View Full Version : badassmarine...please watch

08-20-2007, 05:58 PM
dont know if this is a repost or not, if it is, sorry. But I thought this was damn good.

08-20-2007, 06:07 PM
Repizzle. :)

08-20-2007, 06:20 PM
I think the war is going to his head. Poor brainwashed government resource ='(

08-20-2007, 06:30 PM
I think the war is going to his head. Poor brainwashed government resource ='(

The war went to my head. It made me realize that patriotism is still alive and well in this country of ours and that there are still people willing to fight and die to keep us free and for that most of us are so damn thankful.

It also made me realize that if we don't stand up against the rising tide of militant Islam, of crime and hatred, we will all fall and our military fights against that tide. Some in our military don't come back from the fight against that tide and for that I am sorry. They honor our country and we honor their sacrifice through any outlet we can.

For those reasons I am thankful to each and every one of our fighting men and women and will never lay down my arms because they fought for my right to bear them.

I never saw that the first time so this repost is new to me.

08-20-2007, 06:37 PM
The war went to my head. It made me realize that patriotism is still alive and well in this country of ours and that there are still people willing to fight and die to keep us free and for that most of us are so damn thankful.

It also made me realize that if we don't stand up against the rising tide of militant Islam, of crime and hatred, we will all fall and our military fights against that tide. Some in our military don't come back from the fight against that tide and for that I am sorry. They honor our country and we honor their sacrifice through any outlet we can.

For those reasons I am thankful to each and every one of our fighting men and women and will never lay down my arms because they fought for my right to bear them.

I never saw that the first time so this repost is new to me.
Dont you think we should stand up against our corrupt power hungry government before we go on a wild goose chase in the middle of nowhere that got us 9 trillion dollars in debt and made 3500 brave young men and women lose their lives not to mention destroy 1000's of soldiers lives because of what they saw?

08-20-2007, 07:04 PM
Dont you think we should stand up against our corrupt power hungry government before we go on a wild goose chase in the middle of nowhere that got us 9 trillion dollars in debt and made 3500 brave young men and women lose their lives not to mention destroy 1000's of soldiers lives because of what they saw?

you believe EVERYTHING that video told you man? You cant base it off one thing you see....research...dont be gulliable (sp?)

But that was a very good speech....he performed it very well....He hooked you at the first and had nothing but good points, then made his conclusion tie in with the introduction...Good speech

08-20-2007, 07:11 PM

I think what that soldier in the video has to say is great. Very powerful words and very well spoken.

Anyway why not hop into this great OT discussion...

Dont you think we should stand up against our corrupt power hungry government before we go on a wild goose chase in the middle of nowhere that got us 9 trillion dollars in debt and made 3500 brave young men and women lose their lives not to mention destroy 1000's of soldiers lives because of what they saw?

Yes we should. And I believe that is the actual, original, definition of patriotism. Our "enemies of democracy" aren't always overseas practicing some mysterious voodoo talking in a language we can't understand. They're right here, forcing a smile as they lie to your face. To me, there's a tremendous difference between "patriotism" and "blind allegiance".

It also made me realize that if we don't stand up against the rising tide of militant Islam, of crime and hatred, we will all fall and our military fights against that tide.

I agree with you. No offense, but I think your scope is much too narrow. It's not just "militant Islam" we need to defeat, it's religious fundamentalism as a whole. No need to put a specific name on it -- Islam is NOT the only religion that is teaching hatred towards those with different beliefs. It's just the current scapegoat.

The "war on terror" is a joke, the same as the "war on drugs" or the "war on poverty" or any other "war on a social epidemic". It's merely a way to swindle the taxpayers out of trillions of dollars under the false guise of community/nation improvement and security. Yet the same thing seems to happens every time: after dumping endless amounts of money at the problem, it often ends up worse off than it ever was to begin with. To confidently boast that your policies are going to eradicate terrorism, drugs or poverty on a worldwide scale is completely ludicrous. It seems that you can't kill an idea with guns, bullets, laws, police or trade embargoes.

I support our military personnel, they're doing their job. The same way the police giving us exhaust tickets are doing their job.... They're doing what they're told to do. Our real enemy, as it turns out, are the special interest groups and corporations that control and corrupt our government. Right here at home.

08-20-2007, 07:12 PM
Repost....and idiot in the house.