View Full Version : Got hit, just bought the car the same day

07-30-2007, 06:02 PM
We both have allstate insurance. My policy may have expired, but I'm told by family that I can pay to have the expired part of the insurance renewed.

How does insurance work?

If they choose to pay with their insurance, how much am I going to get if it's for a rear quarter panel that I got quoted $2,600 to fix?

07-30-2007, 06:10 PM
better hope ur insurance doesnt just total ur car out...salvage title is no good

07-30-2007, 06:18 PM
I'm like, 99% sure they'll salvage it if they go the route of insurance. I'm also going to be insanely ticked off if that happens.

My question is, does my insurance "work"?

Even assuming I had no insurance, wouldn't they still have to pay me for damages to my car?

Baka Sama
07-30-2007, 06:37 PM
your lucky. If you would have got hit here in GA without ins your ass would be sitting up in jail right now.

07-30-2007, 06:39 PM
Before I ever buy a car, I call my insurance and give them the VIN # and tell em to insure it.

07-30-2007, 10:33 PM
if your policy was expired during the time of the accident then they probably wont pay for the damages. why didnt u just insure the car?

07-30-2007, 10:40 PM
We both have allstate insurance. My policy may have expired, but I'm told by family that I can pay to have the expired part of the insurance renewed.

i dont think thats how it works. if you didnt have insurance at the time of the accident than the other people are going to use that against you so they get away lookin like the good people. when i was t boned a couple of months ago i called my sister up at state farm where she works who insured me and i tried switchin to full coverage instead of liability and she told me that it was already reported and if i didnt have it at the time of the accident it still wouldnt be honored. idk how it works in cali but i'm thinkin it'll most likely be the same. no insurance at the time of the accident and ur most likely out of luck.

07-30-2007, 11:17 PM
I mean...why would they let you upgrade after the accident and have it reflect upon that accident?

They'd lose money.

Baka Sama
07-30-2007, 11:39 PM
i dont think thats how it works. if you didnt have insurance at the time of the accident than the other people are going to use that against you so they get away lookin like the good people. when i was t boned a couple of months ago i called my sister up at state farm where she works who insured me and i tried switchin to full coverage instead of liability and she told me that it was already reported and if i didnt have it at the time of the accident it still wouldnt be honored. idk how it works in cali but i'm thinkin it'll most likely be the same. no insurance at the time of the accident and ur most likely out of luck.

If you got tboned and it wasnt your fault than your car will be fixed either way. Full coverage is only useful if you hit someone.

07-30-2007, 11:46 PM
Hope you get everything worked out.

Vision Garage
07-31-2007, 03:19 AM
yea, sounds like if insurance was expired they probably wont honor it. If i was the company i wouldnt. But good luck. Hopefully everything works out. Im guessnig this is a s13?

07-31-2007, 08:32 AM
If you got tboned and it wasnt your fault than your car will be fixed either way. Full coverage is only useful if you hit someone.

at the scene of the accident it was quoted that it was no ones fault because of the conditions... stupid shit like traffic and a misunderstanding on who was turning where.

07-31-2007, 09:01 AM
If it's a 240 and you were hit, chances are they are going to pay you out and salvage title the car. 240's aren't worth that much. By you stating you got hit sounds like the other party hit your car. So even if you don't have insurance you are covered.

When insurance is expired, it's expired. You can't pay to have any damages retroactive to when you were insured covered. That would be dumb.

I know that most insurance companies cover you for a couple days if you buy a car from a dealership but I don't know if the same goes for private party.

07-31-2007, 09:18 AM
if you didnt have insurance... you are assed out.

what do you mean when you say your policy "MAY" have expired? did you buy from a personal seller? or a dealer? if it was a dealer... did you buy insurance?

usually.. if you have a car, and you purchase a new car, all you have to do is call your insurance company to let them know that you will be rolling it over to the new car. god i hope u did that