View Full Version : transmission problem

08-07-2007, 04:06 PM
I recently got a 5sp swap done, and when I drive it on a hot day for 10-15mins, it seem like the clutch is slipping.

Symtoms: in 1st or whatever gears it's in, once I get close to 3k rpm it revs freely with no power transfer until 3.5k-4k then it catches, and transfer power to the ground. If I continue to drive like this sooner or later the engine revs more freely and almost no power transfer to no power transfer at all. Like literally it would roll back downhill (SCARY!).

I took it back to the shop and they adjusted the clutch pedal, but that didn't seem to be the problem. What could it be? HELP PLEASE. Bad clutch? It's supposly new. Bad pressure plate? This problem doesn't seem to happen at night.. or haven't happened yet.

08-07-2007, 04:36 PM
Shop did the swap? How confident are you on the work?
What type/spec clutch did you put in? Was the flywheel resurfaced? Yeah, sounds like shoddy work.

08-07-2007, 04:44 PM
Shop did the swap? How confident are you on the work?
What type/spec clutch did you put in? Was the flywheel resurfaced? Yeah, sounds like shoddy work.

Or this "new" clutch isn't new at all.

08-08-2007, 02:12 AM
its deff sounds like the clutch.

08-08-2007, 02:33 AM
sounds like its a bad pressure plate.

what brand?

please dont say something from ebay.

08-08-2007, 02:35 AM
its your clutch, i had the same problem and i sure thats what it is cause i burned my clutch at mt. wilson and drove it down the mountain and drove is home and when i would push the car it would lage alot but then catch up. hope this help in your case.

all stock
08-08-2007, 06:50 AM
could be bad clutch, pp, glazed flywheel, bad master or slave clutch cylinder. or hard lines.

either the engagement is shot, or it's not engaging enough.

08-08-2007, 10:08 AM
If the car is in gear from take off and low rpms and grabs fine but then slips the higher you get into the rpm band, you have a bad PP. The clutch disc is only ever being used during shifting and take off. Once you have engaged the clutch, only your pressure plate is being used. If you're slipping then you got a pressure plate failing. It's happening at the peak of the torque curve (3.5-4.0 rpms)which makes sense.

Take it back to the shop and tell them that the need to recheck the PP. Of course they don't want to cause it's money out of their pocket, so they're gonna make up some more bullshit to feed you....just don't buy it.


08-08-2007, 03:56 PM
I'll give the shop time to redeem itself before I give them a bad rep. I'm confident of their work, but maybe not their parts. all stock parts. the flywheel i'm not sure if it been resurfaced. thanks guys for your help. i'm gonna see what i could do about it.

08-09-2007, 03:13 AM
I have the same issue, but I'm to lazy to correct it. The clutch has low pedal in the morning, but after it warms up it's at the top of it's stroke.

What the deal is there is air in the system, and needs to be bled out for it to work properly, I changed my clutch master cylinder and couldn't get anyone to help me bleed the system. so I don't drive it much, but more than sure that is your concern.

08-09-2007, 03:47 AM
i've bleed the system already. the clutch pedal used to be saggy, and i had to pull up the clutch pedal with my foot, but that was after adjusting the clutch pedal engagement. hopefully i have enough time to talk to my go to guy after work tomorrow to see what's up. from my impression and other people thoughts i'm narrowing it down to clutch or pressure plate. the others is still an option though.

08-09-2007, 05:09 AM
i've bleed the system already. the clutch pedal used to be saggy, and i had to pull up the clutch pedal with my foot, but that was after adjusting the clutch pedal engagement. hopefully i have enough time to talk to my go to guy after work tomorrow to see what's up. from my impression and other people thoughts i'm narrowing it down to clutch or pressure plate. the others is still an option though.

Do you smell anything when you get out of the car? when my clutch was going out, the pedal would stick to the ground too. i had to pull it back with my foot. after bleeding the system god knows how many times, and three master cylinders and 1 rebuilt slave cyliner later, i just changed the clutch and that took care of the whole problem.

08-09-2007, 07:42 AM
Your pedal isn't returning because the pressure plate fins/springs are either broken or really, really worn/loose. The return pressure of the pedal is linked to both the PP and air(or lack of) in the system.

If you have a busted pressure spring in the PP then you won't get adequate pushing force from the PP and your pedal will not want to return quickly, or in bad cases at all.

CHANGE THE CLUTCH KIT!! And also, YOU ALWAYS GET THE FLYWHEEL RESURFACED when you do a clutch job. Not doing the flywheel will just waste a clutch kit and your doing it again, paying again, hating yourself again.