View Full Version : Found some nice wheels at the Junkyard

Hachi Killer
09-03-2002, 01:40 AM
Yes! Finally made me of some Hayashi Perrier AGAIN! I use to have them on one of my Datsun 510s but was forced to sell it.

Now I discovered an almost scratch and dent-free set of them at the local Junkyard. Only drawback is that they are the 4x108 bolt pattern. I found them on a beat up Ford Escort. Dunno if I should send the rims to get the bolt holes enlarged a bit or to buy adapters. Adapters are $65 a wheel! dang! Anyways, they will be going on the S12 project I have or maybe my S13, cant decide!

PICS! PICS! PICS! (http://community.webshots.com/user/coolerow)

PS: I'm not Hachi Killer, it's Coolerow . Forgot to log out my younger brothers username(hachi killer) when I posted. It was too late when I found out.

09-03-2002, 12:58 PM
i want to have sex with those wheels all the time.

09-03-2002, 08:15 PM
dang! okay then, $15 first hour and $10 each additional hour. Bring your own tissue paper!