies unless the dude is gay, the only reason he talks to you is because he wants to............

08-21-2007, 10:15 PM
The way I break up is to line up all my friends, along with my girlfriend, in a room. Then I say "will anybody dating me please step forward. Whoa there, you.... not so fast".

08-21-2007, 10:23 PM
Seriously ladies unless the dude is gay, the only reason he talks to you is because he wants to............

My lady used to be oblivious to this. I had to let her know what us guys think. She knew alot of guys that she saw as 'just guyfriends'. Also random dudes/trainers at the gym were always trying to get at her. When she would hit them with the 'I have a man', they would be like 'Thats ok, I respect that, I just wanna have lunch with you.'

She would tell me about these guys asking to take her out and she had no idea why I was bothered by it. It turns out that she had no idea that these guys were trying to get at her. She actually believed that they only wanted to be friends! I told her this:

Guys will try any angle to get into your panties, even the 'friend role'. If they become your 'friend', they know they are a step closer to you.

..and this...

If you were butt ugly, would they ask you out for lunch then? Do you see guys trying to be friends with the fat chick? NO

Now she knows a guys game before he could even bring it up. I taught her well.

08-21-2007, 10:25 PM
Don't people know you can't be just friends with the opposite sex.

Seriously ladies unless the dude is gay, the only reason he talks to you is because he wants to............

Not always true. Dont you have any ugly friends that are chicks? Or chicks that you think arent hot and you would never consider banging? Or some girls who are cool to hang out with but are so fucking stupid theres no way you could ever be in a relationship with them? Those ones are at least still god for the sex though.

Fuck Buddies and boost FTW

08-21-2007, 10:26 PM
My way of breaking up with ppl is to just stop answering the phone. I'll start talking about how busy i am and how i can't deal with a relationship right now, blah blah blah.... Unless i'm dealing with a clinger or a psycho, that's usually the effective way for me.

08-21-2007, 10:38 PM
The way I break up is to line up all my friends, along with my girlfriend, in a room. Then I say "will anybody dating me please step forward. Whoa there, you.... not so fast".


My lady used to be oblivious to this.

Guys will try any angle to get into your panties, even the 'friend role'. If they become your 'friend', they know they are a step closer to you.

..and this...

If you were butt ugly, would they ask you out for lunch then? Do you see guys trying to be friends with the fat chick? NO


this is true...my ex still didnt get why i got so mad whenever a guy would stay stuff like that...ey...

08-21-2007, 10:44 PM
That was funny. THE FRIEND ZONE......

Bad place to be at.

Don't people know you can't be just friends with the opposite sex.

Seriously ladies unless the dude is gay, the only reason he talks to you is because he wants to............

What? lol... one of my closest friends is a girl. A hot one at that. haha. People always assume I'm dating her, and then wonder why I'm not.

For the record, we've never gone on a date, never been FWB's (not my kinda thing, or hers, anyway.)... we usually kiss each other hello/goodbye on the cheek though. lol... that's it.

Been that way for years now. haha

The way I break up is to line up all my friends, along with my girlfriend, in a room. Then I say "will anybody dating me please step forward. Whoa there, you.... not so fast".


So you date ALL your friends? Even your guy friends? :keke:

08-21-2007, 11:02 PM
So you date ALL your friends? Even your guy friends? :keke:

i didnt want to be mean....+1 though...haha

08-21-2007, 11:26 PM
i didnt want to be mean....+1 though...haha

Where did it say I was dating the people in the line? there is no homosexuality in the joke, quit looking for it!

08-21-2007, 11:28 PM
Where did it say I was dating the people in the line? there is no homosexuality in the joke, quit looking for it!

Thinking NO ONE would make the joke was a little bit of wishful thinking on your part. haha

I knew what you meant by it, I just couldn't resist. lol

:bigok: All in good fun.

08-21-2007, 11:30 PM
Where did it say I was dating the people in the line? there is no homosexuality in the joke, quit looking for it!

its okay man...we all know what you meant....just a little humor in the off-topic forums....

08-22-2007, 01:37 AM
thanks fellas, most of these lines are very classic. heres another one though;

Her: "I consider you my best friend."
Me: "You can find a friend between f*a*r*t and fcuk you in the dictionary."

08-22-2007, 01:47 AM
Not always true. Dont you have any ugly friends that are chicks? Or chicks that you think arent hot and you would never consider banging? Or some girls who are cool to hang out with but are so fucking stupid theres no way you could ever be in a relationship with them? Those ones are at least still god for the sex though.

Fuck Buddies and boost FTW

Wait see your thinking about banging them. I'm telling you it doesn't fucking happen. Who wants to hang around ugly people anyways. Fuck.

What? lol... one of my closest friends is a girl. A hot one at that. haha. People always assume I'm dating her, and then wonder why I'm not.

For the record, we've never gone on a date, never been FWB's (not my kinda thing, or hers, anyway.)... we usually kiss each other hello/goodbye on the cheek though. lol... that's it.

Been that way for years now.

Does she take you shopping with her.

Damn it I knew you were gay. :keke: :keke: :keke:

:bigok: :bigok:


08-22-2007, 02:13 AM
the last chick i really dated was chill, but got overwhelming quick.

I broke things off New Years day.

her = "So wahts your newyears res baby?"
me = "To not take shit anymore. I'm tired of putting up with shit. I'm nicer than that to deserve that kinda shit."
her = "Thats good for you. I'm glad you've finally come to grips with things"
me = "yea. I don't think we should date anymore."
her = "... /cry....."

Andrew Bohan
08-22-2007, 02:17 AM
in high school, i got
"there's no such thing as dating missionaries"

and then she got out of the car

i was like wtf does that even mean?

then i didn't talk to her for like a year, and one day my friend invited me and some other friends bowling, so i went. welp, i guess i expected my friend to pay for some reason, since he did the inviting, and i didn't have any money. so my ex, who was randomly also at the bowling alley, threw down 5 bucks but didn't say anything. then i had to pay her back on monday at school. that was kinda awkward.

08-22-2007, 04:14 AM
What? lol... one of my closest friends is a girl. A hot one at that. haha. People always assume I'm dating her, and then wonder why I'm not.

For the record, we've never gone on a date, never been FWB's (not my kinda thing, or hers, anyway.)... we usually kiss each other hello/goodbye on the cheek though. lol... that's it.

Been that way for years now. haha


So you date ALL your friends? Even your guy friends? :keke:

You are either one of these two things.

1. You are gay.
2. You are a dude that gets walked on by girls and you are misled into thinking that by being friends with a girl long enough that eventually she might develop feelings for you.

08-22-2007, 05:26 AM
Girl close friend?
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no.

You either dated her, broke up, then became good friends.
or you're a feeeeggot that won't do anything about your "friend status"

08-22-2007, 06:07 AM
Best way to get out of the friend zone...
Halfway down the bottle then stick it in her pooper!!!

08-22-2007, 07:12 AM
Worst I got was like 2 years ago. Was seeing this girl for about a year and a half, then about a week before Christmas she said she never really liked/loved me, she was just infatuated and that was pretty much it...sent me a Christmas card though lol

08-22-2007, 07:43 AM
Dude this is like 3 times stronger than the strongest tequila!!!!!, if she drinks half of that and you dont drink anything, you'll get drunk just by sticking it in her pooper.:eek:
How do you know when your rum is to strong, ..mmmm. when on the front label says, WARNING FLAMMABLE!

Best way to get out of the friend zone...
Halfway down the bottle then stick it in her pooper!!!

08-22-2007, 08:32 AM
The way I break up is to line up all my friends, along with my girlfriend, in a room. Then I say "will anybody dating me please step forward. Whoa there, you.... not so fast".

that shit is funny, but kinda childish, liek its a joke for you and your friends. but hey whatever floats your boat.

okay yeah, so i think the person who was starting this thread was in heartache or something, well just say fuck it and do your own thing.

trust me, cause if it was as good as you think it was youll have no regrets.

for example the story of my ex and the i love you more than anything talk, and than breakin up with me the next day bs.

well, after that one ass who called her parents dated her ( which was like 3-4 months after i did) she broke up with him, we talk briefly a few months after there break up, and by talk i mean she looked me up on myspace cause i didn't talk to her anymore.
i ask how things were with captain douchebag and she said we broke up, I asked why and she said they fought too much, and he always treated her badly.

so upon further questioning and catchin up, she tells me that when he treated her badly she would stop him dead in his tracks and piss him off by saying "robb never treated me this way, and he never would have"
so knowing that they fought alot and i was the fight ender made me feel good.
like I always thought she was the one that got away, never realized that it coulda been the other way.

finding this out was a big confidence booster and gave me alot of closure of the whole thing. :coold:

so just move on an live your life.

and by the way I am robb, incase there was any confusion

08-22-2007, 10:16 AM
and by the way I am robb, incase there was any confusion

ROBBIE!!!!.....haha....just sounds funny saying it all loudly...but that cant be the end of the story man...what happened after that? No further hook-ups? Did you talk to her anymore? That was like a personal nerrative that ended before the climax of the story....haha

08-22-2007, 10:32 AM
Well since the majority of you are guys, obviously you're pretty much going to say that girls are hard to deal with (btw Logan, I resent the remark about girls being dumb, cuz not all of us are. :p ) Let's reverse it... My ex broked up with me after I caught him cheating on me, but then his line was "but she'll let me see other girls at the same time." (Karma comes around full circle. 5 years later they're still together, but I heard the crap he did to me, she does to him 10 fold. HAHHA :fawkd: )

08-22-2007, 10:52 AM
Does she take you shopping with her.

Damn it I knew you were gay. :keke: :keke: :keke:

:bigok: :bigok:


You can TAKE me off your Christmas list!!! I don't want to be on it anymore anyway! :keke:

I've heard the "You must be gay" since I'm not dating her, many times before.
lol... she also gets the "Are you a lesbian?" since we are together so often. haha

When I first met her, dating was not an option. I was seeing someone, and she wasn't wanting to date anyone at the time (we were both in high school. lol) but we really got along, so we became awesome friends. We're both VERY close as friends now, so both of us know it's not worth the risk, and it would probably be to awkward anyway. haha... Girls I've dated always have a problem with her, (except the new one :rawk:) and the one guy she dated (she's picky), always thought she was cheating on him with me.

Yes, I've gone shopping with her. :keke:

08-22-2007, 10:57 AM
You can TAKE me off your Christmas list!!! I don't want to be on it anymore anyway! :keke:

I've heard the "You must be gay" since I'm not dating her, many times before.
lol... she also gets the "Are you a lesbian?" since we are together so often. haha

When I first met her, dating was not an option. I was seeing someone, and she wasn't wanting to date anyone at the time
Yes, I've gone shopping with her. :keke:

ill beat someone to saying this..."its worthless w/o pics"....haha

08-22-2007, 11:09 AM
ill beat someone to saying this..."its worthless w/o pics"....haha

Yeah, and then you guys see them and...

The last thing I need is an entire forum population convinced I'm gay because she's only my friend. :rofl: :keke:

08-22-2007, 12:23 PM
Everyone is already convinced you are gay so make with the pics already.

08-22-2007, 12:27 PM
You can TAKE me off your Christmas list!!! I don't want to be on it anymore anyway! :keke:

I've heard the "You must be gay" since I'm not dating her, many times before.
lol... she also gets the "Are you a lesbian?" since we are together so often. haha

When I first met her, dating was not an option. I was seeing someone, and she wasn't wanting to date anyone at the time (we were both in high school. lol) but we really got along, so we became awesome friends. We're both VERY close as friends now, so both of us know it's not worth the risk, and it would probably be to awkward anyway. haha... Girls I've dated always have a problem with her, (except the new one :rawk:) and the one guy she dated (she's picky), always thought she was cheating on him with me.

Yes, I've gone shopping with her. :keke:

I'm keeping you on the Christmas list but I'm not liking it.

I'm sure the in some ways there is always a part of me saying that. Yeah hey hanging out with cool girls would be a blast and gives me a chance to hang out with the opposite sex and just a nice change sometimes.

But then when I'm around them I just think of having sex with them. Its just that plain and simple. Call me an asshole. I just love women. I want to have them for breakfest, lunch, and dinner. I don't see anything wrong with that. Why can't I just have sex with my female friends without putting a label onto and thinking too much of it. I hate the word relationship, its retarded. People put too much pressure into and it sucks.

Just like I believe in polygamy. That's right I believe you can love and be with more than one person at a time. If you have so much love to give why does it only have to be focused onto one person. I'm not saying cheating either I'm speaking of all parties know who each other are. Its just awesome.

MrClark1 of course I don't seriously think your gay. Come on.

Your just really happy.


08-22-2007, 01:13 PM
Everyone is already convinced you are gay so make with the pics already.

i second this statement

08-22-2007, 04:38 PM
why isnt the gay guy tellin us stories about his boyfriend? jk.

um, after she told me that i was completely satisfied with the whole thing and really dont care, i mean maybe if we lived in the same town again things would be different.

and no hook ups.

and for the record(i know your all going to say im a huge faggot, homo pussy blah blah blah, but we were best friends ( like she didnt even call her firends to hang out al the time, she called me in the morning and at night, so than after all my friends asked why i wasnt dating cause it looked like we were i mustered up the balls and the guts to ask her out, this is hard to do when they are your best friend, cause once you ask there is no going back to that regualr friend stuff, itll be awkward or youll go out.) and we were each others first everything other than the "it" yeah i had plenty of times, and we did all the other stuff all te time, but she was kinda scared and a super christian, and said that if i ever forced the whole sex thing on her when we were partying or in the moment that she would end it and lose all respect causeshe wanted to wait til marriage(i doubt she still has her V card) but i loved her so i respected her, regaurdless of how tempting, so it wasnt like i called her up for some make up sex.cuz there was never any in the first place. yeah maybe a little too personal but whatever i dont care, she was my first real love, thats why she fucked me up with the whole i love you soo much and you mean everythign to me, but than calls me the next day crying and ends it with( i love you but we cant be together anymore) i guess thats what hapens when you lie to your traditional old country parents about dating a white guy( which btw i think was just as much about her lieing for a year as it was about me being white), all the other ones have never felt the same, or as good, im no longer as trusting.
but yeah, theres the end of the story. for the person that asked.

and in closing this is why i love my car, cause it will never give up on me as long as i dont give up on her.

08-22-2007, 04:42 PM
wellman im still a virgin...people think im stupid, and/or dont believe me...esp after an almost 3 year relationship...we both wanted to wait untill we got married...not just her....but thats good you respected her like that man

08-22-2007, 04:52 PM
You can TAKE me off your Christmas list!!! I don't want to be on it anymore anyway! :keke:

I've heard the "You must be gay" since I'm not dating her, many times before.
lol... she also gets the "Are you a lesbian?" since we are together so often. haha

When I first met her, dating was not an option. I was seeing someone, and she wasn't wanting to date anyone at the time (we were both in high school. lol) but we really got along, so we became awesome friends. We're both VERY close as friends now, so both of us know it's not worth the risk, and it would probably be to awkward anyway. haha... Girls I've dated always have a problem with her, (except the new one :rawk:) and the one guy she dated (she's picky), always thought she was cheating on him with me.

Yes, I've gone shopping with her. :keke:

coming from experience, its always worth the risk.
always, i mean the if she is such an "awesome friend, and so gorgeous and you get along oh so well, and your not gay , than it def. looks liek the juice is worth the squeeze.
cause honestly why look for someone to date who you dont know or trust to start a relationship with. i mean its liek finding a good foundation to build a house, same shit, if se is yoru best friend and you think she is beautiful than go for it. maybe she is soo picky cause she is waitin gfor you to get off your ass and ask?
im just saying sack up, man up and nike the bitch, JUST DO IT.
you wont regret it, i mean i bet if your not gay and you just trust your feeligns it will work out. i mean hey, i know from almost the experience, and it was worth it and te best, after seeing each other everyday for a year, we only had like one fight, and it was cause i sadi that as a majority guys ar ebetter drivers, and that its stupid that we get to pay more for insurence cause we are more tempted to race, when they put make up on and drive. , but yeah just do it man.

08-22-2007, 04:57 PM
wellman im still a virgin...people think im stupid, and/or dont believe me...esp after an almost 3 year relationship...we both wanted to wait untill we got married...not just her....but thats good you respected her like that man

Yeah dude I'm a virgin too. :confused:

Okay I'm not. Seriously dude. How can you stay a virgin. What the hell is wrong with you.

In a way I think its respectable. But mostly I think that its really fucking weird. I think any girl who you start to date now is going to think your weird.

Seriously no girl smiles at the thought that this guy she's with is a virgin and its like hitting the jackpot. That's bull. Women want confidence, experience, and most of all some guy who isn't a virgin.

So Not Nissan get out there and get laid and laid and laid. For your own good.


08-22-2007, 05:08 PM
um i dont think any guy knows what all woman wont, im sure there are woman out there that want to sleep with virgins, just like i know there are guys out there that aim for girls who are virgins.

different strokes for different folks ( allot of strokes for the guy if he is still a virgin , hahaha)

but yeah i almost had my V card till i was 21 , almost, yeah that shit is late and what not but who cares at least i wasnt 40. and its kinda of a hard thing to pass up sex when you want it, but you just dont want to lose it or give it to some girl who sleeps with anyone.
i mean ask sunnys14 about our friend who will be 21 in a week and STILL has his V card, and hotties throw themselves at him, i think he just like breakin hearts.

08-22-2007, 05:22 PM
You are either one of these two things.

1. You are gay.
2. You are a dude that gets walked on by girls and you are misled into thinking that by being friends with a girl long enough that eventually she might develop feelings for you.

I'm the third thing you forgot to mention.

3) Mature enough to realize you can have close friends of the opposite sex. Both friends just have to be mature adults, and it works.

I don't get walked on by girls at all. Unlike a lot of guys, I just treat them with respect. I don't always get it back, but the ones worth pursuing will reciprocate that. Probably also the reason why I've dated girls 4-5 years older then myself at times.

FYI I'm not mad at you, or flaming or anything, you can think whatever you want. haha

Everyone is already convinced you are gay so make with the pics already.

I don't post pictures on the internet of people who aren't me. Never have, and without permission, never will. I kinda think it's rude. lol

I'm keeping you on the Christmas list but I'm not liking it.

I'm sure the in some ways there is always a part of me saying that. Yeah hey hanging out with cool girls would be a blast and gives me a chance to hang out with the opposite sex and just a nice change sometimes.

But then when I'm around them I just think of having sex with them. Its just that plain and simple. Call me an asshole. I just love women. I want to have them for breakfest, lunch, and dinner. I don't see anything wrong with that. Why can't I just have sex with my female friends without putting a label onto and thinking too much of it. I hate the word relationship, its retarded. People put too much pressure into and it sucks.

Just like I believe in polygamy. That's right I believe you can love and be with more than one person at a time. If you have so much love to give why does it only have to be focused onto one person. I'm not saying cheating either I'm speaking of all parties know who each other are. Its just awesome.

MrClark1 of course I don't seriously think your gay. Come on.

Your just really happy.


Haha. See, I think the exact opposite of you. I would never sleep with someone I wasn't in a serious relationship with. The part you said first, about it's just a nice change to hang out with a person of the opposite sex and just have it be a nice change, is exactly how I feel. Who do you think I talk to when I have problems with a girl? haha... and who do you think she talks to when she has guy problems? Honestly, she's just as much of a sister to me as my REAL sisters... the thought of dating, or even just having a fling with her, is actually disgusting. haha. I can assure you she would say the same thing. The fact that she's a bit of a tomboy is also part of it... I'm not attracted to the tomboy type in the least. haha

Fine, keep me on your damn christmas list. lol

i second this statement

Read my response to Flybert :bigok:

why isnt the gay guy tellin us stories about his boyfriend? jk.

I don't know, why aren't you? :keke: jk.

All in good fun.

coming from experience, its always worth the risk.
always, i mean the if she is such an "awesome friend, and so gorgeous and you get along oh so well, and your not gay , than it def. looks liek the juice is worth the squeeze.
cause honestly why look for someone to date who you dont know or trust to start a relationship with. i mean its liek finding a good foundation to build a house, same shit, if se is yoru best friend and you think she is beautiful than go for it. maybe she is soo picky cause she is waitin gfor you to get off your ass and ask?
im just saying sack up, man up and nike the bitch, JUST DO IT.
you wont regret it, i mean i bet if your not gay and you just trust your feeligns it will work out. i mean hey, i know from almost the experience, and it was worth it and te best, after seeing each other everyday for a year, we only had like one fight, and it was cause i sadi that as a majority guys ar ebetter drivers, and that its stupid that we get to pay more for insurence cause we are more tempted to race, when they put make up on and drive. , but yeah just do it man.

I can see where you're coming from. I HAVE dated friends in the past, and it never worked, and the friendship was never the same. So I decided to not risk that again. Besides, like I said before, I consider her my sister. Not to mention that I'm dating an awesome girl right now with whom things are going great. :D

08-22-2007, 05:27 PM
and its kinda of a hard thing to pass up sex when you want it, but you just dont want to lose it or give it to some girl who sleeps with anyone.
i mean ask sunnys14 about our friend who will be 21 in a week and STILL has his V card, and hotties throw themselves at him, i think he just like breakin hearts.

Sounds like puttin the pussy on the pedestal

steve shadows
08-22-2007, 05:28 PM
That would suck...or "Im cheating on you with a woman"

thats my favorite...

it always turned into a good thing for me though ;)

I said : "I just not the kind of guy to cheat on a girl and I really need to fuck another girl right now"

it was really shitty, she was crying and balling, awesome chick too, my fav next to my current on so far.

She just cryed for like 3 days it was horrible but I needed to get my stick some flavor tasting

08-22-2007, 05:44 PM
Sounds like puttin the pussy on the pedestal
are you talkin about our friend who will be a 21 year old virgin, or about me, i mean the way he looks at is like this,

I could have pussy all the time but i don't, but you take it when you can get it cause for you pussy is scarce.
kind like how camels have to drink water when they can cause water is scarce in the desert.

and now im reminded of the camel sex to death thread. damn.

08-22-2007, 08:22 PM
i mean ask sunnys14 about our friend who will be 21 in a week and STILL has his V card, and hotties throw themselves at him, i think he just like breakin hearts.

correction... hes going to be 22! :wackit:

08-23-2007, 03:02 AM
So this thread kind of just makes me want to break up with my girlfriend even more.

It's like... a bunch of good friends I know break-up for stupid shit after years with their gfs.
I've only been with my current girl for like 4 months, and shes great I love her (haven't told her yet should I?), but having breakups happening all around me makes me think breaking up is inevitable.

Sometimes I have thoughts like I should break up with her NOW so it won't be as bad cause I'm still young, as opposed to breaking up like years later after our relationship has really grown and I've put a lot into it.

Recently it feels like I'm going crazy or way too insecure having thoughts like this. I mean why am I even thinking about stuff like this, I should just enjoy what I have and if it's meant to be its meant to be right? I really don't know, what the fuck should I do?

Fuck life was so much simpler when I spent most of my free time chilling with friends and driving/working on my car. And I didn't feel so weak.

08-23-2007, 03:09 AM
So this thread kind of just makes me want to break up with my girlfriend even more.

It's like... a bunch of good friends I know break-up for stupid shit after years with their gfs.
I've only been with my current girl for like 4 months, and shes great I love her (haven't told her yet should I?), but having breakups happening all around me makes me think breaking up is inevitable.

Sometimes I have thoughts like I should break up with her NOW so it won't be as bad cause I'm still young, as opposed to breaking up like years later after our relationship has really grown and I've put a lot into it.

Recently it feels like I'm going crazy or way too insecure having thoughts like this. I mean why am I even thinking about stuff like this, I should just enjoy what I have and if it's meant to be its meant to be right? I really don't know, what the fuck should I do?

Fuck life was so much simpler when I spent most of my free time chilling with friends and driving/working on my car. And I didn't feel so weak.

If you have a great girl then why are you thinking about breaking up with her. Doesn't make sense to me. Have fun while your with her. Enjoy your time with her. Don't think too much into it. Plus you can't have sex with your friends dummy.

Also if your thinking that breaking up with her now even though your having an awesome time with her will end the misery later on because your thinking eventually you two will break up. Then it's like saying life is great right now, but eventually I'll die. So why not just off myself right now to get it over with.

Hope that makes sense to you.

08-23-2007, 03:09 AM
mrclark1, you are a rare breed. Can you honestly say that you've never had feelings for this hot friend of yours? Seeing how she's hot and she's a good friend of yours, I think it would only be natural.

08-23-2007, 03:12 AM
Also if your thinking that breaking up with her now even though your having an awesome time with her will end the misery later on because your thinking eventually you two will break up. Then it's like saying life is great right now, but eventually I'll die. So why not just off myself right now to get it over with.

Hope that makes sense to you.

That makes perfect sense and I know how ridiculous it sounds.But I cant help but feel like that, I think I'm just really scared to lose her is all, you know? I feel like I need to breakup with her before she breaks up with me because I will feel a lot better.

I swear I'm going crazy with all of these negative thoughts. I need to get fucking drunk.

08-23-2007, 03:20 AM
That makes perfect sense and I know how ridiculous it sounds.But I cant help but feel like that, I think I'm just really scared to lose her is all, you know?

That's called insecurity. Fight it off. Otherwise it'll come and bite you in the ass. Also stay away from Insecurity's friend Jealousy.

I truly believe that in order to love someone first you have to love yourself. I'm not talking about masturbating. I'm talking about emotionally loving yourself. Be comfortable with who you are. If your not then you can never fully give your love to another person.

08-23-2007, 10:06 AM
That's called insecurity. Fight it off. Otherwise it'll come and bite you in the ass. Also stay away from Insecurity's friend Jealousy.

I truly believe that in order to love someone first you have to love yourself. I'm not talking about masturbating. I'm talking about emotionally loving yourself. Be comfortable with who you are. If your not then you can never fully give your love to another person.

yeah i couldnt agree more.
and this also doesnt mean to become a selfe loving whore, and thing yoru gods gift to woman, it means to be content with how you are and be content being alone, cause most people that want to be in a relationship and thats all they thinnk about end up getting in bad relationships cause they get desperate.

08-23-2007, 10:14 AM
mrclark1, you are a rare breed. Can you honestly say that you've never had feelings for this hot friend of yours? Seeing how she's hot and she's a good friend of yours, I think it would only be natural.

Honestly, yes. I've always just seen her as a friend. I agree that is odd... I've thought myself at times, I SHOULD be interested in her more then that. haha. I think probably what happend is for the first 3 years we knew each other, I was seeing someone else. I didn't let those feelings develop, and neither did she. By the time we were both single, we had solidly established a friendship, and considered each other siblings practically.

I also grew up with only sisters... no brothers. So I've always had an easy time just being friends with girls I'm not interested in.

08-23-2007, 10:24 AM
That's called insecurity. Fight it off. Otherwise it'll come and bite you in the ass. Also stay away from Insecurity's friend Jealousy.

I truly believe that in order to love someone first you have to love yourself. I'm not talking about masturbating. I'm talking about emotionally loving yourself. Be comfortable with who you are. If your not then you can never fully give your love to another person.


breakindrifts: What you're feeling is totally normal in a lot of ways. You're starting to get a little history behind you with your current gf, and things will probably start to cool off. She may not SEEM as interested, and she'll observe the same in you. The best thing you can do right now, is let her know you're still interested. By that I mean do something special for her... nothing big, just buy her some flowers, take her somewhere you know she's always wanted to go for the day etc.

Don't break up with her because you think it's "inevitable"... it's not. You're 19and still young, so that makes it more likely, people change a lot in the early 20's. But that does NOT mean the two of you can't change together. Honestly, think of it this way. If you break up with her now, you end the possibility of you'll love the person she changes into even more then the girl she is now. Don't break it off, unless you have a solid reason, you'll regret it if you do otherwise. If she breaks it off with you... that's tough, but we all go through it likely at some point. That way at least you can look back and say you gave it all you had and have no regrets in that regard.

Hope that helps.

08-23-2007, 10:25 AM
"I dont want a boyfriend when I goto college."

how gay, you just want to fuck mad random dudes.

08-23-2007, 12:35 PM
"I dont want a boyfriend when I goto college."

how gay, you just want to fuck mad random dudes.

It doesn't get any more truthful than that.

She'll be one Girls Gone Wild soon enough.


08-23-2007, 02:18 PM
So this thread kind of just makes me want to break up with my girlfriend even more.

x2 buddy

but it sounds like you have insecurity issues to work out...

08-23-2007, 05:06 PM
Wait see your thinking about banging them. I'm telling you it doesn't fucking happen. Who wants to hang around ugly people anyways. Fuck.

Does she take you shopping with her.

Damn it I knew you were gay. :keke: :keke: :keke:

:bigok: :bigok:


Only reason to be friends with a fat ugly chick....


08-23-2007, 10:26 PM
What? lol... one of my closest friends is a girl. A hot one at that. haha. People always assume I'm dating her, and then wonder why I'm not.

For the record, we've never gone on a date, never been FWB's (not my kinda thing, or hers, anyway.)... we usually kiss each other hello/goodbye on the cheek though. lol... that's it.

Been that way for years now. haha

damn sonnnnn. your in the friends zone.

08-23-2007, 10:47 PM
Girls, pfft, who needs them when the internet is full of porn and napkins are all around the house.

08-23-2007, 10:53 PM
damn sonnnnn. your in the friends zone.

You obviously didn't read any of my other posts on this subject. lol

BTW I have a girl with which I am very much NOT in the friend zone. ;)

08-24-2007, 12:46 AM
You obviously didn't read any of my other posts on this subject. lol

BTW I have a girl with which I am very much NOT in the friend zone. ;)

so do ya think of your friend when your with this other girl? jk
and btw that other thread bout the chick stabbin a dude in the chest during sex, soudns liek a break up line gone bad.???

08-24-2007, 12:49 AM
Ive done virgin's

was good times.

except the comforter had to be destroyed.

08-24-2007, 12:41 PM
dont lie your wee wee is too small to even break a contact lense

08-25-2007, 08:21 AM

old but relevant.

08-26-2007, 04:51 AM
So me and my ex aren't really talkin anymore as buddies or whatever, but i just happened to message her saying hey, catching up and all that jazz, and somehow it led to sex.

While i thought that was cool, it did catch me off guard. After teh sexing, she asked if there was anyone else in my life, or if i was dating anyone or seeing them. I didn't respond, grabbed my shit and left.

I hate chicks crying, so i left it at that.