View Full Version : RANT: Bad Drivers

08-04-2007, 08:37 PM
So I went to WAWA right down my house(like a 711 for you that don't have them). Well anyway so I pull out of the parking lot and up to the light. It's a dead end in front of you, you either make a right or a left. So I'm in lane on the right side of the road, and theres an suv making a right on my right and me making a left. Then this silver car pulls up right next to me on the left side. I'm thinking isn't he in the other traffic lane? And I'm like whatever when we turn - it's on to a 4 lane road, so he can be in the left lane and I can be in the right. So the light turns green and I start going. I got my coffee in my JDM cup holder. I accelerate off and then all of a sudden the silver car decides to cut right in front of me into the driveway on my right. I slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting him, came with in inches of my front bumper, the coffee goes all over the dashboard and the windshield and the radio randomly cuts off. I'm like WTF man. Who does that? I later realized the ATT button on the radio somehow got hit. I'm like why in the hell would you ever do that. I was about to peel into the parking lot and flip out at the guy but I was like eh don't want to get into any trouble you know. So that was my complaint, anybody else having horror stories like this lol.

08-06-2007, 01:13 PM
Moral of the story: JDM cup holders aren't that great.

08-06-2007, 04:15 PM
Moral of the story: JDM cup holders aren't that great.

LOL, I use mine for my cell phone and canned sodas thats about it.

08-06-2007, 07:33 PM
they need skill level testing so people can be assigned driving lanes. thats whats up!

08-06-2007, 09:22 PM
Cali doesn't have WAWA

but then again nobody from California calls it CALI

so, we both lose, or win.

08-06-2007, 09:37 PM
I usually just pull my cigarette holder/ash tray out and put my coffee in there, it seems to fit well...

...and I got cut off last night on my way out of town and if I hadn't swerved into the on-coming (empty at the time) lane I would have slammed right into the back of a brand-new Chevy Tahoe. :mrmeph:

08-06-2007, 11:27 PM
Lol. reminds me of a while back. I was driving to the shoppette (mini-mart on post) and i was being tailgated by this POS mercury. I tapped the breaks to get him off my ass, and he did... for 4 seconds. Next thing i know hes right there again. they follow me into the parking lot and start to lecture me about driving.

Anyhow, I go in, get my stuff and they do the same. I get out, and there in their car, taunting me. Turns out they were sergeants in the army, and drunk off their asses. Anyhow, we argue in the parking lot, and I say "You know what, get the fuck out of here" They think im in the army, so they start going on about how a private shouldnt talk to higher ranks like that. Then the passenger undoes his seatbelt and tries to get out and fight me. I weigh 240lbs (heheh 240) and Im 6ft1. This guy is about 180 and 5ft 9. I tell them strait up im civilian, and they shut the hell up and speed off.

4 people were there and saw it, and told me I should call the MPs. I didnt. Maybe I should have.

08-07-2007, 01:12 AM
You have more self control than I.

I woulda at least yelled something.

08-07-2007, 05:10 PM
Its funny b/c I needed to vent about stupid drivers last week. Now there's a thread about it. OK...

I drive a commuter bus from Hercules to San Francisco.

For those of you who don't know, in CA we have carpool lanes . Its a lane designated for cars with 3 or more passengers on board a car, buses, and low emission/hybrid vehicles. Its supposed to keep less vehicles on the freeway during rush hour by encouraging commuters to carpool or use public transit. Usually the carpool lane travels way faster than regular traffic unless theres an accident or

My #1 most hated stupid driver move:

Some stupid asshole/bitch is driving at the same speed as regular traffic in the carpool lane. :bash: Its so aggrevating b/c I'm in a 40' bus behind some idiot, behind me theres a line of cars as far as you can see and in front of the idiot is clear open road for a mile or more!!!!!! Regular traffic is going like 25-30 and so is this bitchass. Step on the gas pedal. FUCK!! Usually they are on the phone too.

I've vented and I feel better now.

08-07-2007, 09:17 PM
Im sorry, California is WAY to liberal for me imo.

If i was driving that bus though, I would have just layed on the horn until they moved. Illegal? yes. Stupid? yes. Worth it if they move over? Definitly.

Its like when your driving around here in the ozark "mountains" and the guy in front of you in a buick century, of course (and all you can see is grey hair and knuckles) is going 20mph in a 55, and there is no way to pass them because there is ALWAYS a turn or a hill... AND AS SOON AS YOU GET TO A GOOD PASSING POINT, THERE ARE CARS COMMING!!! GOD DAMNIT IT MAKES ME SO MAD!
Sorry I drove that route today to pic up my little brother. what should have been an hours drive was 2 and a half.
Point is, I know how you feel.

08-07-2007, 09:39 PM
they need skill level testing so people can be assigned driving lanes. thats whats up!

i think it should be skill test for a driver license.

California driving test is a complete joke.

08-07-2007, 09:47 PM
WAWA is where its at!! I used to live in Philly...anyways,now a days U gotta drive assuming everybody is retarted

08-07-2007, 10:30 PM
in soviet russia, car drives you.

Unholy S14
08-08-2007, 05:41 AM
happens to me everyday, you just gotta get used to idiots.

08-08-2007, 07:45 AM
I was taught to drive like no one knows how to and have been able to avoid a collision since I started driving. I'll wager if any of you California ppl spent a week here w/ the whole state of NC not suing there turn signal, but rather slowing down till you realize "oh they must be turning". You would really want to beat some ass.

08-08-2007, 08:17 PM
I was taught to drive like no one knows how to and have been able to avoid a collision since I started driving. I'll wager if any of you California ppl spent a week here w/ the whole state of NC not suing there turn signal, but rather slowing down till you realize "oh they must be turning". You would really want to beat some ass.

That happens in CA more than you think.

What I friggin haeYYYYTE is when you're trying to get by someone in a narrow street (like a residential street) and they're driving a massive SUV, and still don't try to move over to let you pass. I actually hit my car on a parked car because someone did that and they were barrelling down the street at 40mph, and I tried to avoid them but there was nowhere to turn into so i tried to get over as much as I could and I hit. The b**** comes out of the car, and I'm sorry, but I walked over to her and slapped that b**** so hard her hair came out of the raggedy bun it was wrapped in. She started crying and got back in her car and left.

Dirty Habit
08-08-2007, 08:21 PM
That happens in CA more than you think.

What I friggin haeYYYYTE is when you're trying to get by someone in a narrow street (like a residential street) and they're driving a massive SUV, and still don't try to move over to let you pass.

Lady in a ford explorer took off the drivers side mirror in my old lancer with her bumper on a narrow street once. I thought she had raked the whole side of my car. Luckily I didn't have my arm out the window.

I wish people would learn that if there are cars parked on your side, you stop and wait until the oncoming car has gone by, and not just try and squeeze by them at 30mph.

08-08-2007, 09:00 PM
SUV- Shitheads Using Vehicles

08-09-2007, 02:27 PM
i had a bitch hit my car in a parking while it was parked, it turned out good, got $1800 for the damage.

08-16-2007, 12:17 PM
Yea so I was turning left from this one lane road onto a 2 land road(well 4 lane - 2 on each side). Check this out a guy in a 03 G35 backs up out of wendy's out onto the 2 lane road. Why in god's name would you do this I have know idea so I had to swerve around him cause he wasn't paying attention at all. Then on top of that I was driving on one of the beautifully ripped up phila roads and gravel drilled my gas tank hard enough to cause two holes in it. I wish they would fix things around here.

08-16-2007, 05:57 PM
grrr.. the other night some tools Keyed my fiancee's PT. Pulling in to the parking spaces at DL and the car ahead of us parks on our side of the line, so it was I tight squeeze when I get out. (I parked in the middle of our spot, cause I know how) so when we got back to the car they had keyed the driver's door. Luckly my dad's a painter, so we're going to take care of it next week, but it sucks. Don't get pissed at me for not having enough room when you're the one that can't park a mid-sized car.

08-16-2007, 10:27 PM
People are stupid for no reason. I hate when people leave their blinkers on for 6579653132 years, driving slow as hell and never intending to switch lanes, and then when you finally realize it and YOU try to go around them, they jump in front of you and speed off. Why people, I ask you- WHY?

Or when people are going 5mph on the freeway holding up traffic because they're ON THE DAMN PHONE. Get bluetooth!!!!!!