08-06-2007, 08:47 PM
Ok so I took the top panel off and then the second one. When I took the second top panel off one of the bolts broke off. So I'm like eh I'm not concerned that's on top and I can drill it out and replace it. But when I tried to take the bottom panel off I could only get three of the screws out (you know the one right above the fuel tank). The other three are so badly rusted that they started to desenigrate when I tried to remove them. Is it ok to drill those out or would that be a bad idea since it's right over top of the fuel tank? Should I just wait til the tank is almost empty to do it and that be ok or do you guys have another idea of removing them. I don't want the car blowing up and I'd figure you guys be able to help. I fixed the rust in the trunk by grinding it out and putting some bedliner over top. It looks pretty cool at least LoL. Now only if I could put my new walbro 255. Well thanks in advance guys.