View Full Version : Radiator

08-13-2007, 02:05 AM
I just snapped the nipple off of my koyo radiator (to the coolant resivor)... apperently some one did it beofere cause it had a RB weld or something like that on it. It came with the car when i bot it(figures). I wanted to know if anyone knew if i could just weld it and would it take the pressure or should i jsut get a new one. If i need to get a new one is anyone selling a hi performance radiator or knows of anyone trying to get rid of a good one(beofre i go and buy a new one)???

na3j nitsuj
08-13-2007, 02:07 AM
go to a welder and ask them...its ur best bet...

08-13-2007, 02:29 AM
Find a good welder (ask them if they're comfortable welding aluminum radiators, if they say yes, you're good). He'll prep it and have it back on there in no time. Problem is, he'll want the radiator out of the car :/

08-13-2007, 06:08 AM
or get a small nipple fitting, tap the hole in the neck of the radiator and then thread the nipple in.

Otis Performance
08-13-2007, 06:17 AM
same thing happen to one of my koyo
i went to home depot got a bass fitting and teflon tape tapped the hole

08-13-2007, 06:21 AM
same thing happen to one of my koyo
i went to home depot got a bass fitting and teflon tape tapped the hole
thats prolly your best bet

08-13-2007, 06:44 AM
same thing happen to one of my koyo
i went to home depot got a bass fitting and teflon tape tapped the hole

thats exactly what i would do, its just for the over flow tank not to much pressure.

08-13-2007, 02:50 PM
same thing happen to one of my koyo
i went to home depot got a bass fitting and teflon tape tapped the hole
or get a small nipple fitting, tap the hole in the neck of the radiator and then thread the nipple in.

Im jsut worried about holding pressure...
cause my radiator cap is rated for a little over 1.5 bar so thats no going to go first...
im think i might try the teflon tape... but like i said im just concerened on if it will hold the pressure...

Vision Garage
08-13-2007, 06:59 PM
if you are going to tap in a new fitting, it will be fine. Pressure wise, it should be the same.

08-13-2007, 11:58 PM
SDP is doing ym build so i will mention it them...
shit the last thing i wana do is but a new radiator i wanted to finish my exterior first