View Full Version : Back To School 2007-2008

08-05-2007, 01:37 PM
Well shit, we are about a week and a half away from classes to start once again. What College is everyone attending and what classes are you taking?
Myself at the moment I am currently a student at Ivy Tech Community www.ivytech.edu in Indianapolis Campus and finishing up kinda my Business Administration/marketing Associates and should be transfering to IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis www.iupui.edu to the Kelly School of Business.
Something about this is just a challenge and I just want to get it done and look back and laugh.

To not get off topic on my own topic courses I am taking simplified will be the following

1.Some Bullshit Math Course
2.Stupid Business Class
3.Some History shit
4.Some Geography shit
5.and maybe some marketing gay shit

That equal 15 Credit hours in the fall and working about 24-32 hours a week

I'm going to be a grumpy ass this fall lol

08-05-2007, 10:25 PM
i'm not taking anything.

after the summer, i'm finished.

08-06-2007, 12:08 AM
I am going to Louisiana Tech University. I just changed majors into electrical engineering from biomedical engineering.

We have three quarters vs two semseters, so I'm probably taking a lot less classes than a 'normal' school.

Clac 2
Engineering Design 3
RA Class

08-06-2007, 12:14 AM
finishing up my 3rd year at Brooks Institute of Photography with Commercial Video as my major

we go on a session based schedule year round with sessions being 2 months and then a break ranging from 1 week to 4 weeks in length.
each session has 2 classes that meet 3 hours a day 2 times a week and each class day is equal to 3 weeks worth of work.

this session i am in
Speech(Gen Ed)
Intro to Animation( core elective)

A Spec Products
08-06-2007, 12:43 AM
Enjoy school while you can

The real world ain't the same

Enjoy the ability to be financially and socially irresponsible!

Mack as many beezies as possible!

Get faded (responsibly)!

08-06-2007, 12:55 AM
cerritos community college, accounting/business admin transfer ooh yeah!

1. precalculus
2. argumentative writing
3. business accounting
4. biology

08-06-2007, 01:55 AM
Enjoy the ability to be financially and socially irresponsible!

Mack as many beezies as possible!

way ahead of you chief lmao

08-06-2007, 06:49 AM
Yea, Logan is right. I wont lie tho I want to finish this shit. Ive lived in the "real world" paying rent, going to grocery store, paying bills etc etc

Yes it sucks majorly

08-06-2007, 07:15 AM
well second year at stony brook university on Long Island NY. taking Organic chem which will be a b1tch by itself, a mechanical engineering class about pollution, hindi the language, maybe cell biology lab, and a movie classsssss. too bad this will be the easier semesters for my soph year

08-06-2007, 11:17 AM
Currently attending Rutgers University to get my 2nd degree in chemistry. I got my first degree in Electrical Engineering but decided to get another one cuz i'm too scared to work and else EE sucks (personal opinion). I'm done this year with only 3 classes left. I'm taking Physical Chemistry and Lab and Instrumental Analysis Lab and one Art History course cuz that's where hot girls can be found cuz chemistry = losers...so i'll be part-time and working part-time.

08-06-2007, 11:43 AM
On the beezy-hunt ;)

Attending UC Berkeley in the fall, this year shall be poppin'.

Properties of Materials
Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (MATLAB)
Development During Infancy
The Southern Border -- Ethnic Studies/Education

Can you guess my majors? hahaha
Mechanical Engineering BS / Psychology BA

08-06-2007, 11:45 AM
final semester of undergrad at Arizona State University... WORD

BIS 402 - Senior Seminar
ECN 425 - Introduction to Econometrics
ECN 441 - Public Economics
ECN 453 - Industrial Org/Compete Policy
MAT 300 - Mathematical Structures
MAT 340 - Theory of Interest

holler at 18 credits :(

and during all of this I need to take the GRE and get ready for grad school.....

08-06-2007, 11:49 AM
final semester of undergrad at Arizona State University... WORD

BIS 402 - Senior Seminar
ECN 425 - Introduction to Econometrics
ECN 441 - Public Economics
ECN 453 - Industrial Org/Compete Policy
MAT 300 - Mathematical Structures
MAT 340 - Theory of Interest

holler at 18 credits :(

and during all of this I need to take the GRE and get ready for grad school.....

ouch man, good luck... you can do it!

08-06-2007, 12:16 PM
1. Organic Chemistry II
2. Classical and Molecular Genetics
3. Organic Chemistry II lab
4. Linear Algebra or Differential Equation
5. *May be Organizational Behavior (school of management)

08-06-2007, 12:41 PM
Enjoy school while you can

The real world ain't the same

Enjoy the ability to be financially and socially irresponsible!

Mack as many beezies as possible!

Get faded (responsibly)!

the fuckin truth.....

08-06-2007, 12:47 PM
i'm starting at UC Riverside in the fall.
1. english 4 english writing
2. film and visual culture 20 intro to filn study
3. geology 6 the violent universe
majoring in film and visual culture

08-06-2007, 12:58 PM
Going back to San Jose State University this Fall sept 20. After 3 years of the real world, im going back. I already finished once with a BS in business, going back to get a MS in tax.

A Spec Products
08-06-2007, 01:02 PM
And for those two suck on Mommy and Daddy's teets, don't trip, keep suckin!

You gonna hate when the gravy train run out

And if your friends are hatin on you for it, don't sweat it, they just po'

08-06-2007, 01:57 PM
Going to University of Ottawa in business ( accounting ).

Should be easy as pie first semester.


Like 15h in class maybe.

08-06-2007, 05:24 PM

+1 for another canadian, lived in toronto for seven years.

I got my first degree in Electrical Engineering but decided to get another one cuz i'm too scared to work and else EE sucks (personal opinion).

care to explain? just curious

i've heard the same about art history. three classes away from a history minor ftw! (probably gonna be useless in the future)

And for those two suck on Mommy and Daddy's teets, don't trip, keep suckin!

make it three.

08-06-2007, 05:36 PM
i am starting dental school this fall and starting build up my 210k tuition debt @[email protected]

08-06-2007, 05:42 PM

join the navy! they need doctors and dentists!

where did you go for your undergrad?

08-06-2007, 05:52 PM
I just transfered to Temple University. I get to start all over:bite:....Following in the family business, going for Landscape Architecture.

08-06-2007, 06:06 PM
going to salem state college here in salem MA...Im a business management major right now....I forget what classes im taking lol...im guessing business related. You guys go back pretty early I dont go back until sept 5th and a lot of schools around start even later.....I am thinking of transferring to Savannah College of art and design in georgia for industrial design, sitting in an office doing paper work just doesnt appeal to me. I guess being out of school and making real money would be nice but im really not in a hurry to get out and be an adult

Andrew Bohan
08-06-2007, 07:15 PM
college? eh
i'm cool off school for a while

08-06-2007, 10:13 PM
fire fighting for me.

08-06-2007, 10:58 PM
i'm going into my final year at Cal State Northridge, CSUN for u locals. 27 units away from real world worries, or lsat worries, don't know which is more intimidating.

philosophy of law
philosophical topics in logic
advanced epistemology and metaphysics
great questions in politics
humanities 101 (for the units)

08-06-2007, 11:17 PM
Returning to the University of Washington! Any other zilvians joining me?

08-07-2007, 12:11 AM
cal state la is where im going starting off as a freshman and im pretty excited to start college

08-07-2007, 12:14 AM
UC Berkeley

ME163 Aerodynamics
ME107B internal combustion engine lab
ME102 project design course
ME110 another project design course
SPAN150 Nahuatl poetry


I'm done in December.

08-07-2007, 07:49 AM
Nice NEMO congrats

Spanish is easy FTW

08-07-2007, 10:45 AM
Nice NEMO congrats

Spanish is easy FTW

It's Nahuatl dude, I don't know if I'd consider that easy lol

I like how they have that class under Spanish, it should be Ethnic Studies.
but yeah... sorry for the thread-jack

steve shadows
08-07-2007, 10:49 AM
Enjoy school while you can

The real world ain't the same

Enjoy the ability to be financially and socially irresponsible!

Mack as many beezies as possible!

Get faded (responsibly)!

kind of true.


I'm done in December.

me too :hsdance:

for my Bach
but im planning on Law next

so i guess ill see everyone in 4 years

08-07-2007, 11:57 AM
Nice Steve. Enjoy that. My friend is considering the same route. Do you know what kind of law you'll be focusing on?

Echo: you didn't sign up for the class?

Edgar is hella mexican.

08-07-2007, 01:15 PM
didn't you read my schedule? last time i checked it wasn't on there :keke:

nah man, i didn't sign up for it. how many units is it?

08-07-2007, 02:51 PM
don't be a pussy, just take it

08-07-2007, 03:01 PM
me too :hsdance:

for my Bach
but im planning on Law next

so i guess ill see everyone in 4 years

Commerce degree for me first... then Law school.

So I'll see you all in 7 years. :keke:

My class schedule is pretty full... I'm on campus every day from 0800 till at least 1300... just IN class... not counting homework and labs etc.

Wednesdays I'm there till 2200, for BOTH semesters. :bite: :bash:... night classes FTL!

In 2 weeks my life ends yet again, for another 8 months. lol

08-07-2007, 03:46 PM
Starting Rush Med School this fall, life over in ~ 1 month. Have fun with college, it really is a nice refuge from the real world.

What's the deal with that Nahuatl class NemeGuero? Do they actually teach you some Nahuatl, or is it all translated into Spanish? I was a Spanish minor but never had any classes like that offered at my school. I find it one of the most unpronounceable languauges I've ever tried to read.

08-07-2007, 03:52 PM
I'm not proud of where I go... but I'm taking beginning Japanese and Psych... I wish I had time to take more classes... I work full time. :( Next semester I'm going to another JC with more flexible hours...

08-07-2007, 04:48 PM
don't be a pussy, just take it

makes me wanna take it sooo much more

steve shadows
08-07-2007, 05:14 PM
you have to start somewhre.


havent made up my mind, it kind of depends if i can get in anywhere good.

Its not 100% but thats the only thing I can see myself doing.

im good at taking tests so im counting on the LSAT, getting ready the end of this sem.

08-07-2007, 05:38 PM
I've been at Mercer County Community College.. The Ivy League of community colleges.. completed 2 years here, onto my 3rd.. It's fucken beat. Seems like I'll never finish school or leave this place. I'll be taking...
Accounting 2
Micro Economics
Business Stat 2

Next semester is Calc, just one class. I'm engaged. I've been working fulltime since I was 17.. that was 3 years ago. I'll be working full time this semester and next. Does anyone else hate life just a little bit?? Life is owning me.


08-07-2007, 07:32 PM
took me from 1999 til 2007 to graduate.

Business Administration Human Resource Mngmt.

I remember absolutely zip about OSHA, and all kinds of other crap...

Real world is just like school... CUZ I HAD TO WORK FULL TIME AND PAY SHIT ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RENT, UTILITIES, INSURANCE, BUTTSECKS... A;LSKDFJ;LASDJFK

08-08-2007, 08:02 AM
Nice Steve. Enjoy that. My friend is considering the same route. Do you know what kind of law you'll be focusing on?

Echo: you didn't sign up for the class?

Edgar is hella mexican.

i aint mehican yo lol
i love elote locos tho lol

anyways yea i think i might get something in the spanish language i dont know
i want so many degrees

08-08-2007, 11:58 AM
you have to start somewhre.


havent made up my mind, it kind of depends if i can get in anywhere good.

Its not 100% but thats the only thing I can see myself doing.

im good at taking tests so im counting on the LSAT, getting ready the end of this sem.

well like what field of law interests you? criminal law? finance law? blah blah law?

08-08-2007, 08:56 PM
Senior Year Chemical Engineer at Virginia Tech, almost there

Process Materials
Process and Plant Design
World Regions

and just finishin up a 5 credit required summer lab :ugh: :bigok:

08-08-2007, 10:33 PM
Im finally going back to school. i figured i would take a year break after high school......now its 8 years later!! Cant complain though, things have gone good so far, but im about as far as i can go without the degree.

im easing back into the school life so im only going with 3 classes-i work 40+ a week too though

English 101
account. 115
alg 138 ( i bombed that part of the placement test, so this is my refresher)

08-08-2007, 11:42 PM
fuck school.. just got done HS goin to the navy.. I took the asvap today.. did pretty good.
Sad part is.. im just waiting on a court problem to clear up.. =[

08-08-2007, 11:45 PM
its asvab

that sounds like my situation years ago....not even the navy could clean my mess though. I so wanted to be a bubblehead too....

08-09-2007, 12:56 AM
Getting my Masters at Northeastern University...

taking more classes on business calc, marketing, and other crap...

08-09-2007, 01:35 AM
principles of bio
bio lab
into to business
intro to human sexuality
health ed (online class)
cultural anthro

16 units

09-05-2007, 01:28 AM
I'm not proud of where I go... but I'm taking beginning Japanese and Psych... I wish I had time to take more classes... I work full time. :( Next semester I'm going to another JC with more flexible hours...

lol........lemme guess, ure going to santa ana college or occ? lol im stuck at occ if ure curious.. :smash:

09-05-2007, 04:58 AM
sophomore in high school

honors advanced func n trig
spanish III IM
honors chem
history and english

by the sound of it, i'm glad i'm still in hs...this isht's easy

09-05-2007, 05:31 AM
intro to human sexuality
Tell me how that goes. I'm taking it next semester.


Baka Sama
09-05-2007, 06:22 AM
My prereq's are all done and its just more drafting and design classes for me. Its gonna feel weird when I get my architectural degree and I dont have to go to school anymore. Wonder what I'll do with all that free time.

09-05-2007, 07:25 AM
anyone going crazy yet?
i'm just worried about a paper i need to write for history

09-05-2007, 01:33 PM
I went back to school after my business started to boom!

WHY? I realized that this isnt going to be so all the time, and I didnt feel secure about myself. I thought if this ever slows down, im back on square one, nothing.

Im a business admin / management major at phoenix/devry. I am only on my A degree right now because I messed up so many times.

Edgar - as far as going crazy! tell me about it. I have to get 3.3+ average to be in honors. WHY HONORS? I want to be set aside from my other fellow students when i graduate. Chances of me getting a manageral position with honors is better then without.

I have a new account that will pay my to cut up cars, make prototypes, molds, and plugs for cars. My shop is going to be getting out of the paint but more in the corporate world.

Family, friends, girlfriend, I try not to get caught up in to much of one thing. I want balance, and appreciate life and everything around me at the same time I TRY TO BECOME SOMEONE!

AHHHHH!!! -=o)

09-05-2007, 02:09 PM
Second year at Cal Poly Pomona (woot woot!!)

with a Major in Mechanical Engineering, and a minor in jocking the bitches, and slapping the Hoes studies.

09-05-2007, 08:11 PM
BCIT near Vancouver, BC.

Just started CIT - Computer Information Technology. Starting on a 2 year diploma.. Im 26 and I just quit my very nice Job to attend. courseload is 30hours/week + 30h minumum for homework

Nervous but excited right now

09-05-2007, 08:19 PM
started school last month. senior in high school. fucking blows. i hate school with a passion. bunch of fucktards i couldnt give a shit about. fuck.

English 4
word processing
autotech 3

signed up to graduate midterm. school ruins it for me. all i wanna do is kick it with freinds, work, and build my car.

09-05-2007, 08:50 PM
I went back to school after my business started to boom!

WHY? I realized that this isnt going to be so all the time, and I didnt feel secure about myself. I thought if this ever slows down, im back on square one, nothing.

Im a business admin / management major at phoenix/devry. I am only on my A degree right now because I messed up so many times.

Edgar - as far as going crazy! tell me about it. I have to get 3.3+ average to be in honors. WHY HONORS? I want to be set aside from my other fellow students when i graduate. Chances of me getting a manageral position with honors is better then without.

I have a new account that will pay my to cut up cars, make prototypes, molds, and plugs for cars. My shop is going to be getting out of the paint but more in the corporate world.

Family, friends, girlfriend, I try not to get caught up in to much of one thing. I want balance, and appreciate life and everything around me at the same time I TRY TO BECOME SOMEONE!

AHHHHH!!! -=o)

I feel you on that. I'm not going to lie right now the only thing I am a little worried about this paper I need to right for my American History course on the presidents during WW and WW2.
I'm in school for myself as well to become a more educated individual and of course the degree. I mean it's a mission being in school but it feels good if you guys know what I mean

09-05-2007, 08:52 PM
Well I start September 25th...at Pacific Union College up in Angwin,CA
First Quarter..yeah we do the quarter system
General Psych
History of World Civ
History of the US
Intensive Spanish Review

Second Quarter
Intermediate Math...
College English 102
Intensive Spanish Review II
History of the US II

Third Quarter

Weight Training
Classroom Observation
Intro To Teaching
Intensive Spanish Review III
Life and Teachings of Jesus (its a Christian school REQUIRED!)
History of Western Art

17 units each quarter. and each class 4 times a week some every day of the week! woot! HISTORY FUCK YEAH!

09-06-2007, 12:16 AM
yup, feels good after finishing a semester and knowing you did well!!!

it felt more then the first time i felt BOOST from my RB hahah, serious!!!

09-06-2007, 08:54 AM
University of Florida

MAN 3025
MAR 3023


09-06-2007, 09:09 AM
At the one and only University of Miami
3rd semester

Eco211 Microeconomics -breeze class
Ien311 Probability and Stat for Engineers
Mae207 Mechanics of Materials 2
Mth211 Calculus 3
Phy206 University Physics 2
also a lab and discussion for phy206

Engineering sucks the big one

09-09-2007, 11:18 PM
Shippensburg university
-Intro to Bio I
-Bull$h!t writing class
-World History I
*chillin wit ramdom bitches on campus. Met these girls last night and they did not stop talking about jungle juice and what names they were giving their panties. There is nothin to do around here and the only plus side is the newly paved, curvy wooded roads. Oh n theres some sick turbo s13, no body kit.
My first semester....

09-10-2007, 12:12 AM
Going to central Oregon community college.... figured after not attending a school of any kind for 7 years a community was the place to start back up on.

calculus (mth 111)
engineering orientation (GE 01)
writing (121)
Library study (cake i know, but i had to get full time credits for funding)

09-10-2007, 05:45 AM
Cal Poly Pomona. School starts Sept 20 for me.

1. Calc III (Infinite Sequences and Series) - I have to take this BS again cuz I failed.
2. Vector Statics + Lab
3. Econ (macro)
4. Physics III + Lab

Labs are 3 hours, 1 unit. Total of 16 units. Oh yeah, I fuckin hate my last Calc III professor. Only 2 people passed in the class. :madfawk: