View Full Version : 3 killed execution style behind school

08-06-2007, 09:55 AM
from: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070806/ap_on_re_us/schoolyard_killings;_ylt=AvXWoPc6qt1TZ1ndJhx1O1us0 NUE

i believe in gun control (meaning all law abiding citezins should be allowed to obtain a concealed carry weapons license.) when everyone has a freaking gun... you would think twice before pulling out your own gun.

3 killed execution style behind school 2 hours, 57 minutes ago

NEWARK, N.J. - Three friends were forced to kneel against a wall behind an elementary school and were shot to death at close range, and a fourth was found about 30 feet away with gunshot and knife wounds to her head, police said.


All were from Newark and planned to attend Delaware State University this fall.

Essex County Prosecutor Paula Dow said authorities didn't have any suspects or a motive in the killings late Saturday. None of the victims had any criminal record, she said.

"They were good kids," Dow said.

The four had been listening to music in a parking lot behind Mount Vernon School when they were gradually joined by a group of men, authorities said.

Newark Police Director Garry McCarthy said the four exchanged text messages saying they should leave, but were attacked before they could do so.

Police said the attackers shot one young woman, then forced her three companions down an alley, lined them up against a wall, made them kneel and shot each in the head.

Natasha Aerial, 19, was listed in fair condition at Newark's University Hospital, authorities said. Police identified her companions as her brother, Terrance Aerial, 18, Ofemi Hightower, 20, and Deshawn Harvey, 20.

The Aerials' mother, Renee Tucker, said the last time she saw them was around 10:30 p.m. Saturday, when they told her they were going around the corner to get something to eat.

"They said they were going to come right back to the house," Tucker said.

08-06-2007, 10:01 AM
newark sucks
i'm in newark right now :)

08-06-2007, 10:05 AM
DAMN, thats some fucked up ass 3 world country shit right there. Maybe I say this now and depending on the friends Im with, but I think if it was three of us we'd try to jump that foo regardless if we're gonna get shot already might as well try.

08-06-2007, 10:09 AM
some people should fucking die. why would you want to randomly just shoot 4 people? my condolences for the families.

08-06-2007, 10:53 AM
Doesnt the US have more random killings like this than any other country?

08-06-2007, 10:53 AM
each town/city should have their own militia... kinda like neighborhood watch, cept with more freedom to handle the cituation with force when neccessary. most criminals arnt even affraid of the law anymore. There should always be a force in the neighborhood that will bring fear to the criminals and the lawless. what i wouldnt give to be able to grab a few marine buddies and have a field day with people like that.... carjackers would be on the top of my list...

08-06-2007, 11:01 AM
CRAZY. why a random shooting? makes no sense. some people should just burn in hell forever.

08-06-2007, 11:12 AM
DAMN, thats some fucked up ass 3 world country shit right there. Maybe I say this now and depending on the friends Im with, but I think if it was three of us we'd try to jump that foo regardless if we're gonna get shot already might as well try.

Most people don't think like that when something like that happens... that usually takes someone with some training. The first human instinct is to do nothing, or they just freeze/panic. Self-preservation, when threatened by another human being, often takes the form of inaction in most people, rather then action... which is usually necessary. I agree with you though, if it's the only chance, slim it may be... but it's better then no chance. :-/

each town/city should have their own militia... kinda like neighborhood watch, cept with more freedom to handle the cituation with force when neccessary. most criminals arnt even affraid of the law anymore. There should always be a force in the neighborhood that will bring fear to the criminals and the lawless. what i wouldnt give to be able to grab a few marine buddies and have a field day with people like that.... carjackers would be on the top of my list...

Legalizing vigilante mobs isn't the solution, and that's what any militia and/or neighborhood watch, given a mandate to use the same force as police, would eventually turn into. People naturally have a mob instinct.

It's not that criminals are not afraid of the police... they aren't afraid of the judges they face in court. The court room and, people in it, is where things need to be fixed, not the streets and the cops doing there best (most of them) to keep them safe.

However, people who commit crimes like this... often are not deterred by anything. You're always going to have the ones who aren't even deterred by the threat of execution or life imprisonment.... doesn't mean you don't hand those punishments out though when necessary IMHO.

That's my rant for the day. lol

08-06-2007, 11:27 AM
people are fucked up. i think i'll move to japan now... (they have very low crime rate.)

08-06-2007, 11:29 AM
I honestly can't believe that this goes on, its so sad to hear about these things

almost as bad as the 2 kids up here who just went around town killing people 1 night for fun

08-06-2007, 11:31 AM
I honestly can't believe that this goes on, its so sad to hear about these things

almost as bad as the 2 kids up here who just went around town killing people 1 night for fun

When did that happen? I never heard about that? Your location says Calgary... I'm there all the time, and this is the first I've heard of it. :tweak:

08-06-2007, 11:41 AM
Shit sucks. RIP. I'd hate to imagine what they were saying before they shot the kids.

CRAZY. why a random shooting? makes no sense. some people should just burn in hell forever.

It probably wasn't random. Probably some people fuckin doin the usual teenage shit and someone had some problems and made some answers.


"Exchanging text messages" ???


08-06-2007, 12:58 PM
criminals arnt afraid of cops, judges, or the jury... because for the most part, they get a slap on the wrist and do a little time and then be back to doing the same thing they did before.

im not saying a mob or a militia is the only answer.. lol, i was just saying it as an example of something that would cause fear in the lawless. people fear a mob of people or a militia because of unknowing possibilities of death. but you are right, people have the snowball downhill effect. once a crowd gets too big it freaking becomes a riot!

solution... just a simple and small task force =D hahahaha where do i sign up!?!?!? (yes, i am just kidding... no, im not crazy... )

08-06-2007, 01:01 PM
"Exchanging text messages" ???


i think the victims didnt want to say anything to aggitate/aggrivate (spelling?) the fuggers... so they texted each other to "jam... get the fugg out" i think they were trying to be as calm about it as possible. trying to avoid a possible confrontation.

08-06-2007, 03:32 PM
I always think about what I would do in situations like that, such as school shootings, I like to think I'd pull some hero ish and save everyone, but in real life who knows, I'd probably just freeze up.

08-06-2007, 03:46 PM
Fucked up shit.

Kinda makes me wonder about even having kids in the future.

08-06-2007, 04:27 PM
It's funny someone should mention Japan and it's low crime rate. We can leave our cars running while going into the convenience store to get a drink and a little bite to eat and we know the car will always be there. If it's not there, a foreigner took it. I leave my cars open all the time. However, I did get some XR-4 an some SSR Mark II stolen from the side of the house. I have some other rims they didn't touch, so they knew what they were doing....

It's also 24 hours, everything is a round the clock here on Okinawa. You can do just about anything you do in the day at 3 am in the morning.

08-06-2007, 04:48 PM
that's horrible.

08-06-2007, 05:00 PM
CRAZY. why a random shooting? makes no sense. some people should just burn in hell forever.

hehe thats the point of hell, anyways 4 innocent black kids get shot for no reason, i feel horrible when i hear something like this happen to anybodys kids, especially those that have a future. its really sad.

steve shadows
08-06-2007, 05:03 PM
people are fucked up. i think i'll move to japan now... (they have very low crime rate.)

Its also impossible to attain citizenship:madfawk:


08-06-2007, 06:29 PM
criminals arnt afraid of cops, judges, or the jury... because for the most part, they get a slap on the wrist and do a little time and then be back to doing the same thing they did before.

im not saying a mob or a militia is the only answer.. lol, i was just saying it as an example of something that would cause fear in the lawless. people fear a mob of people or a militia because of unknowing possibilities of death. but you are right, people have the snowball downhill effect. once a crowd gets too big it freaking becomes a riot!

solution... just a simple and small task force =D hahahaha where do i sign up!?!?!? (yes, i am just kidding... no, im not crazy... )

meh a plan like that would have little or no effect...the problem with systems like that and capital punishment etc is that it does not deter criminals because most criminals dont believe they will ever be caught....they are well aware that they could be sentenced to death etc but they believe it wont happen to them. The problems in this country are deep routed in our culture and would take drastic changes in our culture and society to slow crime

things like this truly are disturbing....I dont know if I believe in heaven or hell but I do believe in Karma and I believe these people will get whats coming to them....If there is a heaven those kids get a free pass and if there is a hell than I think the shooters are too low for that and will die without souls....just my thoughts

08-06-2007, 06:38 PM
Wow. Maybe a hate crime?

08-06-2007, 08:40 PM
time to break out the death note:ghey:

08-06-2007, 09:20 PM
each town/city should have their own militia... kinda like neighborhood watch, cept with more freedom to handle the cituation with force when neccessary. most criminals arnt even affraid of the law anymore. There should always be a force in the neighborhood that will bring fear to the criminals and the lawless. what i wouldnt give to be able to grab a few marine buddies and have a field day with people like that.... carjackers would be on the top of my list...

yeah, vigilante justice. I can't see any potential downsides to that :rolleyes:

08-06-2007, 09:35 PM
That realy sucks! Newark(brick city) is a realy ghetto ghetto hood place and they dont fuck around down there. I have a few buddy's that go to njit in newark and all of have all ready been robbed/beat up at gun point. As for the shootings i bet it was for a gang initiation. About 2 years ago a video game store in my area(30 mins from newark) was held up and every employee got shot execution style and the criminals stole nothing. They later caught the guys and found out to get into the bloods in newark you got to kill people.

08-07-2007, 08:56 AM
That realy sucks! Newark(brick city) is a realy ghetto ghetto hood place and they dont fuck around down there. I have a few buddy's that go to njit in newark and all of have all ready been robbed/beat up at gun point. As for the shootings i bet it was for a gang initiation. About 2 years ago a video game store in my area(30 mins from newark) was held up and every employee got shot execution style and the criminals stole nothing. They later caught the guys and found out to get into the bloods in newark you got to kill people.

that is seriously some fugged up stuff there... its sad to see people in this day and age who are this stupid. idiots like these rank up there with the companies that club baby seals for pelts all because some jackass wants a seal coat. no offense to the japanese culture, but i dont understand the slaughtering of the dolphins either.... i mean, do they just eat them after? or leave them in the water?

08-07-2007, 09:04 AM
lol. you guys have no idea.

i externed for a superior court criminal judge in newark last summer. it's nothing but murder, assault, weapon possession and drug possession.

the murders are usually about money and drugs though, so its not all random. ;)

08-07-2007, 09:18 AM
can we just have a new rule that cities can expel people for felonies?? some of this stuff is just stupid and these people don't belong around large masses of people.

Unholy S14
08-07-2007, 09:22 AM
damn thats so fucked up.

Newark ftl

08-07-2007, 11:08 AM
My condolences to their families!

08-07-2007, 11:45 AM
the world we live in now is so fucked up

08-07-2007, 10:10 PM
the world we live in now is so fucked up

... and it'll just get more fucked up if the "progressives" win the next election.

More guns, more immediate punishment, and more vigilantism should be our rally call. But who cares enough to fight the fight?

It's time to prove that we do fight back and that we aren't going to put up with this shit.

08-07-2007, 11:28 PM
... and it'll just get more fucked up if the "progressives" win the next election.

More guns, more immediate punishment, and more vigilantism should be our rally call. But who cares enough to fight the fight?

It's time to prove that we do fight back and that we aren't going to put up with this shit.

ninja recon style... hahahahaha. i have a friend who does random shit like that. he goes on his "ninja patrol" missions to help the needy. odd guy, but he is fuggin hilarious.

08-08-2007, 07:58 AM
i mean wtf is this country coming to?

im speechless by this shit, fucking jersey going back to its old days

08-08-2007, 08:26 AM


08-08-2007, 11:54 AM
... and it'll just get more fucked up if the "progressives" win the next election.

More guns, more immediate punishment, and more vigilantism should be our rally call. But who cares enough to fight the fight?

It's time to prove that we do fight back and that we aren't going to put up with this shit.

i like this kid +100000000 for the aditude

08-09-2007, 09:24 AM
Teen arrested in N.J. schoolyard deaths By JEFFREY GOLD, Associated Press Writer
9 minutes ago

NEWARK, N.J. - Police arrested a 15-year-old boy in the killings of three college students in a schoolyard, shootings considered jarring even in a city used to violence, a law enforcement official said Thursday.


The teen was arrested Wednesday night, said Paul Loriquet, a spokesman for the Essex County Prosecutor's Office.

Four friends, ages 18 to 20, were shot while hanging out in a school yard Saturday night. Authorities have said robbery appeared to be the motive.

Three of the victims — Terrance Aeriel, 18, Dashon Harvey, 20; and Iofemi Hightower, 20 — were forced to kneel against a wall and were shot at close range. The fourth, 19-year-old Natasha Aeriel, Terrance Aeriel's sister, survived a wound to her head and is hospitalized.

Despite being under sedation for periods, Natasha Aeriel has been providing authorities with information about the shootings, Mayor Cory A. Booker said.

The killings brought unwanted publicity to the city, which has struggled for years with violent crime. Residents and law enforcement organizations have donated $150,000 to aid the victims' families and to a reward fund.

"This is a defining moment for our city. The crime is not going to define Newark but our response to it," Booker said Thursday on ABC's "Good Morning America."

All four victims were planning to attend Delaware State University this fall. Instead, three were to be buried Saturday in separate services.

A friend of the victims, Samantha Williams, said she was overwhelmed by news of an arrest.

"I can actually stop crying, I can sleep peacefully," said Williams, 18, of Orange.

08-09-2007, 10:45 AM
Justice ftw.

08-09-2007, 10:59 AM
15 yr old boy doing this....damn...I really wonder what went through his mind. For some reason I don't think this was a solo job.

08-09-2007, 02:44 PM
simple was on the dot!

2 arrested in N.J. schoolyard deaths By JEFFREY GOLD, Associated Press Writer
9 minutes ago

NEWARK, N.J. - A 15-year-old boy and a man were in custody and facing murder charges Thursday in the execution-style killings of three college students and wounding of another in a school yard shooting.

The teenager was arrested Wednesday night, and the 28-year-old surrendered Thursday, authorities said.

"We believe that others were involved in this heinous crime," prosecutor Paula Dow said. "We're looking for them."

Mayor Cory A. Booker said fingerprint and ballistics evidence tied the man, Jose Carranza, to the crime. Carranza turned himself in on three counts of first degree murder, one count of attempted murder and other charges.

The teen, whose name was not released because of his age, was arrested on the same charges, authorities said.

Booker said Carranza's lawyer, Felix Lopez Montalvo, called Booker's office saying Carranza wanted to surrender directly to the mayor.

"I said simply, let's find a spot," Booker said.

A message left for Lopez was not immediately returned.

08-09-2007, 06:06 PM
Now all we have to do is put a 9 to the left side of their heads and put their minds right.

How can we, as a country and the society upon which the country operates, allow this?

Baka Sama
08-09-2007, 07:17 PM
15 yr old boy doing this....damn...I really wonder what went through his mind.



Senseless deaths...

08-09-2007, 07:24 PM
When I hear Newark, I always think of this video.


Is the crime there really as bad as everyone says? That's sad.

08-09-2007, 07:47 PM
Dirty Jersey ftl.

this world will only get worse no matter what. I carry a .45 everywhere i go, I dont flash it, but its always by my side.

It is traggic that they lost there lives over nothing. the 15yr old should be executed in the same fasion. eye for an eye

08-10-2007, 06:16 AM

It was the hulkster that made him do it...

"Jose Carranza, 28, of Newark, surrendered with his lawyer at midday Thursday, Mayor Cory A. Booker said."