View Full Version : I ALMOST F-ING DIED....seriously.

08-05-2007, 12:57 AM
I live in Burgaw NC and work in Wallace NC. So I was on I-40 on my way home and was enjoying my newly wired up cruise control and cool 80mph wind when I saw blue lights in the distance and just figured another speeding person. So I ignored it and kept going. Well I noticed the other car in front of me about 300 yards get on the brake and then again ignored it and went to go around him when all of a sudden I'M STARING AT FUCKING HEADLIGHTS!!!! I swerved back in my lane and this dumb as mother fucker was running from the popo in the wrong lane and almost hit me. I would have been dead. If he's going 80+ to me and I'm doing 80 at him....hmmm...yeah...like hitting a brick wall at over a 160. He was driving your typical "runna way from cop dude" car it looked like (from what I caught of it) a white 80's model buick or olds or some shit like that. Either way its a fucking brick. It didn't really hit me until about a half mile later when I started laughing like a mofo and all I could think was WTF :goyou: I know that didn't just happen. Thats like some LA COPS shit. IDK dude IDK!!??!

08-05-2007, 01:06 AM
glad to hear you are ok!

08-05-2007, 01:08 AM
Yea dood fuck that.
I've been passed by high speed chases before, but never had them coming at me head on.

Glad ur alright and ur car wasnt hurt.

08-05-2007, 01:10 AM
shoulda pulled a Ueeeeeeeeeeeeeee and filmed that shit :D

08-05-2007, 01:10 AM
thanks brother :wtc: I could be dead. Na I'm really not shook up or freaked out but it really was a WTF moment. I've done that drive a thousand times never ever would have expected that.

08-05-2007, 01:16 AM
Should have drifted around them,

then got their cell phone digits.

08-05-2007, 01:43 AM
Is that why you drift?

08-05-2007, 01:56 AM
Similar thing happened to me last month. Some guy in an Impala ran past me on a city street late at night definitely doing over 100 mph, as he swerved to barely miss me his rear came out and he started swerving all over the road, he got on two wheels and I seriously thought he was going to flip over but then he spun out to face me, and I had to swerve into the opposite lane to miss him. Then he turned around and passed me again, ran a few red lights causing an SUV to rear-end a car, then he side-swiped a parked car, and kept going. At this time a couple of police cars raced past me, it was a wild experience.

08-05-2007, 02:03 AM
Drifting helps avoid accidents. Really it does. Its like if you swerve around somone and lose traction your drift experience WILL kick in. The whole thing was fucking crazy. I see this shit on tv all the time but I never imagined I would see it first hand or let alone almost get hit by one of the queer baits running from the popo.:2f2f: Its actually making me ill thinking that mother fucker could have hit "my baby".:fawk2:

08-05-2007, 02:11 AM
"He was driving your typical "runna way from cop dude" car it looked like (from what I caught of it) a white 80's model buick or olds or some shit like that."

lol @ that. Glad you're ok.

08-05-2007, 02:16 AM
wow another great reason to live in LA! Nobody would ever do that, or rather, nobody could do that since its gridlock both ways.

Aside from Nicole Richie of course...

08-05-2007, 02:22 AM
holy crap man....glad your alright. I had a simliar case happen to me...it was late at night and as soon as I exit the highway to get onto the road I see headlights coming at me (mind you I was going 50mph). Luckily I was able to pull to the side of the road and miss it.

Once again, glad your okay and I guess you can reflect more on life

08-05-2007, 02:24 AM
hahaha.... thats great... glad you didnt get hit.... hate to see another 240 go to the yard.... and im glad ur good too.. haha. jk.

08-05-2007, 02:47 AM
Thanks peeps. I wish i had my video camera. That shit would have been funny as hell to be doing like a 100+ with the state patrol men taping the shit....haha makes me laugh thinking about it. Or even yet passing the cops and cussing that moron out while throwing wrenches at em(I had all my wrenches and shit in my car). That crap was WILD. WOW. Who would have thought.

08-05-2007, 02:52 AM
hahaha.... you soudn excited.. you never gonna fall asleep tonight.... post whore time!

08-05-2007, 02:58 AM
Yeah dude its 4:56 in the morning for me right now. But hey I aint got to work tomarrow......OH SHIT!! It literally just hit me, i got a store meeting at 8. Fuck it I'll just stay up and go to sleep when its done. I am going to be sooo tired at like 11. Oh well.

08-05-2007, 03:03 AM
jesus.... i used to stay up all night and party with my friend when i was staying with him, then go to work for 10 hours a day from 630-430.. haha... that brought back memories... well im going to bed, im lazy. lol.

08-05-2007, 03:06 AM
Damn holmes.

I drive 40 a lot...weirdest shit happens on there.

I remember once there was shitty visibility and I told my friend to hit the brakes...

And he said no. (durrrr)


and then he did...and he was literally about 9 inches from ramming a Uhaul truck...

Farzam has foresight?

08-05-2007, 03:14 AM
you ever get passed by a cop on a high speed chase and than want to join in the chase???
thats waht i alwys think about when they pass me.

08-05-2007, 03:16 AM
I wonder what you'd get charged with if you joined in a high speed pursuit and like caught the guy...

08-05-2007, 03:17 AM
Damn holmes.

I drive 40 a lot...weirdest shit happens on there.

I remember once there was shitty visibility and I told my friend to hit the brakes...

And he said no. (durrrr)


and then he did...and he was literally about 9 inches from ramming a Uhaul truck...

Farzam has foresight?

He said no (durrr) hahahaha. My boss at work says that shit all the time like the retarded hand gesture along w/ the durrrr. But yeah 40 is crazy. Less than a week ago I was going to work and had to be there at 4 and I was on 40 and I getting so pissed(late and natural road rage) people kept slowing down to fuckin 40mph and I saw some smoke in the distance and thought the trees were on fire or some shit. When I got up there a early 90's model f150(or f100 I guess) was COMPLETELY BURNT TO THE GROUND. Nothing but pure metal. I would have been going nuts it that truck was on the westward lane cuz traffic was backed up for literal miles.:fawk2: FUCK THAT.

08-05-2007, 05:13 AM
This sucks I need to be at work in exactly 48 minutes.

08-05-2007, 05:15 AM
I wonder what you'd get charged with if you joined in a high speed pursuit and like caught the guy...

Very interesting idea. IDK but that shit would be funny as hell. And the cops would be like:tweak: .

Dirty Habit
08-05-2007, 08:36 AM
You shoulda taken your shirt off and spun it around like a helicopter afterwards.

I kid. North Cackalacky can get crazy at times. I was born in fayetteville, lived there for awhile. I saw some crazy shit go down there. Shootouts at chucky cheese, people getting smashed with baseball bats..etc.
My buddy was shot in the shoulder at a pick and pull place out in the boonies by the owner. Dude was so drunk he fell over and couldn't get back up, so some random dude there dragged my buddy out of there and called 911. I have no clue how he could aim straight. Guy went to jail for 3 years. Buddy has a huge ugly looking lump on his shoulder. Never went back to that place..they had a good nissan collection too.
Good times.

08-05-2007, 09:36 AM
You shoulda taken your shirt off and spun it around like a helicopter afterwards.

North Carolina, c'mon and raise up, take your shirt off, twist it 'round your head, spin it like a helicopter.

08-05-2007, 11:32 AM
good to hear that your still alive at least..lol

08-05-2007, 11:49 AM
my physics suck arse... but if you were traveling at like 80mph... and collided with something that put you to a dead stop, the blunt force of like a 2800lb car should cause an imact force of like 19+tons! i have no idea how to calculate what it would be like if he was doing 80mph... but im pretty sure something would have blown up.

08-05-2007, 11:50 AM
you should equip your 240 with a bazooka mounted at the "aero" that way next time it happens just hit the nOz switch and blow up anything in your way. Then calmly just keep driving.....

p.s glad your ok

08-05-2007, 07:47 PM
Man I'm sorry about that. I guess I should have been in the right lane. Those damn cops were only after me cuz I had 4 ks of yeyo in the trunk. Thats not too much.

Seriously though, scary shit. Glad to see your OK.

08-05-2007, 07:51 PM
Shit goes down in the Cacka.

He said no (durrr) hahahaha. My boss at work says that shit all the time like the retarded hand gesture along w/ the durrrr. But yeah 40 is crazy. Less than a week ago I was going to work and had to be there at 4 and I was on 40 and I getting so pissed(late and natural road rage) people kept slowing down to fuckin 40mph and I saw some smoke in the distance and thought the trees were on fire or some shit. When I got up there a early 90's model f150(or f100 I guess) was COMPLETELY BURNT TO THE GROUND. Nothing but pure metal. I would have been going nuts it that truck was on the westward lane cuz traffic was backed up for literal miles.:fawk2: FUCK THAT.

I was a DSM literally burnt to the ground on I-540 about 4 miles from RDU.

08-05-2007, 07:57 PM
If he's going 80+ to me and I'm doing 80 at him....hmmm...yeah...like hitting a brick wall at over a 160

actually if you collided both doing 80mph your speeds would have cancelled each other out, so you would have hit each other doing 0mph and lived.........did I just blow your mind?:keke:

glad ur alright man

08-05-2007, 07:57 PM
Could be like that truck that jackknifed and burned on 40 last week, which had east AND westbound backed the fuck up, right there inside of Raleigh, just past Page Rd.
... granted, I was 40 minutes away in Burlington working at the time, then headed home to Greensboro, 15 minutes past that after work.
... sucked for you guys

08-05-2007, 08:51 PM
To add to the madness lat week these white and black dudes were fighting in the Wallace "hangout" then all of a sudden this mexican out of no where starts unloading shots in the air. That same night this dude stole like 3 lbs of weed from onother dealer and the dealer being the good citizen he is hinded to the popo about it and dude got lock up. He tried to run from the popo in his stock neon with 5 people in it. They also found a gram of coke and a sawed off shotty. Broke small town folk are freakin nuts ( I miss Wilmington).

08-05-2007, 10:12 PM
yea like when i was crusin on the hills over oakland then i pulled over and i heard a car running without its lights on. and you can tell it is fast too! i was like WTF?:confused:

08-05-2007, 10:25 PM
Could be like that truck that jackknifed and burned on 40 last week, which had east AND westbound backed the fuck up, right there inside of Raleigh, just past Page Rd.
... granted, I was 40 minutes away in Burlington working at the time, then headed home to Greensboro, 15 minutes past that after work.
... sucked for you guys

A guy I know took some pictures of it...was right there.

Horrible way to peace out off this earth.

08-05-2007, 10:57 PM
North Carolina, c'mon and raise up, take your shirt off, twist it 'round your head, spin it like a helicopter.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA................i remember that song from way back.
Petey Pablo garbage or something.....hahahah.

08-05-2007, 11:28 PM
I was in PEtey Pablo's back yard once.

A kid at my school was his neighbor...he rolled up on a golf kart.

08-06-2007, 04:56 PM
We had a guy here in Dallas last week who lead police on a high speed chase for over an hour because he had get his cat to the vet b/c of an emergency.


08-07-2007, 01:13 AM
Some people are absolutely fucking dumb.:loco:

08-07-2007, 05:53 PM
north carolina is fucking insane sometimes. Mostly due to rednecks and the thug population.

anyway, this was on my forum, and it fits the thread perfectly. Posted sometime last week, i think (he actually called me when he was in the car, giggling like a downs baby. It took like 5 minutes just to get english words out of him):

this might be more of a general topic, but im putting it here since it involved a high speed car chase. Also, its kind of a long read, but TOTALLY worth it.

So the situation is something like this. Today Matt left work early because he was "sick" and him and Jay and myself were just sitting around Matt and Jay's apartment in Greensboro. I needed to go to someplace to cash 50 bucks in checks because my checking acount is overdrafted but I needed to have some money and Matt wanted to eat something and Jay just came along for the ride. We leave the apartment at about 1 pm.

We cant find an open place so were just driving down Market St when we hear this LOUD fucking car and see a new Dodge Magnum with a two tone paint job and HUGE orange rims fly past us in the turn lane then swerve in front of us to run a red light. Immediately following him are 2 state troopers in brand new dodge chargers. Obviously we were like HOLY SHIT HIGH SPEED CHASE FOLLOW THEM. Some old guy is in our way and we finally get past him and come up on a cop trying to pull out of a parking lot so we stop to let him out.

Lo and behold we see the magnum up ahead of us spin around and come flying back straight at us, troopers still in tow. I scream a little as the magnum almost hits us and swerves around into the turn lane and the cops follow him. We look to the right as were stopped and see a bunch of garbage in the road that looks like the dude threw it out of the window.

Then we realize its money.

Then we realize its fucking PILES OF 20 DOLLAR BILLS

Jay and I jump out and just start scooping. We end up with 1500 dollars in clean crisp 20 dollar bills. We freak out a little, drive away, count it out and split it up. On the way back to the apt we come across a ton of troopers in the middle of the road surrounding the Magnum, and the dude is in the back of one of the squad cars. We then go to Amigos and get margaritas, and freak out about how much money we just got paid to see the coolest thing ever.

Life is sweet. Pictures to follow.

then he posted this:


08-07-2007, 06:28 PM
boo for witholding incriminating evidence

must have been one HELL of an experience though hahaha

08-07-2007, 06:38 PM
In response to Joel's post, I live in Greensboro, and I see the magnum in question all the time, it is actually THREE tone; Taupe, Cream and Orange, the wheels are orange face/chrome lipped 22's and I SWEAR I had to have been somewhere near there taking pictures if that HAPPENED to have happened on Tuesday or Wednesday of last week and saw nothing of the sort

08-07-2007, 07:22 PM
Hahaha that's fucking cool as shit.
Free money!

08-07-2007, 10:13 PM
Free money is the best thing ever. North Caralina is pretty baller unless you live in a mega tiny crack head town.