View Full Version : Random Questions about Hit and Run

07-30-2007, 04:43 AM
well Last night my friend came home to see her car scraped & dented in her gated apt complex parking lot.

the scratch on her drivers side g35 door was about a foot long, and 6 inches high. the car that was next to her when i showed up wasnt the car since it was white. well the whole day we tried to find the person since of course he has to live in the complex and the parking lot is very small and easy to spot cars.

well tonight, we found the car. its a KIA van and he was parked all the way at the other end of the lot, but usually she notices that he parks around her end. we know its the car because she recalled parking her car next to a dark colored van that night because she noticed something about the dirtyness of the van and how it had something written on the back of the window. we look at the bumper and it matches the paint chips on her car.

my friend only wants revenge. she wants me and some other people to just bash the windows of the van(which i dont think is smart) since maybe we can call the police still? the thing is, its the third day.72 hours later.

anyone know something she can do legally? shes really pissed because shes worked so hard for her car that anything that happens to it trips her out.

any info will be greatly appreciated.

07-30-2007, 10:25 AM
Bashing the window in wouldn't be the best idea..
Just take it to your local PD.

It might differ from region to region, but give it a try.
If it doesnt work, confront the person with alot of previously taken pictures.

07-30-2007, 10:51 AM
Yeah as good as a sweet revenge would be it wouldn't be a good idea.

Plus it's you guys getting into trouble with the po po if you get caught.

Just report it to the police station and also take pictures and send it to your insurance company. The insurance company will try their best to get their money out of that guy's policy.

07-30-2007, 03:47 PM
Do you really want that on your record?

Honestly...after what i've seen and done...i'd never do some shit like that for anyone but myself.

Your friend bought her own G35? Or did her mommy/daddy buy it? Cause breaking windows is totally a high school drama queen thing. Andddddddd I do not see how that would fix her scratches.

IMO i'd talk to the dude and if shit doesn't happen wait a couple months.

07-30-2007, 04:03 PM
Dont do it ftmfw...be smart and report it in to the police and then see what happens from there or what your able to do! Even as much as a right choice the other may seem!! Best of luck to you and your friend!!

07-30-2007, 04:14 PM
yeah seriously man....why would you smash in some ones windows for some chick? unless its your mom or your sister...tell her to do it herself if she wants it done that bad, and I agree with farzam thats total high school drama bullshit. Not to mention unless the guys retarded hes obviously gonna know who did it, such a coincidence that his car never gets touched in the lot then he scrapes someones car and then a few days later his windows get broken. Shit like that is askin for more trouble, and your over 18 so you could definitely get fucked for that, and telling a judge some broad told you to do it woudlnt get you very far....call the cops tell them the story, tell this chick to file a claim with her insurance...cops and insurance people will come take pictures and get it fixed....and i suggest next time she asks you to do something like that you put a brick in her hand and tell her to stop being such a pussy and handle her own business

07-30-2007, 04:19 PM
She's not keeping it real and your not either if you do what she tells you to do.

07-30-2007, 04:30 PM
Do you really want that on your record?

Honestly...after what i've seen and done...i'd never do some shit like that for anyone but myself.

Your friend bought her own G35? Or did her mommy/daddy buy it? Cause breaking windows is totally a high school drama queen thing. Andddddddd I do not see how that would fix her scratches.

IMO i'd talk to the dude and if shit doesn't happen wait a couple months.
Reading > You.

...anyone know something she can do legally? shes really pissed because shes worked so hard for her car that anything that happens to it trips her out...

Best bet is to take pictures of her and the suspects car. Then confront the suspect with an ultimatum. If he/she refuses to pay you money then you call the cops. You have enough evidence that it was his/her van that hit her car.

Just make sure to take pics before the owner of the van tries to remove the paint off.

07-30-2007, 04:30 PM
Also, posting this on the internet isn't that smart.

And you can edit your post, but people can save your post.

File, save as.

Boom headshot.

07-30-2007, 04:31 PM
Reading > You.

Elaborate por favor.

07-30-2007, 04:34 PM
Definitely just take it to the cops.
People on Zilvia are more reasonable than ppl on DragVA!

That post couldn't really hurt him, could it?
I guess it can be considered intent.. but as long as she/he doesn't carry it out?

Not too familiar with laws and such.

07-30-2007, 04:36 PM
I would personally confront the guy before taking any action.. I would ask him for money, w/o interferance from an insurance company.. I would simply tell him, that if you dont get the money 'shes' looking for your going to have to report it.

07-30-2007, 11:41 PM
Elaborate por favor.

You were about to start bitching thinking she had gotten the car from her parents; who the fuck cares if she did. I'd think that's cool as hell.

But that's beside the point.

He said she paid for it with her own hard work and you asked if her parents bought it for her.

That's my elaboration Senior.

07-31-2007, 12:07 AM
You were about to start bitching thinking she had gotten the car from her parents; who the fuck cares if she did. I'd think that's cool as hell.

But that's beside the point.

He said she paid for it with her own hard work and you asked if her parents bought it for her.

That's my elaboration Senior.


I missed that.

I mean...if she was spoonfed from mommy and daddy i'd expect her to wanna break some windows.

But if she could afford such a nice vehicle i'd expect her to have some sense.

07-31-2007, 12:16 AM
Report it,

or leave a note on the car, asking if they could resolve it, or it will be reported.

Either way, Bashing some windows isn't gonna fix anything.

07-31-2007, 12:40 AM
Yea, i agree with everyone report it to the police, though im sure revenge would be nice and fun to do, that can just get you in trouble which im sure is not what you want

07-31-2007, 01:14 AM
Mannn Just BASH ALL THE WINDOWS OUT and Make them tires Flat. He wont be doing hit and runs for a while... Wear all black and some gloves.. DO IT DO IT!!!!!!

^^ To the owner of that car.. STOP BEING SUCH A PUSSY.. Handle YA damn business!

hahhahahahahahah Oh mannnn....

07-31-2007, 02:06 AM
The best revenge would be to take pictures, get the license number, and report it to your insurance company. There's nothing that drops someone's balls like getting a call saying you're royally screwed.

BTW- If you seriously contemplated doing that for a girl- and for a friend at THAT, you need to get off her sack and tell her to handle her own vengeful schemes.

07-31-2007, 02:47 AM
I'd rather take his valvestems out and put the caps back on.

That way when he's turning onto Main street he flips 12 times and hits a dumptruck full of baby geniuses and get charged with at least manslaughter.

That'll show him to commit hit and runs!

Vision Garage
07-31-2007, 03:26 AM
Dont forget to take pictures of the damage on both cars to have proof of the incident. If you cant work it out in person with the other person, report it to the cops and if they ask why it took so long to report, tell them that you were trying to work it out first. In the event of an accident, police usually ask if you want to work it out among those involved and they only write reports when asked.

07-31-2007, 03:01 PM
First rule: Don't shit where you eat.
Second rule: Don't eat where you shit.

07-31-2007, 04:51 PM
First rule: Don't shit where you eat.
Second rule: Don't eat where you shit.

Take these words as wisdom for the rest of your life... they apply to everything... need to say nothing else