View Full Version : Power FC problems

07-31-2007, 02:21 PM
Hey everyone, I have an S14 SR20DET that's almost ready to be tuned. So I plugged in my new Power FC and Commander, and turned the key to the on position, and the main relay doesn't turn on, fuel pump doesn't turn on, my avc-r doesn't turn on, and neither does the commander. Dash lights, radio work fine. So I put the factory ECU back in there and put the key to the on position and everything came on like it's supposed to. So I went to the shop and tried a different PFC, thinking mine was faulty, and my car did the same thing. I'm really baffled by this as the PFC should be plug and play...
Any thoughts?

07-31-2007, 03:53 PM
Try searching some, but I remember hearing something about the PFC being very finicky about the wiring being correct on something, possibly the ECCS relay or something like that, that the stock ecu would work but the pfc wouldn't. I'm about to head out to work, but i'll look tomorrow to see if i can find what I saw.

07-31-2007, 06:34 PM
definately an eccs problem, check your harness and make sure the swap wiring was wired just like from the factory. I had a problem with my relay on my RB25 swap with Power FC, the car would run fine, it just wouldn't save any changes to the Power FC.

07-31-2007, 06:35 PM
Wrong PFC???

07-31-2007, 07:00 PM
What's the serial number on the PFC?

07-31-2007, 10:34 PM
Well I'm pretty sure the ECU is the correct one, because Apexi had improperly packaged an ECU so we went through this whole big thing to make sure i had the right one the second time. I've done some more searching and come across others having problems with the constant and switched power to the ECU, so I'm going to do some more searching and see what my harness looks like tomorrow.

08-02-2007, 05:41 PM
If you look at your harness coupler on the car, you will notice there is a washer on the screw. remove that screw and the contact between the cpu and the harness will be made, allowing for electrical connectivity. Try that. If you need additional info, contact me via [email protected] and I can explain further should clarification be needed.

08-06-2007, 08:13 PM
I'm actually having the exact same problem with a s15 sr20det power fc (d-jetro) right now. For some reason the main relay (or eccs relay) isn't clicking on when it should, if you ground it out manually on the chassis, I can get the power fc commander to come on but it only comes up to the apexi logo after that it is sapposed to goto the main menu but it never does...also grounding that relay I can get the car to run and even idle, but none of my options come up on my commander, and I can't drive the car like that...Does your check engine light come on? mine only does when i ground that relay manually. PLEASE keep me updated on your situation and what you figure out, I will gladly do the same, pm me any details or questions if you want by all means!!!!if you have msn please add me my email is [email protected]

08-07-2007, 08:43 PM
bump to the top for some more help?